Module:Data/Equipment/13.8cm Twin Gun Mount
< Module:Data | Equipment
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/13.8cm Twin Gun Mount/doc
return {
_name = "13.8cm Twin Gun Mount",
_id = 534,
_japanese_name = "13.8cm連装砲",
_reading = nil,
_type = 1,
_icon = 1,
_types = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0},
_rarity = 3,
_firepower = 4,
_bombing = false,
_torpedo = false,
_aa = 2,
_armor = false,
_asw = false,
_shelling_accuracy = false,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_evasion = false,
_los = false,
_speed = false,
_luck = false,
_range = 1,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = false,
_scrap_ammo = 2,
_scrap_steel = 2,
_scrap_bauxite = false,
_info = "トリコロールの国で建造された新鋭大型駆逐艦、その主兵装として装備された主砲兵装です。<br>駆逐艦兵装としては強力な13.8cm砲を、連装で密閉型の砲塔に装備しました。<br>最新性の高速大型駆逐艦Mogador級に4基8門装備されました。",
_info_en = "This is the main gun that was fitted as the primary armament on state-of-the-art large destroyers built in the tricolor country.<br>For a destroyer armament, it was equipped with powerful 13.8 cm guns mounted in twin enclosed turrets.<br>The latest high-speed large destroyers, the Mogador-class, are equipped with eight guns in four turrets.",
_wikipedia = "Canon de 138 mm Modèle 1929",
_buildable = false,
_improvements = true,