Documentation for this module may be created at Module:CalcCombat/doc
local Combat2 = {}
local sqrt = math.sqrt
local floor = math.floor
local ceil = math.ceil
local min = math.min
local max = math.max
function initArgs(ship, target, context)
return ship and ship.ship or ship or {}, target and target.ship or target or {}, context or {}
function target_morale_modifier(morale)
return not morale and 1 or morale <= 20 and 1.4 or morale <= 32 and 1.2 or morale <= 52 and 1 or 0.7
function Combat2.evasion_value(target, context)
_, target, context = initArgs(nil, target, context)
local evasion = target._evasion or 0
local target_luck = target._luck or 0
local target_formation = context._target_formation or target._formation or 1
local base_evasion_value = floor((evasion + sqrt(2 * target_luck)) * target_formation)
local capped_evasion_value
= base_evasion_value < 40
and base_evasion_value
or base_evasion_value < 65
and floor(40 + 3 * sqrt(base_evasion_value - 40))
or floor(55 + 2 * sqrt(base_evasion_value - 65))
local evasion_value = capped_evasion_value
return evasion_value
-- [[Category:Todo]]: in case of other types (torpedo, etc.), use generic functions.
-- * Shelling.
function morale_modifier(morale)
return not morale and 1 or morale <= 20 and 0.5 or morale <= 32 and 0.8 or morale <= 52 and 1 or 1.2
function Combat2.accuracy_value(ship, target, context)
ship, target, context = initArgs(ship, target, context)
local level = ship._level or 1
local luck = ship._luck or 0
local accuracy = ship._accuracy or 0
local fit = ship._fit or 0
local as_modifier = ship._as_modifier or 1
local ap_modifier = ship._ap_modifier or 1
local morale = morale_modifier(ship._morale)
local formation = context._formation or ship._formation or 1
local accuracy_value_1 = (90 + 2 * sqrt(level) + sqrt(1.5 * luck) + accuracy) * morale * formation
local accuracy_value_2 = accuracy_value_1 + fit
local accuracy_value_3 = accuracy_value_2 * as_modifier * ap_modifier
return accuracy_value_1, accuracy_value_2, accuracy_value_3
-- Shelling hit rate.
-- ship and target can be Ship, EnemyShip, ShipCapabilities, or a plain table.
-- [[Category:Todo]]: detection based on _equipment, fuel modifier.
function Combat2.hit_rate(ship, target, context)
ship, target, context = initArgs(ship, target, context)
local _, _, accuracy_value = Combat2.accuracy_value(ship, target, context)
local evasion_value = Combat2.evasion_value(target, context)
local base_hit_rate = floor(accuracy_value) - evasion_value
local target_morale = target_morale_modifier(target._morale)
local capped_hit_rate = min(96, max(10, base_hit_rate) * target_morale)
local proficiency = ship._proficiency or 0
return floor(capped_hit_rate) + proficiency + 1, capped_hit_rate
-- Shelling critical hit rate.
function Combat2.critical_hit_rate(ship, target, context)
local _, capped_hit_rate = Combat2.hit_rate(ship, target, context)
local proficiency = ship._proficiency or 0
return floor(1.3 * sqrt(capped_hit_rate)) + proficiency + 1
function Combat2.find_fit(ship, target, context)
ship, target, context = initArgs(ship, target, context)
local prev_fit = ship._fit
local hit_rate = context._hit_rate
local ci = context._ci
if not hit_rate or not ci then
local ng = context._ng or 1
local min_hit_rate = floor(hit_rate - ci)
local max_hit_rate = ceil(hit_rate + ci)
local fits = {}
for fit = -10, 10 do
ship._fit = fit * sqrt(ng)
local hr = Combat2.hit_rate(ship, target, context)
mw.log(fit, fit * sqrt(ng), hr, hr - hit_rate)
if hr >= min_hit_rate and hr <= max_hit_rate then
table.insert(fits, fit)
local min_fit = math.min(unpack(fits))
local max_fit = math.max(unpack(fits))
local fit = (min_fit + max_fit) / 2
ship._fit = prev_fit
return floor(fit + 0.5), min_fit, max_fit
-- * Tests.
function Combat2.test()
local Ship = require("Module:Ship")
local ship = Ship("Nagato/Kai Ni"){
_level = 99,
_accuracy = 10,
_morale = 25,
_fit = 5 * sqrt(2),
local target = Ship("Destroyer Ro-Class")
--mw.log(Combat2.accuracy_value(ship, target))
--mw.log(Combat2.hit_rate(ship, target), "")
--mw.log(Combat2.critical_hit_rate(ship, target))
mw.log(Combat2.find_fit(ship, target, { _hit_rate = 94.4, _ci = 1.48, _ng = 2 } ))
-- print(p.test())
return Combat2