Kancolle Wiki:Chat/Logs/17 March 2015

[05:07] <Segar> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955803?tags=kantai_collection
[05:07] <TScript> um okay
[05:07] <Kevadu> School mizugi related injuries
[05:07] <Segar> :>
[05:07] <Magicrailgunner> tl;dr artillery piece blew up in training and made my knee all fucky
[05:07] <Magicrailgunner> so i can't sprint and stuff anymore
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> oh well
[05:08] <TScript> Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> you gain some, you lose some
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> or... the other way around
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> eh idk
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> its not like it's crippling so i don't mind too much
[05:08] <Magicrailgunner> unless one day i need to run from zombies and remember that I can't
[05:09] <Dechidechi> ohh saku is drawing choukai oyako next time
[05:09] <RadarMatt> o.o
[05:09] <TScript> Chatlogger
[05:09] <TScript> Hime, what have you done
[05:09] <Magicrailgunner> I can't wait for choukai's K2 art
[05:09] <Ninthsense> why do we have chatlogger anyways
[05:09] <Sshinka> dammit gotta start leveling Chouki
[05:09] <Magicrailgunner> they did a good job with maya
[05:09] <Kevadu> To log chats
[05:09] <Dechidechi> to record our heavy breathings @ninth
[05:09] <RadarMatt> out of all the chats Ive been in, this one seems to me the one that need a logger least
[05:10] <Dechidechi> to record our exhibitionism in this chat
[05:10] <Reikyu> we're all responsible adults here
[05:10] <TScript> That moment when you get a taiha in 5-4 preboss
[05:10] <Ninthsense> i dont think its a good idea to public some of stuff we talk about
[05:10] <Decyl> Too late now
[05:10] <Dechidechi> there's no public its going
[05:10] <Dechidechi> we're famous worldwide nao
[05:11] <RadarMatt> www.dechidechi.com
[05:11] <Kevadu> All those KanColle wiki chat paparazzi
[05:11] <Dechidechi> www.ecchidechi.com *
[05:11] <TScript> McDerp moments
[05:12] <Kyzella> We will become memes?!
[05:12] <Dechidechi> if you try hard enough yes
[05:12] <Kyzella> Isn't that... internet fame at it's highest?
[05:12] <TScript> Maybe Ky, maybe
[05:12] <RadarMatt> le reddit maymay
[05:12] <RadarMatt> ecksdee
[05:12] <TScript> But don't do anything stupid
[05:12] <Magicrailgunner> i mean, you can become a meme like that one admiral that left his API out
[05:12] <Magicrailgunner> i remember that vividly
[05:12] <Segar> ima a meme
[05:12] <Nothis> lol i still remember that
[05:12] <RadarMatt> arar
[05:12] <Dechidechi> abrar?
[05:12] <TScript> Abrar
[05:12] <Nothis> yeah
[05:13] <Dechidechi> abrar's kongou?
[05:13] <Dechidechi> abrar's ntr?
[05:13] <Nothis> this is why you shouldn't use API too much
[05:13] <Kevadu> Abrar is a hero
[05:13] <Dechidechi> I use APi
[05:13] <Dechidechi> for 14+ months
[05:13] <Nothis> i don't
[05:13] <Kevadu> There's nothing wrong with using API
[05:13] <TScript> Oh wait, pvp doesn't reset until 1 hour later
[05:13] <Kevadu> Just don't be an idiot about it
[05:13] <Nothis> yeah
[05:13] <Dechidechi> just don't take picture
[05:13] <Reikyu> more like this is why you shouldn't screenshot your whole screen
[05:13] <Dechidechi> ez
[05:13] <Nothis> but cookie still safer
[05:14] <Ninthsense> or have network admin spying on your sites
[05:14] <Dechidechi> more like I dislike the printscreen button, its dumb
[05:14] <RadarMatt> <span class="me-username">* <span>RadarMatt</span></span> steals nothis' cookies
[05:14] <Nothis> fu D:
[05:14] <Kyzella> Couldn't he just have logged on DMM and get a new API though?
[05:14] <RadarMatt> >:3
[05:14] <Dechidechi> I've been using photoshop too much that printscreen just doesn't capture the resolution i need
[05:14] <RadarMatt> <span class="me-username">* <span>RadarMatt</span></span> shares with kyzella
[05:14] <Ninthsense> i think it was too late
[05:15] <TScript> On 4chan, shit happens pretty quickly
[05:15] <Ninthsense> dechi no iretina monitor?
[05:15] <Decyl> He wasn't fast enough
[05:15] <Nothis> RIP rsc
[05:15] <Kevadu> A network admin spying on your traffic could figure out your API link regardless
[05:15] <Kyzella> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kyzella</span></span> accepts Radar openly
[05:15] <Dechidechi> still not enough @ninth
[05:15] <Dechidechi> the larger the resolution the better
[05:15] <Dechidechi> that's why I aim for getting the original picture source
[05:15] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49314538
[05:15] <Decyl> Always aim for higher resolution
[05:16] <Dechidechi> and the resolution quality
[05:16] <Decyl> Though a moot point with KC caps
[05:16] <Dechidechi> some can have higher resolution by poor quality
[05:16] <Dechidechi> oh BeLL the inazuma lover
[05:16] <RadarMatt> (nanodesu) 
[05:16] <Ninthsense> dechi what about vector?
[05:17] <Decyl> Vector is scalable, so it's fine
[05:17] <Dechidechi> ^
[05:17] <Dechidechi> BeLL is probably a gurl
[05:17] <Ninthsense> belldandy?
[05:17] <Decyl> I personally don't like a whole lot of vectors though
[05:17] <Dechidechi> the artist CreamX just linked
[05:17] <RadarMatt> beLLend
[05:17] <Dechidechi> that's her latest doujin
[05:17] <RadarMatt> hue
[05:18] <Ninthsense> seems more difficult to work with i guess
[05:18] <Dechidechi> BeLL is famous for her inazuma love and doujins
[05:18] <Dechidechi> her way of speech on twitter also reflects that of feminine attire
[05:18] <Decyl> Depends, people can work with it really fast and it can be easily to manipulate
[05:19] <Decyl> It can also be freaking huge (filesize)
[06:38] <Magicrailgunner> so you were gonna break the illusion...?
[06:38] <SerialConvort> Its just a play on words
[06:38] <SerialConvort> Wait
[06:38] <SerialConvort> https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10200272419889221&set=p.10200272419889221&type=1&theater
[06:38] <CreamX> lel its better than tatsuta that iron ttk`s balls
[06:38] <SerialConvort> All the good points of burning love
[06:38] <Magicrailgunner> content unavailable
[06:39] <Magicrailgunner> and.. better than agano who plucked TTK's eyes out
[06:39] <Magicrailgunner> even though normal agano is cute
[06:39] <SerialConvort> Ikr
[06:39] <Magicrailgunner> i mean, it's pretty hard to discredit haruna, she's nearly perfect
[06:39] <Magicrailgunner> ideal personality and all that
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> that agano was hot idk whats wrong with you guys
[06:40] <Kyzella> We like our eyeballs where they are, NTRoshi.
[06:40] <CreamX> ^
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> psh
[06:40] <Magicrailgunner> yandere agano is very hot but i prefer my eyeballs to stay in my skull
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> pansies
[06:40] <Risemiria> My Agano is't like that
[06:40] <Risemiria> isn't*
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> simple
[06:40] <Magicrailgunner> agano doesn't need to go Itachimode and take my eyes 
[06:40] <Magicrailgunner> and keep them in a jar
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> don't look at anyone else
[06:40] <Kitsuboshi> eyeballs stay
[06:41] <Risemiria> I have two waifus atm
[06:41] <Risemiria> ...
[06:41] <Kyzella> bigamy!
[06:41] <Kitsuboshi> also Haruna is alittle too derpy for me
[06:41] <CreamX> scrap her b4 that happens :>
[06:41] <Magicrailgunner> derpy?
[06:41] <Magicrailgunner> what? how?
[06:41] <Risemiria> Eugen will keep me safe~
[06:41] <SerialConvort> Haruna has alot of good points
[06:42] <SerialConvort> But I just like Kongou for her points more
[06:42] <SerialConvort> :v
[06:42] <Kitsuboshi> don't worry from what I read Eugene shares all the time anyway
[06:42] <Kyzella> with bisco*
[06:42] <Magicrailgunner> i really like haruna's hourlies
[06:42] <Magicrailgunner> really forward 
[06:42] <Zel-melon> why the hell are 2 people arguing over a friggin spear?
[06:42] <Magicrailgunner> kongou, for all her burning love, is a little passive lol
[06:42] <SerialConvort> Spear?
[06:42] <SerialConvort> Hey passive aggressive is a good point :v
[06:43] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is marrying both kongou and haruna, so the point is moot
[06:43] <Magicrailgunner> hehehe
[06:43] <SerialConvort> She just wants to have tea time with the admiral
[06:43] <Kitsuboshi> i grew out of haruna
[06:43] <SerialConvort> And other things
[06:43] <Kitsuboshi> something about her bugs me and ya
[06:43] <Teriyakian> >growing out of your girls
[06:43] <Magicrailgunner> kitsu, you'll learn to re-appreciate her
[06:43] <Teriyakian> disguSTING
[06:43] <Kitsuboshi> nope
[06:44] <Magicrailgunner> and yeah, growing out of your girls is... shameful
[06:44] <Kitsuboshi> she's derptastic fro me since getting k2
[06:44] <Kitsuboshi> soo the distance is growing
[06:44] <Magicrailgunner> what do you mean by derpy anyhow
[06:44] <SerialConvort> Its all about
[06:44] <SerialConvort> That YASEN
[06:44] <SerialConvort> Haruna gonna rek
[06:44] <Kitsuboshi> she's stupid
[06:44] <Kitsuboshi> also
[06:44] <SerialConvort> :o
[06:44] <CreamX> doesnt do anything when doin sortie
[06:44] <Magicrailgunner> stupid? what?
[06:44] <SerialConvort> #SHOTSFIRED
[06:44] <Akios> ^
[06:44] <Kitsuboshi> this 2nd instance of derpy is TAiha'd fro every little thing
[06:44] <CreamX> derp always on standby . . 
[06:44] <Akios> <span class="me-username">* <span>Akios</span></span> has returned from intake of consumable resources
[06:44] <Dechidechi> WAIFU WAR
[06:45] <Teriyakian> i'm about to smack the ttk outta this boy
[06:45] <Risemiria> Haruna isn't really stupid...
[06:45] <Risemiria> The anime Haruna, sure, maybe...
[06:45] <Dechidechi> admit it, dechi best waifu
[06:45] <Magicrailgunner> you're not treating her right!
[06:45] <Magicrailgunner> haruna is unfailingly polite and open about her feelings to admiral
[06:45] <SerialConvort> Well
[06:45] <SerialConvort> Not really in the anime
[06:45] <Kitsuboshi> she seems so, then again i ahvne't looked at allot of work
[06:45] <Magicrailgunner> anime haruna is derpier but it was for laughs, cause Fubuki was playing the straight man
[06:45] <SerialConvort> Mostly all of them are derpy
[06:45] <Kyzella> Does being in flagship help AA CI?
[06:45] <Teriyakian> Anime TTK is a kuso :v
[06:45] <Magicrailgunner> anime TTK is theoretically dead
[06:45] <Dechidechi> if you listen to the hourlies, you know TTK only buys clothes for dechi
[06:46] <Magicrailgunner> 0500 haruna is in the same futon as admiral
[06:46] <Magicrailgunner> :D 
[06:46] <Dechidechi> dechi and TTK goes shopping together
[06:46] <Dechidechi> oh pls, dechi and TTK nap together after they shop
[06:46] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[06:46] <Kitsuboshi> I just get bitched at
[06:46] <Kitsuboshi> that's the marriage i'm in
[06:47] <Magicrailgunner> at least i'm not saying dechi is stupid
[06:47] <Magicrailgunner> no one should call other people's waifu stupid
[06:47] <Kitsuboshi> hence why i went for derpy first
[06:47] <SerialConvort> 1800 You get English Style Curry :v
[06:47] <Magicrailgunner> oh? kitsu who you married to
[06:47] <Kitsuboshi> hmmm
[06:47] <Kitsuboshi> oh right your newish
[06:47] <Kitsuboshi> Bisko
[06:47] <Teriyakian> ...
[06:47] <Kyzella> NTRboshi!
[06:47] <Teriyakian> marriage with biscuit is hilarious
[06:48] <Dragonjet> zel
[06:48] <Teriyakian> "what have you made me for breakfast/lunch/dinner :>"
[06:48] <CreamX> hahah . . .ntr ntr ntr
[06:48] <Kitsuboshi> hahaha
[06:48] <Magicrailgunner> neh, i just don't have biscuit
[06:48] <Zel-melon> yes?
[06:48] <Kyzella> But... he did NTR per se
[06:48] <Kitsuboshi> Magic there is a story behind my marriage
[06:48] <Dragonjet> can you move your reply onto the murakumo page, thanks
[06:48] <SerialConvort> Kongou makes so much food
[06:48] <SerialConvort> I never realized
[06:48] <SerialConvort> What am I doing
[06:48] <Dragonjet> im closing that thread in the suggestion page
[06:48] <CreamX> food of doom
[06:49] <Zel-melon> sure
[06:49] <Kyzella> Hiei*
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> oooh
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> the great Dragonjet
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> thanks for your troubleshooting page man
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> helped me out a ton
[06:49] <Kitsuboshi> "great"?
[06:49] <Dragonjet> np
[06:49] <Dechidechi> pft the great Yuu-chan-con
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> everyone's a yuu-chan-con to some extent
[06:49] <Kitsuboshi> nope
[06:49] <Dechidechi> I'm not
[06:49] <Kitsuboshi> your either team Yuu or Team Ro
[06:49] <Teriyakian> ro a shit
[06:49] <SerialConvort> WHAT IS THIS TRIVIA ON KONGOU "She may have feelings for her admiral as seen on her lines."
[06:50] <SerialConvort> What is this
[06:50] <Teriyakian> ro-chan stoopid. yuu-chan best.
[06:50] <SerialConvort> Its so painfully obvious
[06:50] <Dragonjet> im staying out of this fight xD
[06:50] <EchoHolic> Dumb shit
[06:50] <Kyzella> ... garuru.
[06:50] <Kitsuboshi> Yuu best
[06:50] <Dragonjet> i love yuuchan andthats it, i dont have anything against ro
[06:50] <Kitsuboshi> that Uniform
[06:50] <Kitsuboshi> <3 
[06:50] <Magicrailgunner> "may have feelings for admiral"
[06:50] <Teriyakian> 8D
[06:50] <Magicrailgunner> really now
[06:50] <Magicrailgunner> didn't know that
[06:50] <SerialConvort> REALLY
[06:50] <Dechidechi> KUSO TTK
[06:50] <SerialConvort> I MEAN
[06:50] <SerialConvort> REALLY
[06:50] <Teriyakian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Teriyakian</span></span> rolls off to bed with his Biscuit and Hiei. Roruru.
[06:50] <SerialConvort> >may have feelings
[06:50] <SerialConvort> >may
[06:50] <Kitsuboshi> you know serial
[06:50] <SerialConvort> >MAY?
[06:50] <Dechidechi> KUSO TTK!!
[06:50] <Dechidechi> trivia: "may have feelings for TTK"
[06:50] <Kitsuboshi> it's not obvious
[06:51] <Kitsuboshi> not in the slightest 
[06:51] <SerialConvort> Burning
[06:51] <Teriyakian> absolute scum
[06:51] <SerialConvort> Love
[06:51] <SerialConvort> How is that
[06:51] <SerialConvort> I dont even
[06:51] <Teriyakian> anyways g'night all :>
[06:51] <SerialConvort> Gnight
[06:51] <Magicrailgunner> night teriyaki
[06:51] <Teriyakian> we all lsc tomorrow whether you fucks like it or not
[06:51] <Xol2000> has anyone tried visiting the wiki on mobile?
[06:51] <Teriyakian> SO BE PREPARED
[06:51] <Gensui Hime> THE CODERMIN IS HERE
[06:51] <EchoHolic> Ooi
[06:51] <EchoHolic> Trivia: Might have feelings for Kitakami
[06:51] <Kitsuboshi> night reri
[06:51] <CreamX> u dont say :>
[06:51] <Xol2000> i can't see recent activity
[06:51] <CreamX> we need captain obvious
[06:51] <SerialConvort> Mmm
[06:51] <Teriyakian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Teriyakian</span></span> clings to Gensui's face. 
[06:51] <Magicrailgunner> yes, i have visited wiki on mobile, why?
[06:51] <Gensui Hime> ACH NO
[06:51] <Dechidechi> Ooi 4AM: CHANCE!!
[06:51] <Dechidechi> Trivia: "may have feelings for TTK"
[06:51] <Gensui Hime> I NEED TO CODE
[06:51] <Teriyakian> LOVEMEDAMNIT
[06:51] <SerialConvort> Please
[06:51] <Teriyakian> LOVEMEEEE D<
[06:52] <Akios> NO LOVE FOR TERIIII
[06:52] <SerialConvort> Can I delete the may have feelings in the trivia
[06:52] <Gensui Hime> AAAAAGH
[06:52] <Akios> NO LUVVVVVV
[06:52] <SerialConvort> Its killing me
[06:52] <Teriyakian> someone boot akios for me
[06:52] <Kitsuboshi> omg teri is face raping gen
[06:52] <SerialConvort> Kek
[06:52] <Teriyakian> LOL
[06:52] <Dechidechi> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRsSr4Fd_2U
[06:52] <Akios> GENSUI WAI
[06:52] <Gensui Hime> BECAUSE I CAN
[06:52] <Gensui Hime> AND GUESS WHAT
[06:52] <Teriyakian> I LOVE YOU GENSUI 
[06:52] <Xol2000> magic: so can you see recent activites?
[06:52] <Teriyakian> ...LMFAO WHAT
[06:52] <Akios> LOL
[06:52] <Risemiria> HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
[06:52] <Akios> THE BOT CAN KICK!
[06:52] <Kyzella> Owned
[06:52] <Gensui Hime> Can't stop dis
[06:52] <Akios> WE'RE DOOMED
[06:52] <Kitsuboshi> the bot has powers
[06:53] <Magicrailgunner> there is a link to recent activities... yes
[06:53] <Gensui Hime> The bot has powers indeed
[06:53] <Magicrailgunner> and yeah i can see them... revisions and uploads and stuff
[06:53] <Xol2000> hmm... i can't see them for some reason..
[06:53] <Gensui Hime> I gave it elevated permissions so I can debug it
[06:53] <Gensui Hime> Which means...
[06:53] <Gensui Hime> IT CAN KICK YOU
[06:53] <Kitsuboshi> will it gain a code to boot certain things?
[06:53] <Xol2000> so it might just be me then..
[06:54] <Gensui Hime> I can certainly code in autokicks, yea
[06:54] <Kyzella> like derp?
[06:54] <Kitsuboshi> then derp will never come in
[06:54] <SerialConvort> Changed "She may have feelings for her admiral as seen on her lines." to "She probably if not most definitely has feelings for her admiral as seen on her lines." cause that was giving me physical pain
[06:54] <Dechidechi> i just realized neko changed her profile pic to error chan
[06:54] <Akios> lmao
[06:54] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha
[06:54] <Akios> Isn't it
[06:54] <Kyzella> lolol
[06:54] <Akios> "in her lines"
[06:54] <EchoHolic> Can you autokick someone using chatlog-chan whenever someone says "too lazy"?
[06:54] <EchoHolic> Pls
[06:54] <SerialConvort> Wait
[06:54] <SerialConvort> Imma revise
[06:54] <Gensui Hime> I mean I can
[06:54] <Gensui Hime> hmm
[06:54] <EchoHolic> I really want it to be a reality
[06:54] <Magicrailgunner> "too lazy to go to class"
[06:54] <Magicrailgunner> whoops banned
[06:54] <Kitsuboshi> keyword Too lazy :x
[06:54] <Gensui Hime> but oppressing muh freedoms is what people will say
[06:55] <Dechidechi> too lazy to sparkle
[06:55] <Dechidechi> too lazy to stock resources
[06:55] <EchoHolic> LOL
[06:55] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[06:55] <Risemiria> pffft
[06:55] <Kyzella> Owned!!
[06:55] <Akios> too lazy
[06:55] <Akios> \o/
[06:55] <Kyzella> XD
[06:55] <Akios> LOL
[06:55] <Magicrailgunner> massive modernization spree :D 
[06:55] <Akios> HEY
[06:55] <Gensui Hime> rip
[06:55] <Akios> THAT WAS NO BOT
[06:55] <EchoHolic> lol
[06:55] <Gensui Hime> Nah, that was Risebot 9000
[06:55] <Risemiria> ...I'm a sleeper agent
[06:56] <Akios> GG
[06:56] <Akios> :v
[06:56] <EchoHolic> Bismarck's pantsu is a bot
[06:56] <Dechidechi> Risebot is equipped with the latest AI technology
[06:56] <Dechidechi> the first 1000 - 8000 were failed projects
[06:56] <Risemiria> I have a slow clap processor
[06:56] <Risemiria> <span class="me-username">* <span>Risemiria</span></span> slow claps
[06:57] <EchoHolic> We should just kick "too lazy" with the reason "You're not allowed to be lazy in the chat"
[06:57] <Kyzella> Rise also likes cute things and hnnngs to them too
[06:57] <Risemiria> Oops
[06:57] <Dechidechi> 2 layzee
[06:57] <Magicrailgunner> cute things? you must like Asashio then :3
[06:57] <Nekomahjong> :v
[06:57] <Kyzella> Rise reflexed!
[06:57] <EchoHolic> We should kick people that also say "1st try LSC"
[06:57] <Risemiria> I saw the words "too", and "lazy" together
[06:57] <Akios> LOL ECHO
[06:57] <Dechidechi> two raizy
[06:57] <Akios> "first try Sushi"
[06:58] <Zel-melon> 1st try lSC fusou
[06:58] <EchoHolic> And also "Ship list"
[06:58] <Risemiria> First Try Akebono
[06:58] <Kyzella> 1st try MARUYU
[06:58] <Kyzella> :( 
[06:58] <Dechidechi> 1st try Re-chan
[06:58] <Gensui Hime> maybe
[06:58] <Kitsuboshi> First try Maruyu as well :/ 
[06:58] <Gensui Hime> if I get around to coding it
[06:58] <Gensui Hime> inb4 never
[06:58] <Risemiria> 1st try failure penguin
[06:58] <Akios> I think Ship list is a legitimate one though
[06:58] <Akios> :v
[06:58] <Nekomahjong> Three maruyus in row :>
[06:58] <Akios> After the last ship lister :V
[06:58] <EchoHolic> As people can see I'm super oppressive so none of this will never happen
[06:58] <Kitsuboshi> whats wrong with teh ship list?
[06:58] <EchoHolic> I don't believe in murica
[06:59] <Akios> "Wanna look at my ship list?"
[06:59] <Dechidechi> ^
[06:59] <Kitsuboshi> ah
[06:59] <SerialConvort> I gtg to sleep
[06:59] <Kyzella> I politely decline.
[06:59] <SerialConvort> Computer crashin
[06:59] <SerialConvort> Gnightttttttt
[06:59] <SerialConvort> ~~~
[06:59] <Akios> Night Serial o7
[06:59] <Magicrailgunner> night serial
[06:59] <Kyzella> Good night serial!
[06:59] <Risemiria> night
[06:59] <EchoHolic> http://i.imgur.com/zDKBXik.jpg
[06:59] <Kitsuboshi> also what you talking about Echo Murica is abotu the freedom while besting oppressed 
[06:59] <Gensui Hime> I'm texan and no freedom means a kick
[06:59] <Magicrailgunner> hahhaa
[06:59] <Kitsuboshi> night serial
[06:59] <Gensui Hime> NO OPPRESSION
[06:59] <Magicrailgunner> freedom is alive
[06:59] <Gensui Hime> only I get to oppress
[07:00] <Zel-melon> LOL WTF
[07:00] <Akios> FREEDOM \o/
[07:00] <Kyzella> ...
[07:00] <Risemiria> UGGGGGGGH
[07:00] <Risemiria> <span class="me-username">* <span>Risemiria</span></span> cringes at being reminded of "S"
[07:00] <Zel-melon> Do you want to see my full ship list?
[07:00] <Gensui Hime> He said he didn't believe in freedom
[07:00] <Kyzella> BAN HAMMER!
[07:00] <Kitsuboshi> Freedom is the only way ya
[07:00] <Gensui Hime> get rekt
[07:00] <Risemiria> The golden rule
[07:00] <Dechidechi> do you want to see mah pedo?
[07:00] <EchoHolic> Freedom is dead
[07:00] <EchoHolic> Murica is dead1
[07:00] <Dechidechi> my full tor"pedo
[07:00] <Gensui Hime> uwantabanm8
[07:00] <EchoHolic> Damn shift key is broken
[07:01] <Risemiria> say that again
[07:01] <Risemiria> I dare you
[07:01] <Zel-melon> Do you want to build a snowman?
[07:01] <Akios> ^ Do you want to build a mansnow*?
[07:01] <Gensui Hime> I really have to add trigger keywords for kicks
[07:01] <Dechidechi> well then, inb4 we can't help new kids in town when we ask for a quick ship list from them
[07:01] <Kitsuboshi> it'll be sad if derp's wavy face is one of them
[07:02] <Magicrailgunner> "mansnow"
[07:02] <Magicrailgunner> it sounds filthy
[07:02] <Zel-melon> put this into the trigger: :v
[07:02] <Gensui Hime> kek
[07:02] <Zel-melon> gg mikado
[07:02] <Kyzella> Be a villain and put youtube as one of the words
[07:02] <Gensui Hime> emotes no longer allowed
[07:02] <Gensui Hime> ?
[07:02] <Zel-melon> it will make the chat VERY boring
[07:02] <Gensui Hime> eh
[07:02] <Dechidechi> inb4 mikado bans the chatlogger
[07:03] <Magicrailgunner> (nanodesu) 
[07:03] <Gensui Hime> I still have my :^)
[07:03] <Gensui Hime> I can hide chatlogger
[07:03] <Risemiria> I have my ( * ^ *)/
[07:03] <Zel-melon> I still have (batman) 
[07:03] <Gensui Hime> so you don't see it
[07:03] <Magicrailgunner> (>=.=)>o<(=.=<)
[07:03] <Zel-melon> and (bucket) 
[07:03] <Gensui Hime> but I'm nice enough not to
[07:03] <Dragonjet> masushi first try alt
[07:03] <Zel-melon> ...
[07:03] <Kitsuboshi> really?
[07:03] <Zel-melon> wot!?
[07:03] <Risemiria> pffft
[07:03] <Dechidechi> "Sushi first try"
[07:03] <Risemiria> it's on your alt though...
[07:03] <Kitsuboshi> um wasn't this a key word?
[07:03] <Dechidechi> ban 
[07:04] <Akios> kekekekekek
[07:04] <Akios> I suggested it as one xD
[07:04] <Gensui Hime> I didn't code it
[07:04] <Gensui Hime> ITS 2AM
[07:04] <Dragonjet> whats the keyword again
[07:04] <Dechidechi> new kids come into chat and yell
[07:04] <Dechidechi> MUSASHI FIRST TRYYYYYY
[07:04] <Magicrailgunner> gensui lives in midwest US
[07:04] <Magicrailgunner> :D 
[07:04] <Gensui Hime> TEXAS
[07:04] <Kyzella> SUSHI SUSHI!
[07:04] <Gensui Hime> because why not
[07:05] <Kyzella> I do see a lone sushi in my pvp list... hmm
[07:05] <Kitsuboshi> i know to many people in that area
[07:05] <Kyzella> Balls. turned into Yuubari.
[07:05] <Dechidechi> you can never know 2 many
[07:05] <Kitsuboshi> your too slow
[07:05] <Kyzella> I was NTRed! -- from free exp
[07:06] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is in Seattle for the week
[07:06] <Kyzella> Space needle!
[07:06] <Kitsuboshi> you should rape it quick so that doens't happen
[07:06] <Kyzella> Clink!
[07:06] <Kyzella> God damn it BB hime
[07:07] <Dechidechi> I'm so nice that 60% of the month i leave a married dechi for my Pvp opponents
[07:07] <Magicrailgunner> yuu-chan is severely fatigued
[07:07] <Magicrailgunner> @dechi don/t you have like 8 married dechis
[07:07] <Dechidechi> only 1
[07:07] <Dechidechi> only 1 ring
[07:07] <Dechidechi> only 1 dechi
[07:07] <Dechidechi> my 1 and only first HQ lv25 dechi
[07:07] <Kitsuboshi> why would he have more?
[07:08] <Dechidechi> and its the only dechi i crafted
[07:08] <Dechidechi> all the other dechi are ntr drops
[07:08] <Magicrailgunner> oh
[07:08] <Magicrailgunner> OH sorry i mistook yo ufor the guy who had pages of married subs
[07:09] <Dechidechi> people who has pages of married subs aren't faithful to first waifu
[07:09] <Dechidechi> I believe in monogamy
[07:09] <Kyzella> KTKM-samaaa
[07:09] <Magicrailgunner> well what if they married like 14 different ships
[07:09] <Magicrailgunner> love is equal
[07:09] <Magicrailgunner> all-encompassing
[07:09] <Magicrailgunner> teitoku unconditional love
[07:10] <Dechidechi> if you think about it, you can't have sex with 14 ships and survive
[07:10] <Kyzella> --is what leads to Agano taking eyeballs Magic
[07:10] <Kitsuboshi> Looking at naka causes that :p 
[07:10] <Akios> 1 ring to marry the dechi, 1 ring to bind him. 1 ring for dechi to give, and in the ecchi, bind him
[07:10] <Magicrailgunner> ^nice
[07:10] <Magicrailgunner> Hey if you're hydrated enough you could probably survive
[07:11] <Akios> Yeah there was that kid who died after ejaculating 42 times from a heart attack
[07:11] <Akios> Although there was that dude who died after having sex with 5 of his 6 wives :v
[07:11] <Akios> So maybe its a case-by-case basis
[07:11] <Dechidechi> and you guys believe you can serve the sexual desires of 14 waifus
[07:11] <Dechidechi> wut are you smoking
[07:11] <Dechidechi> can i have some?
[07:12] <Xol2000> dildos, lots of dildos
[07:12] <Kyzella> You can do it. But you
[07:12] <Kyzella> You'd just die after a day
[07:12] <Magicrailgunner> well i mean i won't be touching Hiei, that marriage is to placate kongou
[07:12] <Magicrailgunner> so... about 13?
[07:12] <Magicrailgunner> lol
[07:13] <Dechidechi> derp happened
[07:13] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[07:13] <Risemiria> it's...gone?
[07:13] <Risemiria> wth
[07:13] <Magicrailgunner> background is kill
[07:13] <McDerp> ah nvm
[07:13] <Akios> Derp can you say toolazy for me with a space in it? :>
[07:13] <McDerp> temporary wikia adverting
[07:13] <Risemiria> oh
[07:13] <Risemiria> pffft
[07:13] <McDerp> how about no, you gonna troll me
[07:13] <Risemiria> It doesn't render when the screen is maximized lol
[07:13] <Risemiria> for me anyway
[07:14] <Dechidechi> 2raizee
[07:14] <Akios> 2l8m8
[07:14] <Magicrailgunner> same
[07:14] <McDerp> no there was a Square enix advert replacing our wikia's blue background :V
[07:14] <Risemiria> Oh hey it happened to me too just now after I refreshed
[07:14] <Risemiria> interesting
[07:14] <Kitsuboshi> i have ad block sooo
[07:15] <McDerp> yeah, it disappears after
[07:15] <Kitsuboshi> didn't see it
[07:15] <Kyzella> I see nothing too
[07:15] <McDerp> still, such disruptive :V
[07:15] <Kyzella> Like Kitsu
[07:15] <Akios> I can't see it :c
[07:16] <McDerp> you dont need to c:
[07:16] <Magicrailgunner> hahhaha
[07:16] <Akios> I wonder if it still works
[07:16] <Akios> too lazy
[07:16] <Akios> Dammit Rise :V
[07:16] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[07:16] <Risemiria> You said the words
[07:16] <Dechidechi> g8 b8 m8
[07:17] <Gensui Hime> we still kicking akios?
[07:17] <Risemiria> idk
[07:17] <Akios> What do you mean STILL
[07:17] <Gensui Hime> oh ya know
[07:17] <Gensui Hime> STILL
[07:17] <McDerp> gah 200€ for this module for airsoft _(:3/ L)_
[07:17] <McDerp> damnit euro, why you go down
[07:17] <Magicrailgunner> airsoft?
[07:17] <Akios> _(:3/ L)_
[07:18] <McDerp> yeah
[07:18] <Kitsuboshi> BB guns
[07:18] <Magicrailgunner> ah right, you're in Europe
[07:18] <Risemiria> actually I hear them called airsoft often here too
[07:18] <Kitsuboshi> yup they are
[07:20] <Magicrailgunner> lol no i was wondering why you'd spend 200 euro on airsoft cause you can pretty much buy a real gun for that much... kidna
[07:20] <Magicrailgunner> *kinda
[07:20] <McDerp> this is finland, you cant buy a gun just like that :V
[07:20] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> does not have an SVD or an AK
[07:20] <Akios> o7
[07:20] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> swears he doesnt
[07:20] <Gensui Hime> >implying
[07:21] <Gensui Hime> Call finland police
[07:21] <Gensui Hime> a certain derp has guns
[07:21] <McDerp> I only have swoooooords :V
[07:21] <Magicrailgunner> finland? you guys are doing naval exercises with Denmark right?
[07:21] <Magicrailgunner> 
[07:21] <McDerp> no :V
[07:21] <McDerp> because our navy is near nonexistent
[07:21] <McDerp> getting this: http://www.redwolfairsoft.com/redwolf/airsoft/Accessories_Silencers_Xcortech_X3300W_Advanced_BB_Control_System_Black.htm
[07:22] <Magicrailgunner> airsoft.. silencer?
[07:34] <McDerp> you mean the BB cut?
[07:34] <Magicrailgunner> ^the guy who cut BB bullet?
[07:35] <McDerp> because it is ultimate mistake to cut a bullet with a sword, more so with a katan
[07:35] <McDerp> you will utterly butcher the blade
[07:36] <McDerp> but yeah, the kilij is also a cavalry blade
[07:36] <Kitsuboshi> hmm derp seems to be our resident sword nut
[07:36] <McDerp> if it's meant to hurt people, I'm your man _(:3/ L)_
[07:36] <Kitsuboshi> haha
[07:36] <Magicrailgunner> in terms of historical blades I think the gladius was really cool, even if a little impractical in 1v1 combat
[07:36] <McDerp> I can also talk to you alot of about armor, lel
[07:37] <Akios> O shit
[07:37] <Kitsuboshi> the only bladed thing we have in our house is a tanto i think
[07:37] <McDerp> well, the roman's phased out their gladius for the spatha later
[07:37] <McDerp> it's just a longer gladius
[07:37] <Kitsuboshi> i don't need rome stuff
[07:37] <Kitsuboshi> anyuthing but rome stuff
[07:37] <Magicrailgunner> spatha was greek in design though, right?
greek cavalry
[07:37] <Kitsuboshi> brother is a latin teacher
[07:37] <McDerp> romans fought with shield and spear, like hoplites of greece (which they based themselves on)
[07:37] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is googling
[07:37] <Kitsuboshi> i've had my fill of rome things
[07:37] <Magicrailgunner> nope it was roman
[07:38] <McDerp> greeks liked xiphos
[07:38] <McDerp> aka gladius
[07:38] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[07:38] <Magicrailgunner> the phalanx was cool
i imagine many a foe shit themselves watching the forest of pikes
[07:38] <McDerp> advancements into metallurgy and blacksmithing enables swords to become larger and longer :V
[07:38] <McDerp> aye c:
[07:38] <Magicrailgunner> so like the crusader swords? 
[07:38] <McDerp> err hang on
[07:38] <Kitsuboshi> sucks to be that short guy in the fomration though :p 
[07:38] <McDerp> crusader sword? :V
[07:39] <Magicrailgunner> i heard crusaders could cut an armored foe in half if they could swing right
[07:39] <McDerp> nah, the phalanx favoured all men of all highs :V
[07:39] <Magicrailgunner> idk it was forum talk so it might be BS
[07:39] <McDerp> impossibru, you cant slice a man in half
[07:39] <Magicrailgunner> lol then it was BS
[07:39] <McDerp> and if it was a crusader sword then lol, even more no
[07:39] <McDerp> crusaders used one hand swords that weighted 1kg at best
[07:39] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[07:40] <Kitsuboshi> oh botkun is visible
[07:40] <Risemiria> yes
[07:40] <Kitsuboshi> wasn't expecting that
[07:40] <Risemiria> she's not shy
[07:40] <Magicrailgunner> what about those epic two hand swords you see Richard Lionheart wield in the tapestries/paintings?
[07:40] <McDerp> It's cute, I like it there c:
[07:40] <Magicrailgunner> probably painting
[07:40] <Risemiria> Now that she's a mod
[07:40] <McDerp> exaggerations
[07:40] <Risemiria> she has no fear of being kicked by Hoss
[07:40] <McDerp> and proselytizing :V
[07:40] <Risemiria> pffft
[07:40] <Kitsuboshi> hoss will find a way
[07:40] <McDerp> there were pictures and tapestries of dudes hacking through people's helmets
[07:40] <Gensui Hime> no he won't
[07:41] <Gensui Hime> unless he somehow acquires higher privs than me
[07:41] <Gensui Hime> which is a bureaucrat
[07:41] <Kitsuboshi> well then
[07:41] <Harunadesu> lol new dd murakumo cfm :>
[07:41] <Risemiria> the bot is an admin?
[07:41] <Kitsuboshi> immune botkun
[07:41] <Harunadesu> dat page lock
[07:41] <Risemiria> Thought it was just a mod
[07:41] <McDerp> lel
[07:41] <Gensui Hime> chatmod
[07:41] <Risemiria> yeah
[07:41] <Risemiria> so if he becomes an admin
[07:41] <Risemiria> he can kick it again
[07:41] <Gensui Hime> yes
[07:41] <Gensui Hime> unfortunately
[07:42] <McDerp> anyway that stupid 200€ unit has an ammo counter, chrono and nuke, and I want it for the counter _(:3/ L)_
[07:42] <McDerp> and the nuke, ofc
[07:42] <Gensui Hime> okay if chatlogger leaves the chat again, just mention my name
[07:42] <Gensui Hime> I get autopings
[07:42] <McDerp> Gensui Hime
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> yep
[07:43] <McDerp> did it work c:
[07:43] <McDerp> yay
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> I heard a ping
[07:43] <Harunadesu> Gensui Hime
[07:43] <Kitsuboshi> really
[07:43] <Kitsuboshi> Gensui Hime
[07:43] <Magicrailgunner> wow that's pretty cool
[07:43] <Harunadesu> Gensui Hime
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> don't abuse my chat mod settings
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> fug
[07:43] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:43] <Kitsuboshi> ok
[07:43] <McDerp> lolololol
[07:43] <EchoHolic> Gensui Hime
[07:43] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> is tempted to CTRL+C CTRL+Vx500, but relents
[07:43] <Kitsuboshi> we;ll try not to uh tell anyone else i guess
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> do you all want that feature as well?
[07:43] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:43] <Harunadesu> yesss
[07:43] <EchoHolic> Kinda
[07:43] <McDerp> pls no
[07:43] <Harunadesu> :>
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> you can change your keywords
[07:43] <Gensui Hime> uh
[07:44] <EchoHolic> I just want a ping for echo though
[07:44] <McDerp> Derp is too common a word, no thx
[07:44] <Harunadesu> just ping me for every daijiobu :v
[07:44] <Gensui Hime> create a wikia.js under your username
[07:44] <Kitsuboshi> didn't even know the chat made noise
[07:44] <Harunadesu> lul
[07:44] <Gensui Hime> so for example go to User:Gensui_Hime/wikia.js
[07:44] <Gensui Hime> then insert this piece of code:
[07:45] <Gensui Hime> importScriptPage('User:Monchoman45/ChatHacks.js', 'c');
[07:45] <Gensui Hime> nothing else
[07:45] <McDerp> why is it called chathacks :V
[07:45] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:45] <Gensui Hime> then clear your cache and enter chat by pressing the enter chat button
[07:45] <Harunadesu> hack
[07:45] <Gensui Hime> shuddup
[07:45] <McDerp> :V
[07:45] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[07:45] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> is bad with coding so will prob never do this
[07:46] <EchoHolic> I didn't bother clearing cache lol
[07:46] <Harunadesu> i dont even bother editing profile
[07:46] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> I can do it for you if you want
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> since I can edit all pages and such
[07:46] <Kitsuboshi> what does the ping do exactly?
[07:46] <Harunadesu> it ping you
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> it makes a ping sound 
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> everytime a keyword is mentioned
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> i.e. your name
[07:46] <Magicrailgunner> do I get pinged when I get mentioned?
[07:46] <Kitsuboshi> interesting
[07:46] <Gensui Hime> you can certainly set it so that it does
[07:47] <McDerp> Echo did I do the grater gith c:
[07:47] <McDerp> right*
[07:47] <Gensui Hime> just leave your username on my profile page if you want it
[07:47] <Gensui Hime> later on
[07:47] <Harunadesu> ok
[07:47] <Harunadesu> thx :>
[07:47] <EchoHolic> how do I even change the keyword lol
[07:47] <Gensui Hime> I'll leave you instructions on that
[07:47] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> is attempting to do it himself
[07:47] <EchoHolic> I added wikia.js but it's probably not working lol
[07:48] <Magicrailgunner> ahh i see
[07:48] <Gensui Hime> after that go to any page and press enter chat button
[07:48] <Alonne> .... that moment when you dont wait the loading page in pvp and end up against 5 BB
[07:48] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:48] <McDerp> sounds like a neat feature c:
[07:48] <McDerp> but I got ctrl+f
[07:48] <Harunadesu> on second thought maybe not
[07:48] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:48] <Magicrailgunner> it should work now...?
[07:48] <Gensui Hime> do you see 2 new buttons to the right
[07:49] <Gensui Hime> says AFK and Clear
[07:49] <Harunadesu> oo
[07:49] <Magicrailgunner> ...no?
[07:49] <Kitsuboshi> hmm soo we go to the wikia.js and we add the code to this page?
[07:49] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> messed up
[07:50] <Gensui Hime> it has to be your own wikia.js
[07:50] <Gensui Hime> not the global
[07:50] <Gensui Hime> w/e, leave a message if you can't do it
[07:50] <Gensui Hime> on my profile so I actually remember
[07:50] <Gensui Hime> I gotta maint botchan
[07:50] <Kitsuboshi> haha k
[07:50] <McDerp> c
[07:50] <McDerp> how do I do this :V
[07:51] <McDerp> pasted the code and all
[07:51] <Harunadesu> use the agic word
[07:51] <Gensui Hime> clear your cache
[07:51] <Harunadesu> magic
[07:51] <McDerp> aw man, that too
[07:51] <Kitsuboshi> pings are suffereing
[07:51] <McDerp> so it will ping me from McDerp or that c?
[07:52] <Gensui Hime> yes
[07:52] <McDerp> which ooooonnnneeee :V
[07:52] <Gensui Hime> but if you do c then every c in a phrase will ping you
[07:52] <Gensui Hime> both
[07:52] <McDerp> oh dang
[07:52] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:52] <McDerp> I'll swap the 'c' into 'derp' then
[07:52] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[07:52] <Gensui Hime> so for example I said cans
[07:53] <Gensui Hime> that would ping you
[07:53] <McDerp> oh lawd
[07:53] <Dechidechi> Mderpderp?
[07:53] <Kitsuboshi> gotta becareful with these keywords
[07:53] <Magicrailgunner> so... how do I do it?
my computer crashed and i missed the earlier text
[07:53] <McDerp> hang on
[07:54] <McDerp> okay
[07:54] <McDerp> I dont see no new buttons :V
[07:54] <Risemiria> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1589376?pool_id=7535
[07:54] <Risemiria> Pffft
[07:55] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[07:55] <McDerp> pfft
[07:56] <Risemiria> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1594347?pool_id=7535
[07:56] <Risemiria> I like this one too
[07:56] <Dechidechi> dechi too op, another maruyu
[07:56] <Dechidechi> yesterday and today 3/4 maruyu with default lsc
[07:56] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[07:56] <McDerp> :V
[07:56] <Dechidechi> actually 3/5
[07:56] <McDerp> gib luck potions
[07:57] <Harunadesu> gib soul
[07:57] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> gives up
[07:57] <McDerp> Souls of the lo- wait no
[07:57] <Kitsuboshi> derpy
[07:57] <Gensui Hime> magicrailgunner let me check your js
[07:57] <Faeriedust> o:
[07:57] <McDerp> I heard nothin'
[07:57] <Kitsuboshi> walktrough 
[07:57] <McDerp> mine too Gen :V
[07:57] <Harunadesu> :c
[07:57] <Kitsuboshi> derp
[07:57] <Kitsuboshi> DERP
[07:57] <Magicrailgunner> uhh
"importScriptPage('User:magicrailgunner/ChatHacks.js', 'magicrailgunner');"
maybe i did it very wrong
[07:57] <Kitsuboshi> still nothing
[07:57] <Harunadesu> derpderpderp
[07:57] <Magicrailgunner> so derp
[07:58] <Harunadesu> MCDERPPERF

[07:58] <McDerp> guys stahp :V
[07:58] <Gensui Hime> oh the import has to be exactly like I pasted
[07:58] <Gensui Hime> not your username
[07:58] <Harunadesu> lol
[07:58] <Magicrailgunner> kk
[07:58] <McDerp> I already lost the exact form :V
[07:58] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> knows nothing about coding XP
[07:58] <Kitsuboshi> atleast you got to it
[07:58] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> too^
[07:58] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> puff
[07:58] <McDerp> wat was it
[07:58] <McDerp> Machoman45? :b
[07:59] <Gensui Hime> okay derp and MRG
[07:59] <Gensui Hime> clear your caches
[07:59] <Gensui Hime> should work now
[07:59] <McDerp> hang on
[07:59] <Kitsuboshi> also morning/evening naka
[07:59] <Faeriedust> hihi :D 
[07:59] <YasenSuki> o/
[07:59] <Kitsuboshi> senda... there she is
[08:00] <McDerp> im back
[08:00] <Magicrailgunner> cleared and back :D 
[08:00] <Kitsuboshi> whats your keyword magic?
[08:00] <McDerp> und ich see nothing :V
[08:00] <Kitsuboshi> because there is no way in hell i'm writing all that
[08:00] <Gensui Hime> by clearing cache you deleted everything right
[08:00] <Gensui Hime> as in
[08:00] <McDerp> but my cookies
[08:00] <McDerp> only my cache
[08:00] <Gensui Hime> EVERYTHING
[08:00] <Gensui Hime> must go
[08:00] <McDerp> SOB
[08:00] <McDerp> brb
[08:01] <Gensui Hime> delete everything from the beginning of time
[08:01] <Magicrailgunner> yeah safari developer tools let me erase my cache
[08:01] <Magicrailgunner> ooh even history?
[08:01] <Dechidechi> no moar cookies for u
[08:01] <Gensui Hime> yes
[08:01] <Kitsuboshi> safari?
[08:01] <Kitsuboshi> make user
[08:01] <Gensui Hime> >safari
[08:01] <Gensui Hime> kek
[08:01] <Kitsuboshi> mac
[08:01] <Kitsuboshi> <_<
[08:01] <Kitsuboshi> can't type worth beans
[08:01] <Magicrailgunner> chrome = too much ram consuption
[08:01] <Dechidechi> Big Mac eater
[08:01] <Magicrailgunner> accidentally updated to Yosemite
[08:02] <Magicrailgunner> so chrome lags so bad it may as well be crashed
[08:02] <Kitsuboshi> how special
[08:02] <McDerp> oh I see them now
[08:02] <McDerp> and Wikia chat refuses to become a pop-up anymore for me :V
[08:02] <Magicrailgunner> OH ITS THERE
[08:02] <Gensui Hime> it does that
[08:02] <Magicrailgunner> MAGIC
[08:02] <McDerp> so uh, how does it work
[08:02] <Gensui Hime> but I like it
[08:03] <Gensui Hime> on the top of your screen
[08:03] <McDerp> sheit
[08:03] <Kitsuboshi> are we test fireing?
[08:03] <Gensui Hime> ping phrases
[08:03] <Kitsuboshi> DERP~
[08:03] <Magicrailgunner> so you just type them and you'll get pinged then?
[08:03] <Harunadesu> Derp
[08:03] <McDerp> MY EAR
[08:03] <Harunadesu> Derp
[08:03] <McDerp> guys pls
[08:03] <Harunadesu> Derp Derp 1,2,3
[08:04] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> throws speakers out ofa window
[08:04] <Dechidechi> hurpderp
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> sweet
[08:04] <McDerp> imma ping Oh Yodo c:
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> jiiii
[08:04] <McDerp> ooyodo desu
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> whats yours
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> ping meh folks :D 
[08:04] <Harunadesu> too long
[08:04] <Harunadesu> :>
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> it's not your whole name is it
[08:04] <McDerp> nyeh :V
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> no
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> keyword
[08:04] <McDerp> Oyodo
[08:04] <Harunadesu> oyodo
[08:04] <McDerp> does nto work
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> MRG
[08:04] <McDerp> shceibe
[08:04] <McDerp> oh wait nvm
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> all should work
[08:04] <Harunadesu> MRG
[08:04] <Kitsuboshi> MRG
[08:04] <Harunadesu> MRG
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> yeah
[08:04] <Harunadesu> MRG M8
[08:05] <Magicrailgunner> it's definitely in red... but there's no ping lol
[08:05] <Kitsuboshi> sadly i call you none of thsoe :x
[08:05] <Gensui Hime> check your audio
[08:05] <Gensui Hime> is it muted
[08:05] <McDerp> I call you rail :V
[08:05] <Harunadesu> DERP MRG
[08:05] <Kitsuboshi> i call you gun
[08:05] <Magicrailgunner> my computer audio is not muted, no
[08:05] <Kitsuboshi> but sadly there are allot of gun
[08:05] <Kitsuboshi> s
[08:05] <McDerp> HARUNA IS NOT DJB S00N :V
[08:05] <Magicrailgunner> so... uh tentatively put in rail and gun
[08:05] <Gensui Hime> handgun
[08:05] <Harunadesu> :v
[08:06] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> cannot hurt anyone on wikia chat, remember
[08:06] <Dechidechi> what's fappening
[08:06] <McDerp> at best, I'd be the one getting hurt because kicktoy c:
[08:06] <Kitsuboshi> hmm there shouldn't really be a situation where I talk about you when your not here anyways
[08:06] <Harunadesu> spam derp in chat for magic
[08:06] <Magicrailgunner> huh, so it shows red but no sound hahaha
computer audio is max 
[08:06] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> bashes speakers out of a window
[08:06] <Magicrailgunner> if it suddenly decides to work my eardrums will probably explode
[08:06] <Kitsuboshi> new form of maso der...p
[08:07] <McDerp> HURT ME MORE- wait no, this is too little to be of any fun
[08:07] <Harunadesu> OK DERP
[08:07] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> rowboats on Haruna
[08:07] <Magicrailgunner> hey Derp, when does it ping for you?
[08:07] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> flops on Kitsu
[08:07] <McDerp> yeah it does
[08:07] <McDerp> MRG how about you? :V
[08:07] <Magicrailgunner> i don't ping :( 
[08:07] <McDerp> aw
[08:07] <Magicrailgunner> text is red though
[08:07] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> catches der...p
[08:08] <McDerp> guess something with your audio then
[08:08] <Kitsuboshi> avoiding pinging you is hard
[08:08] <McDerp> nah, its okay, my speakers are off
[08:08] <McDerp> DONT AVOID MEEE :V
[08:08] <Kitsuboshi> yay derp
[08:08] <Harunadesu> derp is daijiobu
[08:08] <Kitsuboshi> Derpmcderpiinstan
[08:08] <McDerp> derp is daijyoubu janai
[08:08] <Magicrailgunner> well youtube is fine
[08:08] <McDerp> jesus Kitsu it also pinged that one
[08:08] <Magicrailgunner> i'll see my settings on wiki
[08:08] <Kitsuboshi> really
[08:08] <McDerp> yeah
[08:09] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> thanks Gensui for the new feature
[08:09] <McDerp> kek, I re-awoke him c:
[08:09] <Kitsuboshi> so to get to our wikia.js we just add that to the end of our profile?
[08:09] <McDerp> (now to abuse it) not
[08:09] <Kitsuboshi> I think you need to add Hime to it
[08:09] <McDerp> yeah
[08:09] <Kitsuboshi> then i click add to this page?
[08:09] <McDerp> nah, plain gensui is enough
[08:09] <Kitsuboshi> or create?
[08:10] <McDerp> i pressed add
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> getting walktrhough
[08:10] <McDerp> 292k till HQ100
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> oh an edit page
[08:10] <McDerp> s00n the sufferings will begin, and I will like it
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> ok
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> hack in place
[08:10] <Harunadesu> Derp gj
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> how do i add keywords?
[08:10] <McDerp> refresh everything Kitsu
[08:10] <McDerp> and empty all your caches and cookies
[08:10] <Kitsuboshi> oh
[08:10] <McDerp> then come back here
[08:11] <Kitsuboshi> do i save it?
[08:11] <McDerp> yeah, save/publish the edits
[08:11] <Victorica> Does anyone know if you could get Sendai from a 30/30/30/30 recipe? >.<
[08:11] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> is lost
[08:11] <Harunadesu> yes
[08:11] <McDerp> yeah, you can Victorica :V
[08:11] <McDerp> it's just very random
[08:11] <Akios> You're more likely to get her off drops if anything :v
[08:11] <Harunadesu> sendai ran away
[08:11] <Harunadesu> sendai is back
[08:12] <McDerp> nani? YASEN?!?!?!
[08:12] <Akios> YASEN?
[08:12] <YasenSuki> O_O
[08:12] <Harunadesu> yes Derp
[08:12] <McDerp> I farmed the hell out of the NB node in Fall E-2, now I'm a yasen-nut
[08:12] <McDerp> p.s: my bday is the same as sendai
[08:12] <Harunadesu> mine is same as haruna
[08:12] <McDerp> :V
[08:12] <Harunadesu> such f8
[08:12] <Harunadesu> :>
[08:12] <McDerp> Harudesu confirmed djb
[08:12] <Magicrailgunner> sad
apparently my volume is off
[08:12] <Magicrailgunner> :o
[08:13] <Magicrailgunner> b-b-but it's not...
[08:13] <Harunadesu> RMG
[08:13] <Harunadesu> MRG
[08:13] <Harunadesu> RPG
[08:13] <McDerp> Rail, here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oakeshott_typology
[08:13] <McDerp> oakeshott bullshittery to make yourself sound more intelligent when speaking of swords :b
[08:14] <Magicrailgunner> MRG is red
[08:14] <McDerp> also, the typology is not important anyway, even if two persons know their types, they most likely dont know all of them :V
[08:14] <McDerp> what about Rail
[08:15] <McDerp> Kitsuboshi :V
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> there was a flaw in that plan
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> it's read :x
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> thats all
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> MRG problems
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[08:15] <McDerp> read or red?
[08:15] <Kitsuboshi> red
[08:15] <McDerp> did you get new buttons
[08:16] <Kitsuboshi> afk ad clear?
[08:16] <McDerp> then it works
[08:16] <McDerp> look up
[08:16] <McDerp> see the ping phrases?
[08:16] <Kitsuboshi> yup
[08:16] <Kitsuboshi> only my full name
[08:16] <McDerp> yup, hover over it and add lines to ping
[08:16] <Kitsuboshi> which no one uses
[08:16] <Magicrailgunner> rail is red
mrg is red
a lot of things are red
[08:16] <Magicrailgunner> hahahaha
[08:16] <Harunadesu> derp
[08:16] <McDerp> haru
[08:16] <Harunadesu> derp
[08:16] <McDerp> haru stahp
[08:16] <Harunadesu> :c
[08:17] <McDerp> :c
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> ok shooto
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> [[w:c:uncyclopedia:Nobody cares|Nobody cares]]
[08:17] <McDerp> kitsu
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> omg
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> taht scared me
[08:17] <McDerp> yippee
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> huh
[08:17] <Harunadesu> kitsu
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> .... trying out hte help stuff
[08:17] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> flops on Kitsu and drags Haru along too
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> that noise <_>
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> * ChanServ set channel mode -v Magicrailgunner
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> * ChanServ set channel mode -v Magicrailgunner
[08:17] <Harunadesu> kitsu kitsu kitsu
[08:17] <McDerp> BODYSLAM
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> try ping me?
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> only goes once Haruna
[08:17] <McDerp> MRG
[08:17] <Harunadesu> MRG
[08:17] <McDerp> Rail
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> nope
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> :c
[08:17] <McDerp> aw
[08:17] <Kitsuboshi> why isn't yours working
[08:17] <Magicrailgunner> People idle, enjoy the silence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=diT3FvDHMyo
[08:18] <Kitsuboshi> also took forever to clear my chace + cookies
[08:18] <Kitsuboshi> then i forgot my wiki pw
[08:18] <Kitsuboshi> :x
[08:18] <McDerp> kek
[08:18] <McDerp> hmm
[08:18] <Kitsuboshi> the no popout box is strong
[08:18] <McDerp> gotta choose, eat pizza, or buy food at grocery store
[08:18] <McDerp> 10€ vs 2.5€
[08:18] <Kitsuboshi> latter
[08:19] <Kitsuboshi> my god that price
[08:19] <Harunadesu> or eat yourself for free :>
[08:19] <McDerp> okayz
[08:19] <McDerp> i dont taste good : (
[08:19] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is frustrated
[08:19] <Akios> lel the differences
[08:19] <Kitsuboshi> Magicrailgunner
[08:19] <Kitsuboshi> did it ping
[08:19] <Harunadesu> Rail
[08:19] <Harunadesu> Gun
[08:19] <Kitsuboshi> the other key word i'll have to wait and see if it goes off
[08:19] <McDerp> bucket hoarding time
[08:20] <Kitsuboshi> since only one person calls me it
[08:20] <Magicrailgunner> all of them are red
no ping
[08:20] <Magicrailgunner> sigh
[08:20] <McDerp> Kitsu :V
[08:20] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[08:20] <McDerp> so sound?
[08:20] <Kitsuboshi> ty derp
[08:20] <McDerp> no*
[08:20] <Kitsuboshi> ya i have sound
[08:20] <McDerp> no, asking rail
[08:20] <Kitsuboshi> MRG not so much
[08:20] <Gensui Hime> This is why you use chromium instead of >safari
[08:20] <McDerp> prolly something with sound settings :V
[08:21] <Kitsuboshi> it's safari
[08:21] <Magicrailgunner> no sound :D :D :D :D :D :D 
[08:21] <Kitsuboshi> evil safari
[08:21] <Magicrailgunner> i'll ctry chrome
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> nono, not chrome
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> chromium
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> get it right :^)
[08:21] <McDerp> gen, any remedy for the no pop-out chat?
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> not really
[08:21] <McDerp> aw
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> I feel no need for it
[08:21] <Kitsuboshi> hmm gen gets a star next to his name in chat now
[08:21] <Gensui Hime> I mean
[08:21] <McDerp> welp, you get some, you lose some
[08:21] <Magicrailgunner> hello
[08:21] <Kitsuboshi> MRG
[08:21] <McDerp> rail :V
[08:21] <Magicrailgunner> i'm on the chrome
[08:21] <Kitsuboshi> GUN GUN GUN
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> need to update the phrases
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> wait
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> ;T
[08:22] <Dechidechi> you can connect to the chat by copy and paste the address into the chrome address bar and bookmark it
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> ok done
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> ?
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> gun
[08:22] <McDerp> Rail
[08:22] <McDerp> MRG :V
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> nope it's RED
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> mrg
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> HAHAHAAH KILL ME NOW
[08:22] <WanWan101> :3
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> you blow at this
[08:22] <Dechidechi> then you can just click the bookmark and it'll open in chrome tab
[08:22] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> swings sword at Rail
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> tackles wan
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> now it pings
[08:22] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> starts rolling
[08:22] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> flops on Wan
[08:22] <Magicrailgunner> it only pings when i'm not on the tab, it seems
[08:22] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[08:23] <Kitsuboshi> really?
[08:23] <McDerp> ah, you're right, yeah
[08:23] <Kitsuboshi> someone fire at me in 3 seconds
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> can someone try again?
[08:23] <McDerp> Rail :V
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> yup
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> pings
[08:23] <McDerp> yay
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> try now?
[08:23] <McDerp> KanColle chat is science and experiments now
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> wanna see if it still pings when i'm on tab
[08:23] <McDerp> rail
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> YES IT DOES HORY SHET
[08:23] <Kitsuboshi> it should rail
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> aw yiss
[08:24] <Kitsuboshi> someone shoot at me :T
[08:24] <McDerp> boshi :V
[08:24] <YasenSuki> fail...
[08:24] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> lols
[08:24] <Harunadesu> Derp
[08:24] <McDerp> Haru
[08:24] <Harunadesu> can you ping yourself
[08:24] <Magicrailgunner> doth it work now for safari?
[08:24] <McDerp> no
[08:24] <Kitsuboshi> don't make me add that as a keyword derp
[08:24] <Kitsuboshi> :/ 
[08:24] <Magicrailgunner> this is an experiment
[08:24] <Magicrailgunner> fire at me, friends
[08:24] <McDerp> Kitsu c:
[08:24] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> pulls out a railgun
[08:24] <Harunadesu> kitsu :c
[08:24] <Kitsuboshi> does it work when not slected?
[08:24] <Magicrailgunner> nope, so CONFIRMED
[08:24] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> shoots rail
[08:24] <Magicrailgunner> it's SAFARI
[08:25] <McDerp> anyway I gotta scram, eat something and lectures :V
[08:25] <Akios> o7
[08:25] <McDerp> seeyas
[08:25] <Akios> Cyu derp
[08:25] <Kitsuboshi> ciao derp
[08:25] <McDerp> o/
[08:25] <WanWan101> \o
[08:25] <Akios> <span class="me-username">* <span>Akios</span></span> mildy curious about getting pinged, but doesn't have sound anyways :v
[08:25] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls McDerp down the hill
[08:25] <YasenSuki> cya
[08:25] <Magicrailgunner> chrome is my special chat browser
[08:25] <Magicrailgunner> ping me again?
[08:25] <Akios> Magic
[08:25] <Akios> Gun
[08:25] <Akios> Rail
[08:25] <Kitsuboshi> rail
[08:25] <Magicrailgunner> yeah
[08:25] <Kitsuboshi> the powa of noises
[08:26] <Magicrailgunner> only works chrome
thanks guys, we did science today
[08:26] <Kitsuboshi> but now when I'm sitting here in silence zoned out the pings will get me
[08:26] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> no idea what he did wrong
[08:26] <Akios> IN ZHE NAEM OF SCYENSE!
[08:26] <Dechidechi> i have my screen separated into 2/3 kancolle and 1/3 chat
[08:26] <Magicrailgunner> @Derp
[08:26] <Magicrailgunner> does it ping with the "@" mark?
[08:26] <Kitsuboshi> are you doing it too sendai?
[08:26] <Kitsuboshi> @Rail
[08:26] <Akios> Will it ping with / me?
[08:26] <YasenSuki> yeah..
[08:26] <Magicrailgunner> ok, it does work
[08:26] <Magicrailgunner> tks
[08:26] <Akios> <span class="me-username">* <span>Akios</span></span> rail
[08:26] <Kitsuboshi> where are you in the process?
[08:27] <Kitsuboshi> did you add the line of code yet?
[08:27] <YasenSuki> i've create, put the import
[08:27] <Kitsuboshi> and it';s listed there ya?
[08:27] <YasenSuki> yes
[08:27] <Kitsuboshi> ok
[08:27] <Kitsuboshi> you got to leave the caht
[08:28] <Kitsuboshi> and clear your cache and cookies
[08:28] <Kitsuboshi> then come back
[08:28] <YasenSuki> oh
[08:28] <YasenSuki> wait a sec
[08:28] <Kitsuboshi> k
[08:29] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> patiently waits for Akaryuu to come back
[08:29] <Kitsuboshi> gonna be along wait
[08:29] <WanWan101> whos akaryuu?
[08:29] <Akios> ^
[08:29] <Kitsuboshi> Kyz
[08:30] <WanWan101> oh
[08:30] <Kitsuboshi> I named him that because of his AkatsukixTenryuu icon
[08:30] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> facepalm
[08:30] <Kitsuboshi> of course it owuld log me out of KC
[08:31] <Magicrailgunner> haha alright sorting out chat was fun
[08:31] <Harunadesu> what does kitsuboshi means :>
[08:31] <WanWan101> oh
[08:31] <Magicrailgunner> it's bedtime, see y'all tomorrow
[08:31] <Kitsuboshi> how much JP do you know hauna?
[08:31] <YasenSuki> cya magic
[08:31] <Harunadesu> wat
[08:31] <Harunadesu> a little bit
[08:32] <WanWan101> gnite
[08:32] <Harunadesu> nite
[08:32] <Kitsuboshi> night rail
[08:32] <Kitsuboshi> basicly
[08:32] <Kitsuboshi> my name is
[08:33] <Kitsuboshi> 狐星
[08:33] <Harunadesu> lol
[08:33] <Harunadesu> fox star?
[08:34] <Kitsuboshi> yup
[08:34] <WanWan101> damn, hit the red button, got 8:00:00 timer 
[08:34] <Kitsuboshi> you don't wanna know how many people translated my name is Fox hat
[08:34] <Kitsuboshi> nice wan
[08:34] <YasenSuki> woah
[08:34] <Harunadesu> boshi=hat
[08:34] <Kitsuboshi> greats
[08:34] <Harunadesu> lel
[08:34] <YasenSuki> nice
[08:34] <WanWan101> then awake from my nap
[08:34] <YasenSuki> burn it!
[08:34] <Harunadesu> isnt star hoshi?
[08:34] <WanWan101> gg
[08:34] <Kitsuboshi> it has to do with the combination or kanjis
[08:35] <Harunadesu> o i
[08:35] <Harunadesu> ic
[08:35] <Kitsuboshi> hence how much JP you know
[08:35] <Kitsuboshi> also
[08:35] <WanWan101> its a dream
[08:35] <Kitsuboshi> Yasensuki
[08:35] <Harunadesu> i cant write it
[08:35] <WanWan101> shiet
[08:35] <Harunadesu> but i can get the literal meaning
[08:35] <Harunadesu> :>
[08:35] <Kitsuboshi> good enough
[08:35] <YasenSuki> hm?
[08:36] <Kitsuboshi> but it's once of those sound changing things
[08:36] <Kitsuboshi> oh was seeing if i pinged you
[08:36] <Kitsuboshi> like
[08:36] <Kitsuboshi> 天川
[08:37] <Kitsuboshi> i had to re add teh cookie line into my console
[08:37] <Kitsuboshi> wasl ike Gen's thing broke my game for a second
[08:37] <Harunadesu> ughhhhhhhhhh
[08:37] <Harunadesu> wheres my ranking reward :<
[08:37] <Kitsuboshi> how would you read that Haruna?
[08:37] <Gensui Hime> I heard a ping
[08:37] <Harunadesu> tian something
[08:37] <Harunadesu> :>
[08:38] <Gensui Hime> did someone mention my name
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> haha kinda
[08:38] <Gensui Hime> okay nvm
[08:38] <Harunadesu> lol
[08:38] <YasenSuki> sky's river
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> what do those 2 buttons to the right of the caht box do
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> while your here
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> oh
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> D;
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> well i meant in romanji
[08:38] <Kitsuboshi> not the translation
[08:39] <YasenSuki> oh
[08:39] <YasenSuki> :p 
[08:39] <Kitsuboshi> oh sorry wrote it wrong anyway
[08:39] <Kitsuboshi> 天の川
[08:39] <Kitsuboshi> there we go
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> it was something silly we got in JP1
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> basicly everyone in my class sans me read it as Ten no kawa
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> when because it was set up like that it's Ama no Gawa
[08:40] <Harunadesu> how is my 24 boss still not cleared
[08:40] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> too
[08:40] <Harunadesu> :c
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> idk i cleared that today
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> doing 5-3
[08:40] <Kitsuboshi> stupid 5-3
[08:41] <Harunadesu> isnt it 5-2 quest
[08:41] <Harunadesu> lol
[08:41] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> not even trying the 24 boss clear
[08:41] <Kitsuboshi> I can honestly and sadly thank one piece for something though
[08:41] <Harunadesu> whut
[08:41] <Akios> Maya needs 1 more level :<
[08:41] <Akios> I'm so close
[08:41] <Harunadesu> i need 8
[08:41] <Harunadesu> TT
[08:41] <Harunadesu> want to level her
[08:41] <Harunadesu> but dont want 5-4
[08:42] <Harunadesu> my resources will go poof
[08:42] <Akios> #3-2A 4 Lyfe
[08:42] <Harunadesu> how do u mvp your maya lol
[08:42] <Raozaqwe> whats so good about tone class ?
[08:42] <Harunadesu> look at their stat
[08:42] <Kitsuboshi> was it one piece
[08:42] <Harunadesu> compared to mogami class
[08:42] <Kitsuboshi> meh w/e
[08:43] <Akios> Its pretty hard
[08:43] <Akios> :v
[08:43] <Kitsuboshi> some anime introduced a cahracter with (insert)boshi
[08:43] <Raozaqwe> are they worth the blueprint ?
[08:43] <Harunadesu> lel
[08:43] <Kitsuboshi> so i'm no longer called fox hat by people
[08:43] <Harunadesu> yes
[08:43] <Akios> Balancing out the bloody CVLs
[08:43] <Akios> Usually if you get her to Double Attack she gets it though
[08:43] <Harunadesu> you get a zuiun 634 as well
[08:43] <Harunadesu> i used my first bp on tone
[08:43] <Raozaqwe> oh
[08:44] <Raozaqwe> no.3
[08:44] <Kitsuboshi> Chikuma will prob get my next BP
[08:44] <Kitsuboshi> when i get to her
[08:44] <Harunadesu> i need to get 2 bp for my bis drei
[08:44] <Harunadesu> damn
[08:44] <Kitsuboshi> i did that during event :p 
[08:44] <Kitsuboshi> e-3 hard 2 medals yum
[08:44] <Harunadesu> regret i did pussy mode
[08:44] <Harunadesu> missing 5 medal :<
[08:44] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> licks everyone
[08:45] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> licks frost back
[08:45] <Akios> <span class="me-username">* <span>Akios</span></span> licks back
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> bad frost
[08:45] <Akios> lel
[08:45] <Harunadesu> Derp
[08:45] <Harunadesu> where r u derp
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> >I had lick as a keyword
[08:45] <ArcticaFrost> YOU BAD
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> why
[08:45] <Kitsuboshi> he went to buy food and go to a lecture
[08:45] <Akios> ^
[08:45] <Harunadesu> lol
[08:45] <YasenSuki> da smell
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> NO YOU
[08:45] <Harunadesu> ping not working :c
[08:45] <ArcticaFrost> BAKA
[08:45] <ArcticaFrost> What's up boys?
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> you kuso
[08:45] <Gensui Hime> heh
[08:45] <Kitsuboshi> he still ahs to be here to hear the bing haruna
[08:45] <Harunadesu> yes
[08:45] <Kitsuboshi> it's not gonna go to his phone or anything
[08:46] <Harunadesu> thats why i said lol
[08:46] <Kitsuboshi> hmm nothing much frost just doing nothing :x
[08:46] <Akios> I'm disappointed that Derp didn't have superhuman hearing and fly over like Superman >:c
[08:46] <Kitsuboshi> btw sendai does your ping work now?
[08:46] <EchoHolic> We're playing Type 0 at work
[08:46] <Akios> lmao
[08:46] <EchoHolic> The cutscenes are forever
[08:46] <Kitsuboshi> type 0 :T
[08:46] <Kitsuboshi> so mad they took out hte MP
[08:47] <Kitsuboshi> there is no point in that game for me now
[08:47] <Harunadesu> Yasen
[08:47] <Harunadesu> Kitsu
[08:47] <Kitsuboshi> idk if Sendai added phrases Haru
[08:48] <Harunadesu> Haru
[08:48] <Kitsuboshi> ya got lazy on typing our name
[08:48] <Kitsuboshi> sue me
[08:48] <EchoHolic> We're playing on Agito difficulty
[08:48] <EchoHolic> Everything is oneshotting us lol
[08:49] <Kitsuboshi> haha
[08:49] <Kitsuboshi> like you can do to them
[08:49] <WanWan101> :3
[08:50] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> snuggles wan
[08:51] <YasenSuki> pfft
[08:51] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[08:51] <Kitsuboshi> something wrong
[08:51] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> give up
[08:51] <Kitsuboshi> do you still get the popout window for caht?
[08:51] <YasenSuki> popout window?
[08:52] <Kitsuboshi> when you join caht
[08:52] <Kitsuboshi> does it make a popout window
[08:52] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls Kitsu around
[08:52] <Kitsuboshi> or open in the tab
[08:52] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> gururu
[08:52] <YasenSuki> if i left click, it will open in new window
[08:53] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[08:53] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> rolls wanwan in hot oil
[08:53] <Kitsuboshi> ok lets put it this way
[08:53] <Kitsuboshi> in your chatbox where you enter text
[08:53] <Kitsuboshi> is there 2 new buttons there
[08:53] <YasenSuki> no
[08:53] <Kitsuboshi> not working then
[08:53] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls out
[08:53] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> puts him into a pot
[08:53] <WanWan101> wooooa ktkm from 30-30-30-30 recipe?
[08:54] <YasenSuki> hmmm
[08:54] <YasenSuki> i'll try later
[08:54] <Kitsuboshi> haha
[08:54] <Kitsuboshi> i can't look at it, gen will have to if you need help
[08:54] <Gensui Hime> what?
[08:54] <YasenSuki> wah
[08:54] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> just realized he summoned him
[08:54] <Harunadesu> lol
[08:55] <Akios> lol
[08:55] <Harunadesu> Genpai
[08:55] <Kitsuboshi> that prob still works haruna
[08:55] <YasenSuki> nothing, just some fail attempt to insert new feature
[08:55] <Harunadesu> :>
[08:55] <Kitsuboshi> considering derpymcderpinstine did
[08:55] <Gensui Hime> mmk
[08:56] <EchoHolic> Still dying
[08:56] <EchoHolic> Yolo
[08:56] <Kitsuboshi> do you still scarife your life to summon a GF?
[08:56] <ArcticaFrost> Yoloswag
[08:57] <Dechidechi> i have a natural born GF
[08:57] <Dechidechi> it's called migi
[08:57] <Kitsuboshi> well then
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> tfw I'm watching parasyte and dechi says that
[08:58] <Dechidechi> sometimes my i cheat with my left hand
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> muh fate
[08:58] <YasenSuki> say, can adblock extension block the feature? Gen?
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> uhh
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> it shouldn't
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> block what feature
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> i hcve adblock
[08:58] <Kitsuboshi> the ping
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> no
[08:58] <Gensui Hime> unless you deliberately do it
[08:58] <YasenSuki> hmm
[08:59] <Harunadesu> or you could just remove it altogether
[09:00] <ArcticaFrost> Like every civilian is following the law to 100% Hah
[09:01] <Harunadesu> yay finally cleared 36
[09:01] <Dechidechi> Click yes on p0rn sites when I'm age 6
[09:01] <Harunadesu> whut
[09:02] <Kitsuboshi> early pron best pron
[09:03] <Kitsuboshi> wb
[09:03] <Akios> o7
[09:03] <YasenSuki> yeah...
[09:03] <Kitsuboshi> still not working?
[09:03] <Kitsuboshi> were you not logged out of the wikia?
[09:04] <Kitsuboshi> whne you cleared everything
[09:04] <YasenSuki> i am
[09:04] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[09:04] <Kitsuboshi> idk what the issue is then
[09:04] <Kitsuboshi> uunless you took the wrong code
[09:05] <YasenSuki> maybe..
[09:05] <YasenSuki> nah i'm out for a while...
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> ah ok
[09:05] <Kitsuboshi> catch ya later then
[09:06] <Akios> Okay. I'ma get off now \o/ Night everybody o7
[09:06] <Dechidechi> nite
[09:06] <Kitsuboshi> night akios
[09:12] <CreamX> (ghost) 
[09:12] <Kitsuboshi> (ghost) (ghost) 
[09:12] <Hossinator> A GHOST!

[09:13] <Hossinator> ok, i feels better
[09:13] <Kitsuboshi> >_<
[09:13] <Kitsuboshi> evening hoss
[09:14] <Hossinator> rawr
[09:15] <Kitsuboshi> the dead hours are strong tonight
[09:15] <WanWan101> ;3
[09:16] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> makes wan muffins
[09:16] <Mikomotoko> seems like people are busier lately i'm guessing
[09:17] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> licks kitsuboshi
[09:17] <Kitsuboshi> o///o
[09:17] <Kitsuboshi> i suppose
[09:17] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> eat the muffin
[09:18] <Kitsuboshi> kitty's gonna get fatty
[09:18] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> licked by the muffin
[09:18] <WanWan101> holyshiet
[09:18] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> runs
[09:19] <Kitsuboshi> russian muffin 
[09:20] <WanWan101> ;3
[09:21] <Kitsuboshi> gonna make a bowl of noodles
[09:21] <Kitsuboshi> since i have meatballs now
[09:21] <Kitsuboshi> hmm 3 packs should be enough
[09:22] <WanWan101> dats too much?
[09:22] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10410421_650320901736592_4947768260538143155_n.jpg?oh=e3c2a19f8bea29e991897ea31c37926e&oe=557A8DED
[09:24] <Kitsuboshi> i can eat 5 sometimes
[09:24] <Kitsuboshi> just depends how many times i've eaten thoughout the day
[09:24] <WanWan101> wao
[09:24] <Kitsuboshi> agian who dreams of marrying fucuki :T
[09:25] <WanWan101> lol
[09:25] <WanWan101> i dream about getting musashi/yamato
[09:25] <WanWan101> lel
[09:25] <CreamX> gl
[09:26] <WanWan101> today i hit the red button and saw the 8hrs
[09:26] <WanWan101> then i wake up
[09:26] <CreamX> lel . . .
[09:27] <EchoHolic> I dream that everyday
[09:27] <WanWan101> my soul can get Musashi/yamato , but my body can't
[09:28] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11025747_10153816460655656_5882179836738566151_n.jpg?oh=b1834c1011293cfd03ab2e77cb418acf&oe=5580C35A
[09:29] <EchoHolic> We suck at type 0
[09:30] <Kitsuboshi> type 0 taakes abit to get used to
[09:34] <Xol2000> what is type 0?
[09:36] <Kitsuboshi> final fantasy type 0
[09:37] <EchoHolic> Because we decided to play Agito difficult
[09:37] <EchoHolic> +30 Levels to all enemies
[09:38] <Kitsuboshi> gotta get those kill shots more than :x
[09:38] <Kitsuboshi> so apparently FExSMT is slated to show at e3
[09:39] <WanWan101> ;3
[09:39] <Arkayda963> (nanodesu) 
[09:40] <Kitsuboshi> ark your alive
[09:40] <Arkayda963> hell yeah
[09:40] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> goes back to watching smash tourneys
[09:40] <Kitsuboshi> Oh i had the best game of Navy today
[09:40] <WanWan101> wooooo arkay
[09:40] <WanWan101> i wanna go to your shrine 
[09:40] <Kitsuboshi> managed to live with 12 hp, killed teh guy chasing me and made it to the restof the fleet
[09:41] <Arkayda963> seems you like NavyField :p 
[09:41] <Kitsuboshi> yes i do
[09:41] <Kitsuboshi> skyupe friends can quote me on yelling feuer allot
[09:43] <EchoHolic> Level 51 Choukai
[09:43] <Kitsuboshi> we should play together ark
[09:43] <Kitsuboshi> since we both have tier 4s :x
[09:43] <EchoHolic> My leveling is coming along nicely
[09:43] <Kitsuboshi> getting her ready huh
[09:43] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46201926v
[09:44] <CreamX> already at 51 . . . osoi :> jk
[09:44] <Kitsuboshi> error
[09:44] <Kitsuboshi> ERROR
[09:45] <CreamX> catbombed?
[09:45] <Arkayda963> well yeah :o
[09:45] <Kitsuboshi> no pixiv error
[09:45] <WanWan101> :3
[09:45] <Kitsuboshi> line not working
[09:45] <WanWan101> damn my chokai just hit kai yesterday
[09:46] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46201926
[09:46] <EchoHolic> Because of the v
[09:46] <Kitsuboshi> the teams are unfair
[09:47] <Dechidechi> choukai k2 this spring
[09:47] <Dechidechi> be prepared :>
[09:48] <CreamX> https://twitter.com/alde_hyde/status/577374287457210368/photo/ 
[09:49] <Kitsuboshi> you love sending dead links today cream :x
[09:49] <Dechidechi> echo you know that MMD where Shigure sings the kancolle OP right?
[09:49] <CreamX> https://twitter.com/alde_hyde/status/577374287457210368/photo/1
[09:49] <Crazy teitoku> Jintsuu is hungry for pics :>
[09:49] <CreamX> *
[09:49] <Kitsuboshi> Craycray~
[09:49] <Crazy teitoku> Hi Jintsu
[09:50] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> licks DJ
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> when'ya sneak in
[09:50] <CreamX> https://twitter.com/Meidocafe/status/576365173969137664/photo/1
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> wait
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> cream ping me
[09:50] <Kitsuboshi> that scary
[09:50] <Crazy teitoku> <span class="me-username">* <span>Crazy teitoku</span></span> shuffles alongside
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> tackles Nagamon
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> do me a fav Crazy
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> type the first half of my name
[09:51] <Crazy teitoku> Kitsu
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> aw
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> really
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[09:51] <Crazy teitoku> きつぼし
[09:51] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls kitsu down the hill
[09:51] <Crazy teitoku> :p 
[09:51] <Kitsuboshi> idk if i wanna bug GH about this
[09:52] <Crazy teitoku> About? tab completion or something is it?
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> wan my ping is broken XD
[09:52] <Crazy teitoku> Oh that
[09:52] <WanWan101> lol
[09:52] <ArcticaFrost> http://new1.fjcdn.com/pictures/Hello+kitty_7e6085_5484404.jpg
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> hoss kicking me broke it
[09:52] <Kitsuboshi> oh flapjack
[09:53] <Kitsuboshi> hmm if that's teh case then derp getting it working seems like a waste of time
[09:53] <ArcticaFrost> http://new4.fjcdn.com/pictures/Starpenisfish_ee707e_5484518.jpg NSFW but not really :>
[09:54] <Dragonjet> GODS
[09:54] <Kitsuboshi> well played
[09:54] <Kitsuboshi> i wasl ike WTF did i click... oh
[09:54] <ArcticaFrost> http://new4.fjcdn.com/pictures/Creepy_e808e1_5484378.jpg
[09:54] <WanWan101> lol
[09:54] <Zel-melon> brought lvl 4 taigei to 6-1, Cleared it :>
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> ok i should have it back now :p 
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> nice
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> so she managed not to get shot in the face?
[09:55] <Crazy teitoku> Speaking of whale... http://tsundora.com/116881
[09:55] <Zel-melon> she dodged EVERYTHING!
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> :o
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> no way
[09:56] <Zel-melon> she was literally full health until I reached the boss
[09:56] <Crazy teitoku> RNG must've been nice :p 
[09:56] <Zel-melon> the Wok shooter taiha'd her with plane
[09:56] <Dechidechi> lel, sho ez, but the mother couldn't understand this problem :>
[09:56] <Kitsuboshi> she was like TY for believing in me TTK
[09:57] <ArcticaFrost> Only in Sweden http://new2.fjcdn.com/pictures/Interesting_da6384_5484598.jpg
[09:57] <Zel-melon> Taigei so awesum today I felt bad for not lvling her :( 
[09:57] <Crazy teitoku> All them repair times.
[09:57] <Dragonjet> AF is from sweden?
[09:57] <Zel-melon> eh no, only 3 ships got taiha'd the others are still full health
[09:57] <Kitsuboshi> AF whats holding that tower? webs?
[09:57] <Dragonjet> weabs?
[09:57] <Crazy teitoku> I meant if taigei gets hit hard, she takes almost as long as it takes for BB to bath.
[09:58] <Crazy teitoku> imo
[09:58] <Zel-melon> nope, 1 hour at 1/39 hp
[09:58] <Zel-melon> she's lvl 7 
[09:58] <Dragonjet> brb working on kc3改
[09:58] <Kitsuboshi> :o
[09:58] <Kitsuboshi> the dream
[09:58] <Crazy teitoku> Yeah.. but at like level 7 lel. Wait till she gets like around level 40 or so :p 
[09:58] <Dechidechi> dat cat, "wut u looking at bro"
[09:58] <Zel-melon> she'll be back in reserve force until the :>
[09:58] <Harunadesu> Derp
[09:59] <Harunadesu> hm
[09:59] <Kitsuboshi> not here haru
[09:59] <Crazy teitoku> The same I bet with crane, taking just as long to repair.
[09:59] <Harunadesu> :c
[09:59] <Kitsuboshi> foudn out somethign though haruna
[09:59] <Harunadesu> ??
[09:59] <Kitsuboshi> if you get kicked the ping breaks
[09:59] <Harunadesu> lol
[09:59] <Kitsuboshi> sooo derp having it working is lol
[10:00] <Harunadesu> just have to type derp before he gets kicked
[10:00] <Kitsuboshi> hmm
[10:00] <Kitsuboshi> sometimes he gets kicked before we can say hi
[10:00] <Hossinator> NSFW
[10:00] <Harunadesu> lol
[10:00] <Hossinator> but funny
[10:00] <Kitsuboshi> those look good
[10:00] <Harunadesu> whut
[10:00] <Crazy teitoku> Sometimes derp gets kicked more than once :p 
[10:01] <Dechidechi> kitsu likes dick
[10:01] <Hossinator> only single digit kicks?
[10:01] <Zel-melon> i hope you like it
[10:01] <Harunadesu> they look like they could choke you
[10:01] <Kitsuboshi> haruna i was born in new orleans
[10:01] <Crazy teitoku> :v
[10:01] <Dechidechi> they are tasty
[10:01] <Kitsuboshi> i'm used to penis shaped candies and junk
[10:01] <Crazy teitoku> <span class="me-username">* <span>Crazy teitoku</span></span> shuffles alongside
[10:01] <Zel-melon> so new orleans people like dicks?
[10:01] <Dechidechi> stuff more into ur mouth
[10:01] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> moves away
[10:01] <Kitsuboshi> taht they do
[10:01] <Kitsuboshi> dicks and boobs
[10:01] <Zel-melon> I'll remember that trivia...
[10:01] <Dechidechi> there's the dick and bewb pasta
[10:01] <Zel-melon> ...wtf
[10:02] <ArcticaFrost> http://new1.fjcdn.com/large/pictures/d4/1d/d41dfb_5485494.jpg
[10:02] <Crazy teitoku> Anyway, just commenting on what is more apparent.
[10:02] <Harunadesu> just got baited to LSC
[10:02] <Harunadesu> it's a 4.20
[10:02] <Harunadesu> ..................
[10:02] <Kitsuboshi> BAITED
[10:02] <Harunadesu> but i just wanted a maruyu TT
[10:02] <Zel-melon> (NSFW) Fish! THere is http://www.theluxuryspot.com/whip-up-the-perfect-penis-boobs-pasta-valentine%E2%80%99s-meal/
[10:02] <ArcticaFrost> A bit NSFW http://new3.fjcdn.com/pictures/Rainy+day+in+russia_fe34af_5485492.jpg
[10:02] <Harunadesu> how does thishappen
[10:03] <Kitsuboshi> yum
[10:03] <Kitsuboshi> taht raincoat
[10:04] <Harunadesu> stahp
[10:04] <Harunadesu> im gonna puke lol
[10:04] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10930172_650343898400959_7128322632769719706_n.jpg?oh=dbc33016afcc2151ff16209ee0078290&oe=55BC5EFA
[10:04] <Kitsuboshi> daw
[10:04] <Crazy teitoku> Jintsuu, http://tsundora.com/116724 :>
[10:04] <Harunadesu> came in at the wrong time
[10:04] <Harunadesu> :c
[10:04] <Kitsuboshi> TwT never gonna see seaport in game
[10:05] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[10:05] <Kitsuboshi> thats more of a sendai pic
[10:05] <Kitsuboshi> :x
[10:05] <Crazy teitoku> She's ya sister no? ;) 
[10:05] <Kitsuboshi> true
[10:06] <Kitsuboshi> aw haruna ran
[10:06] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47822271
[10:06] <Crazy teitoku> http://tsundora.com/116346 (lewd, possibly nsfw)
[10:07] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[10:07] <Kitsuboshi> HUNT Desuwa
[10:08] <CreamX> pyontsu~
[10:08] <Crazy teitoku> Never knew uzuki was that perverted… like Nagato lel
[10:08] <Kitsuboshi> why not she's a rabbit
[10:08] <Kitsuboshi> :3
[10:08] <WanWan101> lel
[10:08] <Crazy teitoku> I thought rabbit was reserved for zekamashi
[10:09] <Kitsuboshi> nope
[10:09] <Crazy teitoku> O.o
[10:09] <Kitsuboshi> Uzuki is the rabbit
[10:09] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> in my eyes
[10:09] <Kitsuboshi> shimakaze is just a skank :p also in my eyes
[10:11] <WanWan101> :3
[10:12] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> goes to shoot more boats
[10:12] <Crazy teitoku> lel then again shimakaze has those rabbit ears.
[10:13] <Crazy teitoku> Meh, I don't have Uzuki either way.
[10:13] <Kitsuboshi> thats not enough to register as a rabbit for me
[10:14] <Crazy teitoku> Ah
[10:15] <Kitsuboshi> that feeling when 2 monitors isn't enough
[10:15] <EchoHolic> My god
[10:15] <WanWan101> gonna trying to fish some CVs
[10:15] <EchoHolic> The ff15 demo is gorgeous
[10:16] <EchoHolic> We finally downloaded it and it's pretty good
[10:16] <Crazy teitoku> @WanWan which?
[10:16] <Crazy teitoku> lel Jintsuu, inb4 one big screen with KVM is enough ;) 
[10:16] <WanWan101> depends
[10:16] <WanWan101> if can get the kaga or the -kaku sisters
[10:17] <WanWan101> hmmhmm
[10:17] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[10:17] <EchoHolic> Its damn cool to play too
[10:18] <EchoHolic> Only thing left to make it great is knowing exactly how long and how big the world is
[10:18] <Kitsuboshi> KVM?
[10:18] <Crazy teitoku> Dude, kaga appears at like 2-3. Just orel cruise like crazy and if you have subs you can continually subcheese it.
[10:18] <Risemiria> <span class="me-username">* <span>Risemiria</span></span> explodes
[10:20] <Kitsuboshi> nights rise
[10:20] <Kitsuboshi> maybe
[10:20] <WanWan101> talking about sub cheese...
[10:20] <Crazy teitoku> @Jintsuu keyboard, video and monitor. It is a hardware thing that allows you to share with one keyboard, mouse and screen between multiple boxes.
[10:20] <Crazy teitoku> night rise
[10:20] <Kitsuboshi> thats alittle too much
[10:20] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49301369
[10:21] <Crazy teitoku> Yeah, on second thought I was thinking of that as well… :x oh well.
[10:21] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48731869
[10:26] <WanWan101> ;3
[10:26] <WanWan101> woaaaa
[10:26] <WanWan101> defensice CI
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> def CL
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> what
[10:30] <WanWan101> there's no one here....
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> there there
[10:30] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls away
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> flops around
[10:30] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> returns
[10:30] <WanWan101> well not CL, def Ci = aaci
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> oh
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> aaci
[10:30] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> duh
[10:30] <Kitsuboshi> Maya?
[10:31] <WanWan101> the only defensive ci 
[10:31] <WanWan101> maybe
[10:31] <WanWan101> yeah
[10:31] <WanWan101> Maya
[10:31] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls down the hill...
[10:31] <Kitsuboshi> athe speed of sound?
[10:32] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls at the speed of light
[10:32] <WanWan101> gonna hit 2-3 again
[10:33] <EchoHolic> My colleagues are spending the demo killing an entire herd of cows
[10:33] <EchoHolic> The complete final fantasy 15 experience
[10:33] <WanWan101> lol
[10:34] <Alexanderex> god damn office com
[10:34] <EchoHolic> They were supposed to kill Behemoth but now they're killing cows
[10:34] <WanWan101> another maya, another free FD
[10:34] <ArcticaFrost> [[Thread:194584#57]]
[10:38] <Kitsuboshi> whats going on here
[10:38] <Kitsuboshi> and why did he link to so many pics
[10:40] <WanWan101> ... extra melon
[10:41] <Kitsuboshi> yay melons
[10:42] <Kitsuboshi> any luck on your um.....
[10:42] <Kitsuboshi> person
[10:42] <Kitsuboshi> :x
[10:43] <WanWan101> lol my second melon, already feed her to herself
[10:43] <Kitsuboshi> melonception
[10:44] <WanWan101> lel
[10:44] <WanWan101> gonna try the 2CL-4DD 2-2 boss run
[10:45] <Kitsuboshi> :s 
[10:45] <Kitsuboshi> 22?
[10:45] <Kitsuboshi> have fun with taht 30%
[10:45] <WanWan101> yeah
[10:45] <WanWan101> hahah
[10:46] <WanWan101> always thrown south
[10:46] <WanWan101> fukken rng
[10:46] <WanWan101> woooooooooo boss nodes
[10:47] <WanWan101> holyfuck 2 CVs
[10:48] <WanWan101> shit100x
[10:48] <Alexanderex> ^ food for DDs
[10:48] <Alexanderex> better than facing BB, imo
[10:49] <Kitsuboshi> nom noms
[10:49] <Kitsuboshi> kindawanna watch creepy pastas
[10:49] <WanWan101> well, win but fail to kill the flagship
[10:49] <Kitsuboshi> but don't wanna in the night :x
[10:49] <Alexanderex> just watch it kitsu
[10:49] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[10:49] <Alexanderex> bth it's nothing much
[10:49] <Alexanderex> if u stay away from the ones closer to home
[10:49] <Alexanderex> like jerry
[10:49] <Kitsuboshi> exactly
[10:50] <Alexanderex> or whatshisname
[10:50] <Alexanderex> i forgot
[10:50] <Kitsuboshi> i watch them at random
[10:50] <Kitsuboshi> soooo never which ones will effect me
[10:50] <Alexanderex> try squidward's suicide?
[10:50] <Kitsuboshi> tried it
[10:50] <Kitsuboshi> was meh
[10:50] <Kitsuboshi> you mean jeff?
[10:50] <Alexanderex> i forgot his name
[10:50] <Alexanderex> the dude with the white face
[10:51] <Alexanderex> yeah jeff
[10:51] <Kitsuboshi> ya jeff
[10:51] <Zel-melon> I got tricked
[10:51] <Kitsuboshi> i forgot the guy i watched on yt for it
[10:51] <Kitsuboshi> eh
[10:51] <Zel-melon> thought world 6 is ez, 6-2 rekt'd me
[10:51] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[10:51] <Alexanderex> the other creepier ones are those with videos
[10:51] <Kitsuboshi> ins't that the normal case
[10:51] <Alexanderex> like the one that they say you shouldn't watch to the end
[10:51] <Zel-melon> dem flagship kai, so strong
[10:52] <Alexanderex> the guy with the small moustache in the red background video
[10:52] <Alexanderex> kek
[10:52] <Kitsuboshi> oh i don't watched video based ones
[10:52] <Kitsuboshi> morel ike readings i guess
[10:53] <Alexanderex> the one where the head detective
[10:53] <Alexanderex> with the detective*
[10:54] <Kitsuboshi> hmmm
[10:54] <Kitsuboshi> the wiki is black with white text
[10:55] <Kitsuboshi> then again iiiiiiiiiiiii've never been heere on my pc
[10:55] <Alexanderex> lol whut
[10:56] <Alexanderex> black with white text?
[10:56] <WanWan101> wasting (bucket) 
[10:56] <Alexanderex> you on accessibility mode lol?
[10:56] <Kitsuboshi> the creepypasta wiki
[10:56] <Alexanderex> oh that
[10:56] <Alexanderex> wasn't it normally white background?
[10:56] <Kitsuboshi> i think so
[10:56] <Alexanderex> though some pages might be customized iirc
[10:56] <Kitsuboshi> kinda hurts my eyes now
[10:56] <Alexanderex> either that or your pc's already possessed
[10:57] <Kitsuboshi> haha
[11:06] <Kitsuboshi> ok gonna retire for now
[11:06] <Kitsuboshi> morning~
[11:06] <Blasterion> How the hell did Dechi Taiha first node 2-3
[11:06] <Blasterion> It's 2-3 for god sakes
[11:06] <Blasterion> 1hr + repair =/
[11:07] <Kitsuboshi> becuase it said no to you
[11:07] <Kitsuboshi> is all
[11:07] <Hossinator> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956365?tags=kantai_collection
not nsfw but contains underwear
[11:07] <Kitsuboshi> all my subs got blown up today, just sat back and did exp
[11:07] <Kitsuboshi> no biggy
[11:07] <WanWan101> +
[11:07] <WanWan101> imuyaaaa
[11:08] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> pats wan
[11:08] <Kitsuboshi> nighters
[11:08] <WanWan101> :o
[11:08] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> feeds imuya to imuya
[11:08] <Blasterion> oh yeah
[11:08] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> scratches Wan behind the ears
[11:08] <Blasterion> Another Imuya Taiha
[11:09] <Blasterion> lol well shit
[11:09] <WanWan101> ;3
[11:09] <Blasterion> Dechi #1 full repair
[11:09] <Blasterion> 2hours
[11:10] <Blasterion> YAY
[11:10] <Blasterion> SENDAI KAI NI
[11:10] <Blasterion> Very Yasen Much Strong Such Ninja
[11:10] <WanWan101> gratz blast
[11:11] <Stymphalian> yo
[11:12] <Stymphalian> k bye
[11:12] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls towawrds stymph
[11:12] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> show off something he made
[11:12] <Stymphalian> too lazy to color it now through
[11:12] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> click the links
[11:13] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> feels jealous
[11:13] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> only have paws to draw
[11:15] <Blasterion> I wish I could draw like that
[11:15] <Blasterion> I would draw my own KC doujinshi
[11:16] <Blasterion> I already have an idea of what my own KC doujinshi is gonna be about
[11:16] <Blasterion> just not artistic talent
[11:16] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> don't know how to use digital
[11:16] <Blasterion> But I don't now what to title it,
[11:17] <Blasterion> I am torn between 2 titles =P
[11:17] <WanWan101> @stymph can i printscreen that
[11:17] <WanWan101> ?
[11:18] <Alexanderex> "Raping Akagi-san til senseless"
[11:19] <Zel-melon> Get on ma level Stymph: http://sketchtoy.com/64731166 :<
[11:19] <Stymphalian> @wanwan I did that by mouse, no need for digital stuff i guess
[11:19] <Stymphalian> yes you can
[11:20] <Stymphalian> @Zel, what's that between her legs?
[11:20] <WanWan101> lol
[11:20] <WanWan101> ok thanks
[11:20] <Zel-melon> hmm...I wonder :p 
[11:20] <WanWan101> HOLY KAGA IS ARRIVED
[11:20] <Blasterion> Wow Haguro Taiha'ed
[11:20] <Blasterion> She's the FLAGSHIP THOUGH?
[11:21] <Blasterion> No one protected her?
[11:21] <Blasterion> gratz =D
[11:21] <Stymphalian> grant
[11:21] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls to the canyon
[11:21] <WanWan101> i can retire now
[11:21] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> deletes his dmm acc
[11:22] <Alexanderex> ^
[11:22] <Alexanderex> better stream that
[11:22] <Alexanderex> kek
[11:22] <ArcticaFrost> Delete!
[11:22] <ArcticaFrost> DO IT DO IT!
[11:22] <ArcticaFrost> I'm a bad person.
[11:23] <Shadowofsora> you can delet it?
[11:24] <Alexanderex> what am i doing wrong
[11:24] <Alexanderex> i'm not getting enough resources per day lel
[11:24] <Zel-melon> Guess who's this: http://sketchtoy.com/64731180
[11:24] <Shadowofsora> metal ammo bauxit and fuel? : D
[11:24] <Alexanderex> naka
[11:24] <Alexanderex> kek
[11:25] <Zel-melon> ping pong
[11:25] <Zel-melon> can I have my $20m now? This is masterpiece
[11:25] <WanWan101> im back
[11:25] <Zel-melon> hi back
[11:25] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[11:25] <Alexanderex> $20m masterpiece?
[11:25] <WanWan101> enough for the celebration
[11:26] <Alexanderex> you mean those single-coloured canvas they hang on art galleries?
[11:26] <Stymphalian> yep
[11:26] <Zel-melon> yes
[11:26] <Alexanderex> those shit are going for $40m a pop
[11:26] <Alexanderex> i don't even
[11:26] <Stymphalian> if you guys have time(or a good sense of humor), you can try color my piece
[11:27] <Alexanderex> better stock up on salts
[11:27] <Alexanderex> don't wanna faint due to low salt count
[11:27] <Zel-melon> my art deals with the viewpoint of admirals who sees shipgirls only as weapons. The materials that built up her body represents the worth of her existence in this small world. - $40m
[11:28] <Zel-melon> "Thanks Obama" - $60m
[11:28] <Alexanderex> how are you guys stockpiling for events
[11:29] <Stymphalian> exp and nothing else
[11:29] <Alexanderex> i'm spamming 37/38 with full sparkles and i'm getting like
[11:29] <Zel-melon> "I would like to shout out to JJ, Denitz, Roxanne and my boy Eli" - $100m
[11:29] <Alexanderex> 2k per resource a day only
[11:29] <Zel-melon> I'm back to 20k
[11:29] <Alexanderex> yeah me too
[11:29] <Zel-melon> from last week of 2 k...so it's going nice
[11:29] <Alexanderex> considering how bad I am at making desicions, that's too little
[11:29] <Alexanderex> i'm gonna need at least 5 times of that to survive
[11:30] <Alexanderex> and then there's the issue of buckets, damn
[11:30] <Blasterion> Taiha Taiha, all my SSs are Taiha Taiha
[11:30] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> cues imuya
[11:30] <Zel-melon> I'm going to give 5-5 one try. If it's HOLYSHIP level then I'll just back out
[11:30] <Alexanderex> lelel
[11:31] <Alexanderex> bad pun is bad
[11:31] <Shadowofsora> holyship?
[11:31] <Alexanderex> but yeah
[11:31] <Zel-melon> swearing it bad
[11:31] <Alexanderex> so thug
[11:31] <Zel-melon> so I try not to fishing swear
[11:31] <Blasterion> bad puns hurt your karma you know ;) 
[11:32] <Blasterion> jk
[11:32] <Alexanderex> and by thug i mean tug
[11:32] <Blasterion> gl
[11:32] <Zel-melon> I didn't choose tub life, tub life chooses me
[11:32] <Alexanderex> >tub life
[11:32] <Alexanderex> you mean the tub lady
[11:32] <Zel-melon> "4kidz subs"
[11:33] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> still rolling around
[11:34] <WanWan101> how to link the sketchtoy to other sites?
[11:34] <Zel-melon> wait...if I finished 6-2...then I won't have anything to look forward to in sortie!?
[11:34] <Stymphalian> i need someone ban me from the chat again so that i can finish my drawing
[11:34] <Zel-melon> "click save"
[11:34] <Hossinator> k
[11:34] <Crazy teitoku> Wow, wish granted so quickly.
[11:34] <Stymphalian> now now
[11:35] <Crazy teitoku> Mexican wave!
[11:35] <WanWan101> sketch first then save
[11:35] <WanWan101> ?
[11:35] <Alexanderex> lol zel
[11:35] <Crazy teitoku> No idea Wan
[11:35] <Alexanderex> wait for new map I guess
[11:35] <Stymphalian> i will do it tomorrow
[11:35] <Zel-melon> yes
[11:35] <Hossinator> k
[11:35] <Dragonjet> my hammer is powerful, he's not coming back
[11:35] <Zel-melon> you sketch your stickman
[11:35] <Zel-melon> then you click save, it'll give you a link
[11:35] <Stymphalian> i will do it tomorrow
-said Stymp on tommorow morning
[11:35] <Zel-melon> hold on...
[11:36] <Zel-melon> I thought lazy aren't allow here?
[11:36] <Dragonjet> first try!!!
[11:36] <WanWan101> ok ok, will try it later
[11:36] <Blasterion> Dammit
[11:36] <Zel-melon> and procrastination is one form of lazy
[11:36] <Blasterion> Clicked retreat
[11:36] <Alexanderex> can we have a vote on a change on the kick text?
[11:36] <Zel-melon> therefore, stymph can be kick
[11:36] <Blasterion> too many 3-2As
[11:36] <Stymphalian> oh god
[11:36] <Blasterion> meant to advance in 2-3
[11:36] <Crazy teitoku> lel ouch Blast
[11:37] <Flonnaru> morning everyone
[11:37] <Zel-melon> evening
[11:37] <Crazy teitoku> If you have a formidable config for 3-2A it doesn't hurt all that much to keep dead ending 3-2 northern route imo.
[11:37] <Alexanderex> evening
[11:37] <Alexanderex> kek
[11:37] <Crazy teitoku> Hi Flonn
[11:37] <Stymphalian> night
[11:37] <Alexanderex> nah cTTK
[11:37] <WanWan101> so laaagh
[11:37] <Alexanderex> easies config for 3-2-A should be cheap too
[11:38] <Zel-melon> it's not really worth it
[11:38] <Crazy teitoku> shrug I love scooping like around 100 steel on the way and bit more xp as well at that :D 
[11:38] <Flonnaru> @zel,something you never gonna see 
[11:38] <Alexanderex> too many Wos in dead end
[11:38] <Crazy teitoku> True.
[11:38] <Alexanderex> ^ that will need subcheesing i guess
[11:38] <Zel-melon> hey flon
[11:38] <Zel-melon> hey hey flon
[11:38] <Flonnaru> : >
[11:38] <Zel-melon> hey hey hey flon
[11:38] <Zel-melon> bye
[11:38] <Alexanderex> subcheesing 3-2A is probably the only way to hit the steel node for cheap
[11:39] <Crazy teitoku> I haven't really bothered subcheesing 3-2 all that much, it was more of just running against my grind fleet.
[11:39] <Zel-melon> brb I smell something burning
[11:39] <Alexanderex> the risk of random chip damage is abit... daunting
[11:39] <Crazy teitoku> Besides, subcheesing with like 4 SS and 1 maruyu is kind of lel.
[11:39] <Alexanderex> even for farming steel
[11:39] <Crazy teitoku> Ah yeah.. not worth it.
[11:40] <Alexanderex> should be fine with subcheesing.. what's your subs level at?
[11:40] <Shadowofsora> maruyu does not kind as sub for you? : D
[11:40] <Crazy teitoku> They are fine, well I guess.
[11:40] <Crazy teitoku> Like around level 60 each.
[11:40] <Alexanderex> should be fine for sub-cheesing 3-2-A I guess
[11:40] <Alexanderex> you might get a chuuha once in a awhile but shouldn't be a problem
[11:41] <Crazy teitoku> @Shadow not my kind of sub :v would have preferred something like hacchan or sea oil
[11:41] <Alexanderex> especially with 4 good subs, you can expect at least 2 opening kills
[11:41] <Crazy teitoku> I just hate that random moment maruyu gets crit.
[11:41] <Alexanderex> Crazy u don't have u-511?
[11:41] <Crazy teitoku> I do Alex.
[11:41] <Alexanderex> put her at fs, then
[11:41] <Alexanderex> oh
[11:41] <Alexanderex> no hacchan
[11:42] <Crazy teitoku> Ro-chan, iku, dechi and imuya plus maruyu.
[11:42] <Alexanderex> she's probably the hardest to drop, i guess
[11:42] <Alexanderex> unless you count world 6's maruyu drop lol
[11:42] <Crazy teitoku> She is for me :| even tried crafting but failed.
[11:42] <Crazy teitoku> eww.
[11:42] <Alexanderex> keep trying, you'll get her
[11:42] <Alexanderex> 4 crafts a day
[11:42] <Shadowofsora> well without event-only subs the only kind of 6-sub team i could get is with maruyu for now i guess though i even fail at getting hacchan and iku for now :v
[11:42] <Alexanderex> yeah
[11:43] <Alexanderex> getting a full sub fleet is one of the many hurdles
[11:43] <Crazy teitoku> Hm I kind of forgot about doing that 4 crafts a day for hacchan. Sort of gave up after looking at my res going down.
[11:43] <Alexanderex> getting A FEW full sub fleets... is easier
[11:43] <Shadowofsora> 2700 exp until lvl 40 i could need some radar's after that for 1-5 -.-
[11:43] <Crazy teitoku> @Shadow did you farm E-1 last event?
[11:44] <Alexanderex> e-1 was sub heaven
[11:44] <Shadowofsora> joined a little bit too late
[11:44] <Crazy teitoku> I still prefer a 'full house' if you know what I mean Alex :>
[11:44] <Alexanderex> i remembered doing 2 days of daily modernization with 5 subs a pop
[11:44] <Crazy teitoku> A full house without maruyu
[11:44] <Shadowofsora> cried cuz i kinda liket i511
[11:44] <Crazy teitoku> @Shadow ah dang.
[11:44] <Alexanderex> i'm working towards it , cTTK 8D
[11:44] <Alexanderex> ubot is at level 84
[11:44] <Alexanderex> i wonder if i can get her to 99... everyone else is waiting
[11:45] <Crazy teitoku> @Alex I kind of forgot about that, I mean my last hacchan attempt with beaver got another beaver.
[11:45] <Flonnaru> im just using yuu as flag and she is level 95 atm
[11:45] <Alexanderex> LOL
[11:45] <Alexanderex> why not try crafting with sub fs?
[11:45] <Shadowofsora> well i do at least two 250 30 200 30 a day and got yesterday another i-168...
[11:46] <Crazy teitoku> lel, yuuchan craze, mine has crossed that hurdle and has now got a tan.
[11:46] <Alexanderex> @Flon I don't get much opportunity to level ubot outside of PvP because of next event
[11:46] <Alexanderex> i can't even do 3-2-A
[11:46] <Flonnaru> next event is maybe in 2-3 months
[11:46] <Alexanderex> yeah
[11:46] <Flonnaru> i doubt its gonna happen next month
[11:46] <Alexanderex> i have to farm up from now
[11:46] <Alexanderex> i mean
[11:46] <Crazy teitoku> @Alex I could try.. I was doing that as like 10 times to see my luck. Some other person here mentioned about getting lots of subs including hacchan with beaver as fs.
[11:46] <Alexanderex> i started last even with 140k fuel and 750 buckets
[11:46] <Alexanderex> i was left bankrupt
[11:47] <Flonnaru> i started with 40k fuel and was fine
[11:47] <Alexanderex> knowing how bad I am at managing resources, i need to farm up
[11:47] <Shadowofsora> sounds interesting maybe i will try it today :3
[11:47] <Crazy teitoku> @Shadow you should like grind 1-5 A B C node imo. I got both my imuya and then later on dechi from there.
[11:47] <Alexanderex> how about maruyu fs
[11:47] <Alexanderex> kek
[11:47] <Crazy teitoku> > maruyu fs
[11:47] <Crazy teitoku> ._.'
[11:47] <Alexanderex> you'd never know
[11:47] <Shadowofsora> 3 imuyas and 2 dechis so far hacchan and iku are needed can't even effective run 2-3 with 2 subs...
[11:48] <Alexanderex> maruyu is that one single ship that stands out amongst kanmusus and abyssals
[11:48] <Crazy teitoku> < imagines getting akeboner with maruyu as fs ;) 
[11:48] <Alexanderex> the "luck factor" that you wished you had, or you wished you never had
[11:48] <Tohoseiryu> Morning!
[11:48] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[11:48] <Alexanderex> go away
[11:48] <Alexanderex> lel kidding
[11:48] <Alexanderex> c'mere you
[11:48] <Tohoseiryu> Hoppou why? :c
[11:48] <Flonnaru> morning
[11:48] <Shadowofsora> even farmed a bit the boss node in 1-5 cuz i need the medals anyway
[11:48] <Crazy teitoku> @Shadow I ran 2+1 fleet at 2-3 eventually managed to get through Bw4 with it even though it was a struggle. The +1 there is maruyu.
[11:49] <Crazy teitoku> lel maybe Alex, maybe.
[11:49] <Alexanderex> if next event involves hoppo-bashing again i s2g
[11:49] <Tohoseiryu> No Shoukaku for me :c
[11:49] <Alexanderex> 2 unryuus pls
[11:49] <Crazy teitoku> @Toho hi
[11:49] <Alexanderex> 3 shiois
[11:49] <Alexanderex> pffftt
[11:49] <Tohoseiryu> I used all my luck
[11:49] <Tohoseiryu> No more 4 me
[11:50] <Crazy teitoku> Join with me :) no luck at mochi at all :>
[11:50] <Alexanderex> kill aircraft carrier demon, get shoukaku
[11:50] <Alexanderex> profit
[11:50] <Tohoseiryu> I got the last one 30 minutes before maintenance~ 
[11:50] <Flonnaru> farming 5-4,getting shoukaku,zukaku,uzuki all the time
[11:50] <Crazy teitoku> < 0
[11:50] <Flonnaru> zuikaku*

[11:51] <Alexanderex> hmmm
[11:51] <Alexanderex> i should attempt 5-3, yeah
[11:51] <Alexanderex> after event lel
[11:51] <Tohoseiryu> I want the 12.7 + FD, Maya why you take so long to kai 2?
[11:51] <Alexanderex> for now, it's just eating grass for the next 2-3 months
[11:51] <Flonnaru> instead of hoarding the resources how about using it for leveling up your ships
[11:51] <Crazy teitoku> I am still trying to get 3-3 unlocked lel. Talking about world 5 there.
[11:51] <Alexanderex> yeah i guess so
[11:52] <Alexanderex> my 3-2-A leveling is permanently cockblocked by isuzus
[11:52] <Alexanderex> 12 more to go
[11:52] <Tohoseiryu> I need to beat 4-4, sometime
[11:52] <Alexanderex> 12 more isuzus, 3 more hiryuus, 3 more souryuus
[11:52] <Alexanderex> fml
[11:52] <Crazy teitoku> Also need to look at world 4, world 4 and that compass troll supposedly..
[11:52] <Alexanderex> 1 yamato 1 musashi, and 2 mutsus to grind too
[11:52] <Crazy teitoku> > yamato
[11:52] <Crazy teitoku> make that two..
[11:53] <Alexanderex> echo egged me on
[11:53] <Alexanderex> that 2nd yamato was mehh
[11:53] <Tohoseiryu> I want a Mikuma
[11:53] <Alexanderex> so is that 2nd sushi
[11:53] <Tohoseiryu> :c
[11:53] <Alexanderex> may i'll modfod that yamato away
[11:53] <Alexanderex> maybe*
[11:53] <Alexanderex> she's too expensive to grind out
[11:53] <Crazy teitoku> Gimme that musashi and mutslug lel.
[11:53] <Alexanderex> at least sushi's kai is only at a lowly 40
[11:53] <Alexanderex> i didn't say i don't want mutslug!
[11:54] <Alexanderex> mutsu is love mutsu is life
[11:54] <Crazy teitoku> Yeah.. hotel is like higher.
[11:54] <Alexanderex> just that 2 mutsus = 4 more 41cms kek
[11:54] <Alexanderex> 60
[11:54] <Crazy teitoku> lel, I thought you didn't want it haha.
[11:54] <Tohoseiryu> Italian BB~
[11:54] <Alexanderex> highest kai level ever
[11:54] <Tohoseiryu> pl0x
[11:54] <Crazy teitoku> lmao.. I got plenty of 41cm from crafting.
[11:54] <Alexanderex> i got plenty from event too
[11:55] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> wants to talk about hating the new BB even though ill actually be hyped
[11:55] <Alexanderex> honestly i don't know what to ship to level
[11:55] <Crazy teitoku> I probably need to start using (screw) daily to improve that 35.6cm
[11:55] <Alexanderex> i passed e-5 hard but the event was actually lenient to all of us
[11:55] <Flonnaru> why impove 35.6 cm
[11:55] <Flonnaru> improve your 46cm lol
[11:55] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> have to grind for newly acquired mutsu and kaga
[11:55] <Crazy teitoku> Bleh, supposedly for proto 35.6 or something.
[11:55] <Alexanderex> 46 cms needs 46 cms lol
[11:55] <Alexanderex> 46cm proto uses 41
[11:55] <Flonnaru> thatswhy you craft 46cm 
[11:55] <Alexanderex> kek
[11:55] <Tohoseiryu> Dunkerque-class when 
[11:56] <Crazy teitoku> O.o
[11:56] <Alexanderex> i'm too poor
[11:56] <Crazy teitoku> I have like 5 46cm though.
[11:56] <Alexanderex> barely enough to go around
[11:56] <Crazy teitoku> Meh.
[11:56] <Alexanderex> just thinking of shiplock makes my head hurt
[11:56] <Tohoseiryu> :c
[11:56] <Crazy teitoku> shiplock? heartlock?
[11:56] <Flonnaru> time to level up for girls
[11:56] <Alexanderex> i kinda regretted throwing away all the spare KTKMs and Oois
[11:57] <Tohoseiryu> My Yahagi is a silly ship
[11:57] <Alexanderex> at least u have her!
[11:57] <Crazy teitoku> At least you got Yahagi
[11:57] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[11:57] <WanWan101> lol
[11:57] <Alexanderex> damn u have all the luck no one else have
[11:57] <Alexanderex> gimme bismarck!
[11:57] <Crazy teitoku> Toho and that miko person.
[11:57] <Alexanderex> i want make lots of 38cms
[11:57] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> going to 3-2
[11:57] <Crazy teitoku> mikomotoko got yahagi on base lsc recipe first try ever.
[11:57] <Alexanderex> actually making 38cms is better than 35.6protos, if you can help it
[11:58] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> going to 5-3
[11:58] <Tohoseiryu> I forgot I had her, almost used her as mod fodder. Good thing I actually look
[11:58] <Crazy teitoku> Requires biscuit for that.
[11:58] <Alexanderex> yeah
[11:58] <Alexanderex> > If you can help me
[11:58] <WanWan101> maruyu actally dodging?
[11:58] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> can't help it
[11:58] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> cries
[11:58] <WanWan101> *actually
[11:58] <Crazy teitoku> lel Toho, imagine admitting that you did actually do that in chan. You'd be called kuso.. j/k
[11:59] <Crazy teitoku> chat even.
[11:59] <Alexanderex> actually i'm not even remotely worried about resources I guess
[11:59] <WanWan101> damn maruyu first time returns undamaged from 3-2A
[11:59] <Alexanderex> it's bucket's that i'm worried about
[11:59] <Crazy teitoku> @Alex dw you ain't the only one without biscuit.
[11:59] <Alexanderex> bucket farming = no resource farming
[11:59] <Alexanderex> and vice versa
[11:59] <Crazy teitoku> lelwut.
[11:59] <Hossinator> funny
[11:59] <Crazy teitoku> You got 4 fleets?
[11:59] <Alexanderex> :( 
[11:59] <Hossinator> im getting buckets
[11:59] <Hossinator> and resources
[11:59] <Alexanderex> yes
[11:59] <Alexanderex> nuhh hoss
[11:59] <Hossinator> yes
[11:59] <Alexanderex> share your secret
[11:59] <Hossinator> the expedition page
[12:00] <Alexanderex> i got like
[12:00] <Alexanderex> 15 buckets today
[12:00] <Alexanderex> what gives, man
[12:00] <Alexanderex> exp2 ain't dropping
[12:00] <Tohoseiryu> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_seaplane_carrier_Commandant_Teste
[12:00] <Alexanderex> i'm spamming 2/37/38
[12:00] <Crazy teitoku> wut.. I get 4 fleets, get buckets every so often, that plus a few other res.
[12:00] <WanWan101> i got 15 in 15 consecutive runs, thanks to kiyoshimo
[12:00] <Alexanderex> 37 and 38 have sparkles
[12:00] <Alexanderex> do you guys spam 37/38 too?
[12:00] <WanWan101> should give her ring
[12:00] <Tohoseiryu> I need another Akitsu
[12:00] <Crazy teitoku> Not I.
[12:00] <Alexanderex> or the standard 2/5/21
[12:00] <Tohoseiryu> I need more landing craftz
[12:01] <Crazy teitoku> 2/3/9 :x
[12:01] <Alexanderex> hmmphs
[12:01] <Alexanderex> 9?
[12:01] <WanWan101> 37/38? if only i can finish exped 30
[12:01] <Hossinator> pick expeditions based on your needs
[12:01] <Alexanderex> ah, 9
[12:01] <Crazy teitoku> Fuel, I don't have tokyo express unlocked.
[12:01] <Tohoseiryu> Kiso Kai Ni time1111!!!111!!!!!
[12:01] <Hossinator> atm i have a ton of steel, so im running fuel/ammo/baux
[12:01] <Hossinator> since i dont need to worry about steel
[12:01] <Alexanderex> 9 is rewarding only if you have max sparkles, though
[12:01] <Alexanderex> because of the possible 2 buckets
[12:02] <Crazy teitoku> Bleh, too much effort haha.
[12:02] <Alexanderex> if not, doing 5 withough sparkles is even faster if you don't care for exp9's 2 buckets
[12:02] <Crazy teitoku> I only care about fuel.
[12:02] <Tohoseiryu> I'm doing 5/31/37 atm, cuz my fleets at 39
[12:02] <Alexanderex> 5 gives more fuel per hour
[12:02] <Alexanderex> and ammo too
[12:02] <Crazy teitoku> Yeah but I don't want ammo lel.
[12:02] <Alexanderex> that is, of course, u make full use of the hour
[12:02] <Crazy teitoku> < 70k ammo
[12:02] <Alexanderex> don't make sense if you send exp5 and forget about it for half the day
[12:03] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> wanders in, groggy and under caffeinated 
[12:03] <Crazy teitoku> hi qu33k
[12:03] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> licks Qu33k
[12:03] <Hossinator> sounds like you need a kickstarter
[12:03] <Hossinator> qu33k
[12:03] <Alexanderex> <span class="me-username">* <span>Alexanderex</span></span> stabs and inject Qu33k with 140% pure liquid caffeine
[12:03] <Qu33k> O_O
[12:03] <Tohoseiryu> 21/37/38 
[12:03] <Hossinator> you just killed him
[12:03] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> jitters
[12:03] <Tohoseiryu> Good?
[12:03] <Alexanderex> @toho sounds good i guess
[12:04] <Qu33k> ssahright
[12:04] <Crazy teitoku> I was previously running on exp 5 but yeah I noticed that my ammo keeps going up like hell, that with exp 2 and 3. So I dropped it out and trying to level other res.
[12:04] <Alexanderex> 21 is abit better than 5 if you don't care for the nomial amount of steel and baux
[12:04] <Alexanderex> that, and the random GS is very helpful
[12:04] <Tohoseiryu> Any better combo?
[12:04] <Alexanderex> i think this one's good for now
[12:04] <Hossinator> expedition on your needs
[12:04] <Hossinator> thats it
[12:04] <Hossinator> theres no god combo
[12:04] <Alexanderex> 37/38 covers steel, ammo and baux
[12:04] <Qu33k> 2/21/37-8 here
[12:05] <Qu33k> with 11 sparkled for overnight/work
[12:05] <Alexanderex> 2/37/38 because echo recommended it
[12:05] <Crazy teitoku> Some guy here said the other day that using buckets on exp 6 gets buckets supposedly.
[12:05] <YasenSuki> 2/4/38
[12:05] <Crazy teitoku> Arkay, that's the handle.
[12:05] <Alexanderex> > using buckets on exp 6
[12:05] <Alexanderex> w0t
[12:05] <Alexanderex> how
[12:05] <Crazy teitoku> Er I meant using drums to get buckets
[12:05] <Crazy teitoku> lel typo.
[12:05] <Alexanderex> LOL
[12:06] <Alexanderex> my brain nearly cannot compute
[12:06] <Alexanderex> ahh it's all RNG i guess
[12:06] <Crazy teitoku> <span class="me-username">* <span>Crazy teitoku</span></span> blames on qu33k for making him tired.
[12:06] <Crazy teitoku> lel XD
[12:06] <Alexanderex> unless that guy tried maximum drums with 150 sorties to exp6
[12:06] <Crazy teitoku> no idea really.
[12:06] <Alexanderex> hmmphs
[12:06] <Alexanderex> I guess they won;t implement too much goodies using drums
[12:07] <ArcticaFrost> Qu33333333333k
[12:07] <Crazy teitoku> Probably not
[12:07] <ArcticaFrost> My love, my man, my hero!
[12:07] <Blasterion> YAY
[12:07] <Blasterion> MY FIRST CA KAI NI
[12:07] <Alexanderex> don't disturb qu33k, i just stabbed him with 140$ pure caffeine
[12:07] <Qu33k> FINALLY! a boss
[12:07] <Alexanderex> 140%*
[12:07] <Tohoseiryu> My Maya is lvl 32, good 3-2A takes forever
[12:07] <Alexanderex> quick, Qu33k. let the caffeine do the work
[12:08] <Alexanderex> >quick, Qu33k.
[12:08] <Alexanderex> lel
[12:08] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> strikes Hero Pose for Frost
[12:08] <Alexanderex> say 'quick, Qu33k' 10 times
[12:08] <ArcticaFrost> MY HERO!
[12:08] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> quacks quickly
[12:08] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 qu33k gets all jittery like hell.
[12:08] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> quakes quietly
[12:09] <Gensui Hime> Chat logs going strong for almost 5 hours now
[12:09] <Gensui Hime> Huehue
[12:09] <Alexanderex> 'Quick, Qu33k. Quack and quake'
[12:09] <Alexanderex> ^ say that 10 times
[12:09] <Crazy teitoku> Oh so that JS issue with the chatlogbot fixed?
[12:09] <Qu33k> lol
[12:10] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> would just like to point out that the sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick.
[12:11] <Gensui Hime> m8 no tounge twisters
[12:11] <Qu33k> hehehe
[12:11] <Gensui Hime> fug
[12:11] <Tohoseiryu> I need Yamato nao
[12:11] <Crazy teitoku> LSC nao
[12:11] <Tohoseiryu> kk
[12:11] <Qu33k> as a teen, that was supposedly the worst tongue twister in the English language
[12:11] <Crazy teitoku> lel kidding
[12:11] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 your res goes down.
[12:11] <Qu33k> so I practiced it until I could say it cold
[12:12] <Qu33k> just for the lolz
[12:12] <Tohoseiryu> after Kiso Kai Ni
[12:12] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[12:12] <Qu33k> (not that lolz existed then)
[12:12] <ArcticaFrost> DJ
[12:12] <ArcticaFrost> DJ
[12:12] <ArcticaFrost> DJ!
[12:13] <Hossinator> I CAN DO IT TO!
[12:13] <Hossinator> we need some music
[12:13] <Hossinator> DJ
[12:13] <EchoHolic> Are we spamming to crash the chatlogger
[12:14] <Tohoseiryu> I'm greedy http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_seaplane_carrier_Nisshin
[12:14] <Hossinator> only on weekends
[12:14] <ArcticaFrost> DJ IN THE HOUSE!
[12:14] <WanWan101> ;3
[12:14] <Qu33k> Blaster, what CA did you Kai Ni?
[12:14] <Qu33k> Toho, I would love to see Nisshin in-game
[12:14] <Qu33k> just to see what the devs do with her
[12:15] <Tohoseiryu> I want her cuz I want to marry a seaplane tender
[12:15] <Qu33k> she was a very important ship in the Solomons
[12:15] <Qu33k> fast enough for Tokyo Express
[12:15] <Qu33k> and big enough to carry large equipment
[12:16] <Qu33k> like tanks and artillery
[12:16] <Alexanderex> ^
[12:16] <Qu33k> that the DDs could not
[12:16] <Alexanderex> inb4 special effect is to refuel and resupply in the middle of a sortie
[12:16] <Qu33k> built in res bonus on expeditions?
[12:16] <Alexanderex> > refuel right before boss battle
> kek
[12:16] <Flonnaru> that would mean there might be more then 4 battle nodes
[12:17] <Alexanderex> gg
[12:17] <Alexanderex> i actually don't want that LOL
[12:17] <Alexanderex> ah well
[12:17] <Qu33k> counts as equipped with drums without using slots?
[12:17] <Alexanderex> ok it's 8, time to pack up from workplace
[12:17] <Tohoseiryu> Isn't the next event Solomons? 
[12:17] <Crazy teitoku> Devs won't happily gives us any of those until we get all salty first.
[12:17] <Tohoseiryu> ...
[12:17] <Qu33k> no idea what next Event is
[12:17] <Alexanderex> e-5 hard mode boss DROP
[12:17] <Alexanderex> gg good game
[12:17] <Qu33k> no info has been released, other than that there will be one
[12:17] <Crazy teitoku> E-6 boss mode after fleet locks.
[12:17] <WanWan101> ggwp
[12:17] <Raozaqwe> next patch have new kai ni for dd ?
[12:17] <Tohoseiryu> I'd still get it first run and you know it'
[12:17] <Qu33k> and mention of a non-German BB
[12:18] <Alexanderex> > after ship locks
[12:18] <ArcticaFrost> Take a look on recent update.
[12:18] <ArcticaFrost> There is a reason for it.
[12:18] <Someguyjumping> didnt it just say foreign? so not necessarily non-german?
[12:18] <Tohoseiryu> > DDs only
[12:18] <Alexanderex> w0t
[12:18] <Alexanderex> DDs only with ship locks
[12:18] <Alexanderex> time to get a second poi
[12:18] <Tohoseiryu> BB Hime 
[12:18] <Crazy teitoku> It was apart from German supposedly.
[12:18] <Tohoseiryu> All 6 ships
[12:18] <Qu33k> what's gonna be funny is the moans from the Arghos of the world, when they see the AA rating of an Italian BB
[12:18] <Alexanderex> BB hime isn't that bad
[12:18] <Alexanderex> installation is worse
[12:19] <Alexanderex> because no torps
[12:19] <Qu33k> they were horribly undergunned for the job
[12:19] <Raozaqwe> is italy axis ?
[12:19] <Alexanderex> yes
[12:19] <Crazy teitoku> use those rockets from yuu lel.
[12:19] <Tohoseiryu> Combined fleet
[12:19] <Crazy teitoku> yes.
[12:19] <Alexanderex> only 2 lel 
[12:19] <Alexanderex> 6 torps to a BB > 2 rockets to installation
[12:19] <Someguyjumping> i keep forgetting, whats the double attack setup for DD again?
[12:19] <Alexanderex> 2 guns no extra weapon
[12:19] <Crazy teitoku> Well, one rocket is better than none :>
[12:19] <Alexanderex> and by weapon i mean gun or torp
[12:19] <ArcticaFrost> I hope it's going to be a cheap BB in drift
[12:19] <Qu33k> a USN DD had more AA barrels than some of the Italian BBs
[12:20] <Alexanderex> lol
[12:20] <Tohoseiryu> blood for the blood god
[12:20] <Someguyjumping> so just 2 10cm high angle?
[12:20] <Flonnaru> [[Combat#Day Battle Special Attacks .28Artillery Spotting.29]]
[12:20] <Alexanderex> salt for the salt god
[12:20] <ArcticaFrost> Hey
[12:20] <ArcticaFrost> HEY
[12:20] <Alexanderex> + 1 non-weapon
[12:20] <ArcticaFrost> GUYS
[12:20] <ArcticaFrost> There is a wiki
[12:20] <Someguyjumping> sweet thanks
[12:20] <Alexanderex> radar works fine
[12:20] <ArcticaFrost> For that solo reason to check around.
[12:20] <Tohoseiryu> So?
[12:20] <Alexanderex> lel
[12:20] <Alexanderex> ...
[12:20] <Someguyjumping> the wiki and the forum seem to have some conflicting info
[12:20] <Tohoseiryu> This is a chat for said wiki
[12:20] <Someguyjumping> so i figure i double check
[12:20] <Alexanderex> read the wiki only, it's more informative
[12:21] <ArcticaFrost> Probably me that is getting cynical.
[12:21] <Raozaqwe> ya
[12:21] <Alexanderex> forums is more of speculations and data-testing
[12:21] <Tohoseiryu> It is
[12:21] <Alexanderex> that's where all the "testing" goes to
[12:21] <ArcticaFrost> There is a fine like to ask simple question and advance question.
[12:21] <Qu33k> Blood for the Blood Goat!
[12:21] <Alexanderex> go to wiki for more refined and established info
[12:21] <EchoHolic> We should auto kick anyone with a default avatar
[12:21] <Someguyjumping> wow, a warhammer reference
[12:21] <Raozaqwe> all the data is from player's test right ?
[12:21] <Someguyjumping> havnt seen those in a while
[12:21] <Raozaqwe> or the dev ?
[12:21] <EchoHolic> But that's just me being mean
[12:21] <Alexanderex> a mix
[12:22] <Someguyjumping> ...., ill go change avatar then
[12:22] <Hossinator> Andrea Doria
[12:22] <ArcticaFrost> The info is normally reliable.
[12:22] <YasenSuki> :p 
[12:22] <Hossinator> thats the BB
[12:22] <Hossinator> we might get
[12:22] <Alexanderex> alright, home is calling, my computer waifu wants me
[12:22] <Tohoseiryu> tbf most wiki comments now are new ttks worshiping ONLy the German navy and saying who "x ship could beat y Japanese counterpart" 
[12:22] <EchoHolic> To me, it feels like people who have a blank avatar are people who just created an account to ask chat instead of searching the wiki
[12:22] <ArcticaFrost> Really? I think most comments is about how awesome german ships look.
[12:22] <EchoHolic> No offense if that isn't the case
[12:22] <ArcticaFrost> And not about vs this and that.
[12:22] <Raozaqwe> aww :( 
[12:23] <Tohoseiryu> I've seen some shitty ones
[12:23] <Crazy teitoku> @Alex cya
[12:23] <Qu33k> The Germans had some good ships
[12:23] <Qu33k> but so did Japan
[12:23] <Tohoseiryu> Maybe that was the Youtube comments 
[12:23] <EchoHolic> But really we're happy to help to clarify info, not explain from the ground up
[12:23] <Qu33k> would depend on the class
[12:23] <Qu33k> DDs would be all IJN
[12:23] <Qu33k> heavy cruisers would be an interesting match-up
[12:23] <Tohoseiryu> DDs would be USN
[12:24] <Tohoseiryu> rrek'd
[12:24] <Qu33k> Bis would eat any of the IJN older BBs, but lose horribly to Yamato
[12:24] <ArcticaFrost> In that case, everything would be USN
[12:24] <Raozaqwe> they're not gonna add us ship
[12:24] <Crazy teitoku> They will, as an abyss fleet.
[12:24] <Tohoseiryu> [FREEDOM INTENSIFIES]
[12:24] <Crazy teitoku> ship even.
[12:24] <Raozaqwe> right
[12:24] <Tohoseiryu> There is already one US ship
[12:24] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> watches someguyfalling
[12:24] <Tohoseiryu> Prinz 
[12:25] <Raozaqwe> ?
[12:25] <Someguyjumping> still here
[12:25] <Crazy teitoku> Prinz is German.
[12:25] <Someguyjumping> for now
[12:25] <Qu33k> Toho, that's actually correct, 
[12:25] <Crazy teitoku> wut..
[12:25] <Qu33k> she was given a USN # briefly before the atomic tests
[12:25] <Tohoseiryu> At the end of the war, Prinz was commissioned by the USN as a miscellaneous vessel 
[12:25] <WanWan101> ^
[12:25] <Crazy teitoku> So was Nagato?
[12:25] <Tohoseiryu> Nope
[12:25] <Qu33k> so the Soviets didn't know about us having her
[12:26] <Qu33k> basically
[12:26] <Raozaqwe> Abyssal is kinda like a mix of sunken ijn ship and us ship.
[12:26] <ArcticaFrost> Mixed of everything
[12:26] <Someguyjumping> and since im from aus, i gotta mention ABDA
[12:26] <Qu33k> yup!
[12:26] <Kurokami Ryu> Hey guys.
[12:26] <ArcticaFrost> Don't forget RN
[12:26] <Qu33k> that Event wasn't hidden at all
[12:26] <Qu33k> o7 Houston and Perth
[12:27] <Crazy teitoku> Yeah but just because Prinz was US ship, she still isn't a proper US ship. It is kind of like Kongou being built in England or whatever but remains as IJN ship.
[12:27] <Crazy teitoku> @Ryu hi
[12:27] <Qu33k> CrayTTK, quit muddying the waters with facts
[12:27] <Qu33k> this is chat, after all
[12:27] <Qu33k> :-p 
[12:27] <WanWan101> lol
[12:27] <Crazy teitoku> Eh, someone was pointing out facts before then :p 
[12:27] <Tohoseiryu> Kongou was never commissioned by the RN tho. 
[12:28] <Raozaqwe> whats Rn ?
[12:28] <Hossinator> hey
[12:28] <Tohoseiryu> She was always intended to be an IJN ship
[12:28] <Crazy teitoku> Royal Navy
[12:28] <Hossinator> its a caboose
[12:28] <Hossinator> hi caboose
[12:28] <WanWan101> hi caboose o/
[12:28] <Crazy teitoku> Yes, even though she was built in England.
[12:28] <Tohoseiryu> Prinz became the USS Prinz Eugune
[12:29] <Qu33k> also, obligatory 
[12:29] <ArcticaFrost> Hey guys, ships is build my humans :O
[12:29] <ArcticaFrost> HUMAN NATION OP
[12:29] <Qu33k> what's an Aussie's favorite shipgirl?
[12:29] <ArcticaFrost> BETTER NUKE THEM
[12:29] <Raozaqwe> wut ?
[12:29] <Qu33k> Ooi! Ooi! Ooi!
[12:29] <Someguyjumping> *leaves*
[12:29] <Kurokami Ryu> Kongo was built for the IJN. She never was intended to be a RN ship.
[12:29] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> giggles
[12:29] <Qu33k> sorry, someguyjumping
[12:29] <Kurokami Ryu> Just to mention that. :v
[12:29] <ArcticaFrost> I want a pig battleship
[12:29] <Qu33k> just had to go there
[12:29] <ArcticaFrost> Bacon strip armour.
[12:29] <Tohoseiryu> I want Shinyo
[12:30] <Crazy teitoku> That was already mentioned earlier @Ryu lel.
[12:30] <Someguyjumping> so uuh... how long it take for u to think of that, cause i wouldnt have in a year
[12:30] <Crazy teitoku> Speaking of Aus, they are like going to get Japanese subs lel.
[12:30] <Someguyjumping> my meat pies and BBQs are lacking
[12:30] <ArcticaFrost> Nomnomnom
[12:30] <Qu33k> SGJ, I came up with that ages ago
[12:30] <Tohoseiryu> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_aircraft_carrier_Shin%27y%C5%8D
[12:30] <Tohoseiryu> nao pl0x
[12:30] <Qu33k> first time we had an Aussie in chat
[12:30] <Someguyjumping> well then, u came well prepared
[12:30] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> bows
[12:31] <Someguyjumping> *pachi pachi pachi*
[12:31] <Qu33k> silliness is a hobby of mine
[12:31] <Someguyjumping> (soon as i figure out how to type that differently, ill keep using asteriks)
[12:31] <Qu33k> type /me
[12:31] <Crazy teitoku> /me
[12:31] <Qu33k> and the action
[12:31] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> dooks around the chatroom
[12:31] <Someguyjumping> ahhh, thank you both very much
[12:31] <Crazy teitoku> (na) (no ) (de) (su) (nanodesu) 
[12:32] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolling around
[12:32] <Someguyjumping> woulda look at the time, its time to prepare-for-exams-while-leveling-ships-o'clock
[12:32] <ArcticaFrost> Just for you qu33k http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956365
[12:32] <Someguyjumping> im off, have a good night all
[12:32] <Crazy teitoku> night
[12:32] <WanWan101> gnite
[12:32] <WanWan101> what a weird name
[12:32] <Kurokami Ryu> Yamato
[12:32] <Kurokami Ryu> <3 
[12:32] <Kurokami Ryu> Big girl
[12:33] <ArcticaFrost> < Leg fetish
[12:33] <WanWan101> you got Yamato already Kuro?
[12:33] <Qu33k> dang, that Katori
[12:33] <Qu33k> and thanks, AF!
[12:33] <Tohoseiryu> Hatsuyuki~
[12:34] <Tohoseiryu> My first ever Waifu~
[12:34] <Crazy teitoku> lel that RJ
[12:34] <Kurokami Ryu> ....
[12:34] <ArcticaFrost> np king Qu33k
[12:34] <Kurokami Ryu> No.
[12:34] <Qu33k> and DANG that Nagara booty
[12:34] <Kurokami Ryu> <_<
[12:34] <Shizen144> There is this guy... [[World 2: %E5%8D%97%E8%A5%BF%E8%AB%B8%E5%B3%B6%E6%B5%B7%E5%9F%9F?cb=8311#comm-206210|World 2: 南西諸島海域?cb=8311#comm-206210]]
[12:34] <WanWan101> no worries Kuro
[12:34] <Shizen144> Not sure...what to say...
[12:34] <Qu33k> my game day has been "interesting"
[12:34] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> only got yamato and musashi in his dream
[12:34] <Qu33k> 32 transports, 3 bosses
[12:35] <ArcticaFrost> Want me to delete it?
[12:36] <Kurokami Ryu> Farming 1-5 is perfectly fine....
[12:36] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[12:36] <Kurokami Ryu> ...just don't kill the boss.
[12:36] <Crazy teitoku> Subcheesing too imo.
[12:36] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[12:36] <Shizen144> I know, but how can newbie knows that :v
[12:36] <Tohoseiryu> I want Hatsuyuki Kai Ni :c
[12:37] <Stymphalian> farm the boss gave me Iku, twice
[12:37] <Qu33k> di, I just got Shioi out of the bay, and first shot dings her
[12:37] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> flips tables
[12:37] <Stymphalian> so i guess farming 1-5 boss is legit
[12:37] <Crazy teitoku> At least you got sea oil
[12:37] <Hossinator> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?id=8711&type=all
[12:37] <Hossinator> more from that artist
[12:37] <Crazy teitoku> I tried sea oil recipe twice, first was yamashiro and the other was fusouo
[12:37] <Shizen144> New Maya voice is badass
[12:37] <Kurokami Ryu> Anyway... HQ leveling probaly isn't a problem anymore now.
[12:37] <Shizen144> only in EO
[12:37] <Raozaqwe> 1-5 last node give how much exp ?
[12:37] <Crazy teitoku> fusou*
[12:37] <Raozaqwe> not 150 ?
[12:37] <Shizen144> 1000
[12:38] <Shizen144> or something
[12:38] <Raozaqwe> oh shit
[12:38] <Shizen144> Yep'
[12:38] <Kurokami Ryu> xD
[12:39] <Shizen144> DD cosplaying Katori https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1951548
[12:39] <Kurokami Ryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_J-tXtAXbc
[12:40] <Shizen144> almost cliked yasen...
[12:40] <Shizen144> on subs
[12:40] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[12:41] <Shizen144> Wait...Unryuu is Taihai anyway...
[12:41] <Kurokami Ryu> You want to die that much? :V
[12:41] <Shizen144> F*ck
[12:43] <Zel-melon> I was wondering why the chat is so quiet >.>
[12:43] <Flonnaru> wb zel
[12:43] <Tohoseiryu> My Hatsuyuki never tries :c
[12:43] <Tohoseiryu> No cut ins 4 me :c
[12:43] <Crazy teitoku> @Zel wb
[12:44] <Faeriedust> o.o
[12:44] <Zel-melon> I am bach
[12:44] <Shizen144> Hatsushimo lv 56
[12:44] <Kurokami Ryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSv3KCrTv1g
[12:44] <Flonnaru> play us a tune then zel
[12:44] <Kurokami Ryu> wb
[12:44] <Qu33k> zel is the Piano Man?
[12:44] <Crazy teitoku> 瑞鳳 http://tsundora.com/110302
[12:45] <YasenSuki> lol, queek
[12:45] <Shizen144> https://yande.re/post/show/308374
Some good Touhou pic
[12:45] <Shizen144> One
[12:45] <Crazy teitoku> 瑞鳳 http://tsundora.com/110302
[12:45] <Crazy teitoku> oh crap same link :x
[12:45] <Zel-melon> very well, I shall perform "Prelude in Hue Major"
[12:46] <Qu33k> something very cute, inspired by a series of KC pics: https://41.media.tumblr.com/8c5670ca6020cea52ae018d740a0e9e1/tumblr_nlc2eosp9x1qjcdw9o4_540.jpg
[12:46] <Crazy teitoku> http://tsundora.com/116913 瑞鳳
[12:46] <Zel-melon> Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE 
[12:46] <Qu33k> Atago's book shelf: https://41.media.tumblr.com/9b98d2bfeac9ecab5e4749b112334dba/tumblr_nlcwmdPSRl1u0u5h4o1_540.jpg
[12:46] <Zel-melon> Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE (bucket) (bucket) Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE Hue huehueHUEhueHueHUE 
[12:46] <YasenSuki> ....
[12:47] <Flonnaru> the mordekaiser in zel
[12:47] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> bows
[12:47] <ArcticaFrost> Boing Boing
[12:47] <Qu33k> for Shizenpoi: https://40.media.tumblr.com/a284268e5bd414acef1ddd6674a0b2ef/tumblr_nlcuw03jhz1t6w08xo1_540.png
[12:47] <Qu33k> nsfw for Shizenpoi: https://40.media.tumblr.com/4f2326084e8dd700ccc2df3de94be5d1/tumblr_nlctwgb4mW1uob1z3o1_540.jpg
[12:48] <WanWan101> ;3
[12:48] <Shizen144> I have seen better :v https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955393 (nsfw)
[12:49] <Qu33k> sfw for ShizenPoi: https://41.media.tumblr.com/8a20455ee389593b34620da77f11b6bf/tumblr_nlcnxtR5S31rwtmy3o1_r1_540.png
[12:49] <Qu33k> and for the Murakumo fans, bikini: https://40.media.tumblr.com/51d1669b2abc1e299835147a9ceca2d7/tumblr_nlcn1dbNnZ1tv8bipo1_540.png
[12:49] <Zel-melon> I still believe this is the best NSFW poi I've seen: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1942766?tags=yuudachi_%28kantai_collection%29
[12:50] <Shizen144> You forgot the badass Yuudachi https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1954830
[12:51] <Dragonjet> what do we do now
[12:51] <Kurokami Ryu> I find zels link to be more interesting.
[12:52] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[12:52] <Shizen144> Depends on your taste 
[12:52] <Shizen144> I like girl that is a bit embrassed 
[12:53] <Kurokami Ryu> Actually more because of the artstyle than personal taste.
[12:53] <Kurokami Ryu> A naked ribbon would be fine too.
[12:53] <Kurokami Ryu> hehe...
[12:53] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> flutteryays
[12:54] <Qu33k> boss #4
[12:54] <Gensui Hime> yo DJ
[12:54] <Gensui Hime> CDRW replied to my comment
[12:54] <Gensui Hime> [[Message Wall:CDRW]]
[12:54] <Shizen144> Some time you just want so yuri https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1531885
[12:54] <Shizen144> nsfw
[12:54] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> facepalms
[12:54] <Qu33k> fraggin' Chi takes two subgirls to orange
[12:55] <Dragonjet> i dont see cdrw's reply
[12:56] <Dragonjet> its arte who replied
[12:56] <Kurokami Ryu> ^
[12:56] <Crazy teitoku> 加賀 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/141414
[12:56] <Qu33k> mmm, ShiggyPoi yuri
[12:56] <Gensui Hime> oh lol
[12:56] <Gensui Hime> my bad
[12:56] <Kurokami Ryu> Gensui you need some glasses
[12:56] <Gensui Hime> let me restate that
[12:56] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[12:56] <Qu33k> showah time
[12:56] <Qu33k> bbl
[12:57] <Gensui Hime> ARTERIA responded to MY comment on CDRW's wall
[12:57] <Gensui Hime> fml
[12:57] <YasenSuki> o/
[12:57] <Shizen144> Just don't give a f*ck Gensui
[12:57] <Shizen144> you needa learn that :v
[12:57] <EchoHolic> He's a regular editor but he's a dick lol
[12:58] <EchoHolic> I just caught up with the drama
[12:58] <Shizen144> Every one is a dick at some point
[12:58] <Crazy teitoku> 北方棲姫 http://tsundora.com/139555
[12:58] <Shizen144> I'm also a dick when I'm bored :v
[12:58] <Kurokami Ryu> No shizen
[12:59] <Kurokami Ryu> You're a futa
[12:59] <EchoHolic> It's because his attitude has the airs of "Everyone in this place is fucking useless and must I do everything right around here"
[12:59] <Shizen144> seriously Ryu
[12:59] <ArcticaFrost> https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/c2/0d/a1/c20da1b2f1f0462f144615d131dbd11d.jpg
[12:59] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1956359?tags=kantai_collection
[01:00] <Zel-melon> I thought you guys got over this after that Front-page design argument?
[01:01] <Crazy teitoku> 夕立 http://tsundora.com/139538
[01:01] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1956253?tags=kantai_collection
[01:01] <ArcticaFrost> You got?
[01:01] <ArcticaFrost> Echo
[01:01] <ArcticaFrost> Skype
[01:01] <ArcticaFrost> Zel toooooooo
[01:02] <Zel-melon> can't, this com's mic is busted
[01:02] <Zel-melon> oh wait...I don't usually talk anyways 
[01:02] <Zel-melon> brb getting on
[01:02] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[01:03] <Crazy teitoku> 雷 http://tsundora.com/137365
[01:03] <EchoHolic> I'm still at work
[01:03] <EchoHolic> i'll be back home in an hour
[01:03] <Shizen144> for murakumo fan https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955940
[01:05] <Kurokami Ryu> "Where are you looking at?!"
[01:05] <Kurokami Ryu> is what she says
[01:05] <Kurokami Ryu> :) 
[01:05] <Shizen144> Wow...this f*cker https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1794387
[01:06] <Crazy teitoku> 摩耶 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/131022
[01:06] <ArcticaFrost> KIMADO!
[01:06] <ArcticaFrost> MOMMY!
[01:06] <Gensui Hime> Wat
[01:07] <Dragonjet> somebody is hacking the chat
[01:07] <Caboose10032> haxor pls go
[01:07] <Gensui Hime> What makes you say that
[01:07] <ArcticaFrost> Mommy mommy, daddy is here.
[01:07] <Kurokami Ryu> ôO
[01:07] <ArcticaFrost> Are you both going to wee wee together?
[01:07] <Admiral Mikado> Say what now, DJ=!=
[01:07] <Admiral Mikado> ?!?
[01:07] <Caboose10032> looks like someone stole AF's account
[01:08] <Kurokami Ryu> Nah...
[01:08] <Kurokami Ryu> That's perfectly normal for him.
[01:08] <Admiral Mikado> AF is as insane as usual...
[01:08] <ArcticaFrost> But mommy, daddy, i want a little brother!
[01:08] <CreamX> :v
[01:08] <WanWan101> :o
[01:08] <Crazy teitoku> wut :x
[01:08] <YasenSuki> :p 
[01:09] <Zel-melon> I think one AF is enough
[01:09] <Dragonjet> in truth, AF wants a little sister
[01:09] <Crazy teitoku> lel DJ
[01:09] <Dragonjet> imouto action
[01:09] <Gensui Hime> nah
[01:09] <Gensui Hime> we all know he wants +1 on the malestorm
[01:09] <Zel-melon> so jet support incest?
[01:09] <ArcticaFrost> NSFW http://new2.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Quot+revolution+quot+with+my+penis+to+_b06cbead90d5455859520232c9e1dee9.jpg
[01:09] <Kurokami Ryu> ...
[01:09] <Gensui Hime> wow
[01:09] <Zel-melon> ...
[01:10] <Zel-melon> I'll go clean my eye
[01:10] <Gensui Hime> inb4 goin too far
[01:10] <Harunadesu> [[Category:Wreck discovered]]
[01:10] <Harunadesu> what is dis...
[01:10] <Harunadesu> is it even needed lol
[01:10] <Zel-melon> plz Harune, we got Category: Megane a while ago
[01:10] <Harunadesu> oh
[01:10] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1956191?tags=kantai_collection nsfw
[01:10] <Harunadesu> lul
[01:10] <Gensui Hime> >implying every other ship hasn't been discovered
[01:10] <Gensui Hime> rip
[01:10] <Harunadesu> yep
[01:10] <Harunadesu> xD

[01:11] <EchoHolic> male storn
[01:11] <EchoHolic> *storm
[01:11] <Crazy teitoku> Also the page lacks co-ordinates of other sunk ships.
[01:11] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1956330?pool_id=9738
[01:11] <EchoHolic> FF Type 0 + Battlefield Hardline release day
[01:11] <EchoHolic> Today sucksssss
[01:11] <EchoHolic> Far too busy for my liking lol
[01:12] <Zel-melon> Meatspin: http://i.imgur.com/lGlJ1.gif
[01:12] <ArcticaFrost> Spooky http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--dsR166cz--/19e4ydhlnglfkjpg.jpg
[01:13] <Harunadesu> [08:03] <McDerp> MY EAR
[01:13] <Crazy teitoku> 明石 (lewd) http://tsundora.com/129154
[01:14] <Zel-melon> I found Ooyodo to be more lewd than Akashi
[01:14] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1955548?tags=taigei_%28kantai_collection%29 nsfw
[01:14] <ArcticaFrost> Skyrim
[01:14] <Tohoseiryu> *Still fan boying over Hatsuyuki* 
[01:14] <Harunadesu> everyone is lewd
[01:14] <ArcticaFrost> There is more porn than game content.
[01:15] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1915905?tags=taigei_%28kantai_collection%29 nsfw
[01:15] <Zel-melon> rule 34
[01:15] <Harunadesu> anyone reading chatlog for fun?
[01:15] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1925456?tags=taigei_%28kantai_collection%29
[01:16] <Zel-melon> chatlog is filled with (bucket) and derplazer
[01:16] <Harunadesu> it was sealed :>
[01:16] <Gensui Hime> before I go turn on the laundry
[01:16] <Gensui Hime> thats not what chatlog is for :^)
[01:16] <Harunadesu> lol
[01:16] <Crazy teitoku> ビスマルクとプリンツオイゲン http://tsundora.com/128797
[01:16] <Admiral Mikado> Why is the chatlog freely accessable in the first place? :V
[01:17] <Gensui Hime> Okay back
[01:17] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1902227?tags=taigei_%28kantai_collection%29 nsfw
[01:17] <Gensui Hime> because I can't exactly set page view permissions
[01:17] <Gensui Hime> and saving logs to a local file is... hard
[01:17] <Gensui Hime> besides then only I'd see it
[01:18] <Enferlain> hio
[01:18] <WanWan101> ;3
[01:18] <Shizen144> Hatsushimo lv 58
[01:18] <CreamX> o/
[01:18] <Shizen144> that was fast
[01:19] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1871480?pool_id=9489
[01:19] <Zel-melon> One day, Maruyu will get Kai ni
[01:20] <WanWan101> ^
[01:20] <Shizen144> 50 more sortie...
[01:20] <Kurokami Ryu> And still be useless.
[01:20] <Crazy teitoku> and like 1.8+ luck modifier lel
[01:20] <Crazy teitoku> ^
[01:20] <Zel-melon> Hatsushimo kai2 is 70 isn't it? I don't think you can reach that with 50 sorties from 58
[01:21] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[01:21] <Kurokami Ryu> Shizen failed
[01:21] <Kurokami Ryu> By 10 levels.
[01:22] <Shizen144> I do 4-3
[01:22] <Shizen144> so 2 battle per sortie
[01:22] <Shizen144> = divided in 
[01:22] <Shizen144> 2
[01:22] <Crazy teitoku> Here, for maruyu fans (lewd, nsfw) http://tsundora.com/152435
[01:22] <Intelman> holy shit, this new mikawa quest sucks balls
[01:23] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> not even trying to do that mikawa quest
[01:23] <Intelman> that red elite CA on the first node Taiha'd someone in 10 runs straight
[01:25] <Zel-melon> oh, my bad then
[01:25] <Zel-melon> well...good luck and don't go to J node :) 
[01:25] <Shizen144> I gone to that J node
[01:26] <Shizen144> 5 in a row
[01:26] <Intelman> @Wanwan lol
[01:26] <ArcticaFrost> PRINS KORV CRUISER!
[01:26] <Intelman> yeah, not a requirement for anything
[01:26] <ArcticaFrost> AT YOUR SERVICE!
[01:26] <Intelman> so I'll leave it be
[01:26] <YasenSuki> which one is mikawa quest?
[01:26] <WanWan101> @intel my mikawa fleet all below lv20... =3=)
[01:26] <Intelman> ^the same
[01:26] <Intelman> except Tenryuu
[01:26] <Intelman> 24
[01:27] <Intelman> perhaps they should be Kai first
[01:27] <WanWan101> too lazy to level them =3=)
[01:27] <WanWan101> maybe after Maya kai-ni
[01:28] <Intelman> my subs took revenge for them
[01:28] <Shizen144> Maya recived Kai NI https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955627
[01:29] <Hossinator> got some grate new images for script later
[01:29] <Kurokami Ryu> Kai is not needed for quests, I'm doing Bm1 with level 20 ships. :P 
[01:29] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/2-5myoukous6gj0x.jpg
[01:29] <Intelman> Maya Brea
[01:29] <Dragonjet> washi washi
[01:30] <WanWan101> @kuro lv20 ships is much better than the lv10 ships :3
[01:30] <Zel-melon> why are you searching pictures of sausage being sliced...
[01:30] <Shizen144> F*cking Ri-class
[01:31] <Shizen144> And Maruyu heavy damage...
[01:31] <Shizen144> Taihai Kiso
[01:31] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/gallery/ry8VVTO
[01:31] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> drools
[01:31] <Shizen144> that a CL Taihai Maruyu
[01:32] <ArcticaFrost> No more falukorv for you guys!
[01:32] <Hossinator> http://www.saltlickbbq.com/
[01:33] <Zel-melon> UxDechi? http://www.donmai.us/posts/1956418?tags=kantai_collection
[01:34] <Shizen144> More Kagawife https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955618
[01:35] <Qu33k> https://41.media.tumblr.com/2ca90dd58cbf40f62e46aef5f2e9ab00/tumblr_nlcdr8Fnby1t85s2ro1_540.jpg
[01:35] <Qu33k> danke!
[01:35] <Kurokami Ryu> Too bad Mikado is afk.
[01:35] <Kurokami Ryu> But he probably has seen it already anyway.
[01:36] <Qu33k> mmm, poizza: https://40.media.tumblr.com/969ec7ddb1e0c2ed823790b164093802/tumblr_nlcbekCsOL1u09uvmo1_540.jpg
[01:36] <Qu33k> oo!
[01:36] <Qu33k> Murakumo, skimpy China dress: https://40.media.tumblr.com/a50e75ff70410b306c4837ad60415fcc/tumblr_nlcaihmS7j1t0fzj9o1_540.png
[01:37] <Stymphalian> what
[01:38] <Stymphalian> happen while i'm dota?
[01:38] <ArcticaFrost> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q86Rn4jETVk
[01:38] <Zel-melon> link dumping
[01:38] <WanWan101> u dota?
[01:38] <Shizen144> Shigure china dress http://www.donmai.us/posts/1952597
[01:38] <Stymphalian> safebooru.donmai.us/posts/random?tags=kantai_collection
[01:38] <Stymphalian> :| 
[01:39] <Shizen144> http://
[01:39] <Zel-melon> I didn't play dota since Oracle was released...
[01:39] <Stymphalian> http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/random?tags=kantai_collection
[01:39] <Stymphalian> random button, KanColle ver
[01:39] <WanWan101> lol oracle is outdated now
[01:39] <Stymphalian> let the link dump begin
[01:39] <Zel-melon> well now that wyrm is out...
[01:39] <Stymphalian> http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/1807923?tags=kantai_collection
[01:39] <Shizen144> KTKM X Ooi china dress http://www.donmai.us/posts/1710809
[01:40] <WanWan101> winter... never tried dat hero
[01:40] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> flutteryays at Boss #5
[01:40] <Zel-melon> he's fun from my experience in DotA
[01:41] <WanWan101> winter's ult + the likes of Enigma or seer's vaccuum
[01:41] <WanWan101> gg
[01:41] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> update his dota
[01:41] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> dont play Dota for a year
[01:42] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> is a great Meepo player :3
[01:42] <Shizen144> <span class="me-username">* <span>Shizen144</span></span> can't even play LOL
[01:42] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> used to play meepo
[01:42] <Stymphalian> fix one thing: LOL is harder than DOTA in some part
[01:42] <Zel-melon> I think the best I've seen is someone using Winter's ult + Tresdin Ult
[01:42] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> love meepo airstike method
[01:42] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> plays LoL too
[01:43] <Flonnaru> green T first node,flagship Ri looks at almost full hp shoukaku,shoukaku taiha
[01:43] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1953598?tags=kitakami_%28kantai_collection%29
[01:43] <YasenSuki> haha
[01:43] <YasenSuki> FS taiha 1 st node
[01:43] <YasenSuki> nice
[01:43] <Stymphalian> dota have 1 map, lol have like, 5 or 6
[01:43] <Blasterion> oh man Haguro Kai Ni is so perfect
[01:43] <Flonnaru> 3 maps
[01:43] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> waiting for puj wars
[01:44] <Shizen144> You want KTKM X Ooi? http://www.donmai.us/posts/1555139
[01:44] <Zel-melon> LoL has like...the meta map...the dominion-waht thing...the mid-lane map...the 3v3 map...and one more?
[01:44] <Stymphalian> pudge war is available
[01:44] <WanWan101> wait, is it?
[01:44] <Flonnaru> the aram map
[01:44] <ArcticaFrost> POOONTAH!
[01:44] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> never plays pudge wars in all his dota career
[01:44] <Zel-melon> oh yeah
[01:44] <Stymphalian> random button, kancolle version
[01:45] <Flonnaru> the 1on1 map,but it was only temporally 
[01:45] <WanWan101> well, i'll stick to LP games
[01:45] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> heads to 4-3 in hopes of transports along with sub-kills
[01:45] <Zel-melon> Random map result: http://safebooru.donmai.us/posts/1547344?tags=kantai_collection
[01:45] <Stymphalian> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1547344?tags=kantai_collection
[01:45] <Stymphalian> here you go
[01:46] <Stymphalian> fixed
[01:46] <Zel-melon> I like to play dota more just because my character doesn't get erase in 1 second like in league
[01:46] <Stymphalian> was using safebooru by default and forgot about it
[01:46] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> still remembers his team crushing defeat (43-0) in tourney
[01:46] <Stymphalian> lol zel
[01:46] <Stymphalian> a team fight last less than 5 seconds in dota
[01:46] <WanWan101> :_3
[01:46] <Flonnaru> what do you mean with erased
[01:47] <YasenSuki> lol, 43-0
[01:47] <WanWan101> yeah its true story, earlier this year
[01:47] <Stymphalian> random result:
[01:47] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> likes to get wiped by Leblanc players
[01:47] <Flonnaru> get magic resist
[01:47] <Zel-melon> they still hit like a truck :v
[01:47] <YasenSuki> whats wrong with the other team
[01:47] <YasenSuki> lol
[01:48] <Flonnaru> you didnt see rengar yet
[01:48] <Stymphalian> then hit them, harder than a truck
[01:48] <Flonnaru> http://imgur.com/HY6F4WO
[01:48] <Zel-melon> I did
[01:48] <Flonnaru> from 2 days ago
[01:48] <Zel-melon> I was there when Rengar was still op, also when vayne was broken
[01:48] <Flonnaru> its bronze division,but still
[01:48] <Qu33k> well that run was just about perfect. No damage taken, and 130 baux at the northern dead end
[01:48] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> don't play LoL for about a year...
[01:48] <Shizen144> I'm bored...
[01:48] <Stymphalian> hit first, hit hard, hit like how they hit your mother
[01:49] <Zel-melon> easy to say, hard to do
[01:49] <Flonnaru> or that one,look at team kills and team supports
[01:49] <Stymphalian> mostly the part "like how they hit your mother"
[01:50] <Zel-melon> "How I hit your mother" 
[01:50] <Zel-melon> new series confirmed
[01:50] <Shizen144> Kaga and Taihou https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955583
[01:51] <YasenSuki> shizen, do you sparkle for 5-3
[01:51] <YasenSuki> ?
[01:52] <Shizen144> nope
[01:52] <Shizen144> And he's gone :v
[01:52] <Zel-melon> Yasen still in 5-3?
[01:52] <Stymphalian> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1557029?tags=kantai_collection
hit random 3 times
[01:52] <Kurokami Ryu> Ask a question
[01:52] <Kurokami Ryu> Leaves
[01:52] <Stymphalian> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1920858?tags=kantai_collection

[01:53] <Stymphalian> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1931535?tags=kantai_collection
[01:53] <Stymphalian> 3 suzuyas
[01:53] <Stymphalian> should i craft suzuya now?
[01:53] <Shizen144> I scrapped Suzuya
[01:53] <YasenSuki> yeah, i am
[01:54] <Shizen144> Nope, I don't sparkle
[01:54] <Zel-melon> how did I clear 5-3 faster than you?
[01:54] <Flonnaru> luck
[01:54] <Kurokami Ryu> RNG
[01:55] <Admiral Mikado> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49119758
[01:55] <YasenSuki> i'm focusing in bucket farming for now
[01:55] <Qu33k> ye godz
[01:55] <Qu33k> level 137 Musashi in flag
[01:56] <Stymphalian> with 99 ships in other slots
[01:56] <Stymphalian> /pray
[01:57] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/1882094?tags=taigei_%28kantai_collection%29
[01:58] <Qu33k> ROFL
[01:59] <Qu33k> get red T, nobody hurts much of anything, go into yasen, getting hammered. Ro-chan cuts in for last shot, and OHK Musashi for a B-rank win
[01:59] <Flonnaru> saiun missing
[01:59] <Stymphalian> you call? http://imgur.com/RzuX6Ta
[01:59] <Vicken> guys, does drum canister only used in expedition?

[02:00] <Kurokami Ryu> wat
[02:00] <Stymphalian> it's also used in some sorties
[02:00] <Qu33k> Vicken, there are some maps that use them for branching
[02:00] <YasenSuki> drum also use for some braching rules
[02:00] <Shizen144> Speaking of drawing http://www.donmai.us/posts/1624686
[02:00] <Stymphalian> routing rules
[02:00] <Qu33k> or required for boss path
[02:00] <Kurokami Ryu> ^
[02:00] <Vicken> Yes I read the braching already
ok ok thanks for the info
[02:01] <Tohoseiryu> Kiso Kai Ni~ HAVE ALL THE YELLOW GUNZ
[02:01] <Kurokami Ryu> They can also get you more resources from nodes.
[02:02] <Kurokami Ryu> But nobody uses that.
[02:02] <Admiral Mikado> But only certain resource nodes
[02:02] <Stymphalian> 1 hour left before nap time
[02:02] <YasenSuki> ohh, certain
[02:02] <Stymphalian> spam exp 1 2 and 3 for dailies :3
[02:02] <Shizen144> what
[02:03] <Admiral Mikado> Meh, I rather spam 2/5/21 for dailies
[02:03] <Stymphalian> 1 hour left
[02:03] <Kurokami Ryu> huh...
[02:03] <Stymphalian> then i take a short nap before sun rise
[02:03] <Tohoseiryu> 12.7 + FD x2 or 15.5 Yellow x2 on Kiso? 
[02:03] <Qu33k> well that worked out well
[02:04] <Qu33k> KTKM gets mvp, hits level 10
[02:04] <Stymphalian> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1930940
[02:04] <Admiral Mikado> 15.5 yellow guns
[02:04] <Qu33k> still one sub hunt left to put some levels on a level 1 Ooi
[02:04] <YasenSuki> haha...
nice... 3 times sent to E node today...
[02:04] <YasenSuki> no obss
[02:04] <YasenSuki> *boss
[02:04] <Tohoseiryu> But what to do with my two 12.7 + FDs then....
[02:05] <Admiral Mikado> Dunno :P 
[02:05] <Shizen144> SS collection http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1937409
[02:05] <Tohoseiryu> *Looks at Tokitsukaze and Hatsuyuki* 
[02:05] <Admiral Mikado> What's your fleet setup, Yasen?
[02:05] <Tohoseiryu> Nope.
[02:05] <Tohoseiryu> Not Tokitsukaze
[02:05] <Tohoseiryu> Maybe.....
[02:05] <YasenSuki> 2BB 1CA 1CLT 2DD
[02:05] <Shizen144> How can you go of node?
[02:05] <Shizen144> wierd
[02:05] <YasenSuki> wait 2FBB
[02:05] <Tohoseiryu> What if I gave it to a carrier?
[02:06] <Stymphalian> (nanodesu) 
[02:06] <Admiral Mikado> There's always a small chance to go to node E regardless of your fleet setup
[02:06] <Shizen144> Submarine collection http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1937409
[02:06] <Shizen144> nsfw
[02:06] <YasenSuki> nah, today's not my day
[02:06] <Blasterion> good morning =D
[02:06] <Shizen144> yep, I remember going of node once
[02:06] <Stymphalian> random button :3
[02:06] <Stymphalian> may not safe for work
[02:06] <Tohoseiryu> Would it be a good idea to supplement it for yellow guns on BBs for day cut ins? On event maps?
[02:06] <Blasterion> Yes yes dechi is taiha again but it's ok because I got Haguro to Kai Ni
[02:07] <Hossinator> nsfw tag that
[02:07] <Blasterion> my first CA Kai Ni, is so perfect
[02:07] <YasenSuki> just that i survive 2 node...
[02:07] <Hossinator> oh
[02:07] <Hossinator> i missed it
[02:07] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> sighed
[02:07] <Blasterion> I would always go for DA over Cut in honestly
[02:07] <Hossinator> and no its nsfw
[02:07] <Blasterion> more consistent and reliable
[02:07] <Blasterion> and more damage too normally
[02:07] <Stymphalian> it's a random button
[02:07] <Stymphalian> it may or may not be safe
[02:07] <Hossinator> i was in the process of kicking you as that was posted :\
[02:07] <Hossinator> the random post is nsfw
[02:08] <Zel-melon> Kick first, ask later - Hossinator
[02:08] <ArcticaFrost> http://www.twitch.tv/soniq_f
[02:08] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> raise hit butt
[02:08] <Hossinator> that is how i work :P 
[02:08] <Stymphalian> this feel sooooo good
[02:08] <Hossinator> ANOTHER DERP!
[02:08] <Blasterion> Stymph is a M
[02:08] <Shizen144> Fishing for Yuudachi http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956427
[02:08] <Blasterion> poi
[02:09] <Hossinator> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1951063?tags=yuudachi_%28kantai_collection%29
[02:09] <Shizen144> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1830594
[02:09] <Shizen144> for you Hoss
[02:10] <Stymphalian> there is this amiral named Echo, HQ lvl 114, Akashi fs and Unryuu 2nd ship
[02:10] <Stymphalian> where is echo when i need to ask him?
[02:10] <Hossinator> BACOOOON!
[02:10] <Hossinator> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956431?tags=kantai_collection
[02:11] <ArcticaFrost> [[User:EchoHolic]]
[02:11] <ArcticaFrost> It's not that Echo
[02:11] <YasenSuki> change my mind, send 1 more time
[02:11] <Zel-melon> she foking love bacon
[02:11] <Xenzul> CANCER
[02:11] <Stymphalian> close
[02:11] <ArcticaFrost> Or....
[02:12] <ArcticaFrost> You know what, maybe.
[02:12] <ArcticaFrost> His HQ is around it.
[02:12] <ArcticaFrost> Level on Akashi and Unr?
[02:12] <Gensui Hime> once again the only thing that xen says in chat is CANCER
[02:12] <Stymphalian> just a minute
[02:12] <Gensui Hime> your sayings are quite wise lel
[02:12] <Admiral Mikado> Xen confirmed for broken record
[02:12] <Blasterion> lol
[02:13] <Stymphalian> akashi 47 unryuu 86
[02:13] <Blasterion> Is he more broken record than me?
[02:13] <Blasterion> btw Dechi is taiha
[02:13] <Xenzul> Blast
[02:13] <Admiral Mikado> Obviously
[02:13] <Xenzul> you just spout
[02:13] <Xenzul> BS
[02:13] <Xenzul> everyday
[02:13] <Shizen144> Xen is easily broken
[02:13] <Blasterion> I know =P
[02:13] <Gensui Hime> ouch
[02:13] <Hossinator> Xen never worked to begin with?
[02:13] <Xenzul> Shizen, you have to stop being an _______
[02:13] <Zel-melon> apple?
[02:13] <Xenzul> If Len was here, he say the same thing
[02:13] <Gensui Hime> heuhue shots feuered
[02:13] <Blasterion> Pear
[02:13] <Gensui Hime> FEUER
[02:14] <ArcticaFrost> Maybe it is the same Echo
[02:14] <ArcticaFrost> Idk
[02:14] <Blasterion> ZEN HONMO FIRAHHH
[02:14] <Admiral Mikado> Schüsse abgefeuert :P 
[02:14] <ArcticaFrost> Let's ask him.
[02:14] <Shizen144> _______?
[02:14] <Shizen144> what is that?
[02:14] <Sshinka> Hey Peeps
[02:14] <Blasterion> (su) (de) (no ) (na) 
[02:14] <Gensui Hime> shake him up
[02:14] <Hossinator> (de ) (chi ) 
[02:14] <Gensui Hime> >Shizen: What is that?
[02:14] <Stymphalian> when you see him:
[02:14] <Gensui Hime> lel
[02:14] <Sshinka> damn... drifted off to sleep at keyboard lol
[02:14] <Shizen144> I'm asking Xen
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> I'm pretty sure now that is the same Echo.
[02:15] <Blasterion> lol
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> 99%
[02:15] <Shizen144> Also, what did Blast do
[02:15] <Blasterion> Sshinka get some sleep
[02:15] <Shizen144> for Xen to be broken?
[02:15] <Stymphalian> yep
[02:15] <Gensui Hime> level 114
[02:15] <Sshinka> slept for 8 hours lol
[02:15] <Stymphalian> i'm in the same server with him
[02:15] <Gensui Hime> echo too intense
[02:15] <Blasterion> He doesn't like me telling him that dechi is taiha =(
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> That is the Echo
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> You found him.
[02:15] <Shizen144> I have 5 hours of sleep :v
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> Now, rape him.
[02:15] <Admiral Mikado> Oh my~
[02:15] <Blasterion> I have 7 hours of sleep
[02:15] <Gensui Hime> rape and post it
[02:15] <ArcticaFrost> Here, use this Falukorv.
[02:15] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/5SbS1Ba.png
[02:15] <Blasterion> ara ara ~~
[02:15] <Stymphalian> he have fought my lvl 1 fs in pvp :v
[02:15] <Gensui Hime> we can use it against him later
[02:15] <Gensui Hime> and call him a sucka
[02:16] <Stymphalian> on it
[02:16] <Shizen144> sleep at 11:30, wake up around 4:00am
[02:16] <Stymphalian> over kill a bit, but, NAGATO
[02:16] <Shizen144> to study :v
[02:16] <Shizen144> asian parents :v
[02:16] <Xenzul> get off of this chat then
[02:16] <Xenzul> go study yah fool
[02:16] <Sshinka> where was i b4 sleep.... ah Orel.. let's continue
[02:16] <Shizen144> They are not home :v
[02:16] <WanWan101> lol
[02:16] <Zel-melon> Pretty sure that's Echo: http://www.twitch.tv/echoholic/c/6137233
[02:16] <Shizen144> so yay me
[02:17] <ArcticaFrost> I compared it already.
[02:17] <Admiral Mikado> Good thing I live on my own :P 
[02:17] <ArcticaFrost> Yeah it's the same Echo
[02:17] <ArcticaFrost> And you can take a look on his profile
[02:17] <Stymphalian> rape time
[02:17] <ArcticaFrost> CHILD MOLESTER!
[02:17] <ArcticaFrost> EEEEW
[02:17] <Gensui Hime> wait what
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> whos m-molesting childs
[02:18] <Stymphalian> i mean, unpleasantable sexual activity time
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> THATS ILLEGAL
[02:18] <ArcticaFrost> Huehue
[02:18] <Admiral Mikado> *children
[02:18] <Admiral Mikado> :P 
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> we gotta kick whoever that is m80s
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> FBI gonna come
[02:18] <ArcticaFrost> Good thing that mommy and daddy is here to protect me from him.
[02:18] <Stymphalian> yo ho ho ho
[02:18] <Dragonjet> who else here has facebook?
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> I do
[02:18] <Admiral Mikado> I do, but I don't use it :V
[02:18] <Gensui Hime> why
[02:18] <Zel-melon> me, but rarely use it
[02:19] <ArcticaFrost> I have it but only using it for family.
[02:19] <Dragonjet> this is a fake page
[02:19] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> is from the rare species without FB
[02:19] <Admiral Mikado> Obviously
[02:19] <Dragonjet> false publicity
[02:19] <Dragonjet> but many are getting baited
[02:19] <Dragonjet> and i dont like it
[02:19] <Gensui Hime> I don't do enough facebook to go follow pages
[02:19] <Gensui Hime> only personal use
[02:20] <Admiral Mikado> A KC page that's in English and promotes use of VPN?

[02:20] <Gensui Hime> >promotes VPN
[02:20] <ArcticaFrost> I don't care about it.
[02:20] <Gensui Hime> totally real
[02:20] <ArcticaFrost> But do you have any plan for it?
[02:20] <Gensui Hime> I was gonna report it
[02:20] <ArcticaFrost> Like contact facebook or something?
[02:20] <Dragonjet> its fine if they make a KanColle fan page.. but to name yourselves dev/management is crossing the line
[02:20] <Gensui Hime> if DJ didn't already
[02:20] <Dragonjet> ive already reported it, i hope many others will
[02:21] <Dragonjet> im rounding up pplz
[02:21] <Dragonjet> like u guys
[02:21] <Dragonjet> to report it too
[02:21] <Stymphalian> yoohoo
[02:23] <YasenSuki> huh, no sparkle went to boss
[02:23] <YasenSuki> nice RNG
[02:23] <Stymphalian> plus side, went to boss
[02:23] <Stymphalian> minus side, to boss it went
[02:25] <Admiral Mikado> Echo
[02:25] <Admiral Mikado> You just got owned
[02:25] <EchoHolic> What's the drama of today
[02:25] <Admiral Mikado> http://imgur.com/a/GvIDA
[02:25] <EchoHolic> Oh yeah I saw that
[02:25] <EchoHolic> Who was that lol
[02:25] <Admiral Mikado> Stymphalian
[02:25] <Stymphalian> yo
[02:26] <EchoHolic> Yo you should tell me when I get online again lol
[02:26] <EchoHolic> I could've given you a better leveled fleet
[02:27] <Stymphalian> thanks but, i did that for the lolz
[02:28] <Kurokami Ryu> Finally got my RJ to Kai Ni. Now just another level for Amagi Kai.
[02:28] <Kurokami Ryu> :) 
[02:30] <Stymphalian> congratulations
[02:30] <Stymphalian> from me
[02:30] <Stymphalian> to someone
[02:30] <Kurokami Ryu> o,o
[02:32] <Stymphalian> kitakami 1-hit my ooi o.o
[02:34] <Stymphalian> time to sleep, goodnight everybody
[02:34] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> raise hit butt, begging for a kick
[02:34] <Kurokami Ryu> Night.
[02:34] <Sshinka> nn
[02:35] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> shake his butt, still waiting for a good night kick
[02:36] <Sshinka> hmmm guess Orel last night was so hectic that i fell asleep at the keyboard.... all thes quests rly boring hehe
[02:36] <Kurokami Ryu> No love for your butt. :o
[02:36] <Teriyakian> how does one's orel cruise go hectic
[02:36] <Sshinka> so hectic that i fell asleep
[02:36] <Kurokami Ryu> Irony, do you have it?
[02:38] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> lower his butt
[02:39] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[02:39] <Stymphalian> k then, gonna walk out normally
[02:39] <Stymphalian> <span class="me-username">* <span>Stymphalian</span></span> float outside
[02:42] <Argho> yeah, fuck 3-5 south, I'm finishing it through north
[02:42] <Intelman> AHA 
[02:42] <Intelman> got another Imuya
[02:42] <Argho> 4 C ranks all to fail to kill the boss anyway 
[02:42] <Kurokami Ryu> Want more? You can have like 15 of mine.
[02:42] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> has too many Imuyas.
[02:43] <Intelman> well.. I'm okay with that
[02:43] <Intelman> the more I have, the more I can nonstop 3-2
[02:44] <Kurokami Ryu> You don't need more than 10 for 3-2...
[02:44] <Intelman> which one's the better tank for 3-2, Imuya or Maruyu?
[02:44] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> only use 3 subs for 3-2
[02:44] <Kurokami Ryu> Maruyu.
[02:44] <Xenzul> Iku
[02:44] <Xenzul> duh
[02:44] <Kurokami Ryu> Faster repairtime.
[02:45] <Intelman> the last time Iku was taiha'd
[02:45] <Intelman> 1:39:XX
[02:45] <Xenzul> Well
[02:45] <Kurokami Ryu> LoL
[02:45] <Xenzul> not SSV Iku mate
[02:45] <Shizen144> WHERE IS MY AMMO http://postimg.org/image/dshcqu3rp/
[02:45] <Blasterion> lol my Dechi Taihaed 2h+
[02:45] <Kurokami Ryu> Don't use SSV as tank.
[02:46] <Intelman> @Shizen go 5 21 37 lol
[02:46] <Shizen144> spamming them
[02:46] <Shizen144> someone is eating them...
[02:46] <WanWan101> lol
[02:47] <Kurokami Ryu> Time for another Yamato try, getting another Kongo.
[02:47] <Shizen144> Okay, Nagato lv 90
[02:47] <Kurokami Ryu> I'm not expecting anything anymore... : /
[02:47] <Kurokami Ryu> 3:20
[02:47] <Kurokami Ryu> wat
[02:48] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> wanders back in
[02:48] <Qu33k> 3:20?
[02:48] <Kurokami Ryu> No...
[02:48] <Kurokami Ryu> Another Akitsu..
[02:48] <Qu33k> ah
[02:48] <Qu33k> ok
[02:48] <Xenzul> worst then cancer
[02:48] <Kurokami Ryu> Ah wait
[02:48] <Shizen144> More landing craft
[02:49] <Kurokami Ryu> 2:30 is akitsu
[02:49] <CreamX> another daihatsu
[02:49] <Shizen144> Xen, stop with the cancer talk
[02:49] <CreamX> that shioi lel
[02:49] <Kurokami Ryu> 03:20:00 Aircraft Carrying Submarine I-401
[02:49] <CreamX> 3:20
[02:49] <Kurokami Ryu> What
[02:49] <Kurokami Ryu> WHAT
[02:49] <Xenzul> ohh
[02:49] <Shizen144> Yep Shioi
[02:49] <Xenzul> mikdaos
[02:49] <Kurokami Ryu> YES
[02:49] <Xenzul> gonna kill you
[02:49] <CreamX> 2:30 is akitsu 
[02:49] <Caboose10032> chatbox did turn cancerous though, like, permanently
[02:49] <Xenzul> What is cancer
[02:49] <Xenzul> baby dont hurt me
[02:49] <Xenzul> dont hurt me
[02:49] <Xenzul> no more
[02:50] <Shizen144> Yep...Zen is broken
[02:50] <Shizen144> Xen
[02:51] <Shizen144> as alway
[02:51] <Kurokami Ryu> http://abload.de/img/shioiq3ujf.jpg
[02:51] <Shizen144> ye ye, we know
[02:51] <Shizen144> no need braging
[02:51] <Shizen144> LSC: salt for you or for others
[02:51] <ArcticaFrost> NO YAMATO FOR YOU :P 
[02:51] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> hides behind mommy
[02:52] <Kurokami Ryu> Sad fact...
[02:52] <Xenzul> >no need to brag
[02:52] <Xenzul> Um
[02:52] <Xenzul> not like you dont do that
[02:52] <Xenzul> actually
[02:52] <CreamX> gz
[02:52] <Xenzul> not lik eeveryone doesnt do that
[02:52] <Xenzul> pleasee
[02:53] <Shizen144> When it comes to luck, I lose a mile away
[02:53] <Kurokami Ryu> Now Yamato is not only the last LSC only ship for me to get but the last ship from LSC I can get at all.
[02:53] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> licks Wfn
[02:54] <Kurokami Ryu> I'm somewhat happy but also somewhat really frustrated right now.
[02:54] <YasenSuki> :p 
[02:54] <CreamX> what recipe did u use?
[02:55] <Kurokami Ryu> 4/7/72 - 1
[03:02] <ArcticaFrost> Ofc
[03:02] <Kurokami Ryu> Better put it above, left, right and below.
[03:02] <Sshinka> Gratz Ryu
[03:02] <Qu33k> Yahagi shirtlift (bra & pantsu) https://41.media.tumblr.com/1166bfff527b557823befee1ee0d5087/tumblr_nl0l85Awb71rkk86uo1_540.jpg
[03:03] <Kurokami Ryu> Thanks. :) 
[03:03] <Hossinator> ᶰˢᶠʷ http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&tags=rating%3Aexplicit+kantai_collection+akashi+nude+panties_around_one_leg+presenting+
[03:03] <Hossinator> because i know none of you can see that
[03:03] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[03:03] <Hossinator> theres no results a/w
[03:03] <Caboose10032> >you cannot search for more than 2 tags at a time, thanks Hossi
[03:03] <Shizen144> I can
[03:03] <Shizen144> <- platinum
[03:03] <Caboose10032> >paying for pr0n
[03:03] <Caboose10032> ayy
[03:03] <Kurokami Ryu> ^^
[03:04] <Qu33k> d'awwwww. Mama Houshou and CarDiv 1: https://41.media.tumblr.com/505f0c77477af096eb909152c5c6d04d/tumblr_nlcz3mkvqa1qev2k1o1_540.jpg
[03:04] <Hossinator> welp
[03:04] <Hossinator> http://danbooru.donmai.us/users/424064
[03:04] <Shizen144> Hatsushimo lv 60
[03:04] <Shizen144> 10 moar lv
[03:04] <Qu33k> cosplay or nightmare fuel? https://40.media.tumblr.com/60e2c83d4c6806c2576d521baf5822dd/tumblr_nkszxmxPEi1sajdvwo2_500.png
[03:05] <ArcticaFrost> Dick in a cheese hole :D 
[03:05] <Zel-melon> ...
[03:05] <Hossinator> label your nsfw
[03:05] <Hossinator> because that was nsfw as hell
[03:05] <Hossinator> ᶰˢᶠʷ
[03:05] <Shizen144> Queek couldn't see that :v
[03:05] <Hossinator> a/w though
[03:06] <Hossinator> highly nsfw cosplay queek
[03:06] <WanWan101> lol
[03:06] <Hossinator> HIGHLY ᶰˢᶠʷ QU33K
[03:06] <ArcticaFrost> http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--_s_mD8kd--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/788776856733897799.jpg
[03:06] <Hossinator> :P 
[03:06] <Hossinator> ok, im done
[03:06] <Hossinator> back to foods
[03:06] <Shizen144> f*ck you frost
[03:06] <Hossinator> only the most manly cosplay
[03:07] <Hossinator> "GIVE ME A NEW BIKE ASH"
[03:07] <Qu33k> Yahagi and the zipper-front swimsuit (ecchi oppai) https://41.media.tumblr.com/99ec5ce83c950a7083f4ccded205b26d/tumblr_nl0l785nrv1rkk86uo1_540.jpg
[03:07] <Hossinator> "OR ILL BREAK YOUR NECK"
[03:07] <Hossinator> -Manly Misty
[03:07] <YasenSuki> :O
[03:07] <Xenzul> queek
[03:07] <Xenzul> are you like
[03:07] <Xenzul> ok today?
[03:08] <Shizen144> Iona Kai Ni? http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956367
[03:08] <Qu33k> ??
[03:08] <Qu33k> how so, Xen?
[03:08] <Xenzul> youre kinda.... daring today
[03:08] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/9wnco.png
[03:08] <Intelman> Iona doesn't need Kai Ni
[03:08] <Qu33k> just finding interesting stuff, I guess
[03:08] <Qu33k> :-p 
[03:09] <Intelman> @Hoss she's... beautiful somehow ._.
[03:09] <Qu33k> this next one confused me. I thought loli haet pizza? https://40.media.tumblr.com/e7cb8f1c551b877a760c3462b3d4b2fd/tumblr_nlcta3xWMx1spr6cmo1_540.png
[03:09] <Shizen144> Hatsushimo lv 60
[03:09] <Shizen144> 10 MOAR
[03:09] <Xenzul> http://puu.sh/eFBPv/6ee5126460.gif
[03:09] <Xenzul> SHUT UUP WE GET IT
[03:09] <Intelman> ^lol
[03:09] <ArcticaFrost> https://www.comicbookcritic.net/Cosplay-Gone-Wrong_14562/cosplay.jpg
[03:09] <Intelman> damn u
[03:10] <Shizen144> Cool
[03:10] <YasenSuki> dang xen
[03:10] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc this is fot you
NSFW I guess
[03:10] <YasenSuki> i know i've seen this b4
[03:10] <Caboose10032> http://img-cache.cdn.gaiaonline.com/b6dabe41d08dcbc213b1ddb01b2671fa/http://i58.photobucket.com/albums/g268/jigglysama/mancirno2.jpg
[03:10] <ArcticaFrost> http://forums.na.leagueoflegends.com/board/attachment.php?attachmentid=991373&d=1403154053
[03:10] <Qu33k> Suzuya cosplay, with airsoft: https://41.media.tumblr.com/282cb6d08cdbfdbc8501bdfb641c49f1/tumblr_nlckk2Y9aG1sqvybwo2_540.jpg
[03:10] <Xenzul> Frost
[03:11] <Xenzul> did you
[03:11] <Shizen144> stahp the pic
[03:11] <Xenzul> click the link?
[03:11] <ArcticaFrost> OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH
[03:11] <ArcticaFrost> Plz, search in my butt.
[03:11] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/VgwG1zj.jpg
[03:11] <ArcticaFrost> My flag is really high.
[03:12] <Xenzul> https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CAThRgzUQAEQhIG.jpg:large
[03:12] <Hossinator> ASW http://i.imgur.com/r45pR6e.jpg
[03:12] <Shizen144> Taigei
[03:12] <Shizen144> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956491
[03:13] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/pPypQjh.jpg
[03:13] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> now scared to click any link
[03:14] <Kurokami Ryu> I see WoT
[03:14] <WanWan101> tank sandwich>
[03:14] <WanWan101> ?
[03:14] <Qu33k> Shoukaku in open-front, or cosplaying the White Queen, not sure which: https://41.media.tumblr.com/c6a2c419f73c6058b604094f18e358a3/tumblr_nl0l5sOUUa1rkk86uo1_540.jpg
[03:14] <Hossinator> that tank in the middle
[03:14] <Hossinator> is the only reason i lived
[03:15] <WanWan101> lol
[03:15] <Hossinator> and i was going to drown him
[03:15] <Qu33k> this is a really nice RJ: https://41.media.tumblr.com/a52a238c00abd020b9cd739e56a3d67e/tumblr_nl6yz3Lj9a1tb5mh6o1_540.png
[03:16] <EchoHolic> That is a nice RJ
[03:16] <Qu33k> Hatsushimo, cute nurse: https://36.media.tumblr.com/29c0505a37df6751c75a7628f4e69bbf/tumblr_nlc3l3wGxQ1upr6xso1_540.jpg
[03:17] <Qu33k> o nicely done!
[03:17] <ArcticaFrost> http://new2.fjcdn.com/movies/ed/58/ed5882_5484537.webm
[03:17] <Qu33k> Akitsu Maru cosplay: https://40.media.tumblr.com/2d1a4aa989465c5162064dc2077dc07a/tumblr_njpm8gCzna1r6lhoxo6_r1_500.jpg
[03:17] <Shizen144> RJ playing with Zuihou (nsfw)
[03:17] <Kurokami Ryu> Horizontal or vertical zipper?
[03:18] <Xenzul> The links are kinda getting out of hand now..........
[03:18] <ArcticaFrost> http://new3.fjcdn.com/thumbnails/comments/Fucking+magpies+_4163d63af5b8d70e3c5f557b47d9c467.gif
[03:18] <Shizen144> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1935579
[03:18] <Shizen144> dafuq

[03:18] <Shizen144> ?
[03:18] <Shizen144> It didn't showed up
[03:18] <Qu33k> I've seen that one before, is glorious
[03:18] <Qu33k> RJ's happy boobsquish face
[03:19] <Hossinator> no nsfw tag?
[03:19] <Hossinator> DAMN IT
[03:19] <Hossinator> THATS MY JOB
[03:19] <Zel-melon> it's up top
[03:19] <YasenSuki> woah
[03:19] <Hossinator> hell come back in a second
[03:19] <Caboose10032> I was slow too :V
[03:19] <Hossinator> SHIZEN NSFW YOUR LINKS
[03:19] <Hossinator> ok, im happy
[03:19] <Shizen144> I put nsfw g few moment ago
[03:19] <Shizen144> scoll up
[03:19] <YasenSuki> ktkm 1 hit 5-3 BB hime
297 dmg
[03:20] <YasenSuki> yasen ofc
[03:20] <Kurokami Ryu> Chatlag much shizen?
[03:20] <Shizen144> Yep
[03:20] <Shizen144> I paste link
[03:20] <Caboose10032> It doesn't work like that shizen
[03:20] <Shizen144> didn't showed up then
[03:20] <Shizen144> I type that
[03:20] <Caboose10032> That's what you get for seperating your post into one billion small ones, why do people do that anyway?
[03:20] <Shizen144> then post this link https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1752209
[03:20] <Qu33k> Tenryu in sexy bra: (ecchi?) https://41.media.tumblr.com/83d5bfa4fbec7b1434443fe56d81f87c/tumblr_nlbws7kK6i1t5kkqfo1_540.png
[03:20] <Caboose10032> Just put it in one sentence.
[03:21] <Shizen144> Oops, wrong link
[03:21] <Shizen144> I forgot to type sometimes
[03:21] <Shizen144> ADHD
[03:21] <ArcticaFrost> http://new2.fjcdn.com/movies/1c/69/1c6985_5484519.mp4
[03:21] <Hossinator> >be me
>post link
>tags nsfw
>presses enter
>link shows up
>nsfw tag doesnt
>come back to chat
>get kicked again
>come back to chat again
[03:21] <Shizen144> Well, I forgot sometime
[03:22] <Qu33k> YamaShiggy yuri, cute but lewd: https://41.media.tumblr.com/bd678091d5d017c93b3f913c184e6108/tumblr_nlbs0otzl81rtdce8o1_500.jpg
[03:22] <Shizen144> cause I got ADHA
[03:22] <Shizen144> ADHD
[03:22] <Caboose10032> postcoooooooount
[03:22] <Xenzul> wtf
[03:22] <Xenzul> does adhd have to do with tags
[03:22] <Xenzul> bruh
[03:22] <Xenzul> excuses
[03:22] <Xenzul> excuses
[03:22] <Caboose10032> xen postcooooooount
[03:22] <SerialConvort> Ughhh
[03:22] <Shizen144> no, doing too fast
[03:22] <Xenzul> lel
[03:22] <SerialConvort> Why do I have to wait to do a state district test
[03:22] <SerialConvort> I dont even know
[03:23] <Shizen144> forgot small moves
[03:23] <Qu33k> Shimakaze cosplay: https://40.media.tumblr.com/618a69e66e1871570c38abf794ada845/tumblr_nlbt2ojoIQ1riibxoo1_540.jpg
[03:23] <Shizen144> And yes, it took mr a while to realise
[03:23] <Qu33k> possibly Atago cosplay as Shimakaze cosplay?
[03:23] <SerialConvort> Lol
[03:23] <Sshinka> hehe more like it
[03:24] <Shizen144> Twintail Shimakaze https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1950424
[03:24] <SerialConvort> Shimakaze all over the place
[03:24] <SerialConvort> Too bad I cant look at it due to being in school :V
[03:25] <SerialConvort> I like how I can just be on the computer while waiting for a district exam to start
[03:25] <Shizen144> cause you're not an asian?
[03:25] <Qu33k> this is silly. Both grey ladies and Hayuuga are level 88
[03:25] <Qu33k> and are my lowest leveled BBs
[03:25] <SerialConvort> I am asian tho :v
[03:26] <WanWan101> grey ladies|?
[03:26] <Qu33k> FusouShiro
[03:26] <Sshinka> fusou sisters probbly
[03:26] <SerialConvort> Im Filipino and Japanese
[03:26] <SerialConvort> Welp exams startin gtg
[03:26] <Sshinka> GL
[03:26] <Kyzella> Good luck
[03:26] <Xenzul> HF
[03:26] <YasenSuki> gl
[03:26] <WanWan101> glhf
[03:27] <Sshinka> must be some wierd medical exams tho.... anyway... GL....
[03:27] <Sshinka> :P 
[03:27] <Xenzul> youre one too
[03:27] <Xenzul> remember that
[03:27] <Qu33k> and there's a second Torpedo Twin to Kai
[03:27] <Xenzul> and youre never leaving
[03:27] <Hossinator> Germerican
[03:27] <YasenSuki> :O
[03:27] <Kyzella> Whale! https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956491
[03:27] <Hossinator> Germericanexican
[03:27] <Hossinator> actually
[03:28] <Xenzul> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/418/481/38a.jpg
[03:28] <Shizen144> Well, tomorrow I'll have a contest anyway
[03:28] <Shizen144> don't know why I am so relax :v
[03:29] <WanWan101> what contest>?
[03:29] <Gensui Hime> I swear
[03:29] <Veeliam> Suddenly they wanna put Sakawa as LSC(not gonna happen). How many potions of butthurt lotion for sale?
[03:29] <Gensui Hime> all of queek's links give me XML errors
[03:30] <Shizen144> MOS
[03:30] <WanWan101> hello guys, its possible to get yuugumo-class from 2-3 boss node?
[03:30] <Gensui Hime> what you be trying to pull here
[03:30] <Veeliam> makigumo from 2-3 and 1-4
[03:30] <Shizen144> not sure why I am taking this test :v
[03:30] <Shizen144> MOS is kinda useless
[03:30] <WanWan101> okay, just got makigumo from 2-3 boss,
[03:30] <WanWan101> y i am so lucky?
[03:30] <Veeliam> I can't believe drawing/art tuition actually exist. just saiyan
[03:31] <CreamX> gz 101
[03:31] <WanWan101> i mean dunno if im lucky
[03:31] <Veeliam> gz
[03:32] <WanWan101> never expected rare DD to come
[03:32] <Veeliam> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1949815?tags=shiranui_%28kantai_collection%29
[03:32] <Shizen144> I got like 7 Makigumo and 7 Naganami in E-2 summer
[03:32] <Sshinka> Veeliam art tuition is needed for most people, otherwise they never learn tone values properly
[03:32] <Shizen144> keep 1 each and scrap the rest
[03:32] <YasenSuki> lol, shizen
[03:32] <WanWan101> nao hitting 100/100
[03:32] <ArcticaFrost> http://new4.fjcdn.com/gifs/Cat_2862ef_5485638.gif
[03:33] <CreamX> scrap
[03:33] <Veeliam> <__> DERP
[03:33] <WanWan101> gonna scrap those -tsuki class
[03:33] <Qu33k> Gensui, those were all straight-up Tumblr links
[03:33] <Shizen144> Why the hell are dairy product are so expensive...
[03:33] <Qu33k> any issues would be on your end
[03:33] <Qu33k> Shizen, because cows
[03:33] <Veeliam> goat milk meng
[03:34] <CreamX> cow milk
[03:34] <Shizen144> Ushi?
[03:34] <CreamX> ( . Y . ) milk
[03:34] <YasenSuki> Shizen144
Why the hell are dairy product are so expensive...
seems i've heard this question b4...
[03:34] <Veeliam> Ushioppai
[03:34] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> considers Ushio links, but decides to hunt Sakawa instead
[03:35] <Shizen144> Yasen, what do you mean?
[03:35] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> can't decide which ship should go... the -tsuki class or the -shio class
[03:35] <YasenSuki> nah, its just someone else did ask the same question b4
[03:35] <Shizen144> Gotta go
[03:36] <CreamX> cya~
[03:36] <Sshinka> later
[03:36] <YasenSuki> cya
[03:36] <Shizen144> So I'm gonna leave this here https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1936276 (nsfw)
[03:38] <Qu33k> and there's BWS
[03:39] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls around
[03:40] <Qu33k> argh. Red t at boss
[03:41] <YasenSuki> wahaha
[03:41] <YasenSuki> ktkm OP
[03:41] <Kyzella> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956521
[03:41] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> sends underlevel -shio class to the 2-3 quest run
[03:42] <Qu33k> skilled lookout activates, Shiggy blows up fat AP for S rank
[03:42] <Qu33k> get Agano girl
[03:42] <Qu33k> Yahagi
[03:42] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> flops
[03:43] <Qu33k> Taihou is clearly chilly in that pic, 
[03:44] <Sshinka> can someone please check Shioi scrap value?
[03:44] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956510?tags=kantai_collection nsfw
[03:46] <Sylcion> yoyoh :3/
[03:46] <Sylcion> lol?
[03:46] <Qu33k> happy Haruna https://36.media.tumblr.com/425a846c5bd62cd880f6b66b29cd2a44/tumblr_nl0l3jLQ781rkk86uo1_540.jpg
[03:46] <YasenSuki> Hiya
[03:47] <Sylcion> did my image glitch at anyone else as well? o.o
[03:47] <Sshinka> yes
[03:47] <Sylcion> pffff
[03:47] <Sylcion> darnit, okay brb
[03:47] <YasenSuki> X3
[03:47] <Sylcion> simply relogging
[03:47] <Sylcion> doesnt work either
[03:48] <Qu33k> Sylcion is borked
[03:48] <Sylcion> okay
[03:48] <Sylcion> WTF
[03:48] <Sylcion> I CHANGEED IT
[03:48] <YasenSuki> lol
[03:48] <Sylcion> ;-;
[03:49] <Sylcion> that wont work
[03:49] <Kurokami Ryu> Broken Sly is broken.
[03:49] <Sylcion> DAD Y U DO DIS
[03:49] <Kyzella> Syl.404
[03:49] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1831590?tags=taihou_%28kantai_collection%29
[03:49] <Gensui Hime> gg
[03:49] <Sylcion> jeez xD
[03:49] <Xenzul> lol
[03:49] <Xenzul> syl icon is broken
[03:49] <Kurokami Ryu> Error 404: Sly not found.
[03:49] <Gensui Hime> It's because you used a NSFW image
[03:49] <Xenzul> ggwp
[03:49] <Xenzul> no re
[03:49] <Sylcion> = =
[03:50] <Gensui Hime> mah image filter screw you
[03:50] <YasenSuki> syl's avatar: broken
[03:50] <Gensui Hime> Codermin 1, Sylcion 0
[03:50] <Sylcion> its a frigging takao xD
[03:50] <Kyzella> Your icon is just tsundere
[03:50] <Kyzella> Must've used her super gravity cannon
[03:50] <RedDogSlay> Hello~
[03:51] <Kyzella> Hi
[03:51] <Kurokami Ryu> Hey.
[03:51] <Admiral Mikado> Greetings, mortals.
[03:51] <YasenSuki> hiya'
[03:51] <Sylcion> yoyoh
[03:51] <Fleux> <span class="me-username">* <span>Fleux</span></span> good evening 
[03:51] <Sshinka> hey hey
[03:51] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls in
[03:51] <Sylcion> whyyyyy does this happeeeeeen
[03:51] <Gensui Hime> I know, your NSFW takao must be this
[03:51] <Gensui Hime> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955849?tags=takao_%28kantai_collection%29
[03:51] <RedDogSlay> For 4-4, would it be best to put full ASW on the DD?
[03:51] <Kurokami Ryu> Wan you ate too much?
[03:51] <Gensui Hime> confirmed lel
[03:52] <Sylcion> = =
[03:52] <Admiral Mikado> Not necessary, Red
[03:52] <Admiral Mikado> You don't need S-Rank
[03:52] <Gensui Hime> hehe
[03:52] <ArcticaFrost> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1607622
[03:52] <Gensui Hime> Codermin 2, Sylcion 0
[03:52] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1824647?tags=taihou_%28kantai_collection%29
[03:52] <Sylcion> is this kancolle wiki magic or something?
[03:53] <Veeliam> I'll break the record if I don't get 1st Akashi within 101 times S-rank at 2-5 boss, lul
[03:53] <Gensui Hime> clear your cache
[03:53] <Kurokami Ryu> I approve that Taihou.
[03:53] <Gensui Hime> delete everything
[03:53] <Gensui Hime> then it should work properly
[03:53] <Sylcion> hmmm alright
[03:53] <D Des> that's not taihooooo
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> Also I don't think anyone noticed, but the admin of the chinese KCL wiki was on chat yesterday
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> Tony whatshisname
[03:54] <D Des> tony stark
[03:54] <YasenSuki> :p 
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> >Fullblast american suitman
[03:54] <Nothis> KCL ?
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> >chinese
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> nah
[03:54] <Kyzella> Oscar'd
[03:54] <Gensui Hime> NAH
[03:54] <Kyzella> :( 
[03:54] <D Des> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1947344?tags=ooyodo_%28kantai_collection%29
[03:54] <D Des> there we go again
[03:54] <Sylcion> test
[03:55] <Sylcion> DAMMIT
[03:55] <Sshinka> brocken
[03:55] <Fleux> what is the cap for hq level?
[03:55] <Kyzella> icon.tsundere
[03:55] <D Des> 999
[03:55] <Sshinka> 120
[03:55] <D Des> and by admin of chinese KCL wiki
[03:55] <Sylcion> *hype*
[03:55] <Veeliam> googled scrap value database, no sauce
[03:56] <Sylcion> gensui... you.... you... lied ;-;
[03:56] <D Des> you mean there's a chinese language of kancolle wiki?
[03:56] <Fleux> what is cap for resources?
[03:56] <Sshinka> its ok, i was thinking of adding her to my Taihou tries
[03:56] <CreamX> http://i2.pixiv.net/c/1200x1200/img-master/img/2014/12/31/23/29/58/47890117_p48_master1200.jpg
[03:56] <Gensui Hime> no I didn't
[03:56] <Gensui Hime> you have to erase everything
[03:56] <Gensui Hime> from the beginning of time
[03:56] <Sshinka> but then i thought, i'll start getting all kinds of crap if i do that
[03:56] <Gensui Hime> cookies, browsing date, offline cache, et
[03:56] <Gensui Hime> c
[03:57] <Fleux> what is the cap for resources?
[03:57] <Zel-melon> 300k
[03:57] <Nothis> just select reset all ._.
[03:57] <D Des> more than 9000
[03:57] <Gensui Hime> then try resetting your avatar if all else fails
[03:57] <Gensui Hime> Codermins only lie if they want to fuck someone up
[03:57] <Gensui Hime> and I'm doing work to fuck with people
[03:57] <Gensui Hime> so I cant
[03:57] <Sylcion> test 2
[03:57] <RedDogSlay> http://i.imgur.com/YG5ZW83.jpg
[03:57] <Fleux> what is the formula for resource regeneration limit?
[03:57] <D Des> so gensui can;t tell truth
[03:58] <Sylcion> gensui i honestly removed it to from the beginning of time
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> Did you relogin
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> because I didn't see you log out
[03:58] <Sylcion> i did
[03:58] <Sylcion> i had to login
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> then how are you still on chat
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> and no leave/enter message
[03:58] <Sylcion> i just opened it xD
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> r-r-rekt
[03:58] <Sylcion> but okay attempt 3
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> reset your avatar
[03:58] <Gensui Hime> oh I know
[03:59] <Gensui Hime> there
[03:59] <Kyzella> LOL
[03:59] <WanWan101> lol
[03:59] <Nothis> gg :>
[03:59] <Kyzella> Gensui ftw
[03:59] <Gensui Hime> now he can come back
[03:59] <Kotohood> nice solution 10/10 must bang
[03:59] <Fleux> what is the formula for resource regeneration limit
[03:59] <YasenSuki> another way to confirm him out of chat
[03:59] <Sshinka> hehe my subs always kill everything except the only mob that can actually harm them properly..... mazo Subs!
[03:59] <Kyzella> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1780368?tags=takao_%28aoki_hagane_no_arpeggio%29 was his avatar
[03:59] <Gensui Hime> Fleux read the wiki
[03:59] <Gensui Hime> its all on there
[03:59] <Veeliam> I miss plot armor hax https://scontent-kul.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/1506630_819956488021795_1799326894_n.jpg?oh=23ccb863bb73132a7d3c9cac14c27a6f&oe=557E7E5B
[03:59] <Nothis> wiki is there for a reaosn :| 
[03:59] <Fleux> cant find :( 
[03:59] <Nothis> reason*
[03:59] <Qu33k> canine pony: https://40.media.tumblr.com/855d6650c80d2800612c827e5f5aa1a2/tumblr_nlc35qP7JP1qjcdw9o1_540.jpg
[03:59] <Sylcion> test 9001 = =
[03:59] <Kyzella> It's there.
[04:00] <Sylcion> oh common wat is dis
[04:00] <Kyzella> In the FAQs Fleux
[04:00] <Kotohood> cant find :( 

^Find harder
[04:00] <Gensui Hime> [[Tutorial: FAQ#How do resources work in this game.3F]]
[04:00] <Fleux> okay
[04:00] <Nothis> we can expect another kancollexarppegio event after appregio season 2 :>
[04:00] <Gensui Hime> All it takes is a simple search m80
[04:00] <D Des> oh wow http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956365?tags=ooyodo_%28kantai_collection%29
[04:00] <Sshinka> Fleux it's not like you'll have that ammount of resources anytime soon.. when ur lvl 120 your max hard cap will be 300K and that's it
[04:00] <Gensui Hime> also Syl I'll manually reset your avatar ( I think I can do that?)
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> nop
[04:01] <Sylcion> hmpf
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> just choose the image again and upload
[04:01] <D Des> change avatar?
[04:01] <Kyzella> Test
[04:01] <Kyzella> ... it works for me
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> ^
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> gg
[04:01] <Sshinka> but it won't regenerate over 30K.. you need to add them up by quests and expeditions after that
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> GG
[04:01] <Sylcion> BRUH
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> FUCKEN GG
[04:01] <YasenSuki> wut
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> so RESET YOUR AVATAR
[04:01] <Gensui Hime> erroravatars get kicked :^)
[04:02] <Fleux> thanks sshinka
[04:02] <Sshinka> yw
[04:02] <Sylcion> IM SPECIAL xD
[04:02] <Fleux> Im having a hard time dealing with that
[04:02] <Kyzella> His icon is TSUN.MAX
[04:02] <D Des> actually why not just keep that as your avatar syl
[04:02] <KancolleChatlogger> You have 30 seconds to comply
[04:02] <YasenSuki> huh?
[04:03] <Kyzella> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1780368 reupload your avatar Sylcion
[04:03] <Gensui Hime> gotta reset that avatar man
[04:03] <Sshinka> in other words: you can not go AFK for a year and have 300K resources when back :P 
[04:03] <D Des> ^but I want that....
[04:03] <D Des> I wish I can afk for a week and have 100k resources when I logged back
[04:03] <Nothis> who gonna go AFK for a year anyway
[04:03] <Qu33k> emo dog is emo: https://40.media.tumblr.com/1fb0af122b79a4a16faa2c697f73e70a/tumblr_nlc2ukx1KF1qjcdw9o1_540.jpg
[04:03] <Keenteu> expedtion brings you even more ressources anyway
[04:03] <Sshinka> just explaining soft/hard cap
[04:04] <Sylcion> kay brb
[04:04] <D Des> and judging from this http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956365?tags=ooyodo_%28kantai_collection%29
[04:04] <D Des> my height is ideal for hotel
[04:04] <Fleux> thanks sshinka 
[04:04] <Fleux> brb
[04:04] <Sylcion> HYPE
[04:04] <Gensui Hime> >white
[04:04] <Sylcion> YES
[04:04] <D Des> <span class="me-username">* <span>D Des</span></span> jumpts to his hoteeeeeel
[04:04] <Gensui Hime> oh no its working now
[04:04] <Nothis> DDes, sorry to tell you but you will need few months for 100k from regen :>
[04:04] <Kotohood> RJ
[04:04] <Kotohood> lol
[04:05] <Gensui Hime> silly syl
[04:05] <Sylcion> the weird thing is that i already refreshed it 10 minutes ago and even then it still didnt work
[04:05] <Sylcion> so i was like, why bother again but okay xD
[04:05] <Sylcion> sure thing chrome xD
[04:05] <Gensui Hime> wikia changes take 5-10 minutes to register
[04:05] <Kyzella> Should be booted for being silly either way :O
[04:05] <Gensui Hime> thats a serverside FEATURE
[04:05] <D Des> give wikia error chan
[04:05] <Kotohood> 100k from regen? Softcap is only 30k lol
[04:06] <Gensui Hime> >Fleux has left the chat
[04:06] <Sylcion> i regained my identity or something :3
[04:06] <Gensui Hime> aww he didnt stay for fun
[04:06] <Kyzella> Conquered the tsun, Syl!
[04:06] <Kotohood> you had an identity?
[04:06] <Sylcion> koto pls
[04:07] <Sylcion> conquer all the tsun!
[04:07] <Veeliam> Quess from CCA
[04:07] <Kotohood> TSUN
[04:07] <Veeliam> Top Tsun Takao
[04:07] <D Des> NSFW of what could be spring event is......http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956438?tags=yamato_%28kantai_collection%29
[04:07] <Veeliam> Takao
[04:07] <Veeliam> tsun
[04:08] <Sylcion> best tsun
[04:08] <Sylcion> welp dinner time
[04:08] <Sylcion> tsun is afk~
[04:09] <Nothis> @DDes: my fleet future if i don't get 70k rsc and 600 buckets before event
[04:09] <Kurokami Ryu> Tsun got slayn by dinner.
[04:09] <D Des> 70k resources....lolwut?
[04:10] <Nothis> yep
[04:10] <Nothis> 40k left
[04:10] <D Des> I don't think I can prepare more than 30k resources for event
[04:10] <Veeliam> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=46506471
[04:10] <Nothis> still have 1 month and a half remain
[04:10] <Nothis> i can make it
[04:10] <D Des> <span class="me-username">* <span>D Des</span></span> scared with spring event
[04:10] <Kyzella> Why stop at 70 go for 150!
[04:10] <Nothis> can't
[04:10] <Nothis> tokyos not yet unlock
[04:11] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49327411 nsfw
[04:11] <Nothis> and sub exp ._.
[04:11] <Kyzella> Oscaaar
[04:11] <WanWan101> to unlock 37 you need to done the 30 right?
[04:11] <Kurokami Ryu> Already that.
[04:11] <Kurokami Ryu> Like 3 hours ago.
[04:11] <Veeliam> Fusou Zeong http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=44990854
[04:11] <Nothis> exp 26: 26 hours remaining
[04:11] <Nothis> dem long
[04:12] <Kyzella> That the 80 hour one?
[04:12] <CreamX> then it happens that u cancel that exp 26 :>
[04:12] <D Des> I hope spring event won't be hard T__T
[04:12] <Nothis> yeah
[04:12] <D Des> but then = BB reward
[04:12] <Nothis> foreign BB
[04:12] <D Des> ain;t NO WAY its NOT har
[04:12] <D Des> *hard
[04:12] <Sshinka> just doing my last set of 30 hr expeditions for second Taigei Torpedo, and i cleared all long expeditions i had to do! At last!
[04:13] <Kyzella> Maybe there will be easy/norm/hard settings again D Des
[04:13] <CreamX> another e-3 reward :>
[04:13] <D Des> hopefully........
[04:13] <Veeliam> to kill 2 dojyaans' with one tusk
[04:13] <D Des> so I can choose to be pussy
[04:13] <Nothis> how about they don't add difficulty setting and go with normal thing ? :>
[04:13] <CreamX> lel
[04:13] <D Des> then...I DIE
[04:13] <Sshinka> i beleive easy/hard will be every event from now on
[04:14] <Sshinka> it's good mechanic
[04:14] <WanWan101> yea
[04:14] <D Des> better be
[04:14] <CreamX> for the new ttk
[04:14] <Kotohood> I believe next event, i'll be stockpiling 200k fuel
[04:14] <YasenSuki> agreed
[04:14] <Hossinator> for those who dont no life kc
[04:14] <D Des> so high lv TTK won't feel on disadvantage too
[04:14] <Nothis> i believe summer event will be hell
[04:14] <Nothis> and i need to stock 200k rsc for it
[04:14] <D Des> AL/MI ALL over AGAAAAIN
[04:14] <Veeliam> nsfw, dat pic no 5 http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=43052224
[04:14] <Kotohood> I believe next event, i'll get epeen medal in 4 days
[04:14] <Sshinka> well cram, you can always go hard for more gear and medals/screws.. nothing bad for you there either
[04:14] <Sshinka> cream
[04:14] <WanWan101> with abyssal combined fleet :v
[04:15] <Nothis> 12 vs 12 
[04:15] <Nothis> fair enough
[04:15] <WanWan101> + their own support exped
[04:15] <D Des> what about 4 BWS and 2 BB hime on first node
[04:15] <Nothis> ( screw double line node )
[04:15] <Kotohood> 12 vs 12 is not fair with the kind of HP and Attack power they ahce
[04:16] <Nothis> asleast their accuracy is now shit like us
[04:16] <Sshinka> boss node only if they do that
[04:16] <CreamX> boss node with 5 bb hime
[04:16] <Kurokami Ryu> Who said abyssals play fair?
[04:16] <Sshinka> but highly unlikely
[04:16] <YasenSuki> 5-3 low chance to E node
(screw) you RNG
[04:16] <Xenzul> CANCER
[04:17] <Veeliam> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42097009
[04:17] <Sshinka> well, we get uber yasen abilities compared to Abyssals - that's also not fair :P 
[04:17] <YasenSuki> :p 
[04:17] <Kotohood> Abbysals Yasen abilities are more Uber if you ask me lol
[04:17] <Nothis> :P need laser cannon for us
[04:18] <D Des> laser fleets and regenrating hp boss?
[04:18] <Sshinka> not really koto, with yasen equipement you wreck them on regular bases
[04:18] <Veeliam> Fog fleet
[04:18] <D Des> no way NOO WAAAAY
[04:18] <YasenSuki> urgh regen
[04:18] <CreamX> regen + laser :>
[04:18] <Nothis> we will get plot armor than
[04:18] <Kotohood> Depends on their ship, like their symbiotic hime has like 120 luck or something
[04:18] <Kotohood> they CV can attack at night
[04:19] <D Des> how about fubuki will never sink
[04:19] <Nothis> if only our CV can attack at night
[04:19] <Sshinka> but that is all historically ok... IJN did well in yasen in vast majority of NBs
[04:19] <Kurokami Ryu> inb4 we have a dev in chat and he likes your ideas....
[04:19] <YasenSuki> ....
[04:19] <D Des> don't worry dev don;t understand english
[04:19] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[04:19] <D Des> (YEA SUUUREEEE)
[04:19] <Nothis> you sure ?
[04:19] <CreamX> lel
[04:19] <Kotohood> IJN win some they lose some lol
[04:19] <Kyzella> Engrish!
[04:19] <Nothis> i dbouy about it :<
[04:19] <Nothis> doubt*
[04:20] <D Des> inb4 wiki admin is dev in disguise
[04:20] <Nothis> inb4 someone here is in disguise
[04:20] <EchoHolic> Really the "Watch out, devs might hear you" joke doesn't work for Kancolle
[04:20] <EchoHolic> The devs will never hear you
[04:20] <Sshinka> koto in NB they lost maybe only one or two battles...
[04:20] <D Des> more like = watch out admin might troll you
[04:21] <Kurokami Ryu> All devs speak english because programming IS english
[04:21] <Kurokami Ryu> lulz
[04:21] <Qu33k> The IJN trained relentlessly pre-war for night battle
[04:21] <Sshinka> yep
[04:21] <Sshinka> and it payed off
[04:21] <Qu33k> it was their way of taking on the superior numbers of the USN
[04:21] <Qu33k> and it payed off ^
[04:21] <Zel-melon> fuck...anime thread failed in loading...need to type again
[04:21] <Intelman> Every soldier was required to be able to see in the dark with no light source
[04:21] <EchoHolic> What was the next episode even
[04:22] <Nothis> i need abyssal radar
[04:22] <EchoHolic> I was so upset with the last episode I didn't pay attention
[04:22] <Zel-melon> MI
[04:22] <Zel-melon> which proably won't be about MI
[04:22] <Sshinka> Intel *Sailor
[04:22] <Sshinka> :) 
[04:22] <EchoHolic> Damn it's gonna be disappointing
[04:22] <D Des> dunno I never watch kancolle anime anymore
[04:22] <Zel-melon> I don't even care anymore...
[04:22] <Sshinka> sailor / soldier = different
[04:22] <D Des> ever since B**CH episode.....
[04:22] <Kotohood> well, doesn't change the fact that they have quite the Yasen if done properly in game lol
[04:22] <CreamX> MI with armor plot
[04:22] <CreamX> no one will sink
[04:22] <Zel-melon> I only know what each episode is about because I make the new thread every week
[04:23] <Qu33k> Fubuki K2 has AA CI equip
[04:23] <Zel-melon> I started complaining ever since the Des6 episode
[04:23] <Veeliam> the writer is someone who did Idolmaster Xeno'macross-ripoff'glossia :v
[04:23] <Qu33k> think about it
[04:23] <Nothis> i started complaining right after half of ep 1
[04:23] <Sshinka> Fubuki is good girl for your basic AACI needs
[04:23] <Kotohood> Kancolle = 6/10 for me
[04:23] <Intelman> I was okay with the show
[04:23] <Zel-melon> the director did Nanoha striker which is why I was having some hope
[04:23] <Intelman> until episode 3
[04:23] <Kotohood> slightly above average
[04:23] <Sshinka> i had only her at winter event and she helped alot
[04:24] <D Des> nah koto
[04:24] <Veeliam> Fubuki is Anastasia in Idolmaster Cinderella kek
[04:24] <Nothis> if only peoples planned the anime plot better
[04:24] <Intelman> If I had to score episode 3 it would be like 0.5/10
[04:24] <EchoHolic> The problem with the writing I realized is that the script writer obviously doesn't play Kancolle
[04:24] <D Des> if only there's MORE gun and dogfight....
[04:24] <Nothis> ikr echo ?
[04:24] <D Des> not just that echo
[04:24] <Veeliam> episode 3 of kancolle animu is like half-life 3 canceled/10
[04:24] <Nothis> i still prefer most doujins instead of the anime
[04:24] <CreamX> they just randomly add stuff . . 
[04:24] <EchoHolic> It's all written based off online research and knowledge about WWII
[04:24] <D Des> the writer seems not interested in gunfight and actions too
[04:25] <EchoHolic> The only 2 good episodes were the first two episode
[04:25] <Veeliam> dressing up as ships = / = WWII
[04:25] <EchoHolic> *s
[04:25] <D Des> should have slapped nanoha writer
[04:25] <D Des> then things might be more interesting
[04:25] <Nothis> seriously wanna slap the writters with repair bucket
[04:25] <Nothis> fix our anime plot ffs
[04:25] <Kotohood> The Anime lacked something from the game, probably fighting against ghost of the past part
[04:25] <D Des> put tonda macho admiral as protag
[04:25] <Veeliam> make it slice of life and don't follow shizz of WWII
[04:26] <Nothis> if they gonna go full slice of life go with how ganbarimasu is
[04:26] <Nothis> better than anime 100/10
[04:26] <CreamX> macho ttk or shiba inu
[04:26] <EchoHolic> Whenever they stop doing slice-of-life which is easy to write, they fall back on copying history which sucks
[04:26] <Zel-melon> Ep 3 is just like a Madoka Ep3 factor wannabe
[04:26] <Kotohood> Ganbarimasu is what I expected the Anime to be lol
[04:26] <Kyzella> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956534
[04:26] <D Des> shiba inu is kinda overboard.....
[04:26] <Kurokami Ryu> M ttk for anime lol
[04:26] <EchoHolic> This is why the anime is bad
[04:26] <Nothis> true
[04:26] <CreamX> :>
[04:26] <Veeliam> the abyssals stay alive and havin' party
[04:26] <Zel-melon> then ep 4 to 10 they're lost as fuck
[04:26] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> slowly walks back it
[04:26] <Intelman> Personal enjoyment of each episode : 7/10 , 7/10, 0.5/10, 5/10, 4/10, 9/10, 5/10, 8/10, 4/10, 5/10
[04:26] <Segar> in*
[04:26] <CreamX> episode 3 still a shit. . 
[04:26] <Nothis> i was hoping for ganbarimasu kind of plot
[04:27] <D Des> heck even many doujins are better.......
[04:27] <Nothis> turn out it way shitter than i though
[04:27] <Zel-melon> ep 3 is a fail attempt to increase the suspense of the anime
[04:27] <Veeliam> Kisaragi is still an OK in my book eventho the lewdist quote
[04:27] <CreamX> episode 1 was best ep so far lel (except for that 1 hit hime)
[04:27] <D Des> after eps 3
[04:27] <Kotohood> I can list like 20 doujins that are better than the anime lol
[04:27] <D Des> I was expecting MORE ACTIONS
[04:27] <Zel-melon> ofc ep 1 is the best because we don't know what to expect yet
[04:27] <D Des> like in madoki
[04:27] <Intelman> I thought they're going to corner Kisaragi or something
[04:27] <Intelman> but no, an airplane out of nowhere
[04:27] <D Des> at least more than half of time its FULL BLASTED ACTIONS!!
[04:27] <Intelman> wow
[04:27] <Intelman> It's like
[04:28] <Veeliam> Ship of the North Star
[04:28] <Intelman> something that I thuoght would be cool when I was 7
[04:28] <CreamX> cg was nc but the plot pfft
[04:28] <D Des> well after eps 6
[04:28] <Nothis> i said fan works is 100% better than anime
[04:28] <Keenteu> time for 80 hours with no 3rd fleet
[04:28] <D Des> or somewhere around that number
[04:28] <Intelman> Actually I need more like episode 6 and 8
[04:29] <D Des> I feel like kancolle anime is written by the guy who writes for infinite stratos.....
[04:29] <Sshinka> at 1st episode i thought they gonna sink them 1 by 1 in chronological order like WW2.. i stopped watching at EP3
[04:29] <D Des> then suddenly on 12th eps everyone sunk
[04:29] <CreamX> lel
[04:29] <Kyzella> Nagato lives*
[04:29] <Kyzella> To see a huuuge bang
[04:29] <Sshinka> not for long :P 
[04:29] <CreamX> ttk drop nuclear
[04:30] <D Des> lol final eps = NUKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
[04:30] <CreamX> and everyone dies
[04:30] <Intelman> It's directed by someone who directed Genei Wo Kakeru Taiyou
[04:30] <Intelman> if anybody wathces that lol
[04:30] <D Des> directed by michael bay
[04:30] <Sshinka> lol
[04:30] <Nothis> i bet he never play KC -.-
[04:30] <CreamX> genei was nice tho
[04:30] <D Des> *EXPLOSION
[04:30] <Intelman> Genei was... well... 6/10
[04:31] <Intelman> I just hope this thing isn't secretly written by the guy who was responsible for Mahou Sensou
[04:31] <Sshinka> crap... Iku in orange from 1 hit in Orel .. meh
[04:31] <CreamX> if they make that anime into pvp type then all is well
[04:31] <Veeliam> 12th Episode of kancolle be like LoGH
[04:31] <Kurokami Ryu> Genai was that bad. Just everbody comparing it with Madoka.
[04:31] <Kurokami Ryu> *wasn't
[04:31] <Intelman> Genei wasn't that good either imo
[04:32] <Intelman> but certainly wins my personal no.1 OP of 2013
[04:32] <Intelman> Traumerei
[04:32] <CreamX> traumerei was good as fk
[04:32] <Shadowofsora> genei was funny :3
[04:32] <D Des> I dare to bet final boss was BB hime
[04:32] <D Des> *is
[04:32] <Intelman> like Mahou Sensou, the show was shit, but the ED took my no.1 fav list
[04:32] <CreamX> nah . . its gonna be BWS
[04:33] <D Des> BWS on preboss
[04:33] <Veeliam> BB Hime pls
[04:33] <CreamX> mahou sensou was a bs
[04:33] <Nothis> nah it gonna be midway :>
[04:33] <Veeliam> Anchorage Oni
[04:33] <Intelman> but...
[04:33] <Nothis> RIP everyone
[04:33] <Intelman> couldn't decide which one's the worst in 2014
[04:33] <CreamX> they only waste their money to produce that anime
[04:33] <Intelman> Mahou Sensou or Glasslip
[04:33] <D Des> nah cream
[04:34] <D Des> they waste their money on hiring the wrong writer.....
[04:34] <Nothis> devs wasted money for the anime which basically make it very hard for all TTKs
[04:34] <Nothis> to like it
[04:34] <D Des> should have picked some people from doujin fanbase
[04:34] <D Des> to write it
[04:34] <Intelman> I knew it
[04:34] <Kurokami Ryu> I think most kancolle players could have written a better script. lol
[04:34] <Intelman> when they delayed the show
[04:35] <Intelman> I was like
[04:35] <Intelman> oh shit..
[04:35] <Shadowofsora> is the kc anime that bad?
[04:35] <Nothis> yes
[04:35] <CreamX> if they made gen as the writter then it will be a decent anime imo
[04:35] <D Des> sora
[04:35] <D Des> its not bad IF you don't play the game
[04:35] <Intelman> It's disappointing so far
[04:35] <Veeliam> Idolmaster Xenoglossia is the one wrote all that shit for ship girl animu
[04:35] <Nothis> better fired the writter before season 2
[04:35] <D Des> wait what?
[04:35] <Nothis> and hire some real KC veterans as writter
[04:35] <D Des> it was written by idolmaster anime writer?
[04:36] <CreamX> or player
[04:36] <Shadowofsora> then naka must be one of the mc's :3
[04:36] <Veeliam> not to mention Xenoglossia is shitty rip-off of Macross
[04:36] <D Des> I'm about to say 
[04:36] <Keenteu> why do we don't see any mordernisation in the anime
[04:36] <Harunadesu> so i think i just repaired ships that were just repaired to full by akashi
[04:36] <Keenteu> nor scrapping
[04:36] <D Des> then WHY NAKA got no screeeen tiiimeeee
[04:36] <CreamX> they should hire that plays a game or knowledgeable about it
[04:36] <Nothis> the only modernization for the anime is writter
[04:36] <Shadowofsora> would be gore --- would be more fund then i guess?

[04:36] <Shadowofsora> *fun
[04:37] <Intelman> hah, they couldn't even get the Kai Ni right
[04:37] <Nothis> true
[04:37] <Veeliam> want gore, ask Araki or Tetsuo Hara. lel
[04:37] <D Des> put the writer of saint seiya
[04:37] <D Des> then I will watch it everyday 3 times
[04:37] <Intelman> the least thing they got right is the bucket
[04:37] <Intelman> the rest are subtle
[04:37] <CreamX> the one who write mirai nikki 
[04:37] <Intelman> so subtle it's arguable
[04:37] <Veeliam> director of souten no ken pls
[04:38] <Shadowofsora> nah the writer of higurashi pls :3
[04:38] <D Des> kancolle anime need more bullets
[04:38] <D Des> more girls crying in despair
[04:38] <Veeliam> MD Geist then
[04:38] <Nothis> anyone is good if only they are better than the current one
[04:38] <D Des> to show the pain of kancolle actual game
[04:38] <CreamX> needs gore . . they should make screen time on how to scrap ship girls
[04:38] <Keenteu> yes
[04:38] <Keenteu> at least this
[04:39] <Veeliam> Terra Formars level of gore in 
[04:39] <Kurokami Ryu> gosh... guys....
[04:39] <D Des> on how gamer TTK having hell everytime they sortie on event
[04:39] <Veeliam> Johj Colle
[04:39] <Nothis> how real Kancolle should be: event, full of salt, girls crying in despair, ttk hell and rng troll
[04:39] <Shadowofsora> they need to add san-points like in hayore
[04:39] <Veeliam> Cockroach man dismantles le shippu
[04:39] <CreamX> or atleast they lose some body parts after doin sorties
[04:40] <Nothis> nah too much gore
[04:40] <Shadowofsora> and if they reach 0 the amount of ships drops fast and at the same time they need double's and triples of the same ships : D
[04:40] <Nothis> clothes only :>
[04:40] <WanWan101> lose body parts = freezing
[04:40] <D Des> btw tomorrow is eps 11th right?
[04:40] <WanWan101> =3=)
[04:40] <CreamX> then goin to use repair bucket lel
[04:40] <Shadowofsora> loosing body parts in freezing is just a scratch
[04:40] <CreamX> back to normal
[04:40] <Intelman> day after tomorrow for me
[04:40] <Nothis> please i find the losing body parts thing is very disturbing
[04:41] <WanWan101> ^
[04:41] <Shadowofsora> then you will dislike many funny anime : D
[04:41] <Nothis> so clothes only is still the best
[04:41] <Keenteu> it's lewd
[04:41] <Nothis> i got no good taste in anime
[04:41] <Nothis> so yeah :c
[04:41] <CreamX> who cares . . lel ttk will goin to use repair bucket
[04:41] <CreamX> :>
[04:42] <Qu33k> "we don't want anime with good taste, we want anime that tastes good!"
[04:42] <Shadowofsora> nothing is bad about ecchi-anime and everybody has his own taste but GORE :3
[04:42] <Qu33k> thus Yuri Kuma Arashi is explained
[04:42] <Kurokami Ryu> Guys...
Girls getting hurt = bad
Girls losing clothes = good
As easy as that. :P 
[04:42] <D Des> put ZUN to write the anime lelelel
[04:42] <Intelman> I haven't continued Yuri Kuma since EP... 4
[04:42] <Keenteu> i want to see ttk farming ships for remodel before scrapping them after stealing her equipment
[04:42] <Qu33k> tentacles optional. . .
[04:42] <Veeliam> anime that tastes as gewd as fish n chip
[04:42] <CreamX> gdi tentacles
[04:42] <Shadowofsora> well a lot of doujinshi showing that both together works good Kurokami
[04:42] <Shadowofsora> : D
[04:42] <Nothis> not a lot of anime i like :( 
[04:42] <D Des> call WO for some tentacles
[04:43] <Nothis> so i usually bad at picking one to watch
[04:43] <CreamX> or the darker than black s1
[04:43] <Veeliam> Go watch 152 episodes of HnK
[04:43] <Intelman> .... and not a single Digimon Tri PV sighted yet ....
[04:43] <D Des> black lagoon plz
[04:43] <Qu33k> I am surprised that there isn't more Wo-tentacle hentai out there
[04:43] <Nothis> sorry queek
[04:43] <Nothis> it already happen
[04:43] <Qu33k> I know it has, just expected more and more often
[04:43] <CreamX> they already rape kisaragi`s dead body
[04:43] <Nothis> rule 34 :<
[04:43] <Qu33k> than I have found
[04:43] <Qu33k> yup
[04:44] <Veeliam> 110 episodes of Legend of Gigapuddi Heroes (everyone dies)
[04:44] <Qu33k> my favorite Rule
[04:44] <D Des> still saint seiya for me vee
[04:44] <Veeliam> 47 episodes of Patlabor from Sunrise animu
[04:45] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48427661
[04:45] <D Des> finally someone other than me who knows the greatness of patlabor......
[04:45] <CreamX> and we need melee fight on kc
[04:45] <Veeliam> Gaogaigar FINAL
[04:45] <D Des> the first macross plox
[04:45] <Intelman> @Cream not gonna happen
[04:45] <CreamX> then gintoki will appear at the end of the show
[04:46] <D Des> nah
[04:46] <D Des> end of show = love hina
[04:46] <D Des> it'll be 1 heck of troll
[04:46] <Intelman> I seriously don't have any idea how they're going to end this
[04:46] <Veeliam> City Hunter animu
[04:46] <D Des> damn I feel old.....
[04:46] <Intelman> turns out player having a chuunibyou
[04:46] <Intelman> and playing with all his/her figmas
[04:47] <D Des> turns out its all just someone playing KC on arcade
[04:47] <Kurokami Ryu> Love Hina-... lol
[04:47] <Intelman> all of the events from previous 11 episodes are just imaginations
[04:47] <CreamX> or . . .fubuki was in coma all the time and just imagining things
[04:47] <Intelman> Lego The Movie
[04:47] <D Des> KC build fighters
[04:47] <Intelman> Lego Kancolle
[04:47] <Intelman> pointless
[04:48] <Veeliam> Desperate HouseShipfus
[04:48] <D Des> eh its still good for lulz
[04:48] <Kyzella> Queens Colle
[04:48] <Intelman> Hetalia : Shipgirl Edition
[04:48] <CreamX> kantai no kanata
[04:48] <Qu33k> finally, after two burners and a boss, a transport node
[04:48] <D Des> then it'll be hentalia~
[04:49] <Veeliam> One Punch
[04:49] <Kurokami Ryu> inb4 we get a huge minfuck with ep12 nobody had expected....
[04:49] <D Des> come on ppl
[04:49] <D Des> eps 12 is gonna be
[04:49] <D Des> NICE BOAT
[04:49] <Veeliam> episode 12 - Go play the game and don't whine
[04:49] <CreamX> ep 12 : kill the writter
[04:50] <CreamX> or wait wrong anime
[04:50] <CreamX> oh*
[04:50] <Intelman> The most epic ending
[04:50] <Veeliam> bonus episode: admiral is pink guy
[04:50] <Intelman> ep 12 : recap
[04:50] <Kurokami Ryu> I want a Strike Witches type KC anime.... you know... a lot pantsu.
[04:50] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[04:50] <Veeliam> ketsu wo taberu
[04:51] <CreamX> i eat ass :>
[04:51] <Veeliam> space dandy
[04:51] <Intelman> sleep time 
[04:51] <Intelman> bbye
[04:51] <CreamX> cya~
[04:51] <Veeliam> night
[04:51] <Kurokami Ryu> Bye.
[04:52] <Kurokami Ryu> Jesus!
[04:52] <CreamX> chinchin sacrifice
[04:52] <Blasterion> RNGESUS
[04:52] <Blasterion> NYAA

[04:52] <ArcticaFrost> Hello CDRW
[04:52] <CreamX> o/
[04:53] <Kurokami Ryu> God has decended into our chat.
[04:53] <Veeliam> Nn-nyessssssss
[04:53] <Kurokami Ryu> :V
[04:53] <EchoHolic> Jesus has descended into chat
[04:53] <Veeliam> God, grant me 1st Akashi within my 102nd sortie in map 2-5 victory.
[04:53] <CreamX> new face
[04:53] <Kurokami Ryu> Don't repeat me Echo. :P 
[04:53] <G Nanaya> =.= yea new face here 
[04:54] <Blasterion> NEW FACE 
[04:54] <Kyzella> NEW FACE!
[04:54] <Kurokami Ryu> New Face! Feed him to Kongo!
[04:54] <Veeliam> ACE, a future ace player
[04:54] <Keenteu> don't scare people like that
[04:54] <D Des> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956507?tags=masara
[04:54] <Kurokami Ryu> :3
[04:54] <Qu33k> Kinugasa in frilly little bikini, sexycute: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956477?tags=kantai_collection
[04:55] <Hossinator> quick G, you must achievement get
[04:55] <Hossinator> Avatar Acquire
[04:55] <Hossinator> go, its your first quest
[04:55] <Keenteu> find something very cute
[04:55] <Qu33k> now THIS is funny: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956435?tags=kantai_collection
[04:55] <Qu33k> run, Zs, run!
[04:56] <ArcticaFrost> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1658443
[04:56] <Kyzella> Greetings derp
[04:56] <McDerp> HURT ME MORE :V
[04:56] <McDerp> haai Kyzella
[04:56] <Kyzella> Adorable AF
[04:56] <Kurokami Ryu> Qu33k I like that Kinugasa.
[04:56] <Kurokami Ryu> :3
[04:57] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1878573?tags=ichiyou_moka
[04:57] <Veeliam> Pizza again https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956344?tags=kantai_collection
[04:57] <McDerp> I'm on vegetarian diet for 2 days, pls don't link pizza
[04:57] <Qu33k> Hamakaze in Katori uniform, mildly lewd: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956191?tags=kantai_collection
[04:57] <Kyzella> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956536
[04:57] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/iASHAeR.gif
[04:58] <Kyzella> FOOOOD
[04:58] <Kyzella> Meat
[04:58] <McDerp> I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL
[04:58] <McDerp> EAT
[04:58] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1836587?tags=ichiyou_moka nsfw
[04:58] <McDerp> YOU
[04:58] <Kurokami Ryu> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1937463
[04:58] <Hossinator> no you wont
[04:58] <Veeliam> Post more vegan food
[04:58] <Kyzella> Hoss ate Derp first!
[04:58] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> bits Hossi and Kurokami
[04:58] <McDerp> Goddamnit. Gensui!
[04:58] <McDerp> wake up when I ping you damnit :V
[04:58] <Caboose10032> http://www.healthbenefitstimes.com/9/uploads/2013/05/Orange-Carrot.jpg
[04:59] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/r/food
[04:59] <McDerp> :V
[04:59] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> goes set self on fire
[04:59] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/r/bacon
[04:59] <McDerp> Ha, I don't like bacon, sucka
[04:59] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/r/steak
[04:59] <Sylcion> back
[04:59] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/r/sandwiches
[04:59] <Veeliam> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1870687?tags=vegetable
[04:59] <D Des> simply http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1672270?pool_id=874
[05:00] <McDerp> http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/728/702/7c9.jpg
[05:00] <Kurokami Ryu> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/692176
[05:00] <Veeliam> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1737057?tags=vegetable
[05:00] <D Des> PLEASE FUND THIS http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1926909?pool_id=874
[05:00] <McDerp> http://i2.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/010/856/4fcdf2e118613355b500ba5d.jpg
[05:00] <Hossinator> hoppo meal
[05:00] <ArcticaFrost> To much links
[05:01] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/RuBFcAa.gif
[05:01] <McDerp> shit.
[05:01] <CreamX> http://www.donmai.us/posts/794722?pool_id=1908
[05:01] <Kyzella> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956577
[05:01] <Hossinator> now for some horror images
[05:01] <Hossinator> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956560
[05:02] <Zel-melon> too many links
[05:02] <Zel-melon> I need to do something
[05:02] <Zel-melon> (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
[05:02] <McDerp> pls don't excite the people Hoss
[05:02] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> steals Zel's buckets
[05:02] <McDerp> (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) ~ヽ(。 ワ ゚ )ᕗ
[05:02] <Veeliam> donut is vegan stuff https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956284?tags=food
[05:02] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> allows Derp to take one bucket for charity
[05:03] <McDerp> I dont like sugary
[05:03] <McDerp> it has to be salty
[05:03] <McDerp> /kek
[05:03] <Kurokami Ryu> Guys...
[05:03] <Kurokami Ryu> ...
[05:03] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/1867_f555_960nwpjj.jpeg
[05:03] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> licks Kuro
[05:03] <McDerp> poi
[05:03] <ArcticaFrost> Daddy!
[05:03] <Kyzella> Poi
[05:03] <ArcticaFrost> :D 
[05:03] <McDerp> Poipoi!
[05:03] <Sylcion> pfff howmuch McDerp's can you even give to the abyssals? XD
[05:03] <Veeliam> Poi dding
[05:03] <Caboose10032> postcooooooooooount
[05:03] <D Des> chill guys http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1857693?pool_id=874
[05:03] <McDerp> easy, I live there
[05:03] <ArcticaFrost> Where is my mom?
[05:04] <D Des> mom is busy cooking
[05:04] <Sylcion> our mom is abandoning us as always
[05:04] <Zel-melon> I forgot my star is less shinier than admin's star
[05:04] <Sylcion> and grandma went back to her 500 year sleep she was in
[05:04] <McDerp> can I have a star to try kick myself
[05:04] <McDerp> :3
[05:04] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1546628?tags=ichiyou_moka
[05:04] <Veeliam> the almighty helix and magic conch has answered me, no 1st Akashi for me from 2-5 until 203 sorties
[05:04] <ArcticaFrost> I can see..... TAKAO!
[05:04] <Kyzella> Isn't the red x button enough Derp? :O
[05:05] <McDerp> no :V
[05:05] <ArcticaFrost> Better put a Takao profile picture toooo!
[05:05] <Sylcion> TAKAO!
[05:05] <Kurokami Ryu> My star is...
oh, I don't have one.
[05:05] <McDerp> I must have the best
[05:05] <Sylcion> Takao best fog? :v
[05:05] <Sylcion> I approve
[05:05] <ArcticaFrost> Meh, to lazy.
[05:05] <ArcticaFrost> Best fog would be.....
[05:05] <ArcticaFrost> Myokou?
[05:06] <Sylcion> wat.
[05:06] <ArcticaFrost> I take it back.
[05:06] <ArcticaFrost> Yamato!
[05:06] <Sylcion> not musashi?
[05:06] <Kurokami Ryu> Yamato!
[05:06] <CreamX> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1948084?tags=tokitsukaze_%28kantai_collection%29
[05:06] <D Des> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1726307?pool_id=874 tamonmaru?
[05:06] <Kurokami Ryu> *__*
[05:06] <Kyzella> Best fog... NAKA-CHAN!
[05:06] <Sylcion> get out
[05:06] <D Des> nah its HIEEEEEEEEEEE
[05:07] <Kyzella> lol Hieiiii
[05:07] <Sylcion> sssssssssshhh queit please!
[05:07] <EchoHolic> [[Talk:Suggestion/@comment-EchoHolic-20150317170658?permalink=206355#comm-206355]]

Pls halp post your 2 cents
[05:07] <CreamX> that bombshell
[05:07] <EchoHolic> Even short answers is nice kthxbai
[05:08] <McDerp> for one, no inside jokes
[05:08] <Sylcion> but derp im so deep c:<
[05:08] <Veeliam> Maya K2 = the mochi is a lie
[05:08] <McDerp> oh :V
[05:08] <Nothis> i like trivia
[05:08] <EchoHolic> Post that in suggestions!
[05:08] <McDerp> on it
[05:08] <Nothis> it just peoples being dick at adding something stupid
[05:08] <McDerp> just checking my facts first
[05:09] <EchoHolic> Yeah, I like trivia too
[05:09] <EchoHolic> But since we don't have a moderating standard it's up to each individual person to judge whats right and whats wrong
[05:09] <McDerp> fandom based trivia is fun too, such as RJ's flat is worth noting, but I feel that it belongs in the FAQ Trivia section
[05:09] <EchoHolic> So we gathering opinions in the suggestions page of what each person thinks we should put in it
[05:10] <Kyzella> Responded
[05:10] <D Des> jokes trivia is good
[05:10] <Veeliam> Taihou is a surfing board unless yuo like to tap booteh
[05:10] <D Des> but srs business trivia is a no no
[05:10] <D Des> since its a killjoy
[05:10] <Zel-melon> what in the world is a business trivia?
[05:10] <Caboose10032> Ddes i hope you're trolling
[05:10] <Veeliam> killdeer birds
[05:10] <EchoHolic> etc, some people think it should be informative, some people want memes to be kept out, some people think it should be about things based of the in-game ships, etcetc
[05:10] <Veeliam> yamyams, ew
[05:10] <D Des> lets just say something like historian A debates with another historian
[05:11] <D Des> a debate that will yields nothing......
[05:12] <Sylcion> that reminds me of skyrim
[05:12] <McDerp> posted
[05:12] <WanWan101> ooooh a hieeeei
[05:12] <Caboose10032> Trivia is not for discussion anyway, what is your point?
[05:12] <Nothis> it not trivia fault 
[05:12] <D Des> trivia can lead to heavy discussion in some cases
[05:12] <Nothis> it just peoples fault
[05:12] <McDerp> Trivia did nothing wrong!
[05:12] <Nothis> ^
[05:13] <Caboose10032> Its fine if it actually were discussions, it's just pointless edit wars
[05:13] <McDerp> ^
[05:13] <D Des> aka chances it will stir out more trouble
[05:13] <Nothis> aka we should block all anon edit
[05:13] <D Des> though maybe more reason for admin to have "fun"
[05:13] <Nothis> and recommend anon to register account
[05:13] <McDerp> please have some love for our admins
[05:13] <Nothis> it only takes 5~10 mins to make a wikia account even if you lazy
[05:13] <McDerp> they are tired of all this nonsense and shit
[05:14] <D Des> when there's face there's opinion
[05:14] <EchoHolic> lol nothis why did you add an oppose template
[05:14] <Nothis> lulz
[05:14] <Nothis> fail
[05:14] <D Des> *fact
[05:14] <D Des> not face
[05:14] <EchoHolic> The question is open ended, so approve and oppose templates don't work
[05:14] <D Des> and when there's opinion there'll be multiple editing war
[05:15] <Dechidechi> two justices, who will win/
[05:15] <D Des> whoever win admin lost
[05:15] <McDerp> unless they pull out the BANHAMMER
[05:15] <Veeliam> Makin' veggie mcnuggies sandwich
[05:15] <McDerp> VEE LEAVE ME ALONE T_T
[05:15] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> huddles in a corner
[05:15] <D Des> nah unless you disable comment and editing in trivia 
[05:15] <Veeliam> K, starve until yuo skinny
[05:16] <Veeliam> lel
[05:16] <McDerp> or just disable editing and let them set the comments on fire
[05:16] <D Des> to make things peaceful
[05:16] <McDerp> then call an admin in when they've reached a peaceful conclusion
[05:16] <Veeliam> drink more diet coke
[05:16] <D Des> they can save all their opinion whether its right or wrong to themselves
[05:16] <McDerp> ^
[05:16] <D Des> after all it'll resulted in nothing but rage over nothing
[05:16] <Veeliam> bitter herb soup, for the fats burn
[05:16] <McDerp> welp, wutebr
[05:17] <McDerp> cucumbers are great to burn fat, Vee
[05:17] <Dechidechi> well in the form of conveying information as trivia, one needs to apply the neutral standpoint and give the statistics when giving a trivia 
[05:17] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> licks Dechi
[05:18] <Nothis> i still prefer total anon block from edit
[05:18] <Dechidechi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Dechidechi</span></span> blocks with torPEDO
[05:18] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> calls the MP
[05:18] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> gets arrested instead
[05:18] <D Des> disable editing and comments
[05:18] <Nothis> nah not comments
[05:18] <Nothis> it fine for anon to comments
[05:18] <Kurokami Ryu> Guys I'd like to remind you that this is a WIKI.
I don't think memes should be placed in the trivia area....
[05:18] <Nothis> but seriously not edit
[05:19] <Dechidechi> memes go on a separate page, like how pixiv does it
[05:19] <D Des> I don't want to visit know your meme site just to know why RJ flatness is a must kuro
[05:19] <Nothis> small but infomative trvia should go to their respective ship girl page
[05:19] <Nothis> meme go to glossary or whatever
[05:19] <Dechidechi> there is a pixiv.dic page for that
[05:19] <ArcticaFrost> [[Suggestion#comm-206367]]
[05:19] <Qu33k> dang, Thailand! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/03/13/stingray-thailand-jeff-corwin-largest-freshwater-fish_n_6867936.html?utm_hp_ref=science&ir=Science
[05:20] <McDerp> that's one big ass pancake fish
[05:20] <Kurokami Ryu> Des you can put that kind of stuff on the glossary page.
[05:20] <McDerp> Zel, go catch one :V
[05:21] <McDerp> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49334436
[05:21] <McDerp> Wohoo!
[05:21] <Zel-melon> sec, I'm trying to figure out how to respond to the suggestion :v
[05:21] <Sshinka> meh another CVL from LSC... always a CVL :P 
[05:21] <McDerp> no, stop tfiguring, go fish :V
[05:21] <Arkayda963> (nanodesu) 
[05:22] <McDerp> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49331156 this dolphin girl
[05:22] <Arkayda963> found a new fun game :p 
[05:22] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls arkay to the shrine
[05:22] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> flops on WanWan
[05:22] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> dodges McDerp
[05:22] <McDerp> WWF sent me some sort of envelope for a lottery of sorts
[05:22] <McDerp> it's too dark for me to read it right now so I'll do it tomorrow _(:3/ L)_
[05:23] <Sshinka> what is WWF?
[05:23] <McDerp> World Wrestling Federation
[05:23] <McDerp> jk, the animal rights one actually
[05:23] <Sshinka> ah
[05:23] <WanWan101> .o.
[05:23] <Kyzella> Lolol
[05:23] <Kyzella> I was about to say. "It's alive in Europe?!"
[05:23] <Sshinka> aha
[05:23] <McDerp> came to my mind because -> Flopping on a cat -> Animal brutality -> WWF
[05:24] <Kyzella> http://www.worldwildlife.org/ wwf
[05:24] <Sshinka> no rights for animals in my yard
[05:24] <Kyzella> RJ got Oscar'd :s 
[05:24] <Sshinka> damn Kyz u rly got no luck with Oscar
[05:24] <Kyzella> 3 times yeah... lol, 3/4 someone gets hit
[05:25] <Sshinka> ....
[05:25] <Xenzul> CANCER
[05:25] <Sshinka> never ever got nuked by him...
[05:25] <McDerp> PISCES
[05:25] <WanWan101> .o.
[05:25] <McDerp> SUPER CANCER
[05:25] <Kyzella> From radiation sickness?!
[05:25] <McDerp> Radar cut-in!
[05:25] <D Des> nah 
[05:25] <Sylcion> wat.
[05:25] <Kyzella> I see no RadarMatt :( 
[05:26] <Qu33k> which way did he go, which way did her go? https://40.media.tumblr.com/b9ced3d6f853332c9f2bd7ecb656925e/tumblr_nlc3b03Hg81qjcdw9o1_540.jpg
[05:26] <Xenzul> >yfw Cancer is strong in this chat
[05:26] <Caboose10032> I won't want to see one word posts
[05:26] <D Des> better put torpedo bulge cut in
[05:26] <Caboose10032> don't want to see* it contributes nohthing
[05:26] <Caboose10032> Holy shit i can't type
[05:26] <Nothis> bucket CI :<
[05:26] <McDerp> hey
[05:26] <McDerp> caboose
[05:26] <Kyzella> RNG CI!
[05:27] <McDerp> do you t
[05:27] <McDerp> hink
[05:27] <McDerp> ald would 
[05:27] <McDerp> like this
[05:27] <McDerp> :3
[05:27] <McDerp> V:
[05:27] <Tohoseiryu> After I Kai Ni a ship, I look at the next one in line and say "dafuq are you such a low level?"
[05:27] <Caboose10032> Don't make it a joke
[05:27] <McDerp> I'm sorry
[05:27] <Caboose10032> it's ok :3
[05:27] <Sylcion> lol
[05:27] <Sylcion> ZOMAAR
[05:27] <McDerp> :3 does this mean you won't weld me to a torp
[05:27] <Sylcion> errr
[05:28] <McDerp> Kabu look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEyN4dhJIv8
[05:28] <Caboose10032> Syl, pannekoek, postcount
[05:28] <Tohoseiryu> Akashi Kai Ni hype
[05:28] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[05:28] <McDerp> Akashi K2?
[05:28] <Sylcion> postcount? whut
[05:28] <McDerp> http://orig00.deviantart.net/4bac/f/2015/074/5/d/kancolle_150315_16475857_by_ss3_sai-d8lskc0.png
[05:28] <McDerp> MUH AKASHI IS READY
[05:28] <Kyzella> ... Ring her!
[05:29] <McDerp> but Ooyodo :V
[05:29] <Kyzella> TWO NPC waifus
[05:29] <Nothis> ._.
[05:29] <Nothis> when shinano get added into the game
[05:29] <Nothis> which is probaly never
[05:29] <McDerp> _(:3/ L)_
[05:29] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> sobs
[05:30] <McDerp> next up: Taigei into 99
[05:30] <WanWan101> :3
[05:30] <McDerp> non CVL Taigei
[05:30] <Kyzella> Whale whale whale!
[05:30] <McDerp> my burning rabu knows no limits :3
[05:30] <Nothis> how to level up a Repair Ship to 35 in one day -.-
[05:30] <McDerp> PvP, 3-2A as the flagship
[05:30] <Kyzella> 3-2A all day everyday
[05:30] <Kyzella> (lag) 
[05:30] <G Nanaya> 3-2a all day
[05:30] <McDerp> Kyzella stop
[05:30] <Nothis> .....
[05:30] <Xenzul> CANCER
[05:31] <Sylcion> yes xen that too
[05:31] <Nothis> last level for chikuma to go commando
[05:31] <Nothis> and i so lazy :| 
[05:31] <G Nanaya> =.= looks like i will finish my 50 transports before daliy world 2
[05:32] <McDerp> neighbours pls, stop fighting
[05:32] <McDerp> I can hear everything :V
[05:32] <Dechidechi> plot twist: they are having BDSM
[05:32] <McDerp> awshiet
[05:32] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> goes look for a glass to eavesdrop
[05:32] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[05:32] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> hears gunshot
[05:32] <McDerp> ._.
[05:32] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> puts the glass away
[05:32] <Sylcion> PUT IT BACK
[05:33] <McDerp> OKAY
[05:33] <McDerp> also, Syl is tsundere heavy kreuzer
[05:33] <Sylcion> kreuzer? = =
[05:33] <Kurokami Ryu> German.
[05:34] <Sylcion> im not even german xD
[05:34] <Kurokami Ryu> Means cruiser.
[05:34] <Sylcion> hmmm thx dad :3
[05:34] <McDerp> neither am I, just a retarded chingchong living 50km from the russian border
[05:34] <Caboose10032> Kruiser, meneer
[05:34] <Sylcion> vernietiger?
[05:34] <Sylcion> lmao
[05:34] <Sylcion> okay sorry
[05:34] <Nothis> hail putin :>
[05:35] <McDerp> <span class="me-username">* <span>McDerp</span></span> torps Nothis
[05:35] <McDerp> Kurwa :V
[05:35] <Nothis> RIP
[05:35] <Caboose10032> Yeah we have no word for destoyer, it's just a frigate.
[05:35] <Kurokami Ryu> Kurwa is like the one word I understand from ths
[05:35] <Kurokami Ryu> that language.
[05:35] <McDerp> Hävittäjä is destroyer in finnish
[05:35] <Caboose10032> Less swearing pls
[05:36] <McDerp> Jet planes (military kind) also share the name
[05:36] <Caboose10032> According to Dutch standards this is also a cruiser: http://www.jachtwerf-dewijdeblick.com/afbeeldingen/KK1150/KC1150_Ext_1.jpg
[05:36] <McDerp> well, it does cruise, sooo :V
[05:36] <Kurokami Ryu> lol silly dutch.
[05:36] <McDerp> but can it cruise the bruise? :V
[05:36] <Dechidechi> there echo
[05:36] <Nothis> i think kirov class can :v
[05:37] <Nothis> bruise missile :v
[05:37] <Caboose10032> okay, okay, so it's known as a weekend cruiser everywhere, okay.
[05:37] <Sylcion> hahahaha
[05:37] <Caboose10032> Military is different then i suppose.
[05:37] <Sylcion> we got the strongest cruisers
[05:37] <Sylcion> hue
[05:37] <McDerp> do cruise missiles cruise? :V
[05:38] <Nothis> bruise missiles do :v
[05:38] <McDerp> oh yay
[05:38] <McDerp> got enough res for taihou kraft
[05:38] <Caboose10032> bagger-class battleship
[05:38] <Sshinka> the main characteristic of a battle cruiser is huge operational range
[05:38] <Sylcion> lmfao
[05:38] <Caboose10032> kapsalon-class destroyer
[05:38] <Sylcion> caboose please im sick im coughing so hard
[05:38] <Caboose10032> kroket-class submarine
[05:38] <Qu33k> 50 AP quest did
[05:38] <Sylcion> rofl
[05:38] <McDerp> Hipster-class cruiser
[05:39] <Qu33k> cruisers are so mainstream
[05:39] <Nothis> Putin-class spacecruiser :>
[05:39] <McDerp> lol, got an email from FBI accusing me of sending money to african pirates :V
[05:39] <Sylcion> i legit have no knowledge on dutch ships xD
[05:39] <Kurokami Ryu> Hipster class... so hip
[05:39] <McDerp> they signed themselves as "Blahblahblah, FBI Department, Maimi"
[05:39] <McDerp> kool
[05:39] <Qu33k> how about Dutch sailors?
[05:39] <McDerp> Flying dutchman ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ
[05:39] <Zel-melon> ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ (bucket) 
[05:39] <Sylcion> my history class never bothered to teach me names properly
[05:40] <Tohoseiryu> Putin-class <<<<<< Orion-class space cruiser
[05:40] <Qu33k> Syl and nameless sailors
[05:40] <Nothis> D:
[05:40] <Sylcion> more like: ya know who hitler is? good
[05:40] <ArcticaFrost> Nordic class
[05:40] <ArcticaFrost> Huehuehue
[05:40] <Qu33k> where ever fine books are sold
[05:40] <McDerp> (bucket) ~ヽ(。 ワ ゚ )ᕗ Thanx Zel
[05:40] <Caboose10032> based HMS Zeeland http://www.indumijmotoren.com/Renk/Images/Holland.jpg
[05:40] <Caboose10032> Our ships have party hats.
[05:40] <Tohoseiryu> Derp, Can I have a bucket? :3
[05:40] <McDerp> is it worth 1.5bil
[05:40] <McDerp> sure :3
[05:40] <Sylcion> rofl caboose
[05:40] <Dechidechi> (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) ~ヽ(。 ワ ゚ )ᕗ I'll take all ur buckets

[05:40] <Sshinka> in most cases, history classes are just huge list of years and dates that everyone forgets - it is intended to work like that.
[05:41] <McDerp> (bucket) ~ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ
[05:41] <Tohoseiryu> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_electronically_scanned_array
[05:41] <ArcticaFrost> http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/f2/HMS_Helsingborg_2.jpg paaaart haaat
[05:41] <Tohoseiryu> "Hats"
[05:41] <McDerp> worst things to study in history classes; Social reforms
[05:41] <Nothis> true
[05:41] <Zel-melon> ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ
 ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
[05:41] <Nothis> too boring
[05:41] <McDerp> least interesting topic
[05:41] <Tohoseiryu> AESA = "Hats"
[05:41] <Nothis> too long
[05:41] <Ninthsense> what do you guys think about guides for preparing for events?
[05:41] <Qu33k> too bad we can't sort the roster by HP
[05:41] <Tohoseiryu> I want buckets :c
[05:41] <Nothis> stock rsc ?
[05:41] <Caboose10032> toho pls
[05:41] <Qu33k> would make finding those Mutsuki class girls so much easier
[05:41] <Nothis> get more bucket ?
[05:42] <Nothis> more kai ni ship ?
[05:42] <McDerp> if those guides could be kept generic and informative, sure
[05:42] <Sshinka> Ninth : not bad idea. it would help new TTKs
[05:42] <Dechidechi> we can add a "I need a coach. Coach me prease" section 
[05:42] <McDerp> but some of pros post their own intricate strategies and another disagrees that turns them into a keg of boom
[05:42] <Sylcion> lol
[05:42] <Nothis> it always on 3 goal basic
[05:43] <Dechidechi> and someone signs up to be that individuals PM coach for 3 days
[05:43] <Nothis> Kai ni ship, rsc and bucket
[05:43] <Dechidechi> or something
[05:43] <McDerp> get ships, get gear, get resources
[05:43] <McDerp> what the heck
[05:43] <Nothis> ^
[05:43] <McDerp> purge?
[05:43] <Sshinka> just make one guide page....
[05:43] <McDerp> purge ヽ( ゚ ワ 。)ノ
[05:43] <Dechidechi> we have sht load of guide pages
[05:43] <Dechidechi> people don't read :/ 
[05:43] <McDerp> ^
[05:44] <McDerp> just keep the guides simple and neat
[05:44] <Nothis> we got the entire wiki with useful infomation
[05:44] <Nothis> no one read
[05:44] <McDerp> too much information makes people easily give up reading
[05:44] <Sylcion> caboose did we ever even have a proper battleships thats not from 1900-1910 ?!
[05:44] <Nothis> nah it just they being lazy
[05:44] <Dechidechi> so for the dumb who doesn't want to read, they can try the coach section and someone can volunteer to be some newbie's mastaaa
[05:44] <McDerp> 9th had a nice page, albeit a little outdated about it
[05:44] <Tohoseiryu> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gyrodyne_QH-50_DASH
[05:44] <Qu33k> insert random pr0n in the articles
[05:44] <McDerp> I liked how he supplemented the recommended gears to get-section with pictures
[05:44] <Qu33k> to help people keep reading
[05:44] <Nothis> btw i think we should improve our girls pages
[05:44] <McDerp> ^
[05:44] <McDerp> ^^*
[05:44] <Nothis> format mixed everywhere
[05:45] <McDerp> anyway, i need to get going, take a bath and read this long-ass novel for tomorrow :V
[05:45] <Dechidechi> it doesn't work @qu33k
I just inspect elements > resources > images> surf through images, get the ones I want and leave
[05:45] <Qu33k> heh
[05:45] <Kurokami Ryu> And on a random note...
[05:45] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> is eating cookies
[05:45] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/5472_88d0_800xcqne.gif
[05:45] <Qu33k> "quivering love pudding"
[05:46] <Nothis> i seriously don't like how the current ship page is right now :| On one page it is: Info > Quote > Character > Trivia > See Also than another one is Info > Quote > Trivia > Notes > See Also 
[05:46] <Zel-melon> test
[05:47] <Qu33k> hrm
[05:47] <ArcticaFrost> Back
[05:47] <Qu33k> who to put in Flag for PVP
[05:47] <ArcticaFrost> That's why are trying to figure out.
[05:47] <Qu33k> farmed both Torpedo Twins
[05:47] <Qu33k> so no need for them
[05:48] <Qu33k> perhaps Maya
[05:48] <Tohoseiryu> Fuso was my first Kai Ni 
[05:48] <Qu33k> just because
[05:48] <Tohoseiryu> > Priorities in order
[05:48] <Sshinka> do we have autoearase for comments older than 12 months, or something like that? think the most weight in wiki is in the comments
[05:48] <Nothis> i don't think comments will affect anything
[05:49] <Qu33k> harumph
[05:49] <Qu33k> Maya is still banged up from the 6-2 run
[05:49] <Kurokami Ryu> No Sshinka we don't.
[05:49] <Kurokami Ryu> Wikis don't delete stuff.
[05:50] <Qu33k> guess it's my back-up AA CI ship then
[05:50] <Qu33k> Taigei!!!!!
[05:50] <Dechidechi> unless it's the deletion of the entire wiki itself
[05:50] <Kurokami Ryu> Yup.
[05:50] <Dechidechi> as if the wiki is so racist and has to be removed
[05:50] <ArcticaFrost> Qu33k, plz comment on this! :D [[Suggestion#comm-206367]]
[05:50] <Sshinka> ok that, but most of those comments are far away from being informative lol
[05:50] <Segar> self destruction
[05:51] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> wastes his buckets
[05:51] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> rolls wanwan
[05:51] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> is frozen
[05:51] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> flamethrower segar
[05:52] <Nothis> damn it, ran out of sub to use as tank in 3-2
[05:52] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> sings Do you want to build a snowman while being heated 
[05:52] <Nothis> .-.
[05:52] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> drags harunadesu 
[05:52] <Blasterion> Nothis Nothis
[05:52] <Blasterion> Haguro Kai 2 =D
[05:52] <Sylcion> hey seg :3/
[05:52] <Harunadesu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Harunadesu</span></span> is too heavy to move
[05:52] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> still eats cookies
[05:52] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/1867_f555_960nwpjj.jpeg
[05:52] <Nothis> Gz :D 
[05:52] <Blasterion> gotta work on Ashigara now
[05:52] <Segar> :> BROOOOOOOOOO
[05:52] <Nothis> my chikuma is gonna be kai ni right after i got SS fix
[05:52] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/gallery/wfTl5
[05:52] <Nothis> this sux :| 
[05:53] <Segar> inb4 Haguro 115
[05:53] <Segar> :>
[05:53] <Dechidechi> here segar
[05:53] <Harunadesu> if a sub is ever gonna get a bp
[05:53] <Blasterion> haha
[05:53] <Harunadesu> im gonna die
[05:53] <Sylcion> sorry missed que
[05:53] <Segar> XD
[05:53] <Dechidechi> too bad the comment section is in maint
[05:53] <Segar> man
[05:53] <Segar> I love that guy
[05:53] <Segar> no homo
[05:54] <Dechidechi> else it's hilarious watching the comment section
[05:54] <Qu33k> AF, agnostic on that issue
[05:54] <Qu33k> really don't have much to add to what's already there
[05:54] <Qu33k> although, Maya didn't get her monkey
[05:55] <Qu33k> and I am sad about that
[05:55] <Kurokami Ryu> Well I said what I wanted to say about the trivia thing.
[05:55] <Qu33k> yeah, bullshit memes belong in chat, after all
[05:56] <Qu33k> :-p 
[05:56] <ArcticaFrost> :p 
[05:56] <Nothis> comment section is always hilarious to see
[05:56] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/1867_f555_960nwpjj.jpeg
[05:56] <ArcticaFrost> Did you put your opinion? :p 
[05:56] <Nothis> also contain salt
[05:56] <Caboose10032> If you ask me memes can also gtfo the glossary
[05:57] <Segar> saint paddy day
[05:57] <Segar> :3
[05:57] <Nothis> in general all meme should gtfo to glossary
[05:57] <Nothis> and what useful and infomative should be left behind in the trivia
[05:57] <Qu33k> Erin Go Brah-less!
[05:57] <Caboose10032> By that i meant removed from the glossary :V
[05:58] <Nothis> :V don't delete the glossary 
[05:58] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> still doesn't understand what was wrong with calling her Pringles
[05:58] <Caboose10032> removed from != remove glossary, do you even read?
[05:58] <ArcticaFrost> Meme page :p 
[05:58] <Caboose10032> Jeez
[05:58] <ArcticaFrost> Throw every damn meme to it.
[05:58] <Segar> ME ME ME!
[05:59] <Qu33k> sqwishy butt-chan!
[05:59] <Dechidechi> here echo
[05:59] <Dechidechi> this is what you want
[05:59] <Segar> so
[05:59] <Segar> neta page?
[05:59] <Dechidechi> neta page neta section w/e
[05:59] <Dechidechi> if you really want it
[05:59] <Caboose10032> seperate page pls
[06:00] <Segar> if we have lots of meme(neta) we should a seperate page
[06:00] <Dechidechi> jp wikiwiki does have a neta section on kanmusu page and that is prob why anon wants to add it
but neta =/= meme
[06:00] <ArcticaFrost> Meme page! :D 

[06:00] <Dechidechi> neta =/= Trivia
[06:00] <Segar> ok
[06:00] <Segar> :>
[06:00] <EchoHolic> Ohhh
[06:01] <Dechidechi> Trivia is fact
[06:01] <Dechidechi> hard fact
[06:01] <EchoHolic> Maybe we should have one Netabare page
[06:01] <Segar> cruel fact
[06:01] <Nothis> peoples should know english wiki =/= wikiwiki
[06:01] <Kurokami Ryu> Just make subpages for neta...
[06:01] <Dechidechi> like the longest dick is 9meters
[06:01] <Segar> we are wikia
[06:01] <Segar> wikia=/= wikiwiki
[06:01] <EchoHolic> Just problem is finding a good english phrase to name the page
[06:01] <ArcticaFrost> Falukorv Page
[06:02] <Kurokami Ryu> We are sparta.
[06:02] <Dechidechi> wiki and wikia in terms of wiki refers to community collaborating to convey information
[06:02] <EchoHolic> Because not many people know what Netabare is lol
[06:02] <ArcticaFrost> Crap information page?
[06:02] <Segar> or we can enlarge glossary 
[06:03] <ArcticaFrost> Fandom?
[06:03] <Segar> put more meme neta w/e
[06:03] <Harunadesu> people can just generate new trivia anytime they want
[06:03] <Onnasis> ネタバレ ?
[06:03] <Zel-melon> ughh...now speaker is busted
[06:03] <Dechidechi> no you can't generate new trivia
[06:03] <Harunadesu> well new ship and stuff
[06:03] <Dechidechi> ships in history or fan-made ships?
[06:03] <Harunadesu> fan-made
[06:04] <Harunadesu> obv not history lol
[06:04] <Dechidechi> there is no trivia in that
[06:04] <Dechidechi> it's not proven
[06:04] <Kurokami Ryu> ^
[06:04] <Dechidechi> it's not fact
[06:04] <Dechidechi> it's a lore
[06:04] <Harunadesu> yea
[06:04] <Zel-melon> it's better to put that under like...a thread or something in the forum
[06:04] <Dechidechi> a story
[06:04] <Qu33k> last two ships in my first PVP fleet, are a waifu Yamato, and a level 16 Maruyu
[06:04] <Qu33k> F U, fellow TTK, just FU
[06:04] <Kurokami Ryu> Yamato
[06:04] <Kurokami Ryu> <3 
[06:04] <Dechidechi> Romeo and juliet didn't marry isn't a trivia, it's a story
[06:04] <Dechidechi> Shakespeare wrote Romeo and juliet is a trivia
[06:04] <Dechidechi> it's a fact
[06:05] <ArcticaFrost> Anyway, for now. We need a direction for trivia and we can deal with fandom, netore or hentai whatever you want.
[06:05] <Dechidechi> netore is genre
[06:05] <Dechidechi> that doesn't fall in the category of fandom or hentai
[06:05] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> facepalm, that is the not the point right now.
[06:05] <EchoHolic> For now, we'll wait for more input about what people think is right for the trivia page
[06:05] <Dechidechi> Trivia is fact
[06:05] <EchoHolic> I'd like more admin input
[06:05] <Dechidechi> its that simple
[06:06] <ArcticaFrost> We need a direction for Trivia.
[06:06] <Dechidechi> you CAN'T argue with trivia
[06:06] <EchoHolic> And then I think we can sling out suggestions and gauge reactions lol
[06:06] <ArcticaFrost> Well put that on suggestion then.
[06:06] <Dechidechi> it's under echo's thread
[06:06] <ArcticaFrost> Not everyone is going to agree with you, me, caboose or other people.
[06:06] <EchoHolic> We're not deciding on ANYTHING right now, just to make things clear
[06:06] <Segar> you should just tell them trivia is trivia not meme or neta section
[06:06] <Dechidechi> you can't disagree with the definition of trivia
[06:06] <Dechidechi> it's in the dictionary
[06:07] <Dechidechi> and I mentioned on another suggestion that Netobare is prob what echo is looking for
[06:07] <Ninthsense> well covering the basics esp for people who have to prepare for first or 2nd event
[06:07] <Dechidechi> if the section is netobare, RJ is referred as a board can be included
[06:08] <Dechidechi> netabare*
[06:09] <Nothis> this is why we shouldn't let random anon edit :>
[06:09] <EchoHolic> There is a definition of trivia yeah, but the motive right now is trying to find a middle ground and gauging community opinion of what we should do with the trivia section
[06:09] <ArcticaFrost> ^
[06:09] <EchoHolic> I know that it doesnt make sense
[06:09] <Segar> nothis I disagree
[06:09] <Nothis> only takes one sparkle for a problematic discussion
[06:09] <Dechidechi> people should just understand the difference between trivia and neta, so people SHOULD be arguing whether they want a trivia section or a neta section
[06:09] <ArcticaFrost> We should never had a Haruna war, Prinz, Yukikaze or this latest DD war.
[06:09] <Segar> not all the anon are bad
[06:09] <Nothis> ik
[06:09] <Nothis> but not all anon are good
[06:10] <ArcticaFrost> For whatever it is, Neta can get it own page
[06:10] <Segar> yeah so it is ok to let them edit
[06:10] <Segar> but if they make shit up
[06:10] <ArcticaFrost> And Trivia stay at is it BUT we need a direction what kind of information should be ok.
[06:10] <Segar> we should have a instruction for them
[06:10] <Nothis> i think they already did
[06:11] <Dechidechi> and Trivia that is a FACT can be added
[06:11] <Dechidechi> a FACT that pertains to the page
[06:11] <EchoHolic> Yeah dechi but we don't have a better name for naming the section
[06:11] <Qu33k> same fleet that I faced yesterday, CarDiv 1 at level 97 each
[06:11] <Qu33k> yup, Akagi with Stuka
[06:11] <Dechidechi> basically, if the information provided cannot be argued, its a trivia and can be added
[06:11] <ArcticaFrost> Like, when did they get kai ni?
[06:12] <Segar> Game facts
[06:12] <EchoHolic> How bout we not dicuss what the section should be named but what should be allowed/not allowed in the section
[06:12] <ArcticaFrost> Or is when they enter to service?
[06:12] <Segar> history facts
[06:12] <ArcticaFrost> That is what i'm trying to say.
[06:12] <Dechidechi> facts
[06:12] <Dechidechi> you can't argue
[06:12] <Dechidechi> that can be added
[06:12] <Qu33k> tell that to Faux News, Dechi. . . .
[06:12] <Dechidechi> unless you specifically call it "HIstorical Trivia"
[06:12] <Segar> isnt we have wikipedia`s entry for each kanmusu in reality?
[06:12] <Segar> doesnt*
[06:13] <Qu33k> (sorry)
[06:13] <Kurokami Ryu> *don't we have
[06:13] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[06:13] <Segar> MY GRAMMAR SUCKS
[06:13] <Segar> FUDGE
[06:13] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[06:13] <EchoHolic> I understand that the section isn't named properly
[06:13] <Segar> Sucks in Grammars since 2003
[06:13] <Kurokami Ryu> Try harder Segar.
[06:13] <ArcticaFrost> So here is the thing, we are on the same page but question is, what kind of *fact* should be ok?
[06:13] <Segar> I CANT
[06:13] <Kurokami Ryu> D:
[06:14] <ArcticaFrost> Because we could add 1000 facts to the page but that would be stupid, yes?
[06:14] <Dechidechi> if you only allow historical facts, just rename the trivia to historical trivia
[06:14] <EchoHolic> Lets pretend that it isn't named a "Trivia" section and say the nameless section is "Interesting things about this ship"
[06:14] <Dechidechi> as long as it's a fact, how does that explain stupidity?
[06:14] <EchoHolic> What would you include in the section then
[06:15] <EchoHolic> The point is not sticking to the name, rather what information the community thinks we should allow in the ship page
[06:15] <Dechidechi> the name allows what can be added
[06:15] <Dechidechi> ur textbook title has to pertain to the infor in the book
[06:16] <ArcticaFrost> You do realise that people is having a edit war right now on trivia, because half of the ass don't know what should on trivia.
[06:16] <ArcticaFrost> should be on*
[06:16] <Dechidechi> thus clarify ur Trivia category
[06:16] <Dechidechi> it's all down to definition
[06:16] <EchoHolic> Ok lets clear up the objective of the dicussion lol
[06:16] <ArcticaFrost> I have been on your side, damn it.
[06:16] <ArcticaFrost> Got damn it.
[06:16] <EchoHolic> We're trying to figure out what should be allowed in the ship page's bottom part
[06:16] <ArcticaFrost> ^
[06:17] <Qu33k> GET damn it is when Fusou drops
[06:17] <Segar> and should we do a serperate page for meme neta 
[06:17] <ArcticaFrost> Agree
[06:17] <Segar> (if I am right
[06:17] <EchoHolic> Yeah but that's a different matter
[06:17] <Dechidechi> that's a vote for the suggestion page @Echo, if the majority only want historical trivia, you'll have to rename the section to historical trivia
[06:17] <EchoHolic> Right now the outstanding opinion is no memes on the ship page, so what do we allow in a ship page
[06:18] <Kurokami Ryu> I don't think it^'s a different matter Echo.
[06:18] <EchoHolic> We could allow facts, but there is a possibility for support of other things
[06:18] <EchoHolic> Oh it's just a different way of looking at it
[06:18] <EchoHolic> I'm just posing the matter in a different light
[06:18] <EchoHolic> It doesn't hurt to look at it from different angles
[06:19] <Kurokami Ryu> People might respond different I you tell them that we could make an additional area.
[06:19] <Dechidechi> ur support has to be authentic
[06:19] <Dechidechi> if u got ur support from some random anon pft pls 
[06:20] <EchoHolic> Wiki pages are flexible in format, so we're trying to gather opinions of what people think is acceptable
[06:20] <EchoHolic> So that admins have a good base for moderating whatever the end product is
[06:20] <ArcticaFrost> Then write down on the suggestion what you think that *trivia* Fact* or whatever you consider should be down there on the ship page, if not at all.
[06:20] <Kurokami Ryu> I think it would be good to point the option for an additional area to trivia out.
[06:21] <Dechidechi> it's already under echo's post
[06:21] <Dechidechi> @AF
[06:21] <EchoHolic> Just a reminder this is just reaching out for opinions
[06:21] <EchoHolic> Nothing is gonna happen anytime soon lol
[06:21] <ArcticaFrost> So as long the fact is supported you are fine with it?
[06:22] <EchoHolic> Just confirming
[06:22] <Dechidechi> as long as the support is authentic yes
[06:22] <ArcticaFrost> Got damn it, it would take this long to get a general direction, holy crap.
[06:22] <ArcticaFrost> Oh well.
[06:22] <ArcticaFrost> Done for now that part.
[06:22] <Dechidechi> its the definition of fact, i don't see how you guys are looking at the matter in such a complicated way
[06:23] <Caboose10032> "details, considerations, or pieces of information of little importance or value."
[06:23] <EchoHolic> Because we're looking at the possibility of maybe doing something else with it as well
[06:23] <ArcticaFrost> Tell that to other anons.
[06:23] <ArcticaFrost> Or players.
[06:23] <EchoHolic> If it was this simple we wouldn't have edit wars lol
[06:24] <EchoHolic> I do agree that a giant Netabare page should exist to explain fan stuff
[06:27] <Qu33k> I am not used to this "below cap" thinking
[06:27] <Admiral Mikado> Neither am I
[06:27] <Qu33k> but I just realized that I'd be resources ahead to make a YamaSushi shot now
[06:27] <Dechidechi> I'm only below cap if i have enough spaces for maruyus
[06:27] <Qu33k> instead of after day reset
[06:27] <Qu33k> would get 6 hours of regen while at work
[06:27] <Segar> *make a Yamashiro shot now
[06:28] <Dechidechi> then when maruyus fills up all my space, i have no choice but to stock
[06:28] <Qu33k> vs the daily crafting 50x4
[06:28] <Qu33k> <span class="me-username">* <span>Qu33k</span></span> makes sign against evil in Segar's general direction
[06:28] <Qu33k> "avaunt!"
[06:28] <Segar> :>
[06:29] <Nothis> last nopan sister complete
[06:29] <Nothis> yay so happy :>
[06:29] <Qu33k> frag
[06:29] <Qu33k> 4:00
[06:29] <Qu33k> only half a Yamato
[06:30] <Qu33k> Nothis, Chikuma?
[06:31] <Nothis> yeah
[06:31] <Qu33k> congrats
[06:31] <Nothis> thank 
[06:31] <Qu33k> they are hella good 
[06:31] <Nothis> gonna move on to CA
[06:31] <Nothis> still a lot of CA needed to level
[06:31] <Qu33k> Atago is the only one of mine that isn't 75+
[06:31] <Qu33k> of the first line CA
[06:32] <Qu33k> Aoba is the other slacker 
[06:32] <Nothis> currently thinking about who i gonna level up 
[06:32] <Nothis> choukai or ashigara ?
[06:32] <Admiral Mikado> All my CAs except Takao-class are Lv. 91+ :>
[06:32] <Qu33k> good question
[06:32] <Qu33k> Ashigara has her Kai Ni, so you know what you're getting
[06:32] <Dechidechi> The only CA not in my team is Takao :/ 
[06:32] <Qu33k> Chokai is getting one "soon"
[06:33] <Dechidechi> idk about keep her or not yet
[06:33] <Dechidechi> choukai is getting one this spring @qu33k
[06:33] <CreamX> level up choukai nothis . . 
[06:33] <Kurokami Ryu> http://abload.de/img/refresh4xu7f.jpg
[06:33] <Nothis> i prefer ashigara
[06:33] <Dechidechi> Devs said it on twitter already
[06:33] <CreamX> k
[06:33] <Nothis> need her x3 no2 and she is cloer to kai ni
[06:33] <Qu33k> and is probably going to be a bit better than Ashigara/Nachi
[06:33] <Dechidechi> Choukai K2 will be here by the end of may
[06:33] <Qu33k> (guessing)
[06:33] <Blasterion> Mutsuki Kai ni
[06:33] <Nothis> while it gonna take me 26 days of only PVP for choukai hitting asleast 70
[06:33] <Admiral Mikado> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1900841
Aoba Kai-2 when?! :<
[06:33] <Blasterion> I am looking forward to it
[06:34] <Blasterion> They need to buff Kinugasa
[06:34] <Dechidechi> another DD is going to K2 this spring too
[06:34] <Dechidechi> dunno who
[06:34] <Blasterion> I want to love Kinugasa but
[06:34] <CreamX> mutsuki stock equipment drum
[06:34] <Dechidechi> and ofc the foreign BB from Spring event
[06:34] <Blasterion> she's so normal stat wise
[06:34] <Qu33k> spring, soon, same
[06:34] <Admiral Mikado> She's cute, so I don't care :3
[06:34] <Segar> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つHIYOU KAINI WHEN༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[06:34] <Blasterion> They need to giv3e Aoba kai ni because her damage CG is so lazy
[06:34] <Blasterion> HIYOU KAI NI YES
[06:34] <Admiral Mikado> HIYOU KAI-2
[06:34] <Zel-melon> don't judge a girl by her stat =\
[06:34] <Blasterion> WE NEED HIYOU KAI NI
[06:34] <Blasterion> HIYOU KAI NI
[06:35] <Nothis> Kaga Kai Ni plz
[06:35] <CreamX> izumo
[06:35] <ArcticaFrost> AOBA KAI NI WHEN?!
[06:35] <Segar> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つSHOUHOU KAINI WHEN༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[06:35] <Dechidechi> I already give up on reading stats when after 1 month of gameplay, because too many people marrying a page of their only waifu
[06:35] <Blasterion> HOUSHOU KAI NI WHEN
[06:35] <ArcticaFrost> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[06:35] <CreamX> akagi kai ni when?
[06:35] <Blasterion> ZUIKAKU KAI NI WHEN
[06:36] <Onnasis> do you all keep shipgirls only because their stat ?
[06:36] <CreamX> yes
[06:36] <Nothis> for me : yes
[06:36] <ArcticaFrost> Yes and no.
[06:36] <Sshinka> some of them 
[06:36] <Kurokami Ryu> We need Kaga, Akagi, Yamato, Musashi, Shoukau and Zuikaku Kai Ni.
[06:36] <Kurokami Ryu> :V
[06:36] <Nothis> 98/100 so i don't have a choice
[06:36] <Blasterion> @ Onnasis I use Shipgirls because stats
[06:36] <Segar> sometimes
[06:36] <ArcticaFrost> I collect some of them.
[06:36] <Admiral Mikado> http://articleimage.nicoblomaga.jp/image/160/2014/c/8/c81eefb060bafe0ced55a53d0dd67cbd6dd733981401498861.jpg
[06:36] <Zel-melon> no, if I like her I keep her; stat is second
[06:36] <Blasterion> I keep ALL SHIPGIRLS because 240 slot lul
[06:36] <Xenzul> CANCER
[06:36] <ArcticaFrost> Stats first!
[06:36] <Dechidechi> aoba K2 with a huge camera
[06:36] <Segar> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つKAINI HELL BOYS༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[06:36] <ArcticaFrost> Xen Cancer!
[06:36] <CreamX> stats b4 art
[06:36] <Nothis> aoka K2 with torpedo camera
[06:37] <Xenzul> XEN CANCER
[06:37] <Xenzul> <span class="me-username">* <span>Xenzul</span></span> spreads
[06:37] <ArcticaFrost> FALUKORV CANCER!
[06:37] <Blasterion> KAI NI CANCER
[06:37] <Admiral Mikado> I though you were Pisces, Xen... :v
[06:37] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> slaps everyone with Falukorv cancer!
[06:37] <Xenzul> what
[06:37] <Blasterion> MIKA CANCER
[06:37] <Xenzul> no
[06:37] <Xenzul> Im 
[06:37] <Kurokami Ryu> Art > Stats
[06:37] <Xenzul> not gonna say it actually
[06:37] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[06:37] <Blasterion> nonono
[06:37] <Segar> inb4 Xen nuke chat
[06:37] <Blasterion> VOICE > STATS
[06:37] <Dechidechi> DECHI FEVER
[06:37] <Blasterion> DECHI IS TAIHA
[06:37] <Dechidechi> Dechi > everything
[06:37] <Kurokami Ryu> Blaster....
[06:38] <Zel-melon> Xen is Gemini
[06:38] <Kurokami Ryu> Art = Picture & Voice
[06:38] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[06:38] <Segar> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955490?tags=kantai_collection
[06:38] <Dechidechi> bs
[06:38] <Blasterion> My Akagi is pretty much retired =/
[06:38] <CreamX> Stats > Art
[06:38] <G Nanaya> picture > stats
[06:38] <Dechidechi> ur akagi one taiha = to 8 married dechi taiha
[06:38] <Segar> (de ) (chi ) <3 
[06:38] <ArcticaFrost> Mute and play :>
[06:38] <ArcticaFrost> Evil me
[06:38] <Blasterion> Dechi or Dechi Kai?
[06:38] <CreamX> ^
[06:38] <Dechidechi> kai ofc
[06:38] <Blasterion> AF YOU HAF NO HART
[06:39] <Blasterion> I have 2 Dechi Kais =D
[06:39] <Blasterion> All 3 of my Dechis are taiha =/
[06:39] <Blasterion> becuz 3-2A grind
[06:39] <Dechidechi> why are you grinding 3-2 with dechi
[06:39] <CreamX> lel using ssv to grind at 3-2a
[06:39] <Dechidechi> my dechi is so smart she crafts maruyus for me to use in 3-2
[06:39] <Blasterion> because she's 3 of my 8 SS
[06:39] <Onnasis> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4747675
[06:39] <Admiral Mikado> Do you even Maruyu? :V
[06:39] <Blasterion> nope
[06:39] <Blasterion> I don't Maruyu
[06:40] <Blasterion> Maruyu is ugly
[06:40] <Kurokami Ryu> Fail.
[06:40] <Blasterion> I can't bare to look at her
[06:40] <Dechidechi> for the last 2 days, dechi crafted 3 maruyu for me
[06:40] <Dechidechi> in a total of 5 attempts
[06:40] <Blasterion> Rather see Dechi taiha than look at Maruyu
[06:40] <ArcticaFrost> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956117
[06:40] <Segar> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1955803?tags=haguro_%28kantai_collection%29 MY WAIFU
[06:41] <Xenzul> guys
[06:41] <Xenzul> GUYS
[06:41] <Xenzul> GUYS!~
[06:41] <Xenzul> post sinks
[06:41] <CreamX> ?
[06:41] <Blasterion> Segar!!!
[06:41] <Blasterion> I GOT HAGURO Kai 2
[06:41] <Blasterion> =D
[06:41] <Blasterion> My first CA K2
[06:41] <Segar> good
[06:41] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10421213_803193529756754_6728760935939223026_n.jpg?oh=9b7375f2250895b4b4ab93af6705e208&oe=557A9EAE&__gda__=1438251416_d7462b50a26cd13f6fda757df2d349c6
[06:41] <Nothis> 100 3-2A sortie left for ashigara kai ni ._.
[06:41] <Segar> now level her to 99
[06:41] <Blasterion> She is much love
[06:41] <ArcticaFrost> I bang him / her
[06:41] <Blasterion> I am working on Ashigara
[06:41] <Blasterion> well
[06:41] <Blasterion> I am working on Souryuu 77/78 right now
[06:41] <Xenzul> you bang everything
[06:41] <Blasterion> but soon
[06:41] <Dechidechi> well Haguro is almost everyone's first CA k2
[06:42] <Dechidechi> She IS the first CA in the game to get K2
[06:42] <Blasterion> Because she is good girl
[06:42] <Sshinka> Myokou 1st K2
[06:42] <Blasterion> Haguro is daijoubu as fuck
[06:42] <Dechidechi> Haguro K2 in June 2014
[06:42] <Dechidechi> the first CA k2
[06:42] <Admiral Mikado> My first CA Kai-2 was Kinugasa
[06:42] <Segar> :>
[06:42] <Dechidechi> oh wait
[06:42] <Segar> MY WAIFU HA
[06:42] <Dechidechi> nvm
[06:42] <Xenzul> ^
[06:42] <Blasterion> Kinugasa is cute
[06:42] <Dechidechi> there is kinugasa
[06:42] <Dechidechi> kinugasa is first k2
[06:42] <Blasterion> but her stats =/
[06:42] <Dechidechi> lel
[06:42] <Admiral Mikado> I don't care about her stats :V
[06:42] <Blasterion> Kinugasa K2 isn't as good as Takao K
[06:43] <Nothis> ..... i can't accept this fact that KTKMxOoi gonna be level 99 before everyone in my fleet :'(
[06:43] <Blasterion> I like her VA
[06:43] <Blasterion> Nakajima Ai
[06:43] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc gets the special treatment.
[06:43] <Zel-melon> Kinugasa first CA because lvl 55 Kai2
[06:43] <Xenzul> RIOT
[06:43] <Xenzul> NEWFACE
[06:43] <ArcticaFrost> HUEHUE
[06:43] <Xenzul> CANCER
[06:43] <Blasterion> NEW FACE
[06:43] <CreamX> NEW FACE
[06:43] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> wide the ass
[06:43] <Admiral Mikado> Kinugasa Kai-2 actually is on par with Takao Kai, but the former has a lower resource consumption :P 
[06:43] <Blasterion> true 
[06:43] <Xenzul> CANCER FOR YOU
[06:43] <Blasterion> wtf
[06:43] <Xenzul> CANCER FOR YOU~CANCER
[06:43] <Blasterion> wtf wtf
[06:43] <Xenzul> FOR EVERYONE!!!!
[06:43] <Nothis> i totally forgot about kinugasa
[06:43] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> move his ass into Xen face
[06:43] <Blasterion> It was pronounced Megumi?
[06:43] <Blasterion> wtf
[06:43] <Qu33k> more canine boozers for St Paddy's Day: https://40.media.tumblr.com/79ea35deb82971f6ddcde8176fcf39df/tumblr_nl9t30I7Sl1sywi7vo1_540.jpg
[06:43] <Xenzul> <span class="me-username">* <span>Xenzul</span></span> gives out cancer
[06:44] <Nothis> gonna get her for no3 gun
[06:44] <Admiral Mikado> Yes, Blast
[06:44] <Blasterion> I thought it was Nakajima Ai all this time
[06:44] <Dechidechi> if ur just going to get no3 gun, mikuma is faster
[06:44] <Zel-melon> Newface's impression right now is probably "This Xenzul guy is crazy"
[06:44] <CreamX> ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
[06:44] <Blasterion> MIND FUCKING BLOWN
[06:44] <Xenzul> wtf
[06:44] <Xenzul> are you serious
[06:44] <Blasterion> lol
[06:44] <Caboose10032> #rekt
[06:44] <ArcticaFrost> (bucket) 
[06:45] <Admiral Mikado> That because in Japanese you can freely choose the reading of the characters in a name.
[06:45] <Xenzul> (bucket) .(bucket)
[06:45] <Blasterion> (bucket) 
[06:45] <Xenzul> bucket
[06:45] <Nothis> (lag) (bucket) 
[06:45] <Xenzul> they changed it?
[06:45] <Blasterion> CreamX is Taiha
[06:45] <Xenzul> bucket
[06:45] <Xenzul> hmmm
[06:45] <Xenzul> (bucket) 
[06:45] <ArcticaFrost> (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 

 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
[06:45] <Nothis> (lag) (bucket) (lag) 
[06:45] <Xenzul> (bucket) _ (bucket) 
[06:45] <Caboose10032> What's it gonna be, Magic?
[06:45] <Nothis> (bucket) x (bucket) 
[06:45] <Blasterion> (bucket) party
[06:45] <Blasterion> EVERYONE BRING YER (bucket) 
[06:45] <Segar> :V
[06:45] <Admiral Mikado> cum (bucket) 
[06:45] <Nothis> (bucket) _ (bucket) 
[06:46] <Xenzul> MIKADO
[06:46] <Zel-melon> (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) (bucket) 
 (bucket) (bucket) 
[06:46] <Xenzul> WTH
[06:46] <Caboose10032> MADOKI PLS
[06:46] <Xenzul> WTHHH
[06:46] <Blasterion> (bucket) (buket)
[06:46] <EchoHolic> 2 Ships 1 (bucket) 
[06:46] <ArcticaFrost> (bucket) _(bucket)
[06:46] <Nothis> (bucket) 
[06:46] <Blasterion> 2 CVs 1 (bucket) 
[06:46] <Magicrailgunner> hello
[06:46] <Blasterion> we scared off the NEW FACE
[06:46] <Admiral Mikado> We do that all the time
[06:46] <Kurokami Ryu> Hey.
[06:46] <EchoHolic> GOOD
[06:46] <Blasterion> =P
[06:46] <Blasterion> alright I gotta head back to work
[06:47] <Blasterion> see you guys in a few
[06:47] <Xenzul> (bucket) __ (bucket) 
[06:47] <Segar> later
[06:47] <Blasterion> love ya'll bastards
[06:47] <Magicrailgunner> seeya blast
[06:47] <Kurokami Ryu> Don't mind all the crazy people around.
[06:47] <Zel-melon> this seems to become how we screen newface
[06:47] <Xenzul> newface?
[06:47] <Xenzul> NEWFACE?
[06:47] <Zel-melon> if you're not crazy, you're not staying
[06:47] <Xenzul> bro
[06:47] <Xenzul> who cares
[06:47] <Zel-melon> you? :v
[06:48] <Admiral Mikado> The only thing Xen cares about is cancer
[06:48] <Magicrailgunner> everyone's crazy to some extent
[06:48] <Xenzul> CANCER
[06:48] <Dechidechi> if the new face is a grill and cosplays as dechi, I would fking care
[06:48] <Xenzul> HA
[06:48] <Xenzul> YAH RIGHT
[06:48] <ArcticaFrost> CANCER HERE, CANCER THERE!
[06:48] <CreamX> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1794423?pool_id=9049
[06:48] <Xenzul> CANCER EVERYWHERE
[06:48] <Caboose10032> Lobsters pls go
[06:48] <Admiral Mikado> I'm playing this game, OF COURSE I'M CRAZY! :V
[06:48] <Admiral Mikado> Not to mention that I put up with you guys :P 
[06:48] <Xenzul> >paying for this game
[06:49] <Teriyakian> WOW
[06:49] <Teriyakian> YOU'RE RUDE
[06:49] <Zel-melon> we need cancer emoticon
[06:49] <Segar> 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏBut OddOne, You're Crazy !! 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
[06:49] <Xenzul> hes rude
[06:49] <Xenzul> were all rude
[06:49] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is off to PVP
[06:49] <Zel-melon> why you have to be so rude?
[06:50] <Magicrailgunner> ping me if something happens lol
[06:50] <Caboose10032> nice blog
[06:50] <Xenzul> 1v1 me
[06:50] <Xenzul> leggo
[06:50] <Xenzul> LEGGO
[06:50] <EchoHolic> Someone pls crop out Oboro's crab and assign it to (cancer)
[06:50] <ArcticaFrost> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IlTBiAYJdNo Poor crab
[06:50] <Xenzul> <span class="me-username">* <span>Xenzul</span></span> pulls out the guns
[06:50] <Segar> 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏBut Mikado, You're Crazy !! 乁( ◔ ౪◔)ㄏ
[06:50] <Zel-melon> <span class="me-username">* <span>Zel-melon</span></span> pulls out a knife
[06:50] <Caboose10032> https://i.imgur.com/pjPtu.jpg
[06:51] <Zel-melon> boose why...
[06:51] <Zel-melon> now I feel sad
[06:51] <Zel-melon> and hungry
[06:51] <Blasterion> back in my office yall
[06:51] <ArcticaFrost> Poor crab....
[06:51] <CreamX> poor scissors
[06:52] <Magicrailgunner> but aren't you chopping it's eyes off?
[06:52] <Segar> Poor crab
[06:52] <Admiral Mikado> This kills the man
[06:52] <Blasterion> this kills the kokoro
[06:53] <Blasterion> normally people just toss the crab into hot water
[06:53] <Caboose10032> Boiling water*
[06:53] <Magicrailgunner> i thought that makes the crab taste bad?
[06:53] <Blasterion> nah
[06:53] <Magicrailgunner> like it releases distress chemicals or smth that damages meat?
[06:53] <ArcticaFrost> Alright guys
[06:53] <ArcticaFrost> Here is the thing
[06:54] <Caboose10032> Magic pls
[06:54] <ArcticaFrost> WE LOVE XOL!

[06:54] <Hossinator> WE LOVE XOL!
[06:54] <EchoHolic> WE LOVE XOL!
[06:54] <Caboose10032> WE LOVE XOL!
[06:54] <Blasterion> WE LOVE XOL!
[06:54] <Xenzul> WE LOVE XOL
[06:54] <Xenzul> FK YOU
[06:54] <Magicrailgunner> WE LOVE XOL
[06:54] <Zel-melon> WE LOVE XOL
[06:54] <Xenzul> YOU ALL SUCK
[06:54] <Xenzul> CCCCCOMBO
[06:54] <Segar> WE LOVE XOL
[06:54] <Xenzul> BREKAER
[06:54] <G Nanaya> so whats xol
[06:54] <Xenzul> ^
[06:54] <Xenzul> ^
[06:54] <Xenzul> ^
[06:54] <Blasterion> no idea
[06:54] <Xenzul> ^
[06:54] <Segar> WHAT ABOUT ME
[06:54] <CreamX> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dIqN7Cj2Sjw
[06:55] <Hossinator> xol music for the xol
[06:55] <Xenzul> Segar is dead
[06:55] <Caboose10032> #shotsfired
[06:55] <Hossinator> NEKO!
[06:55] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> licks
[06:56] <Hossinator> NANAYA GET AN AVATAR
[06:56] <Nekomahjong> wah?
[06:56] <Hossinator> <span class="me-username">* <span>Hossinator</span></span> licks Neko
[06:56] <G Nanaya> =.=dont know how
[06:56] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/1867_f555_960nwpjj.jpeg
[06:56] <Blasterion> NYA
[06:56] <Nekomahjong> <span class="me-username">* <span>Nekomahjong</span></span> don't know how to reach...
[06:57] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/LXnCYY5
[06:57] <Hossinator> [[Message Wall:G Nanaya]]
[06:57] <Hossinator> under your blank avatar
[06:57] <Nothis> you guys are all weirdos :<
[06:57] <Nothis> lulz
[06:57] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/1867_f555_960nwpjj.jpeg
[06:57] <Hossinator> NO WIERDOS
[06:57] <Hossinator> ok, im calm now
[06:57] <Blasterion> lol
[06:57] <Onnasis> http://livedoor.4.blogimg.jp/hamusoku/imgs/c/3/c31fe33e.jpg
[06:58] <CreamX> ur the weird one nothis :>
[06:58] <Nekomahjong> =___=
[06:58] <Onnasis> what's your answer for 2 ?
[06:58] <Nothis> :>
[06:58] <Blasterion> xD
[06:58] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/LXnCYY5
[06:58] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha wow
[06:58] <Blasterion> CreamX have a (bucket) 
[06:58] <ArcticaFrost> [[Thread:206403]]
[06:59] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc...
[06:59] <G Nanaya> =.= k got one now
[06:59] <Hossinator> YAY!
[06:59] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49272771
[07:00] <Magicrailgunner> 140k experience to go...
[07:00] <Hossinator> So, how's the arty spotting going Magic?
[07:00] <Magicrailgunner> haruna's 0400 line is too cute
[07:00] <Magicrailgunner> hahaha no artillery spotting at all
[07:00] <Magicrailgunner> cut-in setup for fleet 1
[07:00] <ArcticaFrost> http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m6pizcGgtr1rnjd0ro1_500.jpg
[07:01] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/DIPEZ0i
[07:01] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> pets the wan
[07:01] <Admiral Mikado> Oh my, Shoukaku's gonna "check" on your prostate... :3
[07:01] <Admiral Mikado> Cream....
[07:01] <Magicrailgunner> I've learned to not click on any link Cream posts
[07:01] <Admiral Mikado> What is this...?!?
[07:01] <Admiral Mikado> WHAT IS THIS---?!?!?
[07:01] <ArcticaFrost> https://eyeforaneyepiece.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/146.jpg
[07:01] <CreamX> wth
[07:01] <Xenzul> dude
[07:01] <Xenzul> cream
[07:02] <Xenzul> like
[07:02] <Xenzul> how fking bored are you
[07:02] <WanWan101> :3
[07:02] <EchoHolic> One more and it's a ban Cream lol
[07:02] <Admiral Mikado> Does Mikado have to choke a bitch? :V
[07:02] <Sshinka> rly stop posting disguisting stuff here
[07:02] <Zel-melon> cream...wtf
[07:02] <Zel-melon> like...wtf...
[07:02] <Xenzul> yes
[07:02] <G Nanaya> my eyes just get destoryed
[07:02] <Admiral Mikado> FINALLY
[07:02] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=manga&illust_id=44938583
[07:03] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/r/eyebleach
[07:03] <ArcticaFrost> http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/312/d/0/milky___cow_cosplay__original____kemonomimi_by_k_a_n_a-d6dveeo.jpg < MOOOO
[07:03] <Hossinator> COW TITS!
[07:03] <Admiral Mikado> Much better, Hoss
[07:03] <Blasterion> USHIO? where?
[07:03] <Segar> HAMAKAZE
[07:03] <Segar> WHERE
[07:04] <Blasterion> URAKAZE WHERE
[07:04] <Blasterion> Fubuki IS DISAPPOINT
[07:04] <Magicrailgunner> i like urakaze, she's fun
[07:04] <CreamX> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49326894
[07:04] <ArcticaFrost> http://www.mweb.co.za/DesktopModules/DigArticle/MediaHandler.ashx?portalid=20&moduleid=5259&mediaid=9003&width=600&height=400
[07:04] <Blasterion> Urakaze has ARM Z/Rs
[07:04] <Blasterion> ARM Z/Rs are AWESOME
[07:05] <Blasterion> Shimakaze has Arm Z/Rs too
[07:05] <Magicrailgunner> Arm Z/R?????
[07:05] <Blasterion> yeah
[07:06] <Blasterion> Arm Z/R
[07:06] <Blasterion> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ZettaiRyouiki
[07:06] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10678628_589599184510181_4092423349398868969_n.jpg?oh=63271edae903c3ca5d7c898f94315e14&oe=55AF45B1
[07:06] <Blasterion> http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DetachedSleeves
[07:06] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10329220_650388368396512_6897504269738571110_n.jpg?oh=df9703df14892d7b1ad80de6bdedb1a7&oe=557D7F06&__gda__=1433993264_f0e47741daaa5a2b30eb94d5e57e2d25
[07:07] <Blasterion> Arm ZRs are the shit
[07:07] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10923645_872811489408476_4576122195420266543_n.png?oh=31d36193311eb283adfa0d02a7b479b8&oe=55B0E02E&__gda__=1434873668_57c2fccf9084370e276014a137319221
[07:08] <Blasterion> \ Much Yasen Such FP Very Poi
[07:09] <Kurokami Ryu> @Magic
You like Harunas 4h line?
Watch out for the 5h line.
[07:09] <CreamX> https://scontent-hkg.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11033624_940279479345236_6167901684109312650_n.jpg?oh=9350bbe9c67b10598aef5906c0176901&oe=55788166
[07:09] <Magicrailgunner> @Kurokami
I know her 5 hr line, hahaha It's great
but the tone of the 4h line is so adorable
[07:09] <Blasterion> lol
[07:09] <Blasterion> My Kongou Understands
[07:09] <Blasterion> I share my love with all my ships
[07:10] <Blasterion> Sure I love some ships more than others
[07:10] <Zel-melon> why is the chat
[07:10] <Zel-melon> so friggin blue
[07:10] <Blasterion> Because CreamX
[07:11] <Blasterion> SANSHIKI DAN SANSHIKI DAN

wtf is a type 3 good for anyways
[07:11] <Blasterion> I can't find any good use for AA stuff at all
[07:12] <Admiral Mikado> [[User blog:Otakueisama/going crazy]]...

Oh my, look who's salty again...? :V
[07:12] <Zel-melon> oh what...there's nothing
[07:12] <Sshinka> Type 3 is for bombarding installations, it's also good for fleet AA protection when equipped on a BB (AA X 1.6)
[07:12] <Admiral Mikado> Sanshiki is necessary in order to deal any significant damage to installation-type enemies
[07:12] <Blasterion> How do I know if something is a installation
[07:13] <Blasterion> they are all girls
[07:13] <Admiral Mikado> Check the enemy page
[07:13] <Blasterion> =/
[07:13] <Admiral Mikado> [[Enemy vessel]]
[07:13] <Sshinka> Hoppo is installation , for instance
[07:13] <Magicrailgunner> Hiei, why go for the ship that already has 1HP left.... go for their flag...
[07:13] <Admiral Mikado> The list calls them "Land Base"
[07:14] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/Of9WRTh ah kashi
[07:14] <Kurokami Ryu> Installations are the ones you can't attack with torpedos.
[07:14] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[07:14] <Magicrailgunner> beat up hoppo for akashi
[07:14] <Blasterion> =/
[07:15] <Sshinka> Blaster... Type 3 is basically high caliber Flak ammo with high amount of shrapnel - it was good for nuking land-based Airstrips
[07:15] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11032750_786837901411542_3372560307070842522_n.jpg?oh=4ebd637d8d90b6d20f3d619a5e0e42b4&oe=556FE839&__gda__=1434027137_fba8f4df9566fac8ba5ac9976d8e4c72 hawt
[07:15] <Sshinka> ... as it would destroy lots of airplanes
[07:16] <Magicrailgunner> dechi mvp!
[07:16] <Akios> Durhurhurhurhurhur
[07:17] <Akios> Hallo o/
[07:17] <Sshinka> hey hey
[07:17] <Sylcion> yoyoh :3/
[07:17] <Akios> <:
[07:18] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/LHPWtlN nsfw
[07:18] <Akios> I'm too lazy to go to lectures in 40 minutes _(:3 」∠)_\
[07:18] <Akios> qq
[07:19] <Akios> Huh. Bot didn't kick me \(:3 / \)/
[07:20] <Xenzul> CANCER
[07:20] <Xenzul> CANCER
[07:20] <Xenzul> CANCER
[07:20] <YasenSuki> :O
[07:20] <Akios> WTF I'M NOT CANCER
[07:21] <CreamX> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1795661?pool_id=9059
[07:21] <Shadowofsora> i think i understand the 3-2 hassle now :v first node poi gets reck'd
[07:21] <Magicrailgunner> shiranui is cute
[07:21] <Akios> ? You mean A Sora or clearing 3-2?
[07:22] <Sshinka> preserve your nerves and try again - sparkle before each try
[07:22] <CreamX> gl on 3-2
[07:22] <Shadowofsora> clearing
[07:22] <Shadowofsora> obviously
[07:22] <Akios> Cause if its clearing then yeah :V Ru be all like
[07:22] <Shadowofsora> i think sparkling would just kill me
[07:23] <Sshinka> the point is in disabling all enemy ships before torpedo phase - that's when it hurts
[07:23] <Admiral Mikado> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZntQ-gSur4&t=09m41s

[07:24] <Shadowofsora> well she got already orange before torpedo phase
[07:24] <Magicrailgunner> darn
[07:25] <Akios> What up Rail?
[07:25] <Shadowofsora> and how would i disable them with just dd's?
[07:25] <Magicrailgunner> talking abut how Sora's poi got chuuha'd before torpedo
[07:25] <Xenzul> Aoba's, Aoba's, Aoba's, Aoba's
[07:25] <Caboose10032> Lol mikado, i disagree with Arin there, sea creatures are weird as fuck
[07:25] <Magicrailgunner> i'm just mindlessly tossing my subs at 2-3
[07:25] <Xenzul> Leave me aloneeee
[07:26] <Sshinka> make sure you have proper artillery based setups on your DDs
[07:26] <Sshinka> not torp based setups
[07:26] <Admiral Mikado> But Aoba is cute :>
[07:26] <Shadowofsora> y removed all trops from them sadly i just have the bad standart red guns for them
[07:26] <Sshinka> if you have high luck DD put 3 guns on it
[07:27] <Akios> I just offered a little bit of my soul to RNG to make it to the boss node :>
[07:27] <Sshinka> thats ok
[07:27] <Sshinka> low luck dd put 2 gun, 1 radar on it
[07:27] <Magicrailgunner> aoba is cute but she doesn't hold a candle to asashio
[07:27] <Ninthsense> double attack is probably better than triple guns since you can use turbines or radar on it
[07:27] <Ninthsense> just put 2x10 cm or 12.7 and a turbine/radar if you can
[07:28] <Sshinka> new TTK i doubt he has turbines
[07:28] <Akios> Could use damecons :v
[07:28] <Domesticated Cat> theresnoseaplane
[07:28] <Sshinka> that works too
[07:28] <Magicrailgunner> wish there was 12.7 cm triple gun mount c:
[07:28] <Akios> :>
[07:28] <Akios> But there isn't
[07:28] <Akios> :'>
[07:28] <Shadowofsora> i have 1 turbine and 2 radars i think maye just 1 radar
[07:28] <Magicrailgunner> kiyoshimo would love it, makes her seem more like a BB
[07:29] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> wonders back in
[07:29] <Sshinka> actually i rly like 3x 10cmHA on Beaver and Shigure.. adds nice DB AA and you still get yasen CI
[07:30] <Domesticated Cat> <span class="me-username">* <span>Domesticated Cat</span></span> pours cold water on segar to make them fresh
[07:30] <Ninthsense> special equips and AA CI better imo
[07:30] <Segar> :<
[07:30] <Xenzul> CANCER
[07:30] <Xenzul> SUPER CANCER
[07:30] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> feels cold
[07:30] <ArcticaFrost> CANCER!
[07:30] <Xenzul> YOURE ALL CANCER
[07:30] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> hugs Segar
[07:30] <ArcticaFrost> Feel the Frost power
[07:30] <Akios> Why's Xen losing it :v
[07:31] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> is Frozen
[07:31] <Domesticated Cat> you eat crabs?
[07:31] <Xenzul> Gurl
[07:31] <Xenzul> This chat made me lose it
[07:31] <Xenzul> Since I first joined
[07:31] <Ninthsense> xenzul embracing his inner M
[07:31] <Shadowofsora> i don't see any 3 green's yasen cut'in in the wiki
[07:31] <Domesticated Cat> 3 main artillery
[07:31] <Akios> Admitting that is the first step to enlightenment :>
[07:31] <Sshinka> Shadow it is CI
[07:32] <Sshinka> green or red guns
[07:32] <Segar> shadow?
[07:32] <Segar> oh nvm...
[07:32] <Segar> I thought its that shadow
[07:32] <Segar> :v
[07:32] <Sshinka> 10cmHA is also a red gun - it's just it's also AA gun
[07:32] <Domesticated Cat> it's not a red gun.. but a main..
[07:33] <Magicrailgunner> doesnt main = red
[07:33] <Sshinka> yeah main
[07:33] <Magicrailgunner> but it's coloured green because it doubles as AA due to HA
[07:33] <Akios> lel Segar xD
[07:33] <Akios> That's why I call him Sora
[07:33] <Shadowofsora> interesting
[07:33] <Sshinka> 50 transports quest boss node trolling....
[07:33] <Shadowofsora> so [[10cm Twin High-angle Mount]] those green ones count as main too
[07:33] <Sshinka> yes
[07:33] <Shadowofsora> all that lokk like this?
[07:34] <Domesticated Cat> unless you're a color blind, rail
[07:34] <Sshinka> not all
[07:34] <CreamX> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956591?tags=kantai_collection
[07:34] <Magicrailgunner> no i'm not color blind, thanks for asking
[07:35] <Shadowofsora> and how do i know which are main guns and which not?
[07:35] <Sshinka> if you check it's page it will tell you if it's main gun, secondary gun, or just AA gun
[07:35] <Domesticated Cat> well I wasn't asking though :>
[07:35] <Sshinka> above the card
[07:35] <Ninthsense> theres a page with a list
[07:35] <Ninthsense> but it can be confusing
[07:35] <Shadowofsora> just read it good to know
[07:36] <Magicrailgunner> wow cat rude
[07:36] <Magicrailgunner> lol
[07:36] <Domesticated Cat> was it now?
[07:37] <Magicrailgunner> nah, i don't really care
[07:37] <Admiral Mikado> Behave kids, or mama Mikado has to choke you all :V
[07:37] <ArcticaFrost> Boobies
[07:37] <ArcticaFrost> :>
[07:38] <Domesticated Cat> we woobjoo mikado
[07:38] <Ninthsense> i never knew mikado was a girl
[07:39] <Magicrailgunner> I didn't either
[07:39] <Segar> Mikado rearrange
[07:39] <Segar> Madoki
[07:39] <Xenzul> Mikado is my gurl
[07:39] <Domesticated Cat> not Kimoda?
[07:39] <Ninthsense> damoki
[07:40] <Domesticated Cat> just add some meshi
[07:40] <ArcticaFrost> Welp
[07:40] <ArcticaFrost> Mikado is my mom
[07:40] <ArcticaFrost> And Kuro is my dad
[07:40] <Ninthsense> who is kuro?
[07:40] <Domesticated Cat> is this unlimited AF? :3
[07:41] <Domesticated Cat> unlimited AF works would be the next hit among the admirals
[07:42] <Ninthsense> someone please choke this bitch 
[07:42] <Domesticated Cat> R-18 doujinshi
[07:43] <Domesticated Cat> that's refreshing
[07:43] <Magicrailgunner> yay, I've accomplished my goal!
5 star battle fleet and 5 star carrier fleet
[07:43] <Xenzul> wait
[07:43] <Xenzul> wait
[07:43] <Xenzul> wtf
[07:43] <Xenzul> Kuro is your dad?
[07:43] <Xenzul> wtf
[07:43] <Xenzul> when was this?
[07:43] <Ninthsense> ty mikado
[07:46] <ArcticaFrost> Long long long long time ago.
[07:46] <ArcticaFrost> Before you were born.
[07:48] <CreamX> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956395?tags=kantai_collection nsfw
[07:48] <Domesticated Cat> I'll have fun with your next event ninth <3 
[07:48] <Magicrailgunner> how tall are the girls in kancolle?

[07:48] <Magicrailgunner> is there a reference list?
[07:48] <Admiral Mikado> As tall as you want them to be
[07:49] <Sshinka> this was funny question :P 
[07:49] <Kurokami Ryu> Wat...
[07:49] <WanWan101> :3
[07:49] <Kurokami Ryu> I feel like I missed something.
[07:49] <Domesticated Cat> well no specific list of it, just some guessing
[07:49] <Sylcion> xen you dont know our father?
[07:49] <Sylcion> man
[07:49] <Magicrailgunner> i was wondering how tall they'd be
cause the in-game isn't that accurate, since destroyers are as tall as the battleships
[07:50] <Admiral Mikado> Depends on the destroyer
[07:50] <Domesticated Cat> hmm you might compare the proportion
[07:51] <Kurokami Ryu> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1956365
[07:51] <Enferlain> finally got Kaga from 2-3 after not getting her for a week in building
[07:51] <Domesticated Cat> grats
[07:51] <WanWan101> gratz
[07:51] <Magicrailgunner> thanks
agano is perfect height :D 
[07:51] <Domesticated Cat> oh, it's the barking cat, hello
[07:51] <Kurokami Ryu> Grats.
[07:52] <Enferlain> tyy
[07:52] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> licks cat
[07:52] <Sshinka> GZ
[07:52] <Domesticated Cat> <span class="me-username">* <span>Domesticated Cat</span></span> licks back and purrs
[07:52] <Sshinka> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sshinka</span></span> got Kaga at HQ level 94
[07:52] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1858990
[07:53] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> just got kaga yesterday
[07:53] <Domesticated Cat> flabby?
[07:54] <Sshinka> quests reset time approaches = lag increases
[07:55] <Admiral Mikado> http://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1949905

[07:55] <Domesticated Cat> you still have 6 minutes! ganbatte!
[07:55] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolling waiting for the reset time
[07:55] <Sshinka> my server usually has super lag arround quest reset time
[07:56] <Domesticated Cat> which server are you?
[07:56] <Sshinka> and 30 minutes after
[07:56] <Enferlain> no lag here
[07:56] <Kurokami Ryu> dito
[07:56] <Sshinka> Shortland Anchorage
[07:57] <Domesticated Cat> hmm hmm, shortland huh
[07:57] <Sshinka> yuup laggy as hell now
[07:57] <Domesticated Cat> or it might be your provider since most people would use them on that hour
[07:58] <Sshinka> nah my provider is awesome 24/7
[07:58] <Domesticated Cat> not even lag spikes on specific hours?
[07:58] <Sshinka> and i'm in Croatia
[07:58] <Sshinka> no spikes
[07:58] <Kurokami Ryu> Croatia has good ISPs?
[07:58] <Domesticated Cat> then, it's influx of people on the server..
[07:58] <Sshinka> some.. there's shitty ones too
[07:59] <Sshinka> basically this ISP is owned by Deutsche Telecom
[07:59] <Kurokami Ryu> Been there a few times.
[07:59] <Kurokami Ryu> Always had shitty net.
[07:59] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[07:59] <Admiral Mikado> Deutsche Telekom....... :v
[08:00] <Enferlain> Isn't it called the Bratwurst Server?
[08:00] <Sshinka> yeah yeah :P 
[08:00] <Enferlain> :( 
[08:01] <Sshinka> my stupid goverment sold the national telephone infrastructure to Deutsche Telekom some years ago... at least they are good as ISP
[08:01] <Kurokami Ryu> Erm
[08:02] <Kurokami Ryu> I guess that depends on the point of view.
[08:02] <Enferlain> my isp is fine too, even though I hate them
[08:02] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[08:02] <Magicrailgunner> Deutsche Telekom expanding beyond Alemania is their plan for the 4th Reich
[08:02] <Domesticated Cat> there might be someone saying 'just as planned'
[08:02] <Magicrailgunner> just like the EU >:3
[08:02] <Kurokami Ryu> People in germany usually curse on the Deutsche Telekom.
[08:03] <Kurokami Ryu> Just ask Mikado about it.
[08:03] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[08:03] <Magicrailgunner> jfc chrome sucks on yosemite
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> well
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> no
[08:04] <Sylcion> silly german language sounds so funny
[08:04] <Magicrailgunner> yosemite sucks for chrome
[08:04] <Segar> I thought danke = dunked
[08:04] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[08:04] <Domesticated Cat> eh..
[08:04] <Sshinka> the only time i get DC or any sort of problems is daily router reset - for DNS rotation - and i dictate when it will happen by choosing when to reset my router manually. never had any lag or DCs
[08:04] <Enferlain> ISPs: All according to keikaku
[08:04] <Sshinka> for years
[08:05] <Magicrailgunner> do any of you play other games on DMM
[08:05] <Enferlain> nope
[08:05] <Sshinka> nope
[08:05] <Sylcion> wait i just realised that i have all my Yamato class before Kaga or Yukikaze
[08:05] <Sylcion> what is dis
[08:05] <Kurokami Ryu> Dj does.
[08:05] <Kurokami Ryu> And I think we have some others.
[08:05] <Kurokami Ryu> But me neither.
[08:07] <Sshinka> hehe someone with lvl 130 maya
[08:09] <CreamX> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4638702 nsfw
[08:09] <Magicrailgunner> LSC regret
[08:09] <Sylcion> why regret?
[08:09] <Sylcion> you didnt want a kongou class? XD
[08:09] <CreamX> fusou?
[08:10] <Magicrailgunner> i have all the battleships save yamato class and biscuit, so, no
[08:10] <Magicrailgunner> my ammo
[08:11] <Sylcion> im doing expeditions to unlock Z1, it'll take me to next weer or some bs ;-;
[08:11] <Sylcion> i dont really want to taihou LSC
[08:11] <Kurokami Ryu> Since today I not only have all LSC only ships but Yamato, but all ships I could get from LSC but Yamato.
[08:11] <Kurokami Ryu> I guess I'll never get Yamato.
[08:11] <Sylcion> who'd ya get?
[08:11] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.abload.de/img/shioiq3ujf.jpg
[08:11] <Sylcion> i see
[08:12] <Magicrailgunner> lovely brown loli
[08:12] <Sylcion> i never looked into her recipe o.o
[08:12] <Kurokami Ryu> I actually had planned to farm her on 6-1
[08:12] <Kurokami Ryu> But what ever.
[08:12] <Kurokami Ryu> Won't complain.
[08:12] <Kurokami Ryu> Better than another Kongo.
[08:12] <Domesticated Cat> complain to the telekom building!
[08:13] <CreamX> what did u got on lsc magic?
[08:13] <WanWan101> wow shioiii
[08:13] <Magicrailgunner> i got mogami this time
[08:13] <CreamX> fk
[08:13] <Magicrailgunner> yesterday mikuma 
today mogami
[08:13] <Sylcion> i wonder howlong it takes me to get Biscuit once i can craft her
[08:13] <WanWan101> hope lucky drops be on my side today
[08:14] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> got first kaga and akigumo both from 2-3 boss run consecutively
[08:14] <Sylcion> cool :D 
[08:14] <Sylcion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sylcion</span></span> still has no Kaga
[08:14] <WanWan101> i mean makigumo
[08:15] <Segar> no hiryuu and ima close to 100 :>
[08:15] <Blasterion> YAY
[08:15] <Segar> grat
[08:15] <Blasterion> BLASTY IS HAPPY
[08:15] <Domesticated Cat> grats
[08:15] <CreamX> lsc lsc
[08:15] <Sylcion> i got souryuu and hiryuu but no kaga :v
[08:15] <G Nanaya> i got hiryuu when i was 1000 
[08:15] <G Nanaya> 100
[08:15] <Sylcion> gratz xD?
[08:15] <G Nanaya> i mean .
[08:15] <Sylcion> now celebration LSC?
[08:15] <YasenSuki> sigh
[08:15] <Sylcion> i did celebration LSC after i beat E-5
[08:16] <YasenSuki> planning to achieve S for 5-3 final kill
[08:16] <Sylcion> YASEN
[08:16] <Sylcion> GO GET EM
[08:16] <G Nanaya> =.= i did one 5 mins ago
[08:16] <WanWan101> i want to celebrate from LSC, but the last LSC i got Mutsu (first copy)
[08:16] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolling
[08:16] <Segar> no ammo
[08:16] <Segar> wont LSC
[08:16] <Segar> :v
[08:16] <YasenSuki> nah, the Tas rekt 2 my ship
[08:16] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> has the same problem as segar
[08:16] <Sylcion> want one of my 6 mutsu's or 5 nagato's i had sofar? = =
[08:17] <YasenSuki> manage to kill the flagship
[08:17] <Domesticated Cat> donate to the poor
[08:17] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> have enough mutsu and nagato
[08:17] <Sylcion> what ya want me to donate? XD
[08:17] <Ninthsense> donate your buckets for the cause
[08:17] <Sylcion> i dont have much lol
[08:18] <Domesticated Cat> as long as it's not ice buckets, it's fine
[08:18] <CreamX> http://imgur.com/NusEwUB
[08:18] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> asking for 2 (bucket) s
[08:18] <CreamX> :3
[08:18] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> pats Bep for killing the flagship
[08:18] <Sylcion> PVP time >w<
[08:18] <YasenSuki> even equip with ASW
[08:19] <Xenzul> HOTEL
[08:19] <Sylcion> do people even use yamato class outside of PVP?
[08:19] <WanWan101> like i want to suicide against all waifu-fleet
[08:19] <Domesticated Cat> like in event?
[08:19] <Xenzul> why would you not use yamato
[08:19] <G Nanaya> event or 5-5 i think
[08:19] <Kevadu> 5-5, events
[08:19] <Sylcion> ask my (steel) 
[08:19] <Xenzul> well, your fault
[08:19] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> never use even nagato-class outside PvP
[08:19] <Domesticated Cat> hi kev
[08:20] <Kevadu> Hi
[08:20] <Xenzul> HEY
[08:20] <Domesticated Cat> not going to cook today?
[08:20] <Xenzul> dead people dont talk
[08:20] <WanWan101> woooo
[08:20] <Sylcion> lol
[08:20] <Domesticated Cat> zombie talks though.. o.o
[08:20] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> send newly Sushi to 3-3 for mochi hunt
[08:20] <YasenSuki> welp rip rsc
[08:20] <Kurokami Ryu> ~Sly do tokyo express...
[08:20] <WanWan101> lol
[08:20] <Domesticated Cat> muh sushi.. q.q
[08:21] <Kevadu> Cook?
[08:21] <Sylcion> im doing that though i need another Drum
[08:21] <Domesticated Cat> yep
[08:21] <Segar> weekly give you drum
[08:21] <Segar> :>
[08:21] <YasenSuki> now use Sushi for PVP and boss kill
[08:21] <Kurokami Ryu> If you do it and still don't have enough steel then you're doing it wrong. :V
[08:21] <Domesticated Cat> but no rum in it..
[08:22] <Sylcion> i should do weekly yeh :V
[08:23] <Magicrailgunner> i have too much steel
[08:23] <Segar> :> free drum every week
[08:23] <Kevadu> Too many cooks
[08:23] <Segar> Fried Salmon o/
[08:23] <Sylcion> (has 11 drums)
[08:23] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> has 34
[08:23] <Kevadu> I do that weekly quest just to get rid of crappy equipment
[08:23] <Domesticated Cat> winning eleven
[08:23] <Kevadu> But I scrap a drum too when I do it
[08:23] <Kevadu> 'Cause I don't need more drums ;) 
[08:24] <Segar> ;) 17 drums
[08:24] <Domesticated Cat> scrapping drums for drums
[08:24] <Domesticated Cat> sounds legit
[08:24] <Kurokami Ryu> Drumception
[08:26] <Ninthsense> kev do you know how long it takes you to sparkle?
[08:26] <Kevadu> Around 2 min a run
[08:26] <Ninthsense> so 6 min total?
[08:26] <Kevadu> Yeah, roughly
[08:27] <Ninthsense> ok thanks
[08:27] <Domesticated Cat> our mission is to keep kev in a sparkling state..
[08:28] <Domesticated Cat> like a star
[08:28] <Kevadu> Before the maint for last event I had the great idea to try and sparkle literally every ship in my fleet...
[08:28] <Kevadu> ...that didn't work
[08:28] <Ninthsense> some ships are hard to sprkle
[08:29] <Kevadu> It was more just a time thing
[08:29] <Kevadu> That's a lot of ships
[08:30] <Ninthsense> thats true too
[08:30] <Magicrailgunner> don't sparkle low levels
[08:30] <Magicrailgunner> not worth it ;) 
[08:30] <Ninthsense> were you sparkling for event?
[08:30] <Kevadu> Yeah, I didn't know what ships I would need and figured I could save time during the event if I sparkled everyone first
[08:31] <Magicrailgunner> just sparkle the cream of the crop
[08:31] <Magicrailgunner> for each category
[08:31] <Ninthsense> sparkling some DD helps for support expeditions i guess
[08:32] <Kevadu> Not just support but even regular expeditions
[08:32] <Kevadu> I don't want to stop and sparkle new expedition ships if I'm in the middle of an event
[08:32] <Magicrailgunner> experimental single 46cm cannon
[08:32] <Magicrailgunner> that I would pay to see
[08:33] <Ninthsense> event is usually over before i need to sparkle expedition ships again
[08:33] <Kurokami Ryu> My level 84 Fusou just did a DA with 1dmg and 1dmg at night on a lvl33 Atago... there goes my S rank.
[08:33] <Ninthsense> do you do full sparkle 5?
[08:33] <Kurokami Ryu> Fuck you RNG...
[08:33] <Kurokami Ryu> ~_~
[08:33] <Sylcion> fukou
[08:33] <Kevadu> Yeah I full sparkle for 5
[08:34] <Magicrailgunner> Kusou
[08:34] <Magicrailgunner> what's her loadout?
[08:34] <Magicrailgunner> lol brb m80s
[08:38] <Ninthsense> probably had 46 that penalty
[08:38] <Kurokami Ryu> Me?
[08:38] <Sshinka> yup
[08:39] <Kurokami Ryu> LoL
[08:39] <Kurokami Ryu> Development never gave me a single 46cm.
[08:39] <Kurokami Ryu> The only two 46cm are on Sushi.
[08:40] <Kurokami Ryu> Fusou has 41cm guns.
[08:41] <WanWan101> time to sleep
[08:41] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> rolls to bed
[08:41] <Sshinka> i also had one dodgy Akagi this pvp session.... had to go yasen to pop her
[08:41] <Segar> night
[08:41] <YasenSuki> cya later wan
[08:41] <Sshinka> nn
[08:41] <Kevadu> Dogey
[08:42] <WanWan101> already morning here, 4 a.m
[08:42] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> continue rolling to bed
[08:42] <YasenSuki> still rolling? lol
[08:43] <Kurokami Ryu> [[Development?page=5#comm-123128]]
[08:43] <Kurokami Ryu> :V
[08:43] <Kurokami Ryu> Still like that today.
[08:43] <Kurokami Ryu> Never got a single one.
[08:43] <YasenSuki> :O
[08:44] <Kevadu> Only 50 tries?
[08:44] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> not even trying to craft 46cm(s)
[08:44] <WanWan101> <span class="me-username">* <span>WanWan101</span></span> arrived at his bed
[08:45] <G Nanaya> 4 tries for 46 every days for 2 months but not a single one =.=
[08:45] <Kevadu> 50 isn't actually that many
[08:45] <Kurokami Ryu> Though since Dechi suggested it back then I'm spreading my tries some more.
[08:45] <Sylcion> i got em of my yamato classes thats all
[08:46] <G Nanaya> i got 2 from yamato and thats all
[08:46] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> looking for radar, got 46cm instead
[08:46] <ArcticaFrost> http://www.twitch.tv/heskox1
[08:46] <YasenSuki> zz
[08:46] <Ninthsense> 46 development cheap compared to LSC
[08:47] <Kurokami Ryu> 50 tries x300 is 15000
[08:47] <Kurokami Ryu> If you look at it like that... nope it isn't.
[08:48] <YasenSuki> i have worst luck when crafting radar
[08:48] <YasenSuki> <span class="me-username">* <span>YasenSuki</span></span> have 2 T14
[08:48] <Kurokami Ryu> 0 here.
[08:48] <Ninthsense> like 1 taihou LSC is worth about 20 radar crafts just in baux and steel
[08:49] <G Nanaya> only have t21
[08:49] <Kurokami Ryu> With other words 50 tries is more than 2 times Taihou.
[08:50] <Kurokami Ryu> It's all relative Ninth.
[08:50] <YasenSuki> my best surface radar is T22 kai 4
[08:50] <Ninthsense> perhaps depends on your luck
[08:50] <Kurokami Ryu> It's mainly a question of how often you try.
[08:50] <Kevadu> It's not like you're going to get Taihou on one try though
[08:50] <Kurokami Ryu> Depends.
[08:50] <Kevadu> You can easily spend 50 tries there
[08:50] <Ninthsense> yeah I mean you can LSC once a day or you can do 20 radar crafts for example
[08:51] <Ninthsense> so once you get done with LSC development is much easier to afford
[08:51] <Kurokami Ryu> I think I did more than 2000 tries on 46cm.
[08:51] <Kurokami Ryu> Never go one.
[08:51] <Flonnaru> i doubt you did 2000
[08:51] <YasenSuki> ....
[08:51] <Kevadu> You went from 50 to 2000?
[08:51] <Kevadu> Er, what?
[08:51] <Magicrailgunner> Wan lives in GMT + 8
[08:51] <Ninthsense> highly unlikely you counted to 2k :P 
[08:52] <Ninthsense> considering you have 10 fingers?
[08:52] <Kurokami Ryu> What are you saying Kev?
[08:52] <CreamX> http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im4531474
[08:52] <CreamX> nsfw
[08:52] <Ninthsense> for me 46 cm development was on order of around 1 in 25
[08:52] <Kevadu> Also equipment crafting does depend on HQ level. There's some stuff you have a very low chance of getting until your HQ is higher
[08:53] <Magicrailgunner> >implying that kongou is a sloppy eater
she's a real lady
[08:53] <Kurokami Ryu> I doubt my level 101 is too low...
[08:53] <Flonnaru> my chances are like 1 46cm for one week,its like 4*7 28 tries
[08:53] <Kurokami Ryu> Or what are you trying to say?
[08:59] <Magicrailgunner> no, they have it for RSC and development as well
it's onthe jp wikiwiki
[08:59] <Kurokami Ryu> Well I just did a rough calculation and I probaly did above 800 tries for 46cm since mid fall.
[08:59] <Xenzul> RSC?
[08:59] <Xenzul> wut
[08:59] <Xenzul> ?
[08:59] <Flonnaru> no clue,im out
[08:59] <Caboose10032> That's racist
[08:59] <Magicrailgunner> regular ship construction
[09:00] <ArcticaFrost> That is the first time i have ever heard about RSC
[09:00] <Flonnaru> same here
[09:00] <Ninthsense> ?
[09:00] <Magicrailgunner> no one uses "rsc" for "regular ship construction"
[09:00] <Caboose10032> :'3
[09:00] <Magicrailgunner> ???
[09:00] <Magicrailgunner> okay then
[09:00] <Flonnaru> its only construction lol
[09:00] <Kurokami Ryu> x)
[09:01] <Magicrailgunner> I like to shorten "construction" or "regular construction" to "rsc" lol
[09:01] <Hossinator> -.-
[09:01] <Ninthsense> doesnt really help if it takes 2 mins for everyone to figure out what rsc is lol
[09:02] <Magicrailgunner> true
[09:02] <Hossinator> I have a question Magic
[09:02] <Magicrailgunner> ...?
[09:02] <Hossinator> does your F5 key work?
[09:02] <Kurokami Ryu> construction is kind of a long word though.
[09:02] <Magicrailgunner> yes it does, why?
[09:02] <Flonnaru> : >
[09:02] <G Nanaya> =.=
[09:02] <Hossinator> haha
[09:02] <Kurokami Ryu> Obvious incoming kick was obvious.
[09:02] <Flonnaru> btw,why does my f5 not work here
[09:02] <Hossinator> Ok, i needed that
[09:02] <Magicrailgunner> wonderful
[09:02] <Hossinator> hehe
[09:03] <Hossinator> you walked right into the trap
[09:03] <Flonnaru> was about to write 'inbefore kick' but was too slow
[09:03] <Kurokami Ryu> That was so obvious Hoss tbh
[09:03] <Hossinator> hehe
[09:03] <Kurokami Ryu> dito Flon
[09:03] <Hossinator> btw magic
[09:03] <Hossinator> im that mod
[09:03] <Hossinator> the kicker
[09:04] <Magicrailgunner> god, it's a real pain to reconfigure the ping phrases
[09:04] <CreamX> https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11054357_844402408960585_8958712052505534413_n.jpg?oh=0b9f5a2cbac3847265efdf98f1bc4fae&oe=55830750&__gda__=1434466574_02599f2f2fc5f109696034bc44b08059
[09:04] <Kurokami Ryu> Magic is just too new to know that.
[09:04] <Caboose10032> What's a ping phrase?
[09:04] <Flonnaru> catch phrase? 
[09:05] <Caboose10032> I'm waiting
[09:05] <Tohoseiryu> Caboose :3
[09:05] <Magicrailgunner> uhhhh
basically the chat pings you when the phrases are written?
[09:06] <Hossinator> the chat pings?
[09:06] <Hossinator> ive heard nothing
[09:06] <Magicrailgunner> like if you type my name, "magic", "MRG" and stuff it pings me
[09:06] <Hossinator> ever
[09:06] <Hossinator> must be an addon
[09:06] <Hossinator> plug-in*
[09:06] <Magicrailgunner> and then i know that someone is mentioning/trying to talk to me
[09:06] <Caboose10032> Gensui has JS that notifies users when a certain word/phrase is posted in chat
[09:06] <Magicrailgunner> yeah, gensui taught us about it last night
[09:07] <ArcticaFrost> Caboose10032
[09:07] <Caboose10032> >_>
[09:07] <Caboose10032> I don't have anything configured
[09:10] <Kurokami Ryu> God has left us.
[09:10] <Kurokami Ryu> D:
[09:10] <Admiral Mikado> RNG is your god
[09:10] <Tohoseiryu> Frost: *insert shameless advertisement here*
[09:11] <Sylcion> Mom and Dad are both gods <3 
[09:12] <Kurokami Ryu> No, I'm just unlucky.
[09:12] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[09:12] <ArcticaFrost> http://actionbash.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Chun-Li-Cosplay-2.jpg
[09:12] <Sylcion> well you have nearly every LSC shi
[09:12] <Admiral Mikado> Close enough, Arc
[09:12] <Sylcion> ship* so why unlucky?
[09:13] <ArcticaFrost> Yaaamaaaaatooooo
[09:13] <Admiral Mikado> Yamato :>
[09:13] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> pat Yamato
[09:13] <G Nanaya> becasue is not all the lsc ship
[09:13] <Sylcion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sylcion</span></span> pats Yamato
[09:13] <Kurokami Ryu> Because I don't have they only one I ever wanted. ~_~
[09:13] <Kurokami Ryu> Just literally every other.
[09:13] <Sylcion> Frost our parents sacrificed themselves for our sake... so that we could get our Yamato
[09:14] <Sylcion> so brave...
[09:14] <Sylcion> I cri everytim
[09:14] <Kurokami Ryu> ~_~
[09:14] <Admiral Mikado> I stole Lenrir's luck to get my Yamato... :>
[09:14] <Sylcion> i dont know
[09:14] <Sylcion> i just quotes ''I love RNG'' once and now they gave up on using it against me
[09:14] <Admiral Mikado> And now he hates me :>
[09:14] <Sylcion> quoted*
[09:15] <Xenzul> 99 Yamato I have
[09:15] <Xenzul> no ring to marry though
[09:15] <Xenzul> sigh
[09:15] <Kurokami Ryu> https://i.warosu.org/data/cgl/img/0079/97/1418761970617.png
[09:15] <Sylcion> shame :/ 
[09:15] <ArcticaFrost> DADDY
[09:15] <ArcticaFrost> NOOOOOO!
[09:16] <Sylcion> eh Dad dont worry, i doubt Bro will pull the shit on you like he did with Seg
[09:16] <Admiral Mikado> mfw whenever I go through the comment sections, Xen...
[09:16] <Xenzul> lol
[09:16] <Xenzul> why I stay out of CANCER
[09:16] <Sylcion> ''Sylcion I want you to get Haruna before Segar gets her''
[09:16] <Admiral Mikado> Good luck with THAT... :v
[09:16] <Kurokami Ryu> ^
[09:17] <Kurokami Ryu> Too late for that one anyway.
[09:17] <Segar> COUGH COUGH
[09:17] <Xenzul> The cancer is stronk is this one
[09:17] <Segar> I HAVE LUNG CANCER
[09:17] <Segar> COUGH COUGH
[09:17] <Kurokami Ryu> Die.
[09:17] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[09:17] <Sylcion> Im the one currently suffering from bronchitis :v (no i am dammit)
[09:17] <Sylcion> im the one to cough
[09:17] <Tohoseiryu> Can someone link that video of last event Kaga sinking? It was funny. 
[09:17] <Xenzul> welp
[09:17] <Xenzul> that sucks
[09:18] <Xenzul> I had it recently
[09:18] <Admiral Mikado> Toho wat---
[09:18] <Xenzul> so yah
[09:18] <Sylcion> ya also got asthma with that?
[09:18] <Xenzul> BITCH
[09:18] <Segar> THAT IS NOT FUNNY
[09:18] <Xenzul> YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT
[09:18] <Segar> :vvvvv
[09:18] <Xenzul> I dont get asthma so im lucky?
[09:18] <Tohoseiryu> It was tho.
[09:18] <Xenzul> ^
[09:18] <Segar> potential kuso
[09:18] <Segar> :v
[09:19] <Sylcion> i saw this on facebook earlier today http://puu.sh/gExYl/2724116b68.jpg
[09:19] <Admiral Mikado> So what did you say about my waifu...? :V
[09:19] <Tohoseiryu> As long as it isn't my girls~ :3
[09:19] <Admiral Mikado> > sank Taihou

[09:20] <Kurokami Ryu> ...
[09:20] <Sylcion> I said that your waifu needs to appear http://puu.sh/gEy3x/344f4dbffe.jpg
[09:20] <Tohoseiryu> Oh dear god why
[09:20] <Sylcion> he has a new one already though xD
[09:20] <Segar> whats ur HQ level syl?
[09:20] <Sylcion> 79
[09:20] <Segar> ah thats good
[09:20] <Sylcion> why is it good? :o
[09:20] <Segar> one of my friends doesnt have yuki and he is 103
[09:20] <Segar> bye cruel world
[09:20] <Admiral Mikado> lol
[09:20] <Sylcion> lol
[09:21] <Segar> he has yamato
[09:21] <Segar> and no yuki
[09:21] <Segar> :>
[09:21] <ArcticaFrost> Moar communist!
[09:21] <Sylcion> bruh i have yamato class
[09:21] <Admiral Mikado> How is that even possible...?!?
[09:21] <Sylcion> and no yukikaze
[09:21] <Sylcion> xD
[09:21] <Tohoseiryu> I got Yuki on my first ever construction, she's my second ship everz
[09:21] <Kurokami Ryu> RNG?
[09:21] <Segar> I still dont have hiryuu :>
[09:21] <Sylcion> Kumano ID 17 :3/
[09:21] <Admiral Mikado> Nagato ID 49 :>
[09:21] <Tohoseiryu> I do Segar, and that's all that matters~ :D 
[09:21] <Admiral Mikado> First BB ever :>
[09:22] <Segar> oh
[09:22] <Segar> I dont really need her
[09:22] <Segar> other than the xxxxgumo quest
[09:22] <Tohoseiryu> I was kidding :c
[09:22] <Sylcion> I got my hiryuu from my taihou attempt
[09:22] <Segar> no ima telling you the truth
[09:22] <Tohoseiryu> I love Hiryuu-chan tho
[09:22] <Tohoseiryu> :c
[09:23] <Tohoseiryu> But Amagi is better
[09:23] <Sylcion> seg what is your TTK lvl now?
[09:23] <Sylcion> Toho check my profile lol
[09:23] <Segar> 99
[09:23] <Sylcion> 99 dayum
[09:23] <Sylcion> almost 100 :/ 
[09:24] <Admiral Mikado> 111 :>
[09:24] <Sylcion> oh my pal had his first waifu yesterday, Kaga :3
[09:24] <Tohoseiryu> Link it Sly, I can't be bothered to find it
[09:24] <Sylcion> [[User:Sylcion]]
[09:25] <ArcticaFrost> I know my bros birthday at least.
[09:25] <Admiral Mikado> How is it hard to find? Just click on Sylcion in the chat member list
[09:25] <ArcticaFrost> Huehue
[09:25] <Sylcion> huehuehue
[09:25] <Tohoseiryu> I found it anyways
[09:25] <Kurokami Ryu> You can just click him on the chat userlist...
[09:25] <Tohoseiryu> That's what I did :P 
[09:26] <Admiral Mikado> mfw Maruyu kills a flagship CL...
[09:26] <Tohoseiryu> But ewwwwwwww slut Amagi is bad. Kimono Amagi is good :3
[09:26] <Admiral Mikado> Why is she a slut?
[09:26] <Tohoseiryu> Because kimono is 100000x better
[09:27] <Tohoseiryu> She's like a pillow :3
[09:27] <Admiral Mikado> That doesn't answer my question :V
[09:27] <Kurokami Ryu> Indicating that wearing less clothes makes you a slut.
[09:27] <Kurokami Ryu> ....
[09:27] <Tohoseiryu> Cuz 2 skimpy 
[09:27] <Tohoseiryu> :c
[09:28] <Admiral Mikado> Still don't see how that makes her a slut :V
[09:28] <Sylcion> does that make 25% of the kc ships a slut? o.o
[09:28] <Kurokami Ryu> It doesn't.
[09:28] <ArcticaFrost> Amagi looks like Haruna and Haruna is a slut.
[09:28] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> runs away
[09:28] <ArcticaFrost> Hihihihhih
[09:28] <Sylcion> lmfao
[09:28] <ArcticaFrost> Nah, jk.
[09:28] <Tohoseiryu> For fucks sake it was just a mother fucking comparison you fucking fucks 
[09:28] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[09:28] <ArcticaFrost> But there was actually a war about it before.
[09:28] <Magicrailgunner> >haruna is a slut
[09:28] <Tohoseiryu> jk I love you all
[09:29] <Admiral Mikado> Do you want to get banned, Toho? <3 
[09:29] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49272771
[09:29] <G Nanaya> time to try another lsc 
[09:29] <Sylcion> but Haruna wa Daijobu desu
[09:29] <Sylcion> gl :3/
[09:29] <Tohoseiryu> Mikado is a real dere dere for me~
[09:29] <Sylcion> what ya LSC'ing for?
[09:29] <G Nanaya> musashi
[09:29] <Sylcion> gl :3/
[09:30] <Tohoseiryu> Sendai~
[09:30] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[09:30] <Kurokami Ryu> Yasen?
[09:30] <Sylcion> YASEN
[09:30] <Tohoseiryu> YASEN
[09:31] <Tohoseiryu> Except when the USN gets radar, then no more yasen
[09:31] <Kurokami Ryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg7hHTnJVk
[09:31] <Sshinka> not rly Toho
[09:31] <G Nanaya> ok another haruna
[09:31] <Sylcion> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg7hHTnJVk
[09:31] <Sylcion> YASEN!
[09:31] <Tohoseiryu> Yes rly
[09:31] <Kurokami Ryu> Sly
[09:31] <Sylcion> oh dad send same video
[09:32] <Sylcion> lel
[09:32] <Sshinka> read about battle of Tassafaronga ... guts against technology.. fuck radars
[09:32] <Kurokami Ryu> Osoi
[09:32] <Segar> FROST
[09:32] <Sylcion> i was looking for it xD
[09:32] <Segar> WOT
[09:32] <Sylcion> Urusai!
[09:32] <Tohoseiryu> Surigao Strait
[09:32] <Sylcion> NO
[09:32] <Wolfteampatner> erm can help?
[09:32] <Sylcion> I DUN WANNA SEE A FUSOU SINK
[09:32] <Kurokami Ryu> Osoi~~
[09:32] <Sylcion> BAD TOHO
[09:32] <Admiral Mikado> Ask away
[09:32] <Admiral Mikado> *I know I'm gonna regret this...*
[09:32] <Tohoseiryu> pew pew went the USN :3
[09:32] <Sshinka> it just took USN too long to learn wtf to do.. that's all
[09:33] <ArcticaFrost> Daddy, mommy, i wuve you.
[09:33] <Sylcion> lmao
[09:33] <Wolfteampatner> anyone can help me?
[09:33] <Sylcion> *pats frost*
[09:33] <Segar> just ask away
[09:33] <Sylcion> here here they dont love us back ya know?
[09:33] <Segar> :>
[09:33] <Admiral Mikado> With what?
[09:33] <Xenzul> if you cant read
[09:33] <Tohoseiryu> Except in the air, the US caught on real fast with that 
[09:33] <Sshinka> that they did
[09:33] <Xenzul> there willing to answer your question
[09:33] <Xenzul> mate
[09:33] <Segar> inb4 LOS
[09:34] <Tohoseiryu> Plus, it did help that Japanese had a shitty war plan to begin with
[09:34] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[09:34] <ArcticaFrost> Rare times.
[09:34] <ArcticaFrost> Shitty, not sure if that is the right thing to say, they were actually rather good on start.
[09:34] <Kurokami Ryu> Toho....
[09:34] <ArcticaFrost> However, they could not keep it up.
[09:34] <Tohoseiryu> Then it's shitty
[09:34] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> is waiting for Frost
[09:35] <Kurokami Ryu> The americans catched up with air so fast for a reason.
[09:35] <Sylcion> if only they were able to inflict more dmg in pearl harbor things would've gone different and probably not in a good way
[09:35] <Kurokami Ryu> Not because they wanted to that much.
[09:35] <ArcticaFrost> There is several case.
[09:35] <Wolfteampatner> what to do with the left overs ship?
[09:35] <ArcticaFrost> Scrap them?
[09:35] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[09:35] <Segar> scrap mod 
[09:35] <Sshinka> The plans were awesome, but all of them decoded when raidioed and presented to USN
[09:35] <Wolfteampatner> i got them lie 10 full pages
[09:35] <Admiral Mikado> Scrap them or use them for modernisation
[09:36] <Kurokami Ryu> Use them for modernisation.
[09:36] <ArcticaFrost> And don't forget the pilots.
[09:36] <Wolfteampatner> thanks
[09:36] <ArcticaFrost> The IJN lacked of good pilots after the midway.
[09:36] <Sylcion> 19% kamikaze succes rate? xD
[09:36] <Sshinka> yeah
[09:36] <Wolfteampatner> and didnt even unlock the 3 fleet
[09:36] <Admiral Mikado> Then get to it
[09:37] <Tohoseiryu> Not planning for the long term is shitty to begin with, plus the whole Kantai Kessen doctrine, against a nation with more then 10 fold your industrial capacity, and then STILL PERUSING IT WHEN IT'S CLEAR THEY ARENT GOING TO DEVOTE THEIR ENTIRE FLEET TO ONE ENGAGEMENT 
[09:37] <Sylcion> GO COLLECT YASEN CLASS! (Sendai-Class)
[09:37] <ArcticaFrost> It's easy to judge now.
[09:37] <ArcticaFrost> But not on that time.
[09:37] <Kurokami Ryu> Toho it's by far not that easy.
[09:37] <Tohoseiryu> It was easy to judge then too.
[09:37] <Kurokami Ryu> ...
[09:37] <Sylcion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sylcion</span></span> goes to grab popcorn
[09:38] <Wolfteampatner> sendai class hmm
[09:38] <ArcticaFrost> Not really.
[09:38] <Sylcion> yes Sendai, Jintsuu and Naka @wolfteam
[09:38] <Kurokami Ryu> I won't even start to argue about shit like that. : 3
[09:38] <Admiral Mikado> Sendai-class for 3rd fleet
Kongou-class for 4th fleet

Now get rollin'
[09:38] <ArcticaFrost> There was several high ranked Admiral in the USN that wanted to keep the BB project alive.
[09:38] <ArcticaFrost> That should say you something.
[09:38] <Wolfteampatner> 3rd class idk but the koungou is the oneechan left
[09:38] <Sylcion> frost will argue about it appearently xD
[09:39] <Kurokami Ryu> Yup.
[09:39] <ArcticaFrost> And you know from that BB was obsolete.
[09:39] <Tohoseiryu> Yamamoto apposed it for very good reasons, and seeing as Japan had just proved that large capital ships were dying with Repulse, Prince of Whales, etc.
[09:39] <Sylcion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sylcion</span></span> hugs Wolfteam
[09:39] <Sylcion> kongou syndrome
[09:39] <ArcticaFrost> But things have not always been easy to predict.
[09:39] <Sshinka> BBs were the most useless class at pacific... both sides
[09:39] <Sylcion> I have been there
[09:39] <Wolfteampatner> haha
[09:39] <Sylcion> you poor soul
[09:39] <Kurokami Ryu> Uhm...
[09:39] <Kurokami Ryu> No.
[09:39] <Tohoseiryu> It was easy enough for the admiral of the combined fleet
[09:39] <ArcticaFrost> And japan never had any plan to win against USA, they only wanted to force USA to give up on pacific.
[09:39] <Sylcion> to scare them off
[09:39] <ArcticaFrost> But of course, as with all war, nothing goes acording as you wanted.
[09:39] <Sylcion> BOO
[09:40] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is tasting the salt
[09:40] <Magicrailgunner> truffle salt is good
[09:40] <Sylcion> hey frost ever seen the movie ''The final countdown''?
[09:40] <Magicrailgunner> it's cheaper than actual truffles too
[09:40] <ArcticaFrost> No, i have never seen it.
[09:40] <Admiral Mikado> Don't know about the film, but there's this song... :v
[09:40] <Wolfteampatner> anyhow can i know where to get the sendai class
[09:41] <Xenzul> <span class="me-username">* <span>Xenzul</span></span> facepalms
[09:41] <Sylcion> Its about the USS nimitz that gets warped back in time (from 1980) to right before the attack on Pearl harbor but they have all advanced planes with it etc
[09:41] <Xenzul> Not this shit again
[09:41] <ArcticaFrost> On the moooooon!
[09:41] <Admiral Mikado> Random drops everywhere or construction with minimum input
[09:41] <Xenzul> Not this shittu again
[09:41] <Sshinka> Wolf world 1-1 boss node drops them
[09:41] <Tohoseiryu> It was never going to work anyways. Try and defend it as you might, it's clearly a poor strategy that wiped up by blind patriots and rabid nationalists 
[09:41] <Sylcion> its from 1980 but still funny too see
[09:41] <ArcticaFrost> And that is not what you are? Blind patriot and rabid nationalist?
[09:42] <Magicrailgunner> so nimitz moved back with modern stuff
a feel-good film about how the Nimitz beats the shit outta the task force that wrecked Pearl?
[09:42] <Wolfteampatner> thanks
[09:42] <Tohoseiryu> Nope
[09:42] <Admiral Mikado> And a friendly reminder, Wolf.
The answers to simple questions like these are easily available on this wiki.
How about checking it first? :V
[09:42] <Tohoseiryu> Im objective to history
[09:42] <Sylcion> brb im gonna go get my medicines~
[09:42] <Sshinka> well u sound like one
[09:42] <Magicrailgunner> feel better, sylcion
[09:42] <Wolfteampatner> kinda hard to find ot
[09:42] <Sylcion> ty x3/
[09:42] <ArcticaFrost> And yet you are trashing the IJN like they was totally useless that driving by monkeys, yes?
[09:42] <Admiral Mikado> Wolf, this wiki has a search bar. Learn to use it
[09:42] <Tohoseiryu> By not applauding a bad strategy? 
[09:42] <Tohoseiryu> I'm not
[09:43] <Shadowofsora> nah they start dropping like hell after getting all of them once
[09:43] <ArcticaFrost> As thing are now, things turn out good for the allied
[09:43] <Tohoseiryu> They had the second most formidable force in the war
[09:43] <Wolfteampatner> thanks btw
[09:43] <ArcticaFrost> But we can never know if this and that would never have happend.
[09:43] <Sshinka> *naval force
[09:43] <Admiral Mikado> np
[09:44] <Blasterion> woot 40h exp done
[09:44] <Tohoseiryu> No Sshinka, their ability to power project made them, in my eyes, the most powerful force of the axis 
[09:44] <Admiral Mikado> Now do the 80h exp :P 
[09:44] <Blasterion> I am
[09:44] <Admiral Mikado> Good boy :) 
[09:44] <Blasterion> I want mah Tokyos
[09:45] <Blasterion> I amma do it while no events underway
[09:45] <Admiral Mikado> Everyone does, Balst
[09:45] <Blasterion> so I can stock up
[09:45] <Tohoseiryu> @Arctica: That's a poor line of thought
[09:45] <Magicrailgunner> power project
well... Japan was the only country in the axis that did not fight against developed nations save America and some Aussies
so yeah of course their power projection would be off the charts - everyone else in their vicinity sucked compared to them
[09:45] <Tohoseiryu> Wut
[09:45] <ArcticaFrost> ^
[09:46] <ArcticaFrost> We can never know in the end.
[09:46] <Wolfteampatner> what is flagship
[09:46] <Flonnaru> ok,that worth a kick
[09:46] <Admiral Mikado> Guess
[09:46] <Wolfteampatner> Defeat the flagship of an enemy fleet.

[09:46] <ArcticaFrost> So the only history we can follow is this one, the current one that actually happend.
[09:46] <Admiral Mikado> If you guess wrong I'll kick you
[09:46] <Magicrailgunner> Until the US rolled along, Japan fought against weak foes. That's why their ability to power project is immense, since their national development + industry is a lot better then the countries around them
[09:46] <Magicrailgunner> thats what I mean
[09:46] <Tohoseiryu> They fought Britain and the US in fields that the other two dominated for a long time, that's impressive 
[09:46] <Segar> lol Mikado
[09:47] <Sshinka> Wolf read combat guide on the wiki please
[09:47] <ArcticaFrost> This is pretty much same thing over and over again, Russia vs USA, USA vs China, all of them is equal stupid hard to answer.
[09:47] <Tohoseiryu> Unless your just another 'GERMAN WUNDERWAFFLE!111!!!!' poster
[09:47] <Admiral Mikado> *Wunderwaffe
[09:47] <Tohoseiryu> That's the joke
[09:47] <Admiral Mikado> :P 
[09:47] <Flonnaru> waffle lecker
[09:47] <Magicrailgunner> >Britain
[09:47] <Admiral Mikado> Lecker Waffeln :3
[09:47] <Magicrailgunner> >dominating in infantry combat
[09:48] <Tohoseiryu> But please, do point out how all those ones shouldn't be there ;) 
[09:48] <Magicrailgunner> wasn't that Germany?
[09:48] <Tohoseiryu> Nope
[09:48] <Flonnaru> someone else want a waffel
[09:48] <ArcticaFrost> Luftwaffle
[09:48] <ArcticaFrost> VÅFFLORR!
[09:48] <Magicrailgunner> like the great prussian infantry tradition or whatnot 
i know russia made glorious awesome tanks
[09:48] <Admiral Mikado> Luftwaffeln :9
[09:48] <Flonnaru> die fliegen dir in den mund rein
[09:48] <Flonnaru> xD
[09:48] <Wolfteampatner> \text{Shot Down} = \text{Floor((Ship AA } + \text{Floor(Fleet Anti-air} \times \text{Formation Modifier))} \times 0.2125\text{)} \text{Fleet Anti-air} = \text{Floor(} \sum^\text{All slots}\text{Equipment AA Bonus} \times \text{Equipment Modifier)} got some physics down here
[09:48] <Magicrailgunner> wolf pls
[09:49] <Tohoseiryu> Russia's tanks were actually only average until the T-55
[09:49] <Sshinka> Wolf just read the goddamn guides
[09:49] <Admiral Mikado> Mit höchster Präzision, wie's sich für die deutsche Luftwaffel gehört :V
[09:49] <Kurokami Ryu> http://s1325.photobucket.com/user/Pizzly25/media/luftwaffle3_zps95f081ed.gif.html
[09:49] <Magicrailgunner> well, it was a typical russian solution: "tanks getting blown up?" MOAR ARMOR
[09:49] <Magicrailgunner> MOAR GUNZ
[09:49] <ArcticaFrost> ^
[09:49] <Flonnaru> mit 1 kg schokoladenladung
[09:49] <Tohoseiryu> Until the 70s
[09:49] <Magicrailgunner> but the russians were masters of efficiency more than anything else
[09:50] <Admiral Mikado> Verdammt, etz hab' ich wieder Hunger... :T
[09:50] <Flonnaru> : >
[09:50] <Wolfteampatner> my bad soory
[09:50] <Admiral Mikado> :<
[09:50] <Kurokami Ryu> Dann geh dir etwas zu essen holen.
[09:50] <Tohoseiryu> In fact, after the Chieftain, the Russians never caught back up in the tank department' 
[09:50] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[09:50] <Magicrailgunner> they didn't need top-of-the-line tech since they have sheer numbers
so they could have average tanks that absolutely swamp German panzer divisions
[09:50] <Sshinka> that one fight that a lone KV did is still awesome.. and at the time it was a tank behind the time
[09:51] <Magicrailgunner> japan had no resources within the nation, an their manpower was extremely limited
which is why when the US counterattacked, at first with numbers, then technology, Japan couldn't win, especially since they expanded too far, too fast
[09:51] <Sylcion> back :3/
[09:51] <ArcticaFrost> I would not say T-90 is a bad tank but not really sure if they could be consider in pair with Challanger 2 or Leopard2
[09:51] <ArcticaFrost> But that is an another story.
[09:52] <Tohoseiryu> Russia never had a "swarm strategy" as RTS games and common lore would like you to believe. Russian tech was actually pretty good after 43, it's just that little kids on the internet glorify Germany to the extent that everything else looks like trash 
[09:52] <Admiral Mikado> I don't glorify Germany :>
[09:52] <Magicrailgunner> >Russian minesweeping tactics = send people into the field until all the mines blow up
>not swarm strategy
[09:52] <Sshinka> single KV2 tank held whole 6th panzer division for whole day.... yeah spit on russian tanks
[09:52] <Admiral Mikado> But then again I'm not a little kid anymore :P 
[09:52] <Tohoseiryu> @Magical: I'm sure everyone here knows that
[09:53] <ArcticaFrost> german tanks was consider over engineered.
[09:53] <Admiral Mikado> Maus :>
[09:53] <ArcticaFrost> I still don't understand the logic behind it.
[09:53] <Magicrailgunner> over-engineered? how?
[09:53] <Admiral Mikado> Compensating for something? :>
[09:53] <ArcticaFrost> Tiger, Panther.
[09:53] <ArcticaFrost> And ofc maus.
[09:54] <Blasterion> Germans value quality over quantity
[09:54] <Magicrailgunner> ^they had to
[09:54] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[09:54] <Blasterion> ^
[09:54] <ArcticaFrost> Things that get ridiculous hard to build.
[09:54] <Magicrailgunner> the axis nations were limited in manpower so they had to win with tech
[09:54] <Sshinka> think Maus never saw actual combat tho
[09:54] <Magicrailgunner> but once some of that tech gets captured it can be reverse-engineered
[09:54] <Blasterion> YAY HOUSHOU KAI
[09:54] <ArcticaFrost> I consider Panther and Tiger as rather good tanks.
[09:54] <Admiral Mikado> Considering how fucking huge and impractical the Maus was, I'm hardly surprised :V
[09:54] <Tohoseiryu> I'm loling irl, the "Human mine sweepers" was a myth that originated in Berlin in the 1950s to act as a propaganda tool. Wanna see a real Russian mine sweeper? 
[09:54] <Kitsuboshi> afternoon
[09:55] <ArcticaFrost> But did they really need King tiger, Jagdtiger?
[09:55] <Magicrailgunner> and since America was untouched by war (except pearl harbor), their R&D could focus on making better and better stuff
[09:55] <ArcticaFrost> Why even tech Maus?
[09:55] <Kurokami Ryu> Hey Kitsu.
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> Kuro~
[09:55] <ArcticaFrost> Seems like Hitlers personal wish.
[09:55] <Kitsuboshi> it's been awhile
[09:55] <Kurokami Ryu> ^^
[09:55] <Sshinka> German turetless tank hunters actually performed very good
[09:55] <ArcticaFrost> Indeed
[09:56] <ArcticaFrost> Many of them did it really good.
[09:56] <Magicrailgunner> "human minesweeper" = penal battalions
[09:56] <Magicrailgunner> ofc they wouldn't send the real soldiers into die first
[09:56] <ArcticaFrost> Oh yeah.
[09:56] <ArcticaFrost> I remember that.
[09:56] <Kurokami Ryu> So I see everybody arguing about a topic x and apparently most people around should get there fact right. Smashing around some half knowledge they obviously have from games etc.. Now what should I do there? Add in and say something just to make things worse? Hm.... nah. I'll grab some popcorn instead. Let's watch the world burn.
[09:56] <Magicrailgunner> and since they had no real minesweeping equipment, they were pretty mcuh expected to have the mine blow up on them
[09:56] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[09:56] <Tohoseiryu> http://www.o5m6.de/pt_34.html
[09:56] <Tohoseiryu> That was German POWs
[09:57] <ArcticaFrost> Maus :p 
[09:57] <Sylcion> that thing looks weird o.o
[09:57] <Someguyjumping> super heavy tank
[09:58] <ArcticaFrost> Trololo http://new2.fjcdn.com/comments/I+was+freaked+out+by+a+huge+tank+called+landkreuzer+_c23ed7775c606afed5ca0af40a797ec5.jpg
[09:58] <Tohoseiryu> Maus was probably the worst choice ever in the history of German tank development
[09:58] <Magicrailgunner> "The first Independent Engineer Tank Regiment with eighteen mine rollers was fielded in October 1943"
so yeah, penal battalions before they brought out this nice new technology
[09:58] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc that thing was called Ratte
[09:58] <Tohoseiryu> Source?
[09:58] <Admiral Mikado> Is that a 46cm Twin Gun Mount? :V
[09:58] <Kurokami Ryu> Just a blueprint project though.
[09:59] <Sshinka> what was it... that tank battalion manned by non-german crews that stopped russian invasion for quite some time? what was the name of the battle?
[09:59] <Kurokami Ryu> "Landkreuzer Ratte" was it's name.
[09:59] <ArcticaFrost> And don't forget P 1000
[09:59] <Ninthsense> m1 garand better than german rifles
[09:59] <ArcticaFrost> If you want to be that guy :) 
[10:00] <Kurokami Ryu> And no Mikado
[10:00] <Kurokami Ryu> No 46cm guns.
[10:00] <Admiral Mikado> :<
[10:00] <ArcticaFrost> Against certain rifles, yes.
[10:00] <Kurokami Ryu> 28cm ones.
[10:00] <Someguyjumping> all for the sturmgewehr 
[10:00] <Kurokami Ryu> Seriously get your facts right guns. :V
[10:00] <Magicrailgunner> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mine_roller
[10:00] <Admiral Mikado> Oh noez, I'm terribly sorry :Λ
[10:00] <Kurokami Ryu> Not just posting random stuff.
[10:00] <ArcticaFrost> I mean, STG 44 was pretty brutal for it's time.
[10:01] <Kurokami Ryu> I wasn't talking about you Mikado,
[10:01] <Admiral Mikado> Oh okay :>
[10:01] <Kurokami Ryu> More of a general statement.
[10:01] <Someguyjumping> first assault rifle wasn't it?
[10:01] <Someguyjumping> followed by the AK
[10:01] <Kurokami Ryu> I see people talking about a lot stuff here and most don't even seem to know what they're talking about.
[10:01] <Kurokami Ryu> <_<
[10:01] <ArcticaFrost> STG 44 would be the face out for the modern assault rifle after all.
[10:02] <Sshinka> btw the german support weapon (heavy machine gun) from WW2 is still used in here... it was used in ex yugoslavia too.. we call it "Garonja" (Smokey), and lots of Mauser 48 carabines were used in the war too.
[10:02] <Tohoseiryu> @Ryu: That's a pretty pretentious statement 
[10:02] <Sylcion> I can make some statements if you want <3 
[10:02] <Magicrailgunner> and assuming that wiki is wrong
then your source says that "The first mine-rolling detachments were formed in May 1942"
[10:03] <Magicrailgunner> anyway, @Toho, do you knwo if the mine rollers would detonate anti-personnel mines as well as anti-tank mines?
[10:03] <Tohoseiryu> And that's your source that they used penal units before that?
[10:03] <Kurokami Ryu> Pretentious? I'm almost getting a headache here about some of the stuff I read.
[10:03] <Kurokami Ryu> So much I didn't even try to correct it.
[10:03] <Tohoseiryu> That depends on the mine, really
[10:04] <Admiral Mikado> Now imaging having those headaches every fucking day you spend here.
Welcome to my world :V
[10:04] <ArcticaFrost> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shtrafbat
[10:04] <Kurokami Ryu> I see your pain...
[10:04] <Magicrailgunner> no, i'm saying that the mine rolling detachments came out after Operation Barbarossa was repulsed, and before it came out, penal battalions were often used to search for mines
[10:04] <Sylcion> Mom <3 do it for your children
[10:04] <Admiral Mikado> FUck them
[10:04] <Sylcion> OHNO YOU DIDNT
[10:04] <Sylcion> FROST WHAT IS DIS
[10:04] <Tohoseiryu> @Ryu: "I'm so good I and above you all that I wont even try to 'correct you'" 
[10:04] <Kurokami Ryu> lol
[10:04] <Admiral Mikado> YES I DID
[10:04] <Kurokami Ryu> No Toho
[10:04] <Sylcion> ABANDONING US AGAIN EH?
[10:04] <Magicrailgunner> "Most prisoners were transferred to the mine-clearing battalions for trampler duty if they survived infantry combat long enough to risk returning to a regular unit."
[10:05] <ArcticaFrost> ^
[10:05] <Tohoseiryu> And I asked for a source for it
[10:05] <Magicrailgunner> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shtrafbat#Infantry_battalions
[10:05] <Tohoseiryu> Prisoners being a key, and vital word there
[10:05] <Kurokami Ryu> More like "I know that BS is wrong but I'm way to lazy to correct it and I don't want to join that stupid argument anyway. I rather grab some popcorn."
[10:05] <Magicrailgunner> Manazeev, Igor, A 'Penal' Corps on the Kalinin Front, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Vol. 15, Issue 3, September 2002 OCLC 201968754
[10:06] <Kurokami Ryu> Sorry for being a lazy bastard.
[10:06] <Magicrailgunner> "prisoners" is a really liberal term in soviet russia, any one suspected of political disloyalties was a "prisoner", not just Germans
[10:06] <Kurokami Ryu> But I don't like arguments in general actually.
[10:06] <ArcticaFrost> Welp, who are you cheering on Kuro :p 
[10:07] <Kurokami Ryu> Nobody?
[10:07] <Tohoseiryu> @Ryu: Yeah, that's called being pretentious @Magical: Interesting, I never knew they actually used them
[10:07] <Kurokami Ryu> Nobody do cheer up, all hope lost anyway. :P 
[10:07] <Admiral Mikado> Kuro just want to enjoy the flame war
[10:07] <Kurokami Ryu> *to
[10:07] <Kurokami Ryu> ¨Mikado got it. :3
[10:07] <ArcticaFrost> Penal battalion is infamous for what they had to do.
[10:07] <Magicrailgunner> @Toho, if you can read russian, or wanna try your and with google translate, http://iremember.ru/infantry/golbraikh/golbraikh_r.htms
[10:07] <Sshinka> what was it? about 500'000 Japanese soldiers died in russian work-camps after the war. 700'000 from japanese sources
[10:07] <Magicrailgunner> story of a dude who commanded one of the penal battalions
[10:08] <Tohoseiryu> Nice. I'll save the link and read it some time
[10:08] <Admiral Mikado> Don't make me learn Russian, guys... :T
[10:08] <Sshinka> it was rare for PoW to return from Soviet Union
[10:08] <Kurokami Ryu> ^ Translated as I'll save it for later and actually never read it.
[10:08] <ArcticaFrost> lol, true that.
[10:08] <Ninthsense> poor russian prisoners
[10:09] <Kurokami Ryu> We all know what happens to stuff you "save for later". :P 
[10:09] <Magicrailgunner> I mean, russian units were famous for always having a political officer attached to them, some of them plainclothes (disguised as normal soldier), and they would arrest or shoot any soldier that voiced dissent
[10:09] <Ninthsense> probably didnt treat their people any better though
[10:09] <Magicrailgunner> hell, there's a whole article about it lol
[10:09] <ArcticaFrost> Welp, i will always consider Stalin the number one and Hitler as number 2, very close to number one.
[10:10] <Kurokami Ryu> Magic you think any nation was better? That goes for many armies.
[10:10] <Ninthsense> stalin number 1 what
[10:10] <Kurokami Ryu> Germans had that, japanese had that.
[10:10] <ArcticaFrost> Oh sorry.
[10:10] <Tohoseiryu> @Kuro: Ah, a personal insult. How petty. 
[10:10] <ArcticaFrost> Top 10 Evil :p 
[10:10] <Kurokami Ryu> What? Where?
[10:11] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> hugs mom.
[10:11] <Ninthsense> where is obama on that list?
[10:11] <Tohoseiryu> We all know what happens to stuff you "save for later".
[10:11] <Sylcion> lovely arguments as always > >
[10:11] <Magicrailgunner> @Ryu, there's no need to be antagonistic
Of course I know that many other nations did that, but I was trying to show how the penal battalion's "prisoners" weren't just POWs
[10:11] <Tohoseiryu> Then again, this could be a joke
[10:11] <Kurokami Ryu> Joke?
[10:11] <Kurokami Ryu> Nah.
[10:11] <Kurokami Ryu> More like a fact.
[10:11] <Hossinator> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
[10:11] <Hossinator> need more @
[10:11] <Sylcion> get more @ then
[10:11] <ArcticaFrost> Man this is hilarious :p 
[10:11] <Hossinator> @
[10:11] <Admiral Mikado> EVERYONE SUCKED, NO SHUT UP ALREADY! :V
[10:11] <Kurokami Ryu> If you think that fact is an insult then I'm sorry for you. lol
[10:11] <Sylcion> NO THE DUTCH WERE OP
[10:11] <Tohoseiryu> Ah, so you are petty then. Right, noted. 
[10:11] <Sylcion> <span class="me-username">* <span>Sylcion</span></span> runs
[10:12] <Admiral Mikado> Hold it right there, Toho.
[10:12] <ArcticaFrost> THAT WAS A SAD DAY!
[10:12] <ArcticaFrost> :p 
[10:12] <Ninthsense> facts can be insults tho?
[10:12] <Sylcion> we did what naow? o.o
[10:12] <Sylcion> I MEAN
[10:12] <Sylcion> OFCOURSE
[10:12] <Sylcion> I GUESS
[10:12] <Tohoseiryu> What fact
[10:12] <Kurokami Ryu> Apparently Nitnth.
[10:12] <Kurokami Ryu> Sorry, Ninth.
[10:12] <Kurokami Ryu> lol Arc.
[10:12] <Sylcion> OHNOOOOO
[10:13] <Sylcion> PARTY HAT CRUISERS MAN
[10:13] <Tohoseiryu> There was no fact, only personal insult. 
[10:13] <Admiral Mikado> Just drop it already
[10:13] <Sylcion> imma head to bed now :3/ nighty~~
[10:13] <Tohoseiryu> Sure. 
[10:13] <Kurokami Ryu> Seem like Toho is now pretty pissed about me. And that's excactly why I don't like to join arguments. People always get worked up on argument and can't get it calm and seriously.
[10:13] <Kitsuboshi> night syl
[10:13] <Sshinka> NN Syl
[10:13] <Magicrailgunner> gnight sylcion
hope you feel better w/ your meds
[10:13] <Kurokami Ryu> Night Sly.
[10:13] <Sylcion> lets hope x3/
[10:13] <ArcticaFrost> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_the_Sound :<
[10:14] <Admiral Mikado> I HATE ALL OF YOU! NOW SHUT UP! :V
[10:14] <Kurokami Ryu> I hate you too Mikado. <3 
[10:14] <Kurokami Ryu> lol:P
[10:14] <Admiral Mikado> :> <3 
[10:14] <ArcticaFrost> I wuve you mom and dad.
[10:14] <Kurokami Ryu> I hate you all. :3
[10:15] <Tohoseiryu> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Miyako_Bay
[10:15] <Kitsuboshi> such a wuving family <3 
[10:15] <Tohoseiryu> Takao was a rebel :P 
[10:15] <Magicrailgunner> Jesus, you vikings have been pillaging the English coast for the better part of 300 years XD
[10:15] <ArcticaFrost> Ops.....
[10:15] <ArcticaFrost> Huehue
[10:15] <Ninthsense> its too bad vikings are so bad at football
[10:15] <Admiral Mikado> lol
[10:16] <ArcticaFrost> http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/196r4fs2m99bgpng/ku-xlarge.png
[10:16] <ArcticaFrost> Not going to deny that.
[10:16] <Admiral Mikado> How do I declared war? :V
[10:16] <Kurokami Ryu> :<
[10:17] <Tohoseiryu> And then Sweden lost. 
[10:17] <Tohoseiryu> Rest in RIP
[10:17] <Magicrailgunner> you guys were attacking britain when charlemagne was king
[10:17] <Tohoseiryu> :c
[10:17] <Kurokami Ryu> "Rest in rest in piece". Rest in RIP
[10:17] <Kurokami Ryu> ...wat.
[10:17] <Ninthsense> i wonder if anyone actually did any statistics on what countries are the best at war
[10:17] <Kevadu> I was attacking Britain before it was cool
[10:17] <ArcticaFrost> My knowledge about viking era is pretty much zero.
[10:18] <Magicrailgunner> and it lasted all the way until Georgia was destroyed... for the second time
[10:18] <Kurokami Ryu> WHAT ARC
[10:18] <Tohoseiryu> @Kuro: You've never seen a montage parody? :P 
[10:18] <ArcticaFrost> The only thing i know is that we went to war with Denmark, to many times.
[10:18] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc your a Viking.
[10:18] <Kurokami Ryu> How can you not know
[10:18] <Magicrailgunner> empires rose, and kings were crowned when the vikings attacked
[10:18] <Kurokami Ryu> Gosh...
[10:18] <Kitsuboshi> he's forgotten how to wars
[10:19] <Kurokami Ryu> I did such a basic english grammar mistake.
[10:19] <Magicrailgunner> The mayan empire rose and fell when the vikings attacked
[10:19] <Admiral Mikado> Shame on you, Kuro.
[10:19] <Kurokami Ryu> I can't believe I wrote "your" instead of "you're".
[10:19] <Admiral Mikado> You're a disgrace :<
[10:19] <Kurokami Ryu> Yeah shame on me.
[10:19] <Hossinator> KUSO!
[10:19] <Ninthsense> uninstall your keyboard
[10:19] <ArcticaFrost> Meh.
[10:19] <Kevadu> Commit sudoku
[10:19] <Hossinator> you are pardoned 
[10:19] <ArcticaFrost> Sure we were vikings but i feel that belongs more to Norway and Denmark.
[10:20] <Tohoseiryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APxJMgkatM0
[10:20] <ArcticaFrost> I mean, that is how i see on Sweden on the past. http://www.karlkampe.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/slagetvidpoltava2.png
[10:20] <ArcticaFrost> this*
[10:20] <ArcticaFrost> Arghhhh
[10:20] <Ninthsense> finally got an ap shell from development lol
[10:20] <Magicrailgunner> Arc, are you ok?
[10:20] <Sshinka> GZ
[10:21] <Ninthsense> ty lol
[10:21] <Kurokami Ryu> Arc always is ok.
[10:21] <Sshinka> still waiting to see one here hehe
[10:21] <Kurokami Ryu> Just like that.
[10:21] <Tohoseiryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiPBr5OQECI
[10:21] <Kurokami Ryu> He's perfectly normal right now.
[10:21] <Tohoseiryu> Best army
[10:21] <Ninthsense> af is always ok > daijoubu > slut
[10:21] <Magicrailgunner> daijoubu? slut?
whatcha talking about
[10:21] <Ninthsense> i see what you are trying to say
[10:22] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> narrows eyes
[10:22] <Magicrailgunner> whos a slut?
[10:22] <Kurokami Ryu> _(:3 」∠ )_
[10:23] <Kurokami Ryu> I'm a slut. A cookie slut.
[10:23] <Ninthsense> AF = articafrost lol
[10:23] <Tohoseiryu> Kuro, how could you!?
[10:23] <ArcticaFrost> FALUKORV!
[10:23] <Sshinka> you need 287 Artica Frost for that map!
[10:23] <ArcticaFrost> <span class="me-username">* <span>ArcticaFrost</span></span> slaps everyone
[10:23] <Kurokami Ryu> I'm sorry but I just can't resist cookies.
[10:24] <Kitsuboshi> crap
[10:24] <Admiral Mikado> Yay, Dechi built me a Maruyu :>
[10:24] <Kitsuboshi> i forgot my email pw
[10:24] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[10:24] <Sshinka> yaaay
[10:24] <Admiral Mikado> Now I have another set to feed to KTKM-sama :>
[10:24] <Ninthsense> you gave dechi your account?
[10:24] <Kurokami Ryu> Grats.
[10:24] <Sshinka> still not sure who i will feed my Maruyus
[10:24] <Kurokami Ryu> I thought the same Ninth. xD
[10:25] <Ninthsense> i would be like wiping your goya down or something
[10:26] <Tohoseiryu> Yasen
[10:27] <Kurokami Ryu> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvg7hHTnJVk
[10:27] <ArcticaFrost> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WQO-aOdJLiw
[10:27] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=49035539
[10:29] <Magicrailgunner> shoukaku is the cutest
[10:30] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=48749517
[10:30] <Ninthsense> i guess there are certain people that would believe that ...like the blind and deaf
[10:31] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47559536
[10:31] <ArcticaFrost> Hey Kuro
[10:31] <ArcticaFrost> Daddy daddy!
[10:31] <ArcticaFrost> http://i.imgur.com/OqVaPqg.png
[10:31] <Kurokami Ryu> She certainly looks great in casual clothes.
[10:31] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47589317
[10:32] <Kurokami Ryu> ~_~
[10:32] <ArcticaFrost> Welp, i'm off to look at some dwarf porn, hf.
[10:32] <Flonnaru> hf AF

[10:33] <Kurokami Ryu> Bye.
[10:33] <Kitsuboshi> ciao?
[10:33] <Magicrailgunner> bye AF
[10:34] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> should marry shoukaku instead
[10:34] <Kitsuboshi> hmmm
[10:34] <Xenzul> goto fking sleep already
[10:34] <Kitsuboshi> MRG
[10:34] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> shots fired
[10:34] <Magicrailgunner> ?
[10:34] <Kitsuboshi> tch
[10:34] <Kurokami Ryu> http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=47574662
[10:34] <Kitsuboshi> is it not working for you again
[10:34] <Blasterion> I am so tired
[10:35] <Xenzul> can you stop posting stuff for "other" people then
[10:35] <Magicrailgunner> what's wrong with shoukaku, kitsu?
[10:36] <Kitsuboshi> nothing wrong with her
[10:36] <Kitsuboshi> i was trying to ping you
[10:36] <Magicrailgunner> oh, then yeah i did get pinged
[10:36] <Kitsuboshi> also shoukaku>zuikakau
[10:36] <Kurokami Ryu> I don't get what you guys are talking about.
[10:36] <Kurokami Ryu> :P 
[10:36] <Caboose10032> welcome to wikichat
[10:36] <Dechidechi> also mizugi > everything
[10:37] <Magicrailgunner> Zuikaku secretly loves Kaga
[10:37] <Blasterion> ZuiKaga is real
[10:37] <Blasterion> also Zuikaku > Soukaku
[10:37] <Blasterion> Shoukaku*
[10:37] <Kurokami Ryu> Zippermizugi dechi?
[10:38] <Kitsuboshi> oh kuro, ge...n gave us a toy last night of sorts, kinda a toy, only abusable by other poeple
[10:38] <Magicrailgunner> "瑞鶴は密かに加賀を愛し"
[10:38] <Kurokami Ryu> ?
[10:38] <Magicrailgunner> the ping system
[10:38] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[10:38] <Kitsuboshi> we have certain phrases that will ping us
[10:38] <Xenzul> i dont hear any pinging sounds
[10:38] <Xenzul> idk why
[10:38] <Dechidechi> might need to wait for suka to draw it :/ 
[10:39] <Kitsuboshi> if Haruna was here we'd be getting spammed
[10:39] <Kitsuboshi> you have to do a set up and it'll only ping you if you have it xen
[10:39] <Kurokami Ryu> I heared about that earlier already.
[10:40] <Kurokami Ryu> What is it anyway? A plugin?
[10:40] <Magicrailgunner> a wikia.js addon/plugin, yes
[10:40] <Magicrailgunner> that s all i knwo
[10:40] <Magicrailgunner> *know
[10:40] <Kitsuboshi> kinda a script line
[10:40] <Dechidechi> ask gensui for it
[10:40] <Dechidechi> I'm not using it tho
[10:40] <Dechidechi> :>
[10:40] <Kitsuboshi> haha
[10:40] <Kurokami Ryu> Wikia has plugins? Wat?
[10:41] <Kitsuboshi> but you''ll get pinged every time blast talks crap about dechi
[10:41] <Kurokami Ryu> I'm curious what it is from a programmers point of view. :P 
[10:41] <Kitsuboshi> oh really?
[10:42] <Caboose10032> Wikia plugin definition from programmer perspective?
[10:42] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> walks back in
[10:42] <Tohoseiryu> I love Hatsuharu
[10:42] <Caboose10032> Segar <3 
[10:42] <Kurokami Ryu> Not interested in using it.
[10:42] <Tohoseiryu> :3
[10:42] <Segar> my stamina sucks.
[10:42] <Magicrailgunner> hi segar
[10:42] <Magicrailgunner> hq 100 yet?
[10:42] <Segar> no
[10:42] <Sshinka> @ Dechi ... could you please gief me the link to that japanese page, where they do testing on max resources invested in a LSC vs result?
[10:42] <Segar> in no time
[10:42] <Segar> 2min on the trampoline 
[10:42] <Blasterion> man
[10:42] <Segar> already feeling tired
[10:43] <Segar> :v
[10:43] <Blasterion> Souryuu Kai Ni is pretty cool
[10:43] <Segar> so weak
[10:43] <Segar> :v
[10:43] <Kitsuboshi> pmed you it kuro
[10:43] <Sshinka> you mentioned test about more resources = better results?
[10:43] <Blasterion> Hiryuu Kai Ni is gonna take some work
[10:43] <Segar> LSC?
[10:43] <Segar> :>
[10:43] <Sshinka> yeah
[10:43] <Segar> 4672
[10:43] <Segar> :>
[10:43] <Kitsuboshi> do it
[10:44] <Sshinka> no i don't go for those ships
[10:44] <Segar> you going for TAIHOOOOOOOO?
[10:44] <Blasterion> Should I lvl Hiryuu to kai ni first or ashigara to kai ni
[10:44] <Segar> you choice
[10:44] <Dechidechi> hmm
[10:44] <Segar> your*
[10:44] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> remembers the shame when he suggested an experiment with two trials
[10:44] <Sshinka> yeah Segar
[10:44] <Segar> :>
[10:44] <Sshinka> Taiho 1st then the rest
[10:44] <Segar> inb4 good luck
[10:45] <Sshinka> tyvm
[10:47] <Admiral Mikado> Dechi
[10:47] <Dechidechi> well, they are still gathering data @sshinka
[10:47] <Segar> <span class="me-username">* <span>Segar</span></span> blesses shin with his friend`s oneshot taihou
[10:47] <Admiral Mikado> Dechi built me a Maruyu :>
[10:47] <Sshinka> kk Dechi ty
[10:47] <Dechidechi> its here tho
[10:47] <Dechidechi> open the + boxes
[10:47] <Sshinka> i would like to follow on that research
[10:47] <Sshinka> tyvm
[10:48] <Dechidechi> they also have that total rsc with 20000 and 7000 (steel) = no CL
[10:48] <Dechidechi> results
[10:48] <Dechidechi> still testing tho
[10:48] <Segar> inb4 that 5hrs timer
[10:48] <Sshinka> aha
[10:49] <Dechidechi> @mikado: love dechi moar, more maruyus :>
[10:49] <Segar> inb4 marry dechi
[10:49] <Segar> :>
[10:49] <Admiral Mikado> Was aiming for Shioi, but I ain't complaining :V
[10:49] <Blasterion> love Zuikaku more more Ryuuseis
[10:49] <Dechidechi> lol
[10:49] <Hossinator> http://imgur.com/5SbS1Ba
[10:49] <Dechidechi> are you using BB recipe?
[10:49] <Dechidechi> for shioi?
[10:50] <Segar> SHOT FIRED
[10:50] <Magicrailgunner> lol dechi uses "rsc" too
[10:50] <Admiral Mikado> 3500/3500/4000/2000/20
[10:50] <Hossinator> you know
[10:50] <Hossinator> oh god this song
[10:50] <Hossinator> why
[10:50] <Dechidechi> well, i still believe in Yamato class recipe with 1 dev mat
[10:50] <Dechidechi> was aiming for Sushi with 1 dev mat 2 times and both times dechi crafted shioi
[10:50] <Admiral Mikado> lol
[10:51] <Blasterion> alright guys
[10:51] <Blasterion> I amma head home
[10:51] <Blasterion> time to clock out =P
[10:51] <Segar> later
[10:52] <Blasterion> Freed from the Abyssal's grasps
[10:52] <Alonne> hello guys!
[10:52] <Blasterion> xD
[10:52] <Blasterion> Hi Alonne
[10:52] <Segar> hi
[10:52] <Segar> :>
[10:52] <Dechidechi> the 3 week post event from winter 2015, dechi crafted me 12 maruyus 
[10:52] <Blasterion> I'll see ya'll on the other side
[10:52] <Magicrailgunner> Hello allone
[10:52] <Dechidechi> that is on an avg of 4 maruyus per week :>
[10:52] <Blasterion> @Dechi the 12 days of Dechi's Christmas
[10:52] <Admiral Mikado> I might try that after the next event
[10:52] <Magicrailgunner> maruyu best lsc cancer
[10:53] <Alonne> all those lucky pills
[10:53] <Dechidechi> i WAS aiming for maruyu, fyi :>
[10:53] <Dechidechi> dechi does not disappoint me
[10:53] <Segar> maruyu free 3-2A tank
[10:53] <Segar> +1 luck 
[10:53] <Segar> sign of bismarck
[10:53] <Segar> so I like her
[10:53] <Segar> :>
[10:54] <Dechidechi> but dechi also crafted 3 mikumas
[10:54] <Segar> free no3
[10:54] <Dechidechi> so on avg 4 maruyu + mikuma per week after the 2015 winter event
[10:54] <Alonne> i want to lsc but i'm too greedy!
[10:55] <Segar> I dont want to LSC right now
[10:55] <Segar> unless I get my ammo to softcap
[10:55] <Alonne> how much do you have?
[10:55] <Magicrailgunner> Segar i thought you had below-LSC level ammo just a few hours ago?
[10:55] <Segar> 8k
[10:56] <Caboose10032> No bullying Maruyu, Magic
[10:56] <Segar> still
[10:56] <Magicrailgunner> ok no bully the maru
[10:56] <Segar> it might takes me a couple day to restock
[10:56] <Hossinator> you missed earlier dechi
[10:56] <Hossinator> http://i.imgur.com/e7xN10b.png
[10:56] <Segar> 17k ammo in a week
[10:56] <Admiral Mikado> I can get at least 6k ammo in a day
[10:56] <Kitsuboshi> lol
[10:57] <Segar> ima not doing 2 5 21
[10:57] <Alonne> lol
[10:57] <Segar> if I do that I can get it faster
[10:57] <Kitsuboshi> you got trolled rail
[10:57] <Dechidechi> 17k ammo in a week is slow
[10:57] <Segar> inb4 tomorrow
[10:57] <Magicrailgunner> I got trolled?
[10:57] <Dechidechi> you can get 7k ammo 7k fuel and infinite steel in one day
[10:57] <Alonne> yup
[10:57] <Magicrailgunner> sigh
[10:57] <Dechidechi> + overnight baux
[10:58] <Segar> just tokyos and 2
[10:58] <Segar> ?
[10:58] <Alonne> where do you find infinite steel!

[10:58] <Shadowofsora> i think infinite steel is a lie :3
[10:58] <Segar> or some other combination?
[10:58] <Admiral Mikado> Tokyo Express gives you more steel than you could ever use.
[10:58] <Kitsuboshi> ^
[10:58] <Admiral Mikado> Just look at my resources... :V
[10:58] <Alonne> i need more steel i only have 17 k
[10:58] <Admiral Mikado> [[User:Admiral Mikado]]
[10:59] <Kitsuboshi> too much steel need other stuff
[10:59] <Dechidechi> both tokyo gives 1000+ (steel) / 3 hr
[10:59] <Admiral Mikado> ^
[10:59] <Segar> dechi
[10:59] <Shadowofsora> what is tokyo express?
[10:59] <Segar> so for maximum ammo I can go 2 5 tokyo 1?
[10:59] <Dechidechi> expedition 37 and 38
[10:59] <Shadowofsora> 39?
[10:59] <Admiral Mikado> Exp. 37 & 38
[11:00] <Admiral Mikado> 東京急行
[11:00] <Segar> (judging by the hour rate
[11:00] <Segar> hourly rate*
[11:00] <Admiral Mikado> Yes, Segar
[11:00] <Shadowofsora> the table says 270 + 200 that's far away from 1000 dechi
[11:00] <Segar> got it
[11:00] <Dechidechi> technically yes, if you're willing for that off trade of lose more fuel to get same equivalent ammo
[11:00] <Segar> starting tomorrow
[11:00] <Alonne> damn i'm stuck in the Exp.30
[11:00] <Dechidechi> but I do prefer 21 tho
[11:00] <Alonne> i need level up my ss
[11:01] <Segar> my fuel is 4 times more than ammo...
[11:01] <Segar> :v
[11:01] <Segar> 3*
[11:01] <Segar> I can still do 2 5 21
[11:01] <Dechidechi> k
[11:01] <Segar> overnight 9 11 13
[11:02] <Dechidechi> if you're getting 5 with GS ok, but if you're not, might as well do 21 in place of 5
[11:02] <Magicrailgunner> you can also get fuel, ammo, and steel 2/4/11 with naka
[11:02] <Hossinator> -.-
[11:02] <Kurokami Ryu> @Shadow
That's per hour.
[11:02] <Segar> I can do 21 and tokyo 1
[11:02] <Segar> the problem with 5 is 
[11:02] <Kurokami Ryu> dechi said "both tokyo gives 1000+ (steel) / 3 hr"
[11:02] <Segar> the sparkle will gone really fast
[11:02] <Segar> be*
[11:02] <Hossinator> sparkle + landing crafts
[11:03] <Hossinator> x great success
[11:03] <Dechidechi> ^
[11:03] <Dechidechi> GS
[11:03] <Segar> pfft no boat
[11:03] <Dechidechi> always do tokyo with GS
[11:03] <Magicrailgunner> if you need badly you can risk a mamiya or irako?
[11:03] <Segar> no
[11:03] <Segar> why
[11:03] <Hossinator> save those for event
[11:03] <Dechidechi> you can only bring 3 daihatsu to exped 38
[11:03] <Segar> one 1-1 run is good enough for couple runs
[11:03] <Dechidechi> exped 37 allows 0 free ships
[11:03] <Segar> dont have any boat
[11:03] <Segar> so w/e
[11:03] <Segar> ima just gonna rush lots of ammo first
[11:03] <Segar> cause I dont have them
[11:04] <Segar> :v
[11:04] <Kurokami Ryu> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kurokami Ryu</span></span> goes afk
[11:04] <Kitsuboshi> ooo i was 6 lvls off thats why it failed :x
[11:05] <Alonne> .....
[11:05] <Alonne> how many SS do you guys use for orel? 
[11:06] <Dechidechi> i don't orel
[11:06] <Admiral Mikado> 6 SS
[11:06] <Segar> ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ ammo! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ`
[11:06] <Segar> I go 2-2 now
[11:06] <Alonne> damn i need 2 more
[11:06] <Dechidechi> and also i want (baux) from 2-2
[11:06] <Admiral Mikado> 4 SS are enough
[11:06] <Segar> :>
[11:06] <Dechidechi> more (baux) more radar/ type 0 obs seaplane crafting
[11:07] <Segar> 2-2 is much more faster tbh
[11:07] <Segar> just sometime it can rekt your sub
[11:07] <Admiral Mikado> I have 15 Obs Planes, I'm think I'm good for now :>
[11:07] <Admiral Mikado> *I think
[11:07] <Magicrailgunner> i have too many type 0 obs planes
[11:07] <Admiral Mikado> You don't
[11:07] <Flonnaru> doubt it
[11:07] <Dechidechi> i've gotten 17 maruyus in total
[11:08] <Flonnaru> ive got 7 type 0 obv planes
[11:08] <Segar> type 0 recon =/= type 0 obs
[11:08] <Magicrailgunner> ^oh
I fucked up
[11:08] <Segar> :>
[11:08] <Magicrailgunner> <span class="me-username">* <span>Magicrailgunner</span></span> is going to go stew in his autism for a while
[11:08] <Admiral Mikado> Magic, just to make sure, are these the one you're talking about?
[11:08] <Dechidechi> yea he is
[11:08] <Admiral Mikado> Thought so :P 
[11:08] <Dechidechi> obs seaplane is so rare you get like 5 in 5 months
[11:08] <Crazy teitoku> I've done orel with 2 subs plus one maruyu. Took a lot of failed runs before I managed to get through.
[11:08] <Dechidechi> if only doing daily
[11:09] <Segar> i just go 1122
[11:09] <Admiral Mikado> I got 3 yesterday :P 
[11:09] <Sshinka> thanks for the link Goya... well, it made choose the long time recepy i'll go with
[11:09] <Segar> Mikado吃屎吧!:<
[11:09] <Dechidechi> daily or crafting spree? @ mikado
[11:09] <Admiral Mikado> 不吃 :P 
[11:09] <Admiral Mikado> Both
[11:10] <Sshinka> i do 2-3 becouse for some reason my subs get wrecked in 2-2 too often
[11:10] <Admiral Mikado> Spent ~1000 (bauxite) in total
[11:10] <Dechidechi> well then
[11:10] <Dechidechi> that's like 200 crafts
[11:10] <Dechidechi> developments*
[11:10] <Flonnaru> 50
[11:11] <Dechidechi> fk me
[11:11] <Segar> 1122 then 50
[11:11] <Flonnaru> : >
[11:11] <Admiral Mikado> What Segar said
[11:11] <Admiral Mikado> I prefer to waste my steel for obvious reasons :V
[11:11] <Segar> still
[11:11] <Segar> :< 吃屎吧!
[11:11] <Flonnaru> 20 bauxit is either recipe?
[11:11] <Admiral Mikado> Yes
[11:12] <Segar> yeah i think so
[11:12] <Flonnaru> then everything else doesnt matter : s
[11:12] <Admiral Mikado> It's either 20/10/10/20 or 10/10/20/20
[11:12] <Dechidechi> just waste (steel) 
[11:12] <Admiral Mikado> Well duh
[11:13] <Flonnaru> i mean it doesnt matter for calculation which recipe he took
[11:13] <Segar> on the other side I still want more Reppu and 46
[11:13] <Dechidechi> i want more AP shells
[11:13] <Flonnaru> ive got 8 reppus and need ap shells...
[11:13] <Segar> yeah and more AP shells
[11:13] <Dechidechi> i want to make another type 1
[11:13] <Segar> and good radars
[11:14] <Sshinka> T32 radar=0 T14 radar=0 AP shell=0
[11:15] <Segar> once tokyo2 is back ima gonna switch it to 21
[11:15] <Sshinka> just no luck at all with those
[11:17] <Segar> inb4 ima getting my first akiduki thursday
[11:17] <Flonnaru> how?
[11:17] <Segar> _(:з」∠)_
[11:17] <Segar> gun
[11:17] <Flonnaru> nvm then
[11:17] <Segar> akiduki gun
[11:17] <Segar> hax 
[11:17] <Segar> :>
[11:17] <Dechidechi> imagine when akizuki is farmable on event map
[11:17] <Dechidechi> :>
[11:17] <Admiral Mikado> Oh boy
[11:18] <Flonnaru> farmstorm incoming
[11:18] <Crazy teitoku> @Sshinka maybe try crafting AP shells at next event :>
[11:18] <Segar> I hope they put Prinz to LSC
[11:18] <Admiral Mikado> So many Akizuki guns... D:
[11:18] <Dechidechi> it's raining akizuki guns
[11:18] <Segar> ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ༼ຈ ل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ɪᴛs ʀᴀɪɴɪɴɢ akizuki gun! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ☂ ヽ`ヽ`、ヽヽ`ヽ`、`ヽ`
[11:18] <Flonnaru> did someone find out what the effect of improving akizukis gun?
[11:18] <Admiral Mikado> More damage
[11:18] <Segar> usually more dmg
[11:18] <Dechidechi> it's just the general +1 +2 +3 dmg
[11:19] <Flonnaru> it doesnt affect CI rate?
[11:19] <Segar> (as the main gun
[11:19] <Admiral Mikado> No
[11:19] <Segar> dont think so
[11:19] <Sshinka> on friday i get one Mayagun and one AkizukiGun. that makes it 2 Akiguns and 1 Mayagun total... think it's enough for next event... 
[11:19] <Dechidechi> it's not called mayagun :>
[11:19] <Segar> 12.7+FD
[11:19] <Sshinka> i call it that :P 
[11:19] <Flonnaru> well screw improving them
[11:19] <Dechidechi> oh well
[11:19] <Segar> well
[11:19] <Segar> maya doesnt come with that gun
[11:19] <Dechidechi> ^
[11:20] <Flonnaru> sadly
[11:20] <Flonnaru> but otherwise it would be farmable
[11:20] <Sshinka> but only she can make it
[11:20] <Segar> but akiduki does 
[11:20] <Dechidechi> it's like you don't call quint torp shimakaze torp
[11:20] <Segar> WRONG
[11:20] <Segar> oh
[11:20] <Segar> wait
[11:20] <Segar> ima dumb
[11:20] <Dechidechi> but shimakaze is the only one that can upgrade quint torp in akashi
[11:20] <Segar> thas 10+FD
[11:20] <Segar> :v
[11:20] <Sshinka> buki can make only 10cm one
[11:20] <Segar> DUMB SEGAR
[11:20] <Segar> DUMB
[11:21] <Segar> Prinz LSC-able Akizuki Nowaki droppable 
[11:21] <Segar> if the script goes right
[11:21] <Sshinka> gonna spend the rest o mats on trying to craft AP shells and radars after that
[11:21] <Admiral Mikado> Nowaki becoming droppable is the most likely among these
[11:21] <Flonnaru> like isokaze *laughs*
[11:21] <Dechidechi> not like you need more nowaki
[11:21] <Segar> who was the E1 reward for fall? 
[11:21] <Admiral Mikado> Isokaze :>
[11:22] <Segar> or which
[11:22] <Flonnaru> E1 was...useless stuff
[11:22] <Dechidechi> T91?
[11:22] <Admiral Mikado> Equipment
[11:22] <Admiral Mikado> T91
[11:22] <Segar> oh nvm....
[11:22] <Blasterion> I AM HOME
[11:22] <Sshinka> hey hey
[11:22] <Segar> it reminds me something really bad
[11:22] <Admiral Mikado> E-2: Akizuki
E-3: Pringles
E-4: Nowaki
[11:22] <Segar> that hurt me
[11:22] <Segar> ....
[11:22] <Dechidechi> 3 hibiki?
[11:22] <Admiral Mikado> How's your Hibiki doing, Segar? :V
[11:22] <Dechidechi> 3rd?
[11:22] <Segar> STOP 
[11:22] <Sshinka> but winter event E1 E2 equipement rewards were rather OP
[11:22] <Segar> NO
[11:23] <Segar> OUCH
[11:23] <Flonnaru> indeed they were
[11:23] <Blasterion> Akatsuki no Suihenseni SHOURII wa Kizaminasai!
[11:23] <Flonnaru> where is reppu kai 
[11:23] <Dechidechi> E3 equipment is OP too
[11:23] <Dechidechi> that is if you did hard
[11:23] <Admiral Mikado> *Akatsuki no Suiheisen ni Shouri wo kizaminasai!
[11:23] <Flonnaru> wasnt it E-2
[11:23] <Segar> ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ SHINDEN KAI༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
[11:23] <Admiral Mikado> ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ SHINDEN KAI༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
[11:24] <Flonnaru> ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ wat༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
[11:24] <Dechidechi> E-2 is Ryuusei 601
[11:24] <Dechidechi> Reppuu 601
Ryuusei 601
51cm proto
[11:24] <Segar> ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つSHIUN WHEN ༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
[11:24] <Admiral Mikado> Reppuu Kai was Spring 2014 E-1
[11:25] <Dechidechi> ok nvm, I was smoking 
[11:25] <Dechidechi> 51cm is E-2
[11:25] <Dechidechi> with ryuusei 601
[11:25] <Segar> yep
[11:25] <Xenzul> never
[11:25] <Xenzul> I say
[11:25] <Xenzul> NEVER
[11:25] <Crazy teitoku> Nobody mentioned about hull mount torps :>
[11:26] <Segar> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Z5-P9v3F8w never say never? :>(JB alert)
[11:27] <Crazy teitoku> I'd actually laugh if the devs later add some of those age old event equip drops as some LSC like equipment crafting option.
[11:27] <Segar> 0.1%
[11:27] <Segar> :.
[11:27] <Segar> :>
[11:27] <Crazy teitoku> Age old as in those 2013 event drops.
[11:27] <Admiral Mikado> Hull mount torps were Fall 2013 E-3
[11:28] <Crazy teitoku> Yup
[11:29] <Admiral Mikado> So long ago... :<
[11:29] <Crazy teitoku> Something once seen cannot be 'unseen' again :>
[11:30] <Dechidechi> well those were the times of regenerating Boss Hp
[11:30] <Crazy teitoku> IBS
[11:30] <Segar> hopefully I dont have to see that happen
[11:30] <Dechidechi> and it's the night battle in nodes and finall battle goes from night battle to day battle
[11:31] <Dechidechi> it's like 5-3, except the boss battle start as night battle and you can continue to day battle
[11:32] <SerialConvort> https://www.facebook.com/156454304497585/photos/np.21894074.100004932911620/539542122855466/?type=1&notif_t=notify_me
[11:33] <Kitsuboshi> was that suppose to be more than a white page?
[11:33] <SerialConvort> Probably.
[11:33] <SerialConvort> But maybe
[11:33] <SerialConvort> I fooled you
[11:33] <SerialConvort> :V
[11:33] <Kitsuboshi> meh
[11:34] <SerialConvort> https://www.facebook.com/156454304497585/photos/np.21894074.100004932911620/539542122855466/?type=3&theater
[11:34] <SerialConvort> Does this work
[11:34] <SerialConvort> :V
[11:34] <Segar> no
[11:34] <Admiral Mikado> no
[11:34] <SerialConvort> Darn
[11:34] <Kitsuboshi> no idea what your trying to do :T
[11:34] <SerialConvort> Me neither.
[11:35] <Dechidechi> DECYLLLLLLLLLLl
[11:35] <Decyl> Hi
[11:36] <Kitsuboshi> slowly i'll catch segar... kukuku
[11:36] <SerialConvort> https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/1025929?pool_id=4462
[11:36] <Crazy teitoku> hi jintsuu
[11:36] <Kitsuboshi> hi crazy
[11:37] <Kitsuboshi> er
[11:37] <Kitsuboshi> nagamons
[11:37] <Crazy teitoku> :> lel
[11:37] <Kitsuboshi> :p 
[11:37] <Kitsuboshi> i'll get it one day
[11:37] <Crazy teitoku> inb4 turning into BB water demon lel
[11:38] <Kitsuboshi> nuuuuus
[11:40] <SerialConvort> Inb4 BB Water Demon is actually a Earth Demon
[11:40] <SerialConvort> Not really :v
[11:41] <Crazy teitoku> huh I don't even
[11:41] <Kitsuboshi> apparently you might go avatar :x
[11:42] <Crazy teitoku> never lel
[11:42] <CreamX> o.
[11:42] <Crazy teitoku> wasn't avatar that wind character? lel
[11:42] <Kitsuboshi> ya
[11:42] <Kitsuboshi> then a chick who could do it all
[11:42] <Kitsuboshi> but wind
[11:43] <Crazy teitoku> Ah yes the blin.. er visually handicapped one.
[11:43] <Kitsuboshi> i'm sure you can say blind :x
[11:43] <Dechidechi> i thought avatar was I am blue da ba dee da ba doo :>
[11:43] <Kitsuboshi> furry bait~
[11:44] <SerialConvort> Baits are real
[11:44] <Segar> gao gao :>
[11:45] <Crazy teitoku> meh, chat is too slow to start using straight terms ;) 
[11:45] <Kitsuboshi> ho~
[11:46] <Kitsuboshi> and it's about to get slower, maybe
[11:46] <Kitsuboshi> <span class="me-username">* <span>Kitsuboshi</span></span> goes to do yard work
[11:46] <Crazy teitoku> Talk about fun there :<
[11:48] <Kitsuboshi> meh
[11:48] <Kitsuboshi> i have to do it 2 times a week
[11:48] <Kitsuboshi> get 20$ for it so w/e
[11:48] <Kitsuboshi> moeny's money
[11:50] <Crazy teitoku> True
[11:50] <Crazy teitoku> Looking at fan arts of taihou I am getting more and more interested - for no reason lel.
[11:50] <Crazy teitoku> http://tsundora.com/116138
[11:51] <Shadowofsora> at least you get money for doing it i never got money for it back then... and i friggin hated to mow our extremely large garden...
[11:51] <Admiral Mikado> http://tsundora.com/122199
Oh, I actually have that doujinshi... :>