Kancolle Style Vol. 3/Akasaki Chinatsu Interview
The Following interview was conducted in the Kancolle Style Vol.3 Mook featuring Akasaki Chinatsu.
Within this 6 page Article, Akasaki Chinatsu does an interview and talks about her actives regarding KanColle, how she got her voice acting career for the Italian ships, her opinion on the ships she partook in voicing within and finally her thoughts on future things she wishes to see in KanColle.
Interview with Akasaki Chinatsu
Japanese | English |
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【演声艦隊】 キャストインタビュー 赤崎 千夏 パスタの国の艦娘であるZara、 |
Voice Actor Fleet Cast Interview Akasaki Chinatsu Akasaki Chinatsu lent her voice to Zara, Pola & Aquila, who're all ship girls from the land of Pasta. |
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残り燃料16!? 赤崎提督の日常 ――――まずは「艦これ」の原作であるブラウザゲームについてお聞きしたいのですが、 鎮守府秋刀魚祭り真っ只中ですけど、まだ秋刀魚は10匹ぐらいしか集まってないんですよ。
ちょっと出遅れちゃいまして・・・・・・。 ――――まだ序盤戦ですし、このタイミングで10匹獲れているのであれば。いいペースだと思います。 いつも朝はメイクや、出かける準備の合間に演習、 ――――いまからなら、まだまだ猶予はありますね。 1週間あれば集めますよ! 狙って出撃し始めたら、するするっと出てきてくれたんで、漁場が枯渇しない限り! ――――(ひそひそ声で)・・・・・・同じ海域へ集中的に出撃すると、結構獲れにくくなるの早かったです。 なるほど・・・・・・。漁場巡りながらですね。 ――――では、改めて「艦これ」はいつ頃からプレーされていたんですか? だいたい2年半前くらいだと思います。最初のうちは無我夢中でプレーしていたので、 ――――そもそも「艦これ」を始めようとしたきっかけは? 私が始めようとしたときに「艦これ」がすごく話題になっていて、 ――――なるほど、そこで落選していたら、赤碕提督は着任していなかった可能性があるんですね(笑)。 この前の2016年夏の期間限定海域ですね。 ――――その状況はなかなかに厳しいですね・・・・・・。 あと一撃がどうしても決まらなくて、 ――――艦娘たちの贈り物の力が集まった、まさに軌跡ですね! この期間限定海域がクリアーできて本当によかったです! ――――ちなみに、通常海域の進行状況はどうなっていますか? 一番新しいKW環礁沖海域(通称6-5)には行ってないですね。 ――――6-4は基地航空隊が使用可能になったので、再挑戦のチャンスですね。 唯一ケッコンカッコカリしている羽黒です。今は124レベルです。 ――――ちなみに、先ほどのお話ですとWarspiteは鎮守府に加わったようですが、Aquilaとは・・・・・・? 会えました! 攻略中にひょっこりと。でも、残念ながら伊26には・・・・・・。 |
Only 16 fuel left?!? Admiral Akasaki's daily life -- Let's start with questions about the original KanColle browser game. Have you been making progress lately? (late October) The Naval Base Saury Festival is in full swing right now, but so far I've only caught maybe 10 sauries. I might not make it...... -- The event has just started. If you already have 10 fish at this point I'd say you're doing fine. Well, my daily routine consists of stuff like applying make-up in the morning, doing PvP in between preparations for leaving, then when I get back home in the evening I take a bath, and after that do PvP again while drying my hair, followed by sorties, so I guess I was just playing as usual...... -- If you start now you still have plenty of time though. Give me one week and I'll catch them all! They practically threw themselves at me when I started sortieing specifically for them, so it'll be fine as long as the fishing zones don't dry up! -- (ominous whispering)......if you keep sortieing to the same map they'll stop appearing pretty fast. Oh, I see...... So I have to switch up the fishing grounds. -- Well then, how long have you been playing KanColle anyway? I supposed around two and a half years. I was pretty hooked by the game in the beginning, so I don't really remember what the events and maps back then were like. -- What got you into KanColle in the first place? When I was about to give it a try KanColle had become really popular, and I heard that in order to get into the game you had to win a lottery first. -- I see, so if you hadn't got in it could have very well been possible for Admiral Akasaki to never take up her post. *laughs* The Summer 2016 Event, big time. -- That sounds like you really were in dire straits...... I just couldn't get the final kill, and I even had to use my precious, precious present boxes that I got from my dear ship girls...... -- One might say it was a miracle born from the ship girls' presents! I was so glad I could clear that event! -- By the way, what's your progress on the normal maps? I haven't been to that new KW Atoll (i.e. 6-5) yet. -- You can now use land-based air groups in 6-4, so there's your chance to try again. Haguro, the only one I married. She's Lv.124 right now. -- That reminds me, we were talking about how you got Warspite earlier, but what about Aquila...? I got her! She unexpectedly dropped while clearing the maps. However, I can't say the same about I-26... |
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――――Aquilaのセリフでは、Graf Zeppelinがたびたび登場しているんですけどね・・・・・・。 いますよ! Bismarckもなかなか来てくれませんでしたが、でも一番シャイだったのは大鳳でした。 ――――それだけ主力艦が揃っていると、 戦艦であれば、まずは長門や陸奥に頑張ってもらっています! ――――おお、計画的な運用ですね! 計画的といいますが、私の鎮守府の備蓄資源を考えると、
3人娘への第一印象は? ――――では続いて、収録の際のお話を伺わせてください。 プレーを始めて、結構経ったころでした。いろんな艦娘のボイスが追加されていく中で、 ――――ちなみに、どんな艦娘を演じられればと思っていらっしゃいました? 元気な子とか、あとは北上さんみたいな子ですかね~。 ――――実際、しっかり者で元気なZaraと、マイペースなPolaを演じられることになりましたね。 収録の数日前に、今回は「艦これ」のお仕事だって事務所から言われたんですよ。 ――――まずは台本をご覧になって、3人の艦娘にどんな印象を持たれましたか? Zaraはすごいしっかり者で、妹想いなのかなと。 ――――なるほど、そのまま好き放題に演じちゃったわけですか。 ここまでやっちゃって大丈夫かな? という、 |
-- Graf Zeppelin pops up rather often in Aquila's voice lines though... I actually have them! Bismarck just didn't want to come at first, but the shiest of them all was Taihō. -- If you have assembled so many capital ships I suppose that apart from Haguro it's ships like Yamato whom you deploy to the final map of an event for an all-out war, right? If it's battleships I usually have Nagato or Mutsu do some work first! -- Oh, so you're taking a systematic approach! Systematic is one way to put it, but when I consider the resources at my naval base I need to be extremely prepared if I want to deploy the Yamato-class, so I can't exactly use them except when I really need them. *laughs*
What was your first impression of that trio? -- Moving on, we would like to ask you about when you were recording voice lines. I had been playing the game for quite a while when I got the job. As more and more girls were receiving additional voice lines I couldn't help but think "I wonder if I could do that too... but if I were to voice any what should they be like...". -- Speaking of which, what kind of ship girl would you have liked to voice? A happy-go-lucky girl, and maybe someone like Kitakami. -- And then you actually did voice the level-headed and energetic Zara, and Pola who does everything her own way. A few days before the recordings I was told by the office that I'd get to work for KanColle this time. -- What was your impression of that ship girl trio like when you were looking through the script? I thought that Zara is really level-headed and loves her sister very much. -- I see, so you were having a field day voicing her. I was wondering whether it's okay to go this far, and when I let my own head-canon Pola run wild they said "Hold on for a second, please!". *laughs* |
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――――その成果か、かなりセンセーショナルな艦娘になったかと。 たしかに、ほかにいないタイプかもしれませんね。お酒が好きそうだなーという艦娘は、 ――――たしかに、隼鷹をはじめとしてお酒を飲む艦娘たちは、 でもPolaはいつでも酔っぱらってます(笑)。困った子ですよ、もう~。 ――――ちなみに、赤碕さんご自身はお酒の方は? たしなむ程度です。最近はなんでも飲みますけど、 ――――(たしなむ程度・・・・・・?) ただ、ワインは飲むとすぐに酔っぱらっちゃいますね。 ――――そのへべれけかわいいところに、多くの提督も惚れ込んでいますしね。 ほんと、ありがたいお話ですね~。お世話大変だと思いますけど(笑)。 ――――セリフを見るにZaraはPolaが登場する以前からすでに振り回されていたようですからね。 Polaが着任してすぐに、提督の皆さんのZaraへの評価が急上昇したという話も聞きましたからね。 ――――時報ボイスでも、ふたりの関係性がいろいろ垣間見えますよね。 脱ぎ散らかすPolaとそれを止めに行くZara、って感じで、 ――――そしてもうひとり、Aquilaですが。 Aquilaは最初、しっかりしたお姉さんかと思っていたんですけど、 ――――よしよし、と常に確認しているはずなんですけど、どこかふわってしていますよね。 むぎゅむぎゅとか、謎の擬音のセリフが入ることもありますね。
実際に演じて見えてきた点? ――――Zaraたち3人のイタリア語の発音が、ネイティヴな印象を受けるのですが、 じつは私、大学では第2外国語としてイタリア語を履修してたんです。 ――――では、3人をそれぞれ実際に演じてみた時に、改めてどんな印象を持たれましたか? Zaraのセリフの中に、まだ収録前だったPolaが出てきていたんですが、 ――――そのイメージを持ちつつ、実際にPolaを演じられた時の印象は? Polaの収録の時は、Zaraのことは半分忘れていました(笑)。 |
-- And as a result she became quite the sensation. She certainly is in a league of her own. If I had to name ship girls that might like alcohol then Jun'yō or Nachi come to mind, but none of them overdo it as much. -- Now that you mention it, Jun'yō started the trend of ship girls that enjoy alcohol, but I think that in the end they know when to stop. But Pola is constantly three sheets in the wind. *laughs* -- Speaking of which, what's your attitude towards alcohol? I enjoy it sometimes. Lately I drink just about anything, but since I'm from Kagoshima I'm particularly fond of potato schnapps. Like Kuro Kirishima. -- ("Sometimes"...?) But when I drink wine I get boozy almost immediately. -- That drunk yet cute side of hers sure has charmed many admirals out there as well. Which I'm really grateful for. She can be quite a handful though. *laughs* -- As far as I can tell from the voice lines Zara has been pushed around by Pola long before the latter's official appearance. I heard that as soon as Pola arrived Zara enjoyed a sudden surge in popularity among admirals. -- The hourly lines provide an insight into their relationship as well. Well, there's Pola who's getting naked and leaving a mess, and Zoara who's trying to stop her. After listening to it again I think it really a fun, little scenario. -- And now to the third one, Aquila. At first I thought that Aquila was a level-headed, mature woman, but I was so wrong. *laughs* -- Her "good good" when constantly checking things sounds fluffy somehow. Her lines feature weird onomatopoeia like "Grrrrahh".
Anything special you realised when you actually got to voice them? -- When I was listening to the pronunciation of the trio's Italian I really got the impression that they were native speakers. When I was still in university I actually took Italian classes; it was my second foreign language. I'm not at exactly at a level where I can conduct research, but it's good enough to get a feeling for the pronunciation, so I had an easy time voicing some parts. Italian pronunciation is pretty close to how it's actually spelt after all. -- Well then, so what impression did you get when you actually started voicing them? Pola already made an appearance in Zara's voice lines long before I had to work on the former, but even then I already knew that she was quite a handful. *laughs* -- And with that impression in mind, what did you think of Pola when you started working on her voice lines? To be honest, when I started working on Pola's lines I'd almost forgotten about Zara. *laughs* |
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――――たしかに、Polaがおとなしい子だったら、Zaraはあそこまでしっかりしていなかったかもですね。 お互いが支え合う姉妹のような気がします。だいぶZaraが支え気味ですけれど(笑)。 ――――そして、まだGraf Zeppelinと会えていない状態で臨んだAquilaの収録についてですが。 またこの子は別枠ですよね。お姉さんっぽいのにダメなところもあるし、 ――――演じられた3人の艦娘の中で、特に印象的だったセリフはなんでしょう? ZaraとPolaについては、20時くらいの時報でのやりとりがこの子たちを一番よく表していると思います。 ――――Aquilaですと、やはり「よしよし」になりますか。 Aquilaのセリフを収録した後には、「よしよし」ってつい言ってしまうこともありました。 ――――このような非常に個性的な3人の艦娘を演じられたわけですが、 みんなの要素を少しずつは持っているかな、と言った感じでしょうかね。 ――――そういえば、このインタビュー前の写真撮影時にも忘れ物を・・・・・・ そう! 大丈夫、忘れ物なし! と思って席を立った時とかに、ついつい忘れ物しちゃうんですよ。 ――――ちなみに、お酒を飲んだ時はPolaみたいになったりということは? 語尾が「●●だよぉ~!」とかなってるかも知れませんけど、
慢心に要注意? 情報収集は大事! ――――では続いて、「艦これ」でこんなイベントや艦娘の活躍の場を、などといったご希望はありますか? いっそ、深海棲艦側で艦隊が組めたりとか。 ――――2016年の夏イベントでは、リゾート仕様でくつろいでいましたしね。 あれを見ると、普通に楽しみに来ていただけなんじゃないかって思いますよね(笑)。 ――――思いがけず深いテーマになりましたね・・・・・・。では続いて、 戦艦! めっちゃでっかい戦艦がいいですっ! ――――たしかに、最近のイベントで速吸が輝いていましたね・・・・・・。 あとは純粋に、Zara級の他の子にも出てきてほしいですよね。 |
-- Come to think of it, if Pola was docile then Zara probably wouldn't have to be that dependable. I think they're sisters that support each other. Even though Zara is doing most of the supporting. *laughs* -- And what about Aquila's voice line recordings, which you had to attend without Graf Zeppelin in your possession? She's a special case. She appears mature but also has her failings, so for me she's surprisingly hilarious. -- Which line of that trio had a particularly lasting impression on you? Speaking of Zara and Pola, I think their conversation at around 20:00 shows the best what they're like. -- For Aquila it's her "good good", isn't it? After we were done recording her lines I sometimes caught myself saying "good good" as well. -- You certainly have voiced three very unique ship girls. If you had to choose which one of them resembles you the most, who would that be? I'd say I have a little bit of all three of them in me. -- That reminds me, didn't you forget something at the photo shoot earlier...? Yep! I think "Alright, forgot nothing!", get up from my seat or whatever, but end up forgetting something anyway. -- By the way, do you become like Pola when you drink alcohol? I might start mumbling near the end of my sentences, but I've never seen my drunk self from an objective perspective, so I wouldn't know.
Pride goes before a fall? Gathering information is important! -- Moving on, are there any events or ship girl action you would like to see in the game? I wouldn't mind making a fleet with Abyssals. I also voiced an Abyssal ship after all. -- During the Summer 2016 Event it was like they were hanging out in a resort. When I first saw them I thought they went there just to have some fun. *laughs* -- What a deep topic this has suddenly become... A battleship! Like, a really huge battleship! -- Come to think of it, during the past events Hayasui really had the chance to shine... And I just want more girls of the Zara-class. |
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――――せめて、名前を気にしている子とかで勘弁してください(笑)。 あ、それかわいいですね! 名前で呼ばないで、みたいな奥ゆかしい子みたいで。 ――――では最後に「艦これ」をプレーしている提督の皆さんにメッセージをいただけますでしょうか。 私はイベント中も遠征を出しつつやっているんですけど、 ――――高速修復材も・・・・・・。 ああああ、そうなんです。連合艦隊になるともう、もう! ――――本当にその辺は、絶妙によくできているんですよね・・・・・・。 世の中そういうものだなぁと、「艦これ」を通じて学んでいるようなところがあるかもですね! ――――そうしたイベントに備えるためにも、日々演習や遠征を怠ってはいけませんね。 いや、でもですね。編成や装備を入れ替えるひと手間をかける余裕がないときがあって、 ――――あれ? 艦隊内の順番なら、もうドラッグ操作でできるようになっていますよ。 え、できます? 最近実装!? あ、あと装備のスロット順番を入れ替えるのは・・・・・・。 ――――はい、それもドラッグ操作でできます。 い、今まで全部1個ずつやってました~! |
-- Please leave it at a girl who's just self-conscious about her name. *laughs* Oh, that'd be cute! Like a modest girl who doesn't like her name. Well, this is making my imagination run wild. -- And to conclude our interview, a message to all the admirals out there who're playing KanColle, if you please. I do run expeditions during events, but there's this thrill when my resources are starting to run out. -- Not to mention your instant repairs... Oh God, yes! Don't get me started on Combined Fleets! -- I see you're really doing fine in that regard... That's how the world is, it's something you can learn from KanColle. -- And to always be prepared for such events you shouldn't neglect your daily PvP and expeditions. Well yeah, that's true, but sometimes I just don't the time to switch around ships and equipment, so there are days where I do nothing but PvP. I know the games is constantly getting new quality-of-life additions, but I also want to be able to easily switch ships around in a fleet! -- Huh? If it's within a single fleet you can actually switch ships around via drag and drop. Wait what, you can do that? They actually implemented that recently?! Uhm, then what about moving equipment between slots...? -- Yes, you can do that too via drag and drop. U-until now I've changed equipment one piece at a time...! |
Special Thanks for Admiral_Mikado for the translation of the article.