Module:Data/Season/Fall 2017

< Module:Data
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Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Season/Fall 2017/doc

--[[Category:Seasonal modules]]

return {
  index = {
    ["Destroyers"] = { "Urakaze", "Yamakaze", "Asakaze", "Matsukaze", "Hatakaze", "Amagiri", "Sagiri" },
    ["Battleships"] = { "Richelieu", "Gangut" },
    ["Standard Carriers"] = { "Saratoga", "Ark Royal" },
    ["Submarines"] = { "Luigi Torelli" },
    ["Auxiliaries"] = { "Kamoi", "Shimushu", "Kunashiri", "Etorofu", "Matsuwa" },
  ships = {
    ["Urakaze"] = {
        ja = "提督、うち、祭りの射的は得意なんや。どれが欲しいけ?うちが取っちゃるけん。任しとき!",
        en = "",
        line = "Secretary 2",
    ["Yamakaze"] = {
        ja = "皆、なんで騒がしいの?…秋刀魚?いいけど…えっ、私も?",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Asakaze"] = {
        ja = "ふふん、ふふ、あははっ! やったわ! 私、夏を乗り切っちゃった。勝ったわね! 秋よ秋。秋の朝もいいわねぇ。 大好き。",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Matsukaze"] = {
        ja = "秋か…嫌いじゃないんだが、姉貴がな。なんか極端なんだよな。ま、爽やかなのはアリなんだけどさ。君、どう思う?",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Hatakaze"] = {
        ja = "磯風さんそれは? あぁ、練習、ですか? あ、あの、ちょっと焼きすぎでは…あ、すみません。頑張って、ください。",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Amagiri"] = {
        ja = "いいねぇ、鎮守府秋祭り。あたしは好きだなぁ。屋台の雰囲気や、匂いもたまんないねぇ。",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Sagiri"] = {
        ja = "秋祭り。この季節、この雰囲気、素敵ですねぇ。狭霧の浴衣、おかしくないですか? そうですか……良かった。",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Richelieu"] = {
        ja = "これがこの国のFestival? 良いわ。好きよ、この雰囲気。Très bien♪",
        en = "Is this the Festival in this country? That's good. I like this atmosphere. So fine♪",
        note = "",
    ["Gangut"] = {
        ja = "うむ、この季節は好きだ。秋は私が生まれた季節だからな。貴様はどうだ?",
        en = "Yes, I like this season. Autumn is the season when I was born. How about you?",
        note = "",
    ["Saratoga"] = {
        ja = "この国の秋、いいですね。Sara、この季節好きかもしれません。あれ? 皆さん装備の手入れを始めて…もうすぐ何が始まるのですか?",
        en = "This country's fall is quite nice. Sara might like this season. Eh? Everyone's starting repairs on their equipment... is something going to start soon?",
        note = "",
    ["Ark Royal"] = {
        ja = "ほお、この艦隊のAutumnはいいな。まさに収穫祭のようだ。チンジュフ・アキマツリ、悪くない。どれ、私も参加しよう!",
        en = "Oh, this fleet's Autumn is very nice. It's just about time for the Harvest Festival. The 'Naval Base Autumn Festival' is not bad. Let me see, I'll participate too!",
        note = "",
    ["Luigi Torelli"] = {
        ja = "ふぅ、夏が終わっちゃった。ふみゅみゅ…ちょっと寂しいね。ま、いっか。",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Kamoi"] = {
        ja = "浜風さん、それは? イカの姿焼き? 美味しそう。 一口いいの? ほんとっ?! あ、あ~ん…美味しい♪",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Shimushu"] = {
        ja = "たぁぁぁぁ!秋っす!秋祭りっす!しむしゅしゅしゅっ!クナ!ガッキ!ハチ!盛り上がるっすよ~!いざ、鎮守府秋祭りに突撃っしゅ!",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Kunashiri"] = {
        ja = "あ、阿武隈さん! はい、元気です! 秋祭りですよね? ご一緒にどうですか? あぁ、そうですか。了解です。また今度、是非!",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Etorofu"] = {
        ja = "司令! 択捉、お祭りの準備もお手伝い致します!",
        en = "",
        note = "",
    ["Matsuwa"] = {
        ja = "秋…秋祭り、素敵。択捉ちゃん、私も、松輪も浴衣着てきます!待ってて下さい!",
        en = "Autumn. . . Autumn Festival. Nice. Etorofu-chan, Me too... Matsuwa, I'm going to wear yukata as well! Please wait!",
        note = "",