Documentation for this module may be created at Module:NanaminFunctions/doc
local Ship = require("Module:Ship")
local NanaminFunctions = {}
function NanaminFunctions.split(haystack, needle)
local result = {}
while mw.ustring.find(haystack, needle) do
local split = mw.ustring.find(haystack, needle)
table.insert(result, mw.ustring.sub(haystack, 1, split - 1))
haystack = mw.ustring.sub(haystack, split + 1)
table.insert(result, haystack)
return result
function NanaminFunctions.add_to_fighter_power(current_fp, equip, planes)
--Only fighter planes, dive bombers, torpedo bombers and seaplane bombers with an AA stat are counted
local types_allowed = { [6] = true, [7] = true, [8] = true, [11] = true }
if types_allowed[equip:type()] and equip:aa() then
current_fp = current_fp + math.floor(math.sqrt(planes) * equip:aa())
return current_fp
function NanaminFunctions.add_to_elos_ship(current_elos, entry, use_los)
if entry[3] == nil then return current_elos end
local ship = Ship(entry[1], entry[2])
local los = ship:los() or 0
local los_max = ship:los_max() or los
if use_los then
los = tonumber(entry[3])
los = math.floor(los + ((los_max - los) * tonumber(entry[3]) / 99))
return current_elos + math.sqrt(los) * 1.69
function NanaminFunctions.add_to_elos(current_elos, equip)
--[[Effective LoS = Dive Bomber LoS x (1.04) + Torpedo Bomber LoS x (1.37)
+ Carrier-based Recon Plane LoS x (1.66) + Recon Seaplane LoS x (2.00)
+ Seaplane Bomber LoS x (1.78) + Small Radar LoS x (1.00) + Large Radar LoS x (0.99)
+ Searchlight LoS x (0.91) + √(base LoS of each ship) * (1.69)
+ (HQ Lv. rounded up to the next multiple of 5) x (-0.61)--]]
local multiplier = { [7] = 1.04, [8] = 1.04, [9] = 1.66, [10] = 2.00, [11] = 1.78, [12] = 1.00, [13] = 0.99, [29] = 0.91 }
if multiplier[equip:type()] ~= nil and equip:los() then
current_elos = current_elos + (equip:los() * multiplier[equip:type()])
return current_elos
function NanaminFunctions.get_hq_bracket(hq_level)
local bracket = tonumber(hq_level or 0)
--Get bracket of 5
bracket = bracket - (bracket % 5) + 5
if tonumber(hq_level or 0) % 5 == 0 then
bracket = bracket + 5
return bracket
return NanaminFunctions