Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Development/doc
local U = require("Module:Utils")
local Self = {}
Self.groups = {
[1] = 3,
[2] = 5,
[3] = 3,
[4] = 3,
[5] = 1,
[6] = 1,
[11] = 3,
[12] = 1,
[13] = 1,
[14] = 2,
[15] = 1,
[16] = 1,
[19] = 1,
[20] = 1,
[23] = 1,
[25] = 1,
[27] = 2,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[33] = 2,
[34] = 1,
[37] = 2,
[38] = 1,
[39] = 2,
[44] = 1,
[49] = 2,
[65] = 2,
[66] = 2,
[75] = 2,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 2,
[3] = 2,
[4] = 2,
[5] = 2,
[6] = 1,
[7] = 1,
[10] = 2,
[11] = 2,
[12] = 1,
[13] = 1,
[14] = 2,
[15] = 1,
[16] = 2,
[17] = 1,
[23] = 2,
[24] = 1,
[27] = 1,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[33] = 2,
[34] = 2,
[35] = 1,
[37] = 1,
[38] = 1,
[39] = 2,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 1,
[44] = 6,
[45] = 1,
[49] = 1,
[65] = 2,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 1,
[4] = 1,
[5] = 1,
[7] = 1,
[10] = 2,
[16] = 3,
[17] = 1,
[19] = 2,
[20] = 2,
[21] = 1,
[23] = 2,
[24] = 2,
[25] = 5,
[26] = 2,
[27] = 1,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[33] = 1,
[34] = 1,
[35] = 1,
[38] = 1,
[39] = 1,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 1,
[44] = 5,
[45] = 1,
[46] = 4,
[47] = 1,
[163] = 0,
[181] = 1,
[1] = 2,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 1,
[4] = 3,
[5] = 2,
[6] = 3,
[10] = 1,
[11] = 4,
[12] = 2,
[13] = 2,
[14] = 2,
[25] = 1,
[27] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[30] = 1,
[31] = 1,
[32] = 1,
[33] = 2,
[34] = 1,
[35] = 2,
[36] = 2,
[37] = 4,
[38] = 3,
[39] = 2,
[40] = 1,
[49] = 1,
[72] = 2,
[73] = 1,
[4] = 1,
[5] = 2,
[6] = 3,
[7] = 5,
[8] = 4,
[9] = 2,
[10] = 3,
[11] = 4,
[12] = 2,
[13] = 2,
[14] = 2,
[16] = 1,
[17] = 1,
[23] = 1,
[24] = 1,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[33] = 2,
[34] = 2,
[35] = 2,
[36] = 1,
[37] = 1,
[38] = 1,
[39] = 2,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 1,
[49] = 1,
[4] = 1,
[5] = 1,
[6] = 1,
[7] = 5,
[8] = 4,
[9] = 2,
[10] = 4,
[16] = 2,
[17] = 2,
[18] = 1,
[19] = 2,
[20] = 3,
[21] = 2,
[22] = 1,
[23] = 3,
[24] = 1,
[25] = 3,
[26] = 2,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[33] = 1,
[34] = 1,
[35] = 1,
[36] = 1,
[39] = 1,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 1,
[49] = 1,
[163] = 0,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 4,
[10] = 5,
[19] = 2,
[20] = 3,
[21] = 2,
[25] = 6,
[26] = 2,
[27] = 1,
[28] = 1,
[29] = 1,
[30] = 1,
[31] = 1,
[32] = 1,
[33] = 3,
[34] = 2,
[37] = 2,
[38] = 3,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 3,
[49] = 2,
[59] = 1,
[181] = 1,
[1] = 1,
[2] = 1,
[3] = 4,
[10] = 1,
[16] = 3,
[17] = 5,
[18] = 2,
[20] = 1,
[21] = 1,
[23] = 4,
[24] = 3,
[25] = 6,
[26] = 4,
[35] = 3,
[37] = 2,
[38] = 3,
[40] = 1,
[41] = 1,
[49] = 1,
[52] = 1,
[57] = 1,
[60] = 1,
[168] = 0,
[16] = 3,
[17] = 5,
[18] = 2,
[19] = 2,
[20] = 5,
[21] = 4,
[22] = 1,
[23] = 5,
[24] = 3,
[25] = 4,
[26] = 3,
[27] = 1,
[30] = 1,
[35] = 3,
[52] = 1,
[54] = 2,
[55] = 1,
[57] = 1,
[60] = 1,
[61] = 1,
[168] = 0,
[181] = 1,
Self.typeGroups = {
"Group 1", -- { "DE", "DD", "CL", "CLT", "SS", "AP", "CT", "AO" },
"Group 2", -- { "CA", "FBB", "BB", "XBB", "AR" },
"Group 3", -- { "CAV", "CVL", "BBV", "CV", "SSV", "AV", "LHA", "CVB", "AS" },
Self.resourceGroups = {
{ "Fuel", "Steel" },
{ "Ammo" },
{ "Bauxite" },
function findGroups(id)
local groups = {}
for typeGroup, resourceGroups in ipairs(Self.groups) do
for resourceGroup, equipment in ipairs(resourceGroups) do
if equipment[id] and equipment[id] > 0 then
groups[typeGroup] = groups[typeGroup] or {}
groups[typeGroup][resourceGroup] = equipment[id]
return groups
function ensureResourceGroup(fuel, ammo, steel, bauxite, resourceGroup)
local main = math.max(unpack({fuel, ammo, steel, bauxite}))
function fix(x)
return x < main and main + 1 or x
if resourceGroup == 1 then
return fix(fuel), ammo, fix(steel), bauxite
elseif resourceGroup == 2 then
return fuel, fix(ammo), steel, bauxite
elseif resourceGroup == 3 then
return fuel, ammo, steel, fix(bauxite)
function Self.formatResources(eq)
if eq:buildable() then
local result = {}
local id = eq:id()
local groups = findGroups(id)
local fuel = (eq:scrap().fuel or 1) * 10
local ammo = (eq:scrap().ammo or 1) * 10
local steel = (eq:scrap().steel or 1) * 10
local bauxite = (eq:scrap().bauxite or 1) * 10
for typeGroup, resourceGroups in pairs(groups) do
for resourceGroup, _ in pairs(resourceGroups) do
local fuel, ammo, steel, bauxite = ensureResourceGroup(fuel, ammo, steel, bauxite, resourceGroup)
local recipe = U.format{
fuel = fuel,
ammo = ammo,
steel = steel,
bauxite = bauxite,
result[recipe] = result[recipe] or {}
result[recipe][Self.typeGroups[typeGroup]] = true
return U.ijoin(
return U.format{
"${recipe} (${types})",
recipe = recipe,
types = U.ijoin(U.isort(U.keys(result[recipe])), "/")
return 'N/A'
function Self.test()
local Equipment = require("Module:Equipment")
Self.formatResources(Equipment("46cm Triple Gun Mount")) ..
"\n" ..
Self.formatResources(Equipment("12cm Single Gun Mount"))
-- print(p.test())
return Self