
Revision as of 05:32, 8 July 2016 by com>Ckwng

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:EliteShipsKaiSortable/doc

local EliteShipsKai = require('Module:EliteShipsKai')

local EliteShipsKaiSortable = EliteShipsKai{
	_table_start = [[{| class="wikitable sortable typography-xl-optout"]],
	_base_columns = { --gets copied to self._columns in create_table_prep so we can mutate it. Don't mutate base_columns!
		"torpedo", --night_battle is added after this depending on args in create_table_prep. If adding columns please preserve this behaviour.
function EliteShipsKaiSortable:luck(ship)
	local luck = ship:luck()
	return {values = {value = Formatting:format_stat(luck)}, bg_color = self:get_bg_color(self._cell_color.luck, luck, self._args.luck_operator, self._args.luck_outstanding, self._args.luck_good, self._args.luck_bad), text_align = self._center_align}
function EliteShipsKaiSortable:luck_max(ship)
	local luck_max = ship:luck_max()
	return {values = {value = self:get_emphasis(luck_max, Formatting:format_stat(luck_max), self._args.luck_max_operator, self._args.luck_max_good)}, bg_color = self._transparent, text_align = self._center_align}

EliteShipsKaiSortable.create_data_rows = EliteShipsKaiSortable.create_data_rows_plain

return EliteShipsKaiSortable