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Lua error in Module:KanmusuModule at line 598: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil).
Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
I see. So you're the Admiral I've been hearing about. Pleasure meeting you. I'm USS CV-8, Hornet. I'm looking forward to you. |
そう。あなたがうわさの提督なの。よろしくね。私はUSS CV-8, Hornet. I'm looking forward to you. | |
Introduction Play |
USS CV-8, Hornet. Sortie preparations are complete. Let's get through this together. |
USS CV-8, Hornet. 出撃準備は出来ているわ。Let's get through this together. 提督、一緒に頑張りましょう。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the third of the Yorktown-class carriers. USS Hornet. At Midway and off the Santa Cruz Islands, I faced down the Japanese Kidou Butai at its peak strength head-on. Hiryuu, plus Shoukaku and Zuikaku, were strong. I'm also the legendary "Shangri La"[1]. Please remember my service. |
Yorktown級航空母艦三番艦、USS Hornetよ。Midway, そしてSanta Cruz諸島沖で、全盛期の日本機動部隊と真正面から対決したわ。飛龍、そして翔鶴、瑞鶴も強かった。シャングリラ伝説も私よ。覚えておきなさい。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Did you call me? |
Did you call me? | |
Secretary 1 Play |
My turn? Ok. |
My turn? Ok. | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Yes, I'm Hornet. Don't forget that. |
そう、私がHornetよ。覚えておいて。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Shangri La? Heh. Right, I wonder where that is? |
シャングリラ?ん。そうね。どこかしら? | |
Secretary 3 Play |
What is it, Northampton? I told you not to tug on- wait, huh? Admiral, it's you? What're you doing? Huh? "Towing practice"[2]? Hmph, I don't need that. Dive bomber squadrons, launch! |
何、Northampton? あんまり引っ張んないでって、ん、はっ?あなた、提督、何をしているの?えっ?曳航の演習?ん、いらないわ、その演習。艦爆隊、発艦始め! | |
Idle Play |
Oh hello, Shoukaku. We aren't anything alike, but I feel like there's something that, you know, connects us[3]. What's the word? A feeling? Destiny written in the stars? Well, in any case, would you like to have a drink together at the base bar? It's my treat. |
あら、翔鶴。あなた、私と全然似っていないけど、どこが通じるところが、ね、ある気がするの。なんて言うの?Feeling?星回りかしら?まあ、何でもいいわ。今度、鎮守府のバーで一杯やりましょう?私、おごるわ。 | |
Secretary Married Play |
I made coffee. You'll have some, right? Here. Oh, this? A little pick-me-up for your hard work. It's my handmade apple pie. You like it, right? It's got a bit of extra cinnamon. |
Coffee入れたわ。飲むでしょう?はい。あぁ、これ?頑張っている差し入れ。私の手作りのapple pie. 好きでしょう?Cinnamonちょっと多めの。 | |
Wedding Play |
Eh? Not Sara or Big E, but me? Uh, okay... Hm? Y-You have good taste, it's not bad. But is the size right...? Ah, it's perfect. Then I have to say "yes". |
えっ?SaraやBig Eじゃなくて、私?あぁ、そう。ん。いっ、いい趣味ね、悪くはないわ。でもサイズ、合うかな…あっ、ぴったり。じゃあ仕方ない、yesよ。 | |
Looking At Scores Play |
Information? That's critical, more so than anything[4]. |
Information? 大事よ、何よりも。 | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
Task Force flagship, Hornet, weigh anchor! |
Task Force flagship, Hornet, weigh anchor! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Hmm, these're good planes. Not bad. |
ふん、いい機体ね。悪くはないわ。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
We're going with that? Really? Well, fine... |
そんなのでいいの?Really?まあ、いいけど… | |
Equipment 3[5] Play |
No problem. |
No problem. | |
Supply Play |
That would be great! You're a life-saver. |
That would be great! 助かるわ。 | |
Docking Minor Play |
I broke a bit of a sweat. I'll be taking a shower, okay? |
少し汗をかいちゃった。Showerいただくわね。 | |
Docking Major Play |
The enemy's pretty good. I need to get my body fixed up. |
敵もなかなかやるわ。体、直しておかないと。 | |
Construction Play |
It's done. That was fast, huh? |
できたわ。早いものね。 | |
Returning From Sortie Play |
The fleet has returned to port. Thanks for hanging in there, everyone. |
Fleetが港に戻ったわ。皆、ご苦労様。 | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
USS CV-8, Hornet, sortieing. Task Force 16[6], forward! |
USS CV-8, Hornet, 出撃します。第十六任務部隊、前へ! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
USS CV-8, Hornet, sortieing. Task Force 17[7], forward! Wipe out the enemy carrier force! |
USS CV-8, Hornet, 出撃します。第十七任務部隊、前へ!敵機動部隊を撃滅する! | |
Battle Start Play |
Now then, shall we begin? Hornet attack squadrons, start launching! |
さぁ、始めましょうか?Hornet攻撃隊、発艦始めなさい! | |
Attack Play |
Now! Get going! |
さっ、行きなさい! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
There you are! You can't run! |
そこね!逃がさないわ! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
I'm prepared to trade blows this time! You can't run! |
もっとより相打ち覚悟よ!逃がさないわ! | |
Night Battle Play |
Night, huh...? I'm not a fan, but... let's give chase! |
夜か…?あまり好きじゃアないけど…追ってみましょうか!? | |
MVP Play |
Are you saying I played a big part in this battle? Well, I guess so. Sorry, everyone. I'll take it and all, but this is obviously the result of everyone's efforts. |
この戦い、Hornetの戦果が多きって言うの?まあ、そうなるか。ごめんね、皆。せっかくだからもらっておくけど、もちろん、これは皆の戦果よ。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Gahh! They got me! The flight deck? |
げはっ!食らった!飛行甲板? | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Gehh! Is this, it? No, not yet... |
げへっ!これ、やばいか?いえ、まだよ… | |
Major Damage Play |
They're doing me in... but I won't let this continue! Don't let the explosions or fire spread. Ditch any planes on deck into the sea! We won't lose the ship! |
やってくれる…でも、これ以上はやらせない!誘爆を、火災を防ぐの。甲板の機は海へ解き!もう、艦は捨てないわ! | |
Sunk Play |
The fires... the fires won't stop... they're engulfing me... I'm listing... what? That girl, she's drawing so beautifully... please, would you?[8] |
火が…火が消えなわ…艦を包んで、傾いていく…何?あの子、奇麗に描いてよ…お願い、ね? |
- ↑ The Doolittle Raid bombers were launched from USS Hornet. This was kept secret for a year - FDR referred to the mysterious source of the raid as "Shangri-La"
- ↑ At Santa Cruz, Hornet was seriously damaged by Japanese bombers. Northampton was able to tow Hornet for a brief time before Hornet succumbed to a final torpedo bomber attack.
- ↑ Shoukaku was similar heavily damaged by dive bombers at Santa Cruz, from Hornet, but she survived.
- ↑ Counterintelligence was crucial to the American victory at Midway.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Hornet's assignment during the Doolittle Raid and Midway.
- ↑ Hornet's assignment during Santa Cruz.
- ↑ After sinking the USS Hornet, the captain of Akigumo ordered that pictures be taken for a report to the Naval General Staff before finishing her off. However, the navigation officer noted that it was too dark for pictures, so the order was changed to sketching instead. The designated artist couldn't make out the details because of the darkness so searchlights were lit to illuminate the wreck.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Very well. Today I, Hornet, will be your secretary. No problem. |
いいわ。今日は私Hornetが、あなたのsecretaryを務めてあげる。No problem. | |
01:00 Play |
It's 1 at midnight. Let's start with some coffee. Do you take it black? |
It's 1 at midnight. まずはcoffeeを入れましょうか。ブラックでいい? | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2 at midnight. The documents sure have piled up, that's rough. How much do you plan on going through? |
It's 2 at midnight. 結構書類溜まっているのね、大変。どれぐらい片付ていきましょうか? | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3 at midnight. Oh my, these have to do with the refueling for Shoukaku and the others, right? Hmmmm, I see. Mhm, mhm. Well, it's fine. |
It's 3 at midnight. あら、これは翔鶴たちの補給関連ね?ふうん、なるほど。ふん、ふん。まあ、いいでしょう。 | |
04:00 Play |
It's 4. My, it's so late. It's almost morning already. Admiral, would you like some more coffee. Mhm, roger that. |
It's 4. あら、もうこんな時間。もうすぐ朝ね。提督、coffeeお代わり、どう?ん、了解よ。 | |
05:00 Play |
It's in the morning. Good morning, Admiral. Well then, the day is starting. Let's get ready. |
It's 5 in the morning. 提督、good morning. さぁ、一日が始まるわ。準備しましょう。 | |
06:00 Play |
It's 6 in the morning. Let's wake up everyone in the fleet. Good morning, everybody! |
It's 6 in the morning. Fleetの皆も起きましょう。Good morning, everybody! | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7 in the morning. Now then, dig into the Hornet morning special! First of all, orange juice. Bacon on fried eggs, and handmade jam on fresh toast. Enjoy! |
It's 7 in the morning. さぁ、Hornet morningを召し上がれ!まずは、orange juice. Fried eggにbacon, 焼きたてtoastと手作りjam. Enjoy! | |
08:00 Play |
It's 8 in the morning. Would you like a refill on your after-meal coffee? Here. |
It's 8 in the morning. 食後のcoffee, お代わりはいかが?はい。 | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 in the morning. Well, Admiral, shall we start another day? Let's set sail! |
It's 9 in the morning. さぁ、提督、今日も始めましょうか?抜錨しましょう! | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 in the morning. Oh, morning, Shoukaku. You too, Zuikaku. |
It's 10 in the morning. あら、翔鶴、morning. 瑞鶴も。 | |
11:00 Play |
It's 11 in the morning. Almost lunch, huh. How about we have lunch with Shoukaku and the others? |
It's 11 in the morning. もうすぐお昼ね。翔鶴たちもlunch、一緒にどう? | |
12:00 Play |
It's noon. Okay, let's do lunch. Shoukaku, Zuikaku, how did my Hornet sandwiches taste? Really? Great. |
It's noon. さぁ、lunchにしましょう。翔鶴、瑞鶴、Hornet sandwichの味はどう?そう?よかった。 | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1 in the afternoon. Alright Shoukaku, till next time. See you. |
It's 1 in the afternoon. 翔鶴、じゃあ、またね。See you. | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2 in the afternoon. Eh? The Doolittle squadron? Yeah it did get my heart racing, just a little. |
It's 2 in the afternoon. えっ?Doolittle squadron? そうね。少し、ドキドキしたわ。 | |
15:00 Play |
It's 3 in the afternoon. Let's do tea. Should I make some pancakes too, Admiral? |
It's 3 in the afternoon. お茶しましょう。提督、pancakeでも焼きましょうか? | |
16:00 Play |
It's 4 in the afternoon. Oh, you two... Akigumo and Makigumo, was it? Did you need something? You want me to model for you? Uhmm, I'll think about it. |
It's 4 in the afternoon. あら、あなたたちは…たしか、秋雲、巻雲、だったかしら?何、私にご用?Modelを?ん、考えておくわ。 | |
17:00 Play |
It's 5 in the afternoon. The sunset... it's beautiful. I like the sunsets on this sea too. |
It's 5 in the afternoon. Sunset... 奇麗ね。この海の夕日も、好きよ。 | |
18:00 Play |
It's 6 in the evening. Alright, what do you want for dinner? Meat? Then... how about steak? You fine with sirloin? Okay. |
It's 6 in the evening. さぁ、dinnerは何が食べたい?お肉?そうね…じゃ、steakにしましょうか? Sirloinでいい?Ok. | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 in the evening. Thanks for waiting. The Hornet special, medium rare. Now eat up! What would you like to drink, beer? Here you go. |
It's 7 in the evening. お待ち遠様。Hornet拘りのmedium rare. さぁ、召し上がれ!飲み物はbeerでいい?どうぞ。 | |
20:00 Play |
It's 8 at night. What should we have for dessert, Admiral? How about my Hornet speciaal apple pie? Ok. Now make sure to eat it with vanilla ice cream. It's delicious. |
It's 8 at night. 提督、今日のdessertは何がいいかしら?Hornet特製のapple pieはどう?Ok. さぁ、vanilla iceと一緒に召し上がれ。美味しいのよ。 | |
21:00 Play |
It's 9 at night. I'll make you some more after-meal coffee. Here. Hahhh. I wonder how Big E's doing nowadays? |
It's 9 at night. 食後のcoffee, 入れ直しましょう。はい。はぁぁ。Big Eは今頃、どうしているかしら? | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 a- ng, nghh! So bright! What is that, a searchlight? Jeez, who is it!? Y-You're Akigumo. What're you drawing, stop it! Eh, what is this, what's the meaning of this!? |
It's 10 a- ん、んっ!?眩しい!何?Searchlight? もう、誰!? あっ、あなたは、秋雲。やめなさい、何を描いているの。えっ、何これ、どういうこと!? | |
23:00 Play |
It's 11 at night. Jeez, those girls... and Admiral, tell them off properly next time. It's not like they're bad girls or anything but... jeez. |
It's 11 at night. まったく、あの子たちは…提督からも、今度一言言ってあてください。悪い子じゃないんだけど…まったく。 |
Regular |