Revision as of 03:58, 27 June 2020 by -a-nonymous (talk | contribs)
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Lua error in Module:KanmusuModule at line 598: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil).
Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Kept you waiting, huh! I'm the first of the Type D Matsu-class destroyers, Matsu! Don't worry, I can be out in a flash. Just you watch, I'll protect it all! Leave it to me! |
待たせたわね!丁型駆逐艦松型、その一番艦松よ!大丈夫、すぐ出れる。守ってみせるわ!任せといて! | |
Introduction Play |
Type D destroyer, first of the Matsu-class, Matsu, now in position. Don't worry, I've been improved! I will definitely protect them all, just you watch. Leave it to me! |
丁型駆逐艦、松型一番艦松、配置に着いています。大丈夫、改修済よ!皆を必ず守って見せる。任せとおいて! | |
Library Play |
I'm the first of the Type D Matsu-class destroyers, Matsu! As part of the last mass-produced destroyer class, I had many little sisters built. As the war increased(?) , our survivability was boosted by a change in our engine layout[1], and we were equipped with weapons focused on anti-air and anti-submarine warfare! Ueh? Did you call us a mixed forest[2]!? What are you talking about! Just leave it to me! |
丁型駆逐艦、松型一番艦、松です!最後の量産型駆逐艦として、多数の妹が建造されました。戦時急増(?)ながら、機関部の設計変更による生存性向上と対空対潜重視の兵装を整備しました!うぇ?雑木林ですって!?何言ってんの、私に任せて! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
How about I do it? |
松が、やりましょうか? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
That's right, I'll protect them, just you watch! |
そうよ、守ってみせる! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Leave it to me, I will protect them! |
任せて、守ってみせます! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Hatakaze-senpai? Ahh, Admiral!? My apologies! Yes, I am presently on standby and ready for the next operation. Eh? The Yokosuka Defense Squadron. Ahh, right, roger that! |
旗風先輩?あぁ、提督、失礼しました!はぁ、目下次の作戦準備で待機中です。えぇ?横須賀防備戦隊でえすか?あぁ、はい、了解です! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Yottsu? Hey - wait, A-Admiral!? My apologies! Yes, I am presently on standby and ready for the next operation. Eh? The Yokosuka Defense Squadron. Ahh, right, roger that! |
ヨッツ?こら、って、あ、て、提督、失礼しました!はぁ、目下松は次の作戦準備で待機中です。えぇ?横須賀防備戦隊でえすか?あぁ、はい、了解です! | |
Idle Play |
A mixed forest? How rude! Well, I suppose it might actually be a term of endearment. But our balance is pretty good, isn't it? Yeah, we're actually pretty useful! |
雑木林ですって?失礼ですね!いえ、実は親愛の意味なのかしら?でもバランスはいいでしょう?そうよ、意外と使えるんだから、私たち! | |
Secretary Married Play |
Admiral! I've poured you some of my special tea! Come, drink up! What's in it, you ask? Ufufu. That's my secret! |
提督!松特製のお茶入れました!はい、どうぞ!何が入っているか、ですって?うふふ。内緒です! | |
Wedding Play |
Matsu, reporting! Is it a new mission? Wha, this, for me? Ahh! Thank you, Admiral! I |
松、参りました!新しい任務でしょうか?うぇ、これは、私に?あぁ!ありがとう、提督!謹んでお受けします! | |
Looking At Scores Play |
Right, it's important to get a correct grasp of the situation. I'll bring it over. |
そうね、正しい状況把握は大事。持ってくるわ。 | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
11th Torpedo Squadron, Matsu, setting sail! |
第十一水雷戦隊,松、抜錨します! | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
43rd Torpedo Squadron[3], Matsu, setting sail! |
第四十三水雷戦隊,松、抜錨します! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thanks, this is good equipment! |
ありがとう、いい装備! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This... is a lifesaver! Alriiight! |
これは…助かるわ!よぉし! | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Looking good. |
いいみたいね。 | |
Supply Play |
I'll use these supplies with care! |
この補給、大事に使います! | |
Docking Minor Play |
They got me a bit. No, no, just some scratches! |
ちょっとくらっちゃた。ううんううん、かすり傷だから! | |
Docking Major Play |
I can take a surprising amount of hits. This much is nothing! |
私って意外と打たれ強いの。こんなの、平気よ! | |
Construction Play |
Alriiight, new ships! We'd better make loads! |
よぉし、新造艦!いっぱい作らないと! | |
Returning From Sortie Play |
The fleet was able to return safely. Thank goodness! |
艦隊、無事戻れたわ。よかった! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Matsu-class destroyer, Matsu, sortieing! Follow me, everyone! |
松型駆逐艦、出撃!皆、続いて! | |
Battle Start Play |
It's the enemy, right? Time to turn things around. Charge! |
敵、ですね?これより反転!突撃します! | |
Attack Play |
We are engaged with enemy ships! |
我、敵艦と交戦中! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
Like I'll lose! Fireeee! |
負けるな!てぇぇ! | |
Night Battle Play |
Coastal defense ships, get into position to escort the damaged ships! Our fleet will turn back and charge at the enemy! We're going![5] |
海防艦は損傷艦を護衛執行態勢を!我が艦隊は反転、敵艦隊に突撃!行きます! | |
MVP Play |
I, Matsu, of the Type D destroyers, was able to be of service? Thank goodness! Yes, it is an honor! |
私が、丁型駆逐艦この松が、貢献できましたか?よかった!そうですね、光栄です! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Uwahh! I, I've been hit! |
うわぁ!ひ、被弾した! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Ahhh! I, I'm still not...! |
あぁぁぁ!まだ、まだよ! | |
Major Damage Play |
Ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I, I'm not sunk yet! Fall back, everyone! I, I'm still not...! |
あぁぁぁぁぁぁ!まだ、まだ松沈まないから!皆は後退して!松は、まだ! | |
Sunk Play |
This is it, then? All hands, abandon ship! Yottsu... the rest, the rest is up to you. I'm begging you. |
これまでか?総員、退去!ヨッツ…後は、後は頼んだわ。お願いね。 |
- ↑ The Matsu-class were the only Japanese vessels to be laid out fire room - engine room - fire room - engine room without cross connections between the sides of the two systems, eliminating a single point of failure.
- ↑ Each ship of the Matsu-class is named after a different kind of tree
- ↑ This is an apparent error - Matsu was assigned to the 43rd Destroyer Division
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
- ↑ Matsu charged and was sunk by an enemy force while buying time for her convoy, including Yottsu, to escape.
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