De Ruyter
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Gameplay Notes
Special Mechanics
Fit Bonuses
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Recommended Roles
Not Recommended Roles
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Hi! So you're the Admiral of this fleet I've heard about? I'm the Dutch light cruiser, De Ruyter. Do you recognise the name? Do you? Do you? That's right! I'm pretty good, after all! Just leave it to me. |
Hi!あなたが噂のこの艦隊の提督ね?私はオランダ軽巡De Ruyter。わかる?わかる、わかる?そう!結構いいから、私。任せて。 | |
Introduction Play |
Hi! Admiral, how are you today? I see, I see. I'm the Dutch light cruiser, De Ruyter. That's right, just leave it to me again today. |
Hi!提督、今日も元気してる?わかる、わかる。オランダ軽巡De Ruyter。そうよ、私に今日も任せて。 | |
Library Play |
I'm the light cruiser from the Netherlands De Ruyter. With my new model main gun and powerful concentrated anti-air gun emplacements, I was a new kind of light cruiser that was deployed to the Dutch East Indies[1]. I fought as the flagship of the ABDA Fleet but... Japanese heavy cruiserss are bad news. They really are.[2] |
オランダ生まれの軽巡洋艦、De Ruyterよ。新型主砲と強力な対空機銃座を集中配備した、新しいコンセプトの軽巡として、当時のオランダ領東インドに配備されたの。ABDA艦隊の旗艦として戦ったけど…日本の重巡あれはやばいわ。わかる、わかる。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Me? No way! |
私?やばい! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Ah, time for me to head out? Alright. Gimme a sec. |
あぁ、私で行く?いいよ。待てて。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Aha, it's really time for me to head out? Alright. Gimme a sec. |
あはぁ、やっぱ私で行く?いいよ。待てて。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
What is that? It's very different from what we have in the Netherlands. So are they normally like this here? Ah, not really? Ah, it's used as an anti-air gun emplacement? Nice! I like it! |
なに、それ?オランダとはめっちゃ違うんだ。ここは普通そんな感じなの?あぁ、それとも違うの?あぁ、ここの対空機銃座?いいっしょう!お気になの! | |
Idle Play |
Admiral, what's that blueprint? Hmmm? "Dentan"? Oh, so same thing as RADAR? I'm kinda interested in it. I'd like to try it out sometime... Can I[3]? |
提督、その図面、何?ん?「デンタン」?えぇ、RADARってこと?ちょっと興味ある。今度試して、みたいな…いい? | |
Secretary Married Play |
Ah, it's really time for me to head out? No, no, I'm fine with it. Alright then, give me a sec. I'll be ready in a flash. |
あぁ、やっぱ私で行くの?うーん、いやじゃない。いいよ、待てて。すぐ行くから。 | |
Wedding Play |
Really... You're sure? ...yeah, I... I do too! I love you. |
本当…本当に?…はぁ、私も…私も何だから!Ik hou van je. | |
Looking At Scores Play |
Information? Here you go. My pleasure. |
情報?はい、これ。Graag gedaan. | |
Joining A Fleet Play |
Light cruiser De Ruyter, heading out! Come on everyone, follow me. Let's sortie! |
軽巡De Ruyter、抜錨します!さあ、みんな、ついてきて。出撃! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Thank you! Thanks. |
Dank u wel! ありがとう。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
I feel you. |
わかるわかる。 | |
Equipment 3[4] Play |
Yep, it's awesome! |
うん、やばい! | |
Supply Play |
Supplies? How lovely. |
補給?Wat lief. | |
Docking Minor Play |
Nnnggh. This sucks. |
んー。やばい。 | |
Docking Major Play |
Oh man. This is the worst. Ah, don't worry. |
あっちゃー。災厄。あぁ、het hoeft niet. | |
Construction Play |
It's done. That was fast! |
出来たって。早いね。 | |
Returning From Sortie Play |
Everyone made it back. Great. |
みんな帰ってくれた。良かったよ。 | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
I'll be leading the ABDA Fleet. Got it? Fleet, head out! Follow me. Let's go! |
ABDA艦隊、私が預かっちゃお。いいよね?艦隊、前へ!私についてきて。行くよ! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
ABDA Fleet, flagship De Ruyter. Let's go! Fleet, head out! Follow me. Sortie! |
ABDA艦隊、旗艦De Ruyter。行くよ!艦隊、前へ!私についてきて。出撃! | |
Battle Start Play |
Enemy fleet spotted. Everyone, battle stations. |
敵艦隊発見。みんな、戦闘始まるから、用意して。 | |
Attack Play |
Oh wow! |
やばい! | |
Air Battle/Daytime Spotting/Night Battle Attack Play |
Hmmm? Are my hits landing? |
ん?ちゃんと当たってる? | |
Night Battle Play |
Oh woooow. We have some night work to do? I don't think I'm ready for it yet, but... I'll just do it. |
やーばい。夜のお仕事か?まだ早い気もするけど…やっちゃお、感じ。 | |
MVP Play |
Eh!? I'm the highest achiever? Yaaaay! Hey, can I do a toast? Can I? Really? Then... Cheers! |
えぇ?!私が一番活躍したの?やったー!!ねぇ、乾杯していい?いい?本当?じゃー…Proost! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Aaaaaah! |
わああぁー! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Seriously? Jeez! |
まじか?もうー! | |
Major Damage Play |
Oh no, this is bad! I don't feel like I'm sinking, but... it's bad. |
やだ、やばい!沈む気はないけど、やばげ。 | |
Sunk Play |
Oh... no... I'm sinking... I don't want it to... end here... but... Goodbye... everyone... |
や…ばい…私、沈むんだ…ここで…いやだな…でも……Adieu…さよなら…みんな… |
- ↑ De Ruyter was actually a one-off light cruiser model hamstrung by political and economic circumstances.
- ↑ She was attacked and sunk by Nachi and Haguro.
- ↑ During the Battle of the Java Sea, HMS Exeter was the only ship on either side equipped with radar, a cutting-edge technology at the time.
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Oh wow! Apparently I, De Ruyter, will be your secretary ship today. That's fine, right? |
やばい!今日は私、De Ruyter、が秘書艦だって。いいよね? | |
01:00 Play |
1 AM. It's kinda exciting. Huh, you don't think so? |
深夜1時。なんかドキドキするね。あれ、しない? | |
02:00 Play |
2 AM. I'm kinda sleepy... aren't you, Admiral? |
深夜2時。ちょっと、眠い…提督は平気なの? | |
03:00 Play |
3 AM. Don't you feel kinda hungry? Shall we have some stroopwafels[1]? Not now? |
深夜3時。なんか小腹が空かない?Stroopwafelでも食べる?この時間はやめとく? | |
04:00 Play |
Oh shoot, it's almost morning. Oh no. I need to catch some shuteye. |
あっちゃー、もうすぐ朝。やばい。少し寝ないと。 | |
05:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock. The sunrise is beautiful. Hey, take a look. I love this time of day. |
5時です。朝焼け、きれい。ねぇ、ほら。この時間、好き。 | |
06:00 Play |
It's morning! Good morning. |
朝です!Goedemorgen. | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock. Want stroopwafels for breakfast? Just put it on top of your coffee cup like this... Ah, yep. Just like that. See, doesn't that look good? Enjoy the stroopwafels and coffee! |
今7時。朝はstroopwafelでいい?こうやって、コーヒーを入れたカップの上に載せて…あぁ、そう。そんな感じ。で、ほら、いい感じになるでしょう?コーヒーと一緒に、どうぞ! | |
08:00 Play |
It's now 8 o'clock. Now, shall we get ready to head out? |
8時になりました。さあ、お出かけの準備しましょう? | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. Let's goooo! Hey, which sea are we heading to today? |
9時です。出発ー!ねぇ、今日はどこの海に行く? | |
10:00 Play |
10 o'clock. Being at sea feels so good. It does, it does. Yup. |
10時。海は気持ちいいよね。わかるわかる。うん。 | |
11:00 Play |
11 o'clock. I wonder if Java is doing well. Do you know, Admiral? ...I see. I hope to see her again one day.[2] |
11時。Javaは元気にやってるかな。提督、知らない?…そうか。いつか会えるかな。 | |
12:00 Play |
12 o'clock. It's noon. For lunch we're having... this! Take this fried egg, ham, and cheese, then sandwich it between some toast... and done! Here you go! Hey, it's great, right? You feeling me? |
12時。お昼。 ランチはね…これ!目玉焼きに、 ハム 、 チーズ 、これを焼いたパンで挟んで…はい、どうぞ!ねぇ、最高でしょう?わかるわかる? | |
13:00 Play |
1 PM. Admiral, would you like another cup of coffee? Here you go. Be careful, it's hot. |
午後1時。提督、コーヒーお代わりいる?はい、どうぞ。熱いよ、気をつけてね。 | |
14:00 Play |
2 P... I-is... that a Japanese heavy cruiser squadron!? Fu-full alert!! Eh, oh... it's just Houston and the others. |
午後2…あ、あれは…あれは日本の重巡戦隊!?け、警戒!!って、な…なんだ、Houstonたちか。 | |
15:00 Play |
Houston, Perth, good work. How are you doing? Ah, me? I'm fine as usual! Ah, perfect, 3 o'clock. Want to have tea? |
Houston、Perth、 お疲れ。元気してる?あぁ、私?私はもちろん、げんきげんき!あぁ、ちょうど3時じゃん。一緒にお茶しよう? | |
16:00 Play |
Hmm, that's right. The Japanese girls sure are amazing at night. I totally get that. I'll need to be careful around them... The time? It's now... 4 PM. |
んー、そうだね。日本の子たち、夜はやばいよね。わかるわかる。気をつけないと。…今?夕方…4時! | |
17:00 Play |
5 o'clock. Look, it's the sunset. The sunset in the Netherlands is nice, but this time of day is beautiful in Japan too. I like it. |
5時。ほら、夕日。オランダも夕日もいいけど、日本のこの時間もきれい。私は好き。 | |
18:00 Play |
6 o'clock. It's time for dinner. Admiral, what do you want to have? Maybe something with potatoes? Eh, you'll cook for me? Really? |
6時。夕食の時間ね。提督、何食べる?じゃがいもでなにか作ろうか?えぇ、作ってくれるの?本当? | |
19:00 Play |
7 o'clock. Hmmm, so this is a Japanese dinner? Digging in! Mmm! It's good! What is it called? "Nikujaga"? Hmmm, what an interesting dish. No, no, it's delicious. Teach me how to make it some time! |
7時。へぇー、これが日本の夕食か?いただきます。ん!美味しい!これ、何?ニクジャガ?へー、不思議な食べ物。うーん、美味しいよ。今度は作り方、教えて! | |
20:00 Play |
It's 8 o'clock. I'll do the cleaning up. You just stay put, Admiral. Ah, I'll get you some more coffee, okay? Yup, to thank you for your cooking. |
8時です。後片付けは私がやるね。提督は座てて。あぁ、コーヒー入れるね?うん、提督の料理のお礼お礼。 | |
21:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock now. Hmm? That's... Japan's strongest, DesRon2? Oh, they're not? Ah, so it's DesRon3[3]. Hmm, they're very lively. |
9時になったよ。ん?あれは…日本最強の二水戦?えぇ、違う?あぁ、三水戦っていうの。んー、なんか元気だね。 | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. Nnnggh, whew. I'm beat. Admiral, want a shoulder massage? You do? |
10時です。んーえぇ。疲れたね。提督、肩でも揉む?そう? | |
23:00 Play |
Admiral, it's 11 o'clock now. Today was a long day. See you tomorrow. Good night.[4] |
提督、11時になったよ。今日も疲れたね。また明日。おやすみなさい。Welterusten。 |
- ↑ Stroopwafels are a famous Dutch dish - waffles with caramel filling.
- ↑ Referring to the HNLMS Java, another member of the ABDA fleet at Battle of the Java Sea.
- ↑ Sendai and company.
- ↑ She says "good night" twice. Once in Japanese, once in Dutch.
Regular |
Drop Locations
- De Ruyter is named after Dutch national hero Admiral Michiel de Ruyter. He is renowned for several victories, especially in overcoming the joint English and French forces in the Third Anglo-Dutch War.