This is the documentation page for Module:EnemyEncounters
Parameter Naming
Module invocation is done via passing arguments. These argument names and argument values are all done in the following format
- <Node Letter><Pattern Number>_<argument> = <argument value>
except for assigning node labels which is shown below.
All parameters still need a pipe character, "|", before the parameter call. Eg, (replace '{' with '{{')
- {#invoke:EnemyEncounters | encounterTemplate
|A1_lv=< 80
|A1_node_info=BBV_Re-class_Elite bbv_re-class_elite cv_wo-class_flagship_kai clt_chi-class_flagship ss_so-class_flagship ss_so-class_flagship
All parameters passed to the EnemyEncounters module are named under a simple scheme as described in each subsequent section.
You may add span and css tags as you wish as they will be pasted in directly to the page. Examples are below.
Node Label
Simply pass the name of the node with
- <Node Letter>_label = <some name>
For example,
- A_label = Night Battle
- B_label = 敵前衛警戒部隊 <br> <span style="color:yellow">Day Battle</span>
Air Superiority and Air Supremacy
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_air_superiority = <value>
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_air_supremacy = <value>
- B2_air_superiority = 50
- D5_air_supremacy = 100
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_xp = <value>
- F3_xp = 120
Pattern By Level
In the case that a pattern's appearance is determined by the HQ level such as 1-5 ExOp's first node.
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_lv = <expression>
- A2_lv = >80 (Node A's pattern 2 will show up for admirals over level 80)
- A1_lv = <=80 (Node A's pattern 1 will show up for admirals equal to or under level 80)
Form refers to the enemy formation.
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_form = <formation>
Formations are:
- line_ahead
- doubleline
- diamond
- echelon
- line_abreast
Examples are:
- A1_form = line_ahead
- B2_form = line_abreast
Enemies are passed in a single argument,
- <Node Letter and Pattern Number>_node_info = <argument>
The formation argument should simply be the enemy names, listed below, separated by a space.
Enemy ship names are done as follows:
- <Shiptype>_<Class Name>_<Extra Ship Parameters>
where Shiptype is from the following list
- DD
- CL
- CA
- CV
- BB
- Transport
- SS
The class name is for example:
- Wo-class
- Re-class
- Nu-class
- Ha-class
The Extra Ship parameter is optional and from the following list
- Elite
- Flagship
- Flagship_2
- Flagship_Kai
Some examples are:
- SS_Yo-class
- Transport_Wa-class_Flagship
- CVL_Nu-class_Flagship
- CV_Wo-class_Flagship_Kai
You would invoke the full argument such as follows:
- B2_node_info = clt_chi-class_elite dd_ro-class_elite dd_ni-class_late_model
- C5_node_info = dd_i-class_late_model cl_he-class_flagship
You can find all ship names via the enemy vessel's page. Simply replace spaces with underscores.
Information for Non-Combat Nodes
For nodes such as maelstroms and resource nodes, you will use the "node_info" argument.
As a note, the words "fuel", "steel", "ammo" and "bauxite" will be replaced by their respective small icons such as
- B2_node_info = Maelstrom fuel -50 75 100 125
will result in
- B3_node_info = "Must be my imagination" (battle avoided)
- C2_node_info = "steel +100 125 150 175
Example invocation
|A1_lv=< 80
|A1_node_info=BBV_Re-class_Elite bbv_re-class_elite cv_wo-class_flagship_kai clt_chi-class_flagship ss_so-class_flagship ss_so-class_flagship
|A2_lv=> 80
|A2_node_info=fuel +50 75 100 125
|A2_air_superiority = 50
|B1_node_info=Maelstrom fuel -50
|B_label = 敵前衛警戒部隊 <br> <span style="color:yellow">Day Battle</span>}}
will result in
Script error: No such module "RemiSandbox".
Module written by Remi_Scarlet