
  • Installation is a plane-using installation-type enemy. This changes some of Installation's behaviors:
  • Installation's damage indicator text is different from others:
  • Slightly damaged(小破) → Confused(混乱)
  • Moderately damaged(中破) → Damaged(損害)
  • Heavily damaged(大破) → Broken(損壊)
  • Sunken(撃沈) → Destroyed(破壊)
  • With regards to attacking, Installation:
  • Enables 2nd round of daytime shelling.
  • Cannot attack during daytime shelling at Damaged or worse.
  • Cannot attack during daytime shelling if all of Installation's carried planes are shot down.
  • Uses the carrier formula for shelling damage. (Daytime: [Firepower + Torpedo + (Dive Bomb × 1.3)] × 1.5 + 55; Nighttime: Firepower + Torpedo)
  • Attacks at night if not Broken or Destroyed.
  • Prioritizes attacking submarines during daytime shelling. (Attacks surface ships at night)
  • With regards to defending, Installation:
  • Cannot be the target of torpedo attacks, with the exception of torpedo bombers;
  • Treats torpedo value as 0 for all other incoming attacks for damage calculation (again, excluding torpedo bombers during aerial combat);
  • Is not subject to cut-in attacks involving torpedoes (Mixed cut-in and Torpedo cut-in fail to function);
  • Cannot be the target of shelling phase attacks from carriers carrying at least 1 dive bomber, but can be chosen as shelling target if all dive bombers equipped on that carrier were shot down or if only torpedo bombers were equipped on that carrier in the first place.
  • Takes increased damage from ships equipped with Type 3 Shells and WG42 (Wurfgerät 42).
  • Takes increased damage and has lower evasion rate during daytime shelling from battleships equipped with both large caliber guns Large Caliber Main Gunand AP shellsArmor-Piercing Shell.
  • Not subject to covering from escort ships.

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