Kancolle Wiki:Content and Grammar

Revision as of 12:07, 22 April 2015 by Benlisquare (talk | contribs) (reply)
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This is a page to discuss the ever-ongoing quest to improve the grammar and content of the wiki. Our Trello board for this is here; remember to update the work you're doing there so we can easily keep track of workflow.

Event Stuff

Grammar checks

New Content

Old migrated content

  • A quick question: I've been looking to clean up the existing pages that we have, but first I need to confirm what our position on "memes" is. More specifically, I'm referring to the subcultural references that you occasionally find inserted into page content. Are we seeking to build a wiki with serious content, or is it "anything goes" like the old Wikia was? Just confirming with the rest of the contributors before I start deleting these lines as I come across them. --benlisquareTC 12:32, 20 April 2015 (UTC)
This was a major complaint of mine on the old wiki; I'd definitely endorse their deletion, though what qualifies as a subcultural reference may be interpreted differently by some users. Wsewolod (talk) 15:41, 20 April 2015 (UTC)
Are there any particularly bad examples that stand out to you? Just curious with what we're dealing with, I only ever used event pages. Tadoritsuita (talk) 20:37, 20 April 2015 (UTC)
I think I speak for all of us when I say, if you find memes in content pages, then they should go. The only place where such a thing should be put is the Trivia section of a shipgirl's profile, or in a similar section that marks it as non-serious. But for the vast majority of the content, I'd like to keep it clean. And no, I don't care if it's a subcultural reference if it's in the middle of the Quests page. There are other places for it. Really, we want to be the best wiki out there, not one full of random, useless jokes that don't actually aid anyone (besides a few petty laughs for the author). Acecipher (talk) 07:34, 21 April 2015 (UTC)
(@Tadoritsuita) There's not much left at the moment, most extreme cases have been removed by various editors, and only a few likely remain here and there where people haven't thoroughly checked yet. Earlier on I removed this instance while I was copyediting the grammar, where "night battle" was linked to Sendai (a more useful link would be to the article on game mechanics). --benlisquareTC 10:35, 21 April 2015 (UTC)
Oh uh, sorry for that bit of unprofessionalism on my part; I figured a little bit of light humor (especially when I wasn't sure of the wiki's content structure) would help lift spirits. But I'm glad people are already looking through these things. And for future reference, night battle should either be linked to Combat#Night_Combat or Combat#Night_Special_Attack_Modifier or Combat#Night_Battle_Special_Attacks, though expect that context to change soon. We're going to likely refurbish the Combat page in a huuuuge undertaking with people's help, so don't feel obliged to go off on your own and fix all of it; it probably would be better to spend your time on the cards in Trello that are actually useful). Acecipher (talk) 08:27, 22 April 2015 (UTC)
I never would have noticed if you didn't point it out. It's no big concern anyway, back then we didn't even have an agreement among editors on how to write these pages. It's only right now that we're all thinking about these things, so consider that edit as something from the past. --benlisquareTC 12:07, 22 April 2015 (UTC)