- FBB: Richelieu
- AV: Commandant Teste
WARNING: 2 Surface Radars total on 2 girls are always needed for unlocking and the boss fight to secure the routing up to the end.
Part 1: Unlocking the boss node
- S rank node A, D and K : 1CL 5DD
- S rank node L : 1FBB 1CL 4DD
- A certain LoS amount is also needed to get to node K and L, unknown as of now
Part 2: Defeating the boss
- 1FBB 1CA 1CL 1CVL 2DD going CEHLN
- Possible to replace 1CL with 1CA
- LBAS : 1F 3B sending to boss (5 Range)
WARNING: All of the following comps require a certain LoS check which is unknown as of now !
- Historical (Boss 2)
- Italian - 1.25x?
- CV Ark Royal - 1.22x?
Phase 1: Defeat Harbour Summer Princess
- Transport Combined Fleet 1 CVE 1 CL 4 DD + 1 CL 2 CA(V) 3 DD going BACEMN
- Completely skipping K node which contains dual BB Ru-Class Flagship and dual CVL Nu-Class carrying hellcat plane variants
- May lack of damage at the boss node.
- Going to the boss node is also more difficult, especially node E where there are many enemies with high torpedo stats should you let them launch
- Requires many WG42 and DLC variants for realible damage
- Surface Task Force - Light Variant 1 FBB 1 CVL 4 (CA+DD+AV) + 1 CL 2 DD 3 (CA+DD+CLT) going BDGKMN (ALL FAST)
- ALL FAST ships required, using Turbine+Boiler combo will not work (This means slow BB, BBV and CVL are banned, even if they are upgraded to Fast)
- A decent comp to get to the boss realibly and good damage at the boss node
- Node K may be a problem as more than half of the enemies there can damage your ships if not evaded
- Surface Task Force - Heavy Variant going BDFJKMN (ALL FAST)
- 2 (F)BB(V) 2 CVL 2 (AV+DD+CA) + 1 CL 2 DD 3 (CA+DD+CLT)
- 3 (F)BB(V) 1 CVL 2 (AV+DD+CA) + 1 CL 2 DD 3 (CA+DD+CLT)
- Unlike the light variant above however, you can speed up the slow ships and still meet the requirement of being ALL FAST
- Extremely all-out compo with maximum damage
- May be expensive overtime
- LBAS for all comps : 1F 3B + 0F 4B, all sent to boss
Phase 2: Defeat Abyssal Medi Princess
- Surface Task Force 2 (F)BB(V) 1 CV(L) 2 CA(V) 1 CL + 1 CL 2 DD 3 XX going OPTV (ALL FAST)
- (F)BB(V)+CV(L) <= 3 and CA(V)+(F)BB(V)+CV(L) <= 6 must be met to secure the routing. This route yields no ammo penalty at the boss node
- However, if CA(V)+(F)BB(V)+CV(L) >= 7, you will be directed to R node instead of P node, which is a normal battle node, and will cause ammo penalty at the boss node
- Furthermore, fleet containing any slow ships will route to the extra air raid node Q, but can easily be solved with the speed-up turbine system
- Nagato and Mutsu touch can be considered here for easier time at boss, assuming they are upgraded to Fast to skip node Q
- Surface Task Force 4 (F)BB(V) 1 CV(L) 1 AO + 1 CL 2 DD 3 XX going ORTQV
- All-out comp especially designed for all-or-nothing purpose that gives the hardest routing but also maximum firepower for the boss fight
- No speed restriction so you can bring Nagato and Mutsu and make use of their touch, combine with different equipment for even higher touch modifier
- Very expensive, should only be used for Final Form
- You will arrive at the boss node with heavy ammo penalty, may need to put 2 Underway Replenishment on AO to fix the overall damage at the boss node
- LBAS for all comps : 1F 3B + 1F 3B, all sent to boss