- FBB: Richelieu (1.5x?)
- AV: Commandant Teste (1.5x?)
WARNING: 2 Surface Radars total on 2 girls are always needed for unlocking and the boss fight to secure the routing up to the end.
Part 1: Unlocking the boss node
- S rank node A, D and K : 1CL 5DD
- S rank node L : 1FBB 1CL 4DD
- A certain LoS amount is also needed to get to node K and L, unknown as of now
Part 2: Defeating the boss
- 1FBB 1CA 1CL 1CVL 2DD going CEHLN
- Possible to replace 1CL with 1CA
- LBAS : 1F 3B sending to boss (5 Range)