Yuka Iguchi KanColle Movie Interview: Nyantype January 2017

The following interview was conducted in the NyanType Magazine on January 2017 in which seiyuu Yuka Iguchi discusses her involvement with the KanColle Movie.

Within this 2 page article, Yuka Iguchi does an interview and talks about her experiences with the KanColle movie, what kind of involvement she had with the movie and the relations she developed with other seiyuu during the production of the movie.

Interview with Yuka Iguchi

Japanese English
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扶桑、山城が中核を担う西村艦隊が活躍するとうたわれ、そして「決戦前夜ボイス」も実装されました。 追加ボイスについて、どのような思いで収録に臨まれましたか?






――――この秋には、不知火の「秋の私服mode」も実装されました。 不知火の私服姿のイラストを見たときの感想を教えてください。


---- The Autumn Event "Showdown at Operation Shō-Gō! Battle of Leyte Gulf (Part 1)" was announced as an event where the Nishimura Fleet with Fusou & Yamashiro at its centre would play an important role, and they even added "Eve of the Final Battle" voice lines. What was going through your head as you were tackling the recordings of those new voice lines?

Fujita: Ever since I got involved with KanColle I took it upon myself to gradually learn more about the ships I voice and their historical background, and I grew really fond of the Nishimura Fleet. Of course I love all the ship girls I voice, but more like I find it cute just how much of a handful they are.
Especially Yamashiro is someone I've always wanted to be happy. That's why I was so overjoyed when this Autumn Event would be the chance for the Nishimura fleet to be in the limelight.
So I was like "Let's overcome this disastrous history!" when I voiced them.
Actual history can never be changed, but I think one of KanColle's unique charms is its capability to create a narrative that allows one to relive history all while being able to overcome it if you try hard enough.
I think the ship girls themselves would agree with that sentiment, so I tried to create a performance that was filled with their feelings and emotions.

---- What was going through your head as you were looking up the actual history of the Nishimura Fleet Fusō and the others were part of?

Fujita: The historical backdrop is different compared to today, so I can't really say anything without giving it some thought, but... If I had to say what I felt as the voice actress of these ship girls, then frankly speaking I think I'd feel dejected and be full of regrets sortieing under such harsh conditions only to be forced to witness my sister ships and comrades sink right in front of my eyes while I myself am sinking as well.
Which is why I want to play them in such a way that they're loved by everyone now that they've been reborn in KanColle and hopefully happy.

---- Are there any voice lines that left a particularly lasting impression during the recent recording sessions?

Fujita: I was glad I could record a conversation between Fusou and Yamashiro. When we record lines for the game we usually record each of them separately, but this time the conversations were performed in one go. I think those who've cleared the autumn event will probably understand what I mean, but even though Fusou and Yamashiro are sisters their reactions to accomplishing the same thing are vastly different.
So I made extra sure to properly express their different personalities!

---- This autumn we also got Shiranui's "casual autumn mode".
Please give us your thoughts on the artwork when you saw it for the first time.

Fujita: Ship girls in casual clothing is a kind of funny idea, that's for sure.
As soon as I took a look at Shiranui's casual clothing I thought "Yep, that's like her!". *laughs*
That hoodie... it just suits her so well!
And her expression doesn't feature that usual piercing glance, but instead has a little bit of a plain softness to it.
It's really cute how defenceless she looks.
I want to see the other Kagerō-class ship girls in casual clothes.
I'm just letting my imagination run wild, but I guess Kagerō would wear something that's currently in, and Kuroshio maybe something surprisingly girly?
And it would be pretty hilarious if Yukikaze wore a neat and elegant outfit. And Tokitsukaze...... *laughs*

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――――秋イベントに合わせて、藤田さんが演じる新艦娘の涼月も実装されました。 演じられた藤田さんから見て、彼女はどんな艦娘でしょうか?



藤田:とりあえずE1が終わりました! スロースタートからブーストしていくタイプなので、



---- Suzutsuki, the new ship girl you voiced, was also introduced together with the autumn event.
As the one who voiced her, what is she like from your perspective?

Fujita: At the Fourth KanColle Naval Review I had the opportunity to sing the Akizuki-class sisters' theme song "Tsukiyomi", and that song pretty much encapsulates my impression of Suzutsuki. Fleeting, beautiful, sublime.
But she's a very caring ship girl that really loves the people around her.
When I found out what happened to her historical counterpart I was crying my eyes out, and even when I was singing "Tsukiyomi" at the recording studio or the Naval Review I had to check my tears whenever I was reminded of Suzutsuki. Before recording her voice lines I was told that she's a "classical pretty girl" of sorts, so I voiced her as a pure, good and honest ship girl. Her lines were polite, familial and full of love, and I can still remember how I made sure to emphasise that.

---- By the way, Ms. Fujita, since you are also active in KanColle as "Admiral Sakky"[1], what's your personal impression of the autumn event?
(※ Editor's note: interview was conducted in mid-November)

Fujita: For now I'm done with E-1![2] I'm the type that starts slowly and finishes fast, so as long as I know what fleet composition I need I can just rush through everything!
Since I recorded the Abyssal ships' voice lines together with the autumn event lines this time it felt like I was fighting against myself, which also brought back nightmares of the Aircraft Carrier Princess. *laughs*
But I don't want the Fusou sisters' determination as they're facing their final battle to be all for nothing, and I really want to get Suzutsuki, so I'm definitely going to clear it!
If there's one thing I regret though, it's that this time I didn't have a chance to get hyped with all the admirals out there.
I'd really love to get more opportunities to meet up with everyone!

---- And lastly, a message for the admirals among our Comptiq readers, if you please.

Fujita: Good work, admirals!
Since this event is based on the Battle of Leyte Gulf, it turned out to be one that holds a very special place in my heart.
Gimmicks that give you an advantage if you bring historical ships have been done before, but this we've also prepared special dialogues among other things, so I think the ship girls will grow to you even more just by playing the event.
I know that the event will be over soon, but if there are people who haven't tackled it yet I'd be really glad if you tried anyway and managed to get Suzutsuki.
I'll continue to keep up the KanColle hype as Admiral Sakky, and thank you for your support!

Translation was provided User:Admiral_Mikado

  1. Admiral Sakky is the Admiral name Saki Fujita goes by in her KanColle Account
  2. When the event concluded, Saki Fujita just barely managed to complete E-4 obtaining Suzutsuki