
Revision as of 10:01, 20 December 2014 by (talk) (→‎Quote)




No.63 利根

Tone Class Heavy Cruiser

  HP 44   Firepower 32 (59)
  Armor 36 (59)   Torpedo 24 (59)
  Evasion 36 (69)   AA 20 (67)
  Aircraft 9   ASW 0
  Speed Fast   LOS 20 (59)
  Range Medium   Luck 10 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
1:30:00 3
Stock Equipment  Space
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount 3
Type 0 Recon Seaplane 3
-Unequipped- 3
-Locked- -


Tone Kai

No.63 利根改

Tone Class Heavy Cruiser

  HP 56   Firepower 42 (76)
  Armor 46 (77)   Torpedo 24 (79)
  Evasion 41 (79)   AA 24 (79)
  Aircraft 16   ASW 0
  Speed Fast   LOS 24 (79)
  Range Medium   Luck 10 (59)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv25 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
20.3cm Twin Gun Mount 4
61cm Quad O2 Torpedo Mount 4
Type 0 Recon Seaplane 4
-Unequipped- 4

Second Upgrade

Tone Kai Ni

No.188 利根改二

Tone Class Aviation Cruiser

  HP 59   Firepower 46 (77)
  Armor 48 (79)   Torpedo 32 (82)
  Evasion 42 (79)   AA 32 (82)
  Aircraft 18   ASW 0 (0)
  Speed Fast   LOS 30 (90)
  Range Medium   Luck 15 (69)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv70 Remodel + Blueprint 4
Stock Equipment  Space
20.3cm(no.3) Twin Gun Mount 2
Type 21 Air RADAR 2
Zuiun (634 Air Group) 9
-Unequipped- 5


Event Japanese English Note
吾輩が利根である!吾輩が艦隊に加わる以上、もう、索敵の心配はないぞ! I am Tone! With my addition to the fleet, there will be no problems searching out the enemy! Speaks in old-mannish tone. Tone has very high LOS; she discovered the US fleet at Midway.
Library Intro
日本海軍が完成させた最後の重巡、利根型の長女、利根だ。真珠湾、そして痛恨のミッドウェーでも、艦隊の眼として縦横無尽の活躍なのじゃ。最後は呉鎮守府を守る浮き砲台として刀折れ矢尽きるまで戦ったぞ。 The last completed heavy cruiser of the Japanese Navy, oldest sister of the Tone-class, Tone. At Pearl Harbour and Midway, as the eye for the fleet, I unceasingly watched the length and breadth of the ocean. I ended out the war protecting the Kure Naval Yards as a floating fortress, fighting until my blades were broken, arrows were depleted.
うむ。参ろうか! Good. I shall go!
演習か?実戦か? A drill? A battle? (Tone was used as a training ship at the end of the war.)
提督よ、お主なかなかヒマそうじゃの?戦闘は兵站や準備こそが大事なのじゃぞ? Admiral, you appear to have copious free time? Battle preperations and logistics are important, are they not?
い、いや、我輩は別に、別に退屈なぞしておらんからなっ! N-no! I'm not... It's not like i'm bored or anything!
I did it!
Admiral, you're working hard too!
そうだ、我輩の索敵機こそが敵艦隊を発見したのだ!!…えっ?その話はいい?…って、では何?なんなのだ? That's right, my scouts have found the enemy fleet!! ...Eh? Enough of that? ...Then what is it? What is this?
Show player's score
文が来ているぞ。確認せんのか? A communique has arrived. Shall you be confirming it?
Joining a fleet
いざ!出陣だな! Come now! To the front!
ほう、これはなかなかのものじゃな Oh, this is rather good.
礼を言おう…筑摩のやつより、また強くなってしまったな! You have my thanks... Compared to that Chikuma, I became stronger again!
やったぞ! I did it!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.

or うむっ!ありがたいぞ!(Kai 2)

Oh, this is rather good.

or Yes! I greatly appreciate it!

Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
うむ。そうだ。こまめな修繕が勝利をもたらすのじゃ! Yes. Indeed. Frequent refits bring about triumphs!
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
ぬぅ、吾輩もちと疲れたぞ……しばらく寝る! Grr.... Even I get tired. For now... to sleep!
Ship construction
艦の建造が終わったぞ Ship construction has finished.
Return from sortie
作戦終了。艦隊が帰投したようじゃ。 Operation complete. The fleet has returned.
Start a sortie
利根、出撃するぞ! Tone, sallying forth!
Battle start
その艦貰ったぁ! That ship is mine!
Air battle

(Kai 2) この時のために、カタパルトは整備したのじゃ!

No way, you say the catapult is in bad condition?

(Kai 2) This time will be different, since the catapult has been upgraded!

Tone launched her recon planes late at Midway. Her logs were destroyed after the battle, but one of several theories is that her catapult suffered mechanical defects.
Night battle
我が索敵機から逃げられるとでも思ったか! Did you think you could escape from my scouts!?
Night attack
まだまだ・・・!筑摩には負けん! Not yet, not yet..! I won't lose to Chikuma!
吾輩がいる以上当然の勝利じゃ!筑摩のやつより"少し"お姉さんなのだからな! As long as I'm here, it's victory as expected! Because I am "the" older sister, compared to that Chikuma!
Minor damaged(1)
なっ、至近弾だと? A-a near hit!?
Minor damaged(2)
莫迦な、被弾か!? How foolish! A hit!?
≥Moderately damaged
直撃だと!?この程度では吾輩は沈まん! Direct hit!? ...I shall not sink with merely this!
抜かった…!我輩が沈む、か…百万年の昼寝だな… I have blundered...! I am sinking, no? The siesta of a million years... (Unfortuately, after sinking in the war, Tone was again bombed undewater)


Tone was sunk on 24 July 1945 by USN aircraft from the light carrier USS Monrerey at Kure, Hiroshima (34°14′N 132°30′E). She was raised and scrapped over the course of 1947 and 1948.

The reason why Tone only has turrets on her right side is because both Tone and Chikuma mounted all four turrets of their main battery forward of the main mast. The rear deck was equipped with a heavy AA battery and a complicated track and turntable system that allowed the quick launch of all 5 (compared to the 3 that all other cruisers carried) of her floatplane reconnaisance aircraft. This is depicted in her original form as a white pattern on her left sock, and on the skirt of her cheongsham in her Kai Ni form.

Received her Kai Ni on 23/04/2014, together with Chikuma and Bismarck.

See Also