Recent Updates

Revision as of 13:39, 22 October 2014 by (talk) (→‎Last update: Edited grammar error of "equipments" to "equipment")
Message on DMM's site indicating that the game is under maintenance.

Here are listed updates from Kancolle game maintenance.

Latest Maintenance: 10th October, 2014

Next Maintenance:  24th October, 2014

Future updates

October 24

  1. Fusou to receive Kai Ni.


  1. Combined Fleet mechanic will eventually return
  2. New ships will become available with the "Autumn" Season
  3. Autumn 2014 Event mid-November
  4. Ushio's Second Remodel November

Last update

10th October, 2014

  1. New Voices
    • Kitakami and Ooi now have new voices. The CL version of those two ladies now have new idle voice, new supply voice and a new line after wedding in CL form. Also, they fixed some voices when they are in CL form. There're new voices for the CL(t) version of them, too.
    • Both of them now have hourly notifications.
  2. New Remodel
  3. New mechanics for AP shells
    • After this update,when you have AP shells and Large-Caliber cannons (i.e. 41cm, 46cm etc,) on the same ship, there will be a buff applied to both Hit and Firepower when attacking [Heavily armored enemy ships] and [Bosses](such as Anchorage Demon and Airfield Princess etc.) also there will be balance to all the equipment you have on your ship. (The balance is not disclosed)
    • Also, the buff ONLY applies during the Shelling rounds(1st and 2nd).
    • The buff ONLY applies when you have a Large-Caliber cannon
    • There's buff applied to other equipment too.
  4. New Quests
    • One time quest - 【主力戦艦部隊「第二戦隊」を編成せよ!】(Literally as to form a main BB fleet called 'Second Fleet') (A total of 4BBs, two from Nagato Class and two from Fusou Class)
    • One time quest -【「第二戦隊」抜錨!】(A sortie quest, need 2 S victories from 4-2 Boss)
    • Monthly quest - 【「水上打撃部隊」南方へ!】 (S rank at 5-1 with 3 slow BB, 1 CL and 2 other ships)
    • One time quest -【戦艦を主力とした水上打撃部隊を編成せよ!】(Form a fleet consisting ONLY of 1 CL and 3 BBs from either of: Yamato/Ise/Fusou/Nagato class)
    • One time quest - 【「戦艦部隊」北方海域に突入せよ!】(Requires a fleet which must consist of 2 BBs and 1 CVL and obtain S victory at 3-5 Boss)
  5. New Equipment
    • Type 1 AP Shell: can be obtained from the new quests,「第二戦隊」抜錨!and 「戦艦部隊」北方海域に突入せよ!
    • 46cm Twin Gun Mount Prototype: Main Gun
    • Shiun: Seaplane
      • Both Shiun and 46cm Twin Gun Mount Prototype are the ranking rewards. However, there will be quests in the future that provide a chance to get them
  6. New mechanics for equipment lock
    • Now you can lock equipment
    • The equipment can't be scrapped when locked
    • Ships that have locked equipment can't be scrapped either.
    • The 機種転換 quest can't be finished when the equipment is locked.
    • The locked equipment will disappear when the ship is destroyed. (Just....don't. Please.)
  7. Misc
    • Now you can have up to 210 ships and 940 equipment.

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Archived updates

For updates starting June 2014, see the forum section News and Announcements.

No. Archive Updates 
1 16 October 2013
2 23 October 2013
3 1 November 2013
4 13 November 2013
5 20 November 2013
6 27 November 2013
7 4 December 2013
8 11 December 2013
9 24 December 2013
10 8 January 2014
11 15 January 2014
12 22 January 2014
13 29 January 2014
14 14 February 2014
15 26 February 2014
16 14 March 2014
17 28 March 2014
18 9 April 2014
19 23 April 2014
20 9 May 2014
21 23 May 2014
22 6 June 2014
23 20 June 2014
24 4 July 2014
25 18 July 2014
26 28 July 2014
27 8 August 2014
28 29 August 2014
29 12 September 2014
29 26 September 2014