00:00 Play
ちょうど零時よ。今宵はこの叢雲が秘書艦を務めるわ。何よ、その顔は! 相変わらず無礼な子ね!
It's now midnight. Tonight, Murakumo will serve as secretary ship. What's with that face?! You're still the same as ever, you rude child!
01:00 Play
It's 0100 hours. It's so quiet tonight....
02:00 Play
0200 hours. So quiet... It'd be nice if it were always this way.
03:00 Play
It's now 0300 hours. Are you still... What? Are you asleep?
04:00 Play
It's 0400 hours. You woke up? It's fine. I'll be on watch, so please have some rest.
05:00 Play
マルゴーマルマル。そろそろ朝ね。ほら、起きなさい! 朝よ。眩しいわね、朝日が。
0500 hours. It's almost morning. Hey, get up! It's morning. The morning sun is so bright, isn't it?
06:00 Play
マルロクマルマル! 艦隊、総員起こし!さあ、始めるわよ!
0600 hours! Fleet, Reveille! Alright, let's begin!
07:00 Play
マルナナマルマルよ! まず私に朝餉の支度をしてくれるかしら。はぁ? 何言ってるの? 急いで!
It's 0700 hours! To start, can you please get my breakfast ready? Haah? What did you just say? Just hurry up already!
08:00 Play
0800 hours. Well now, that breakfast tasted... pretty so-so... Please make the miso soup more diluted. Ah, you can do it starting next time.
09:00 Play
マルキューマルマルよ。片付け終わった? それじゃあ艦隊運用を始めましょう。まず遠征ね。第三艦隊でいい? 行って!
It's 0900 hours. Are you done cleaning up? Well then, let the fleet operations begin. First off, expeditions. Is the Third Fleet ready? Go!
Third Fleet: Ashigara (Flagship), Sixteenth Cruiser Division, Fifth Destroyer Squadron
10:00 Play
1000 hours. Ah, Fubuki. You seem to be doing well, that's good. I'm not doing so bad either.
11:00 Play
ヒトヒトマルマルよ。ああ、十一駆の子? …まあね、戦友よ。大事な、ね。
It's 1100 hours. Oh, the kids from the Eleventh? I must admit, they're my comrades-in-arms. They're very important to me.
11th DesDiv: Hatsuyuki (Flagship), Fubuki, Shirayuki.
12:00 Play
ヒトフタマルマルよ。さあ昼餉は何を出してくれるの? え? 何その顔は! まさか用意してないの!? どういうこと!?
It's 1200 hours. Alright, what will be having for lunch? Eh...? What's with that look! Don't tell me, you didn't arrange anything?! What is the meaning of this?!
13:00 Play
ヒトサンマルマル。…あぁもう、いいわ! じゃあ私がやったげる。高くつくわよ? 覚えてなさいな! 貸しにしといてあげる。
1300 hours. ...Ahh, fine! I'll prepare it. But it's going to cost you, so don't forget! Consider it a loan.
14:00 Play
ヒトヨンマルマルよ。どう、満足した? 簡単だけれど、悪くはないでしょ? イイ駆逐艦というのは、そういうものよ?
It's 1400 hours. Well, are you satisfied? Even if it was simple, it wasn't too bad, was it? Just as you'd expect from a good destroyer, right?
15:00 Play
ヒトゴーマルマル。ああ、古鷹さん。探してたのよ? なかなか見つからなくて。 …でも、元気そうでよかった。本当にね。
1500 hours. Ah, Furutaka-san, I was looking for you but I couldn't find you... Anyway, you seem to be doing well, thank goodness. I really mean it.
Murakumo was tasked to assist (the already sunk) Furutaka in the aftermath of Battle of Cape Esperance.
16:00 Play
ヒトロクマルマルよ。そろそろ夕方ね。艦隊を港に戻しましょ。夕陽って…あ゛っ、何でもないわ! …あんたには、関係ないの…
It's 1600 hours. The evening is slowly coming. Let's return the fleet back to home port. The sunset is... ahh! It's nothing! This has... nothing to do with you...
17:00 Play
ヒトナナマルマル。…何よ? 怒ったの? 小さな男ね。え、違う? じゃあ何よ! 言いなさい?
1700 hours. ...What? are you angry? You're just a little boy, huh? ...That's not it? Well, what is it?! Out with it already!
18:00 Play
ヒトハチマルマル。ふーん、そういうこと? んふっ、カワイイわね、あんた。少しは褒めてあげてもいいわ? …少しだけ、ね。
1800 hours. Hmmm, is that so? You're so cute, aren't you? Giving you a little praise is good, right? Just a little bit, ok?
19:00 Play
It's 1900 hours. Come to think of it, I'm feeling hungry... What's for dinner?
20:00 Play
フタマルマルマル。この匂いは…ん? 白雪? その鍋は…あなた、カレー作ったの? こんなにたくさん…。仕方ないわね、頂くわ!
2000 hours. This smell... hm? Shirayuki? That cooking pot... Did you make curry? It seems like there's quite a lot of it. It can't be helped, I'll have some too!
21:00 Play
フタヒトマルマル! 白雪、あなた、料理上手いわね! どこで習ったの…え? 主計学校? …そう、あったわね、そういうの。
2100 hours! Shirayuki! Your cooking ish delishious!! Where did you learn to... eh?! Th.. the Accounting School?! Ah, I see, is that so...
Probably referring to the 海軍経理学校, The IJN's "Navy Accounting School", which taught general affair-related matters including education, new officer training, the preparation of rations & clothing, as well as actual bookkeeping...
22:00 Play
2200 hours. The night's already over. I don't like the night very much. I like the blue sky; I like the white clouds rising higher and higher up in the blue sky.
23:00 Play
2300 hours. And just like that, another day comes to and end. You also did well, giving it your all today. Tomorrow, too ...if I were to keep your company for tomorrow, too, that would be... fine.