Mobile Version Lottery

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As of February 29th, 2016, Kantai Collection has begun to perform a lottery for the new Mobile Android Version of the game. To allow players to partake in the Android Lottery, they changed thier Fleet Friend icon (which has been grey out since the game's premiere) and made it into the Mobile Version Lottery. This icon is going to last form Feburary 29th, 2016 till whenever the next maintenance and update will take place (estimation is roughly 2 weeks). Any more announcements regarding the android lottery will be on the Kancolle Staff Twitter.

Particpating in the Mobile Version Lottery

In order to participate in the mobile version lottery, players will need to have an active game Kantai Collection Game account on DMM's website. Upon starting up the game, you will notice on the top the the seconf botton to the right of the former "Fleet Friend" button has been changed into the "Mobile Version Lottery" and will be glowing red.

Android Mobile Version Lottery Icon

When you click the button a new menu will open up presenting to you a lever. The lever presented before you serves your gateway to participate into the Kantai Collection Mobile Version Lottery. To participate in the lottery you will need to flip the lever up to place your account in the lottery for whenever they hold it for the mobile version on a later date. Once you flip the switch your account will be placed within the lottery, you can however choose to opt out from participating in the Android Lottery pressing the lever again to opt out.

Currently it's unknown how the lottery process will be carried out, but it is thought that is you sign up for the lottery and it remains this way until next maintenance you will be automatically signed in once the next maintenance takes place.

Important Notes Regarding the Mobile Version Lottery

  • The play test will allow up to 100,000 players to become a part of the Official Andriod Version Play Test
  • Keep in mind this will also be an experimental test run, so plan carefully if you want to consider signing up for the lottery
  • Remember, this is being play tested, so they want players to actively play test the android version once the carry through with allowing players into the Android Version. If you are not going to actively play the Android Version consider not signing up.
  • Outside of this, there's no known info regarding what will be done once you are accepted in the lottery, it's strongly advised you have good knowledge in Japanese for whatever may come following if you are chosen.