List of coastal defense ships by upgraded maximum stats

Revision as of 22:02, 26 March 2019 by DarkHeron (talk | contribs) (added matsuwa stats)
  • Green: Outstanding
  • Yellow: Good
  • Since the Luck Stat is difficult to modernize, it is listed as Base(Max).
No. Name Class Remodel Level Firepower Torpedo Attack Anti-Air Anti-Submarine View Range Luck Health Armor Evasion Speed Aircraft Fuel Ammunition Notes
317 Shimushu 占守改 Shimushu 40 35 0 53 77 28 50(89) 17 33 92 Slow 0 10 10
318 Kunashiri 国後改 36 52 75 29 45(88) 91
334 Etorofu 択捉改 Etorofu 37 37 54 79 28 40(88) 92
335 Matsuwa 松輪改 38 55 9(59) 89

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