Module:Data/Equipment/10.5cm Twin Gun Mount
< Module:Data | Equipment
Revision as of 09:42, 6 May 2024 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/10.5cm Twin Gun Mount/doc
return {
_name = "10.5cm Twin Gun Mount",
_id = 160,
_japanese_name = "10.5cm連装砲",
_reading = "10.5センチれんそうほう",
_type = 4,
_icon = 16,
_types = {1, 2, 4, 16, 0},
_rarity = 3,
_firepower = 3,
_bombing = false,
_torpedo = false,
_aa = 6,
_armor = false,
_asw = false,
_shelling_accuracy = 2,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_evasion = 1,
_los = false,
_speed = false,
_luck = false,
_range = 1,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = false,
_scrap_ammo = 2,
_scrap_steel = 4,
_scrap_bauxite = false,
_info = "かの国で開発された艦艇防空用の連装高角砲です。<br>大型艦艇などに防空火器として装備されました。<br>建造と工事中止を繰り返したあの航空母艦にも、左右舷側と飛行甲板への背負い式装備が計画されていました。",
_info_en = "A twin high-angle gun mount for vessel air defense developed in that country.<br>It was equipped on large vessels as an air defense armament.<br>Even on that aircraft carrier that repeatedly went between construction and work stoppage, it was planned to be equipped on the broadside and flight deck of the ship in superfiring arrangements.",
_wikipedia = "10.5 cm FlaK 38",
_buildable = false,
_improvements = false,