Module:Data/Equipment/FuMO25 Radar
< Module:Data | Equipment
Revision as of 07:04, 6 May 2024 by Jigaraphale (talk | contribs)
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/FuMO25 Radar/doc
return {
_name = "FuMO25 Radar",
_id = 124,
_japanese_name = "FuMO25 レーダー",
_reading = "FuMO25 れえだあ",
_type = 13,
_icon = 11,
_types = {5, 8, 13, 11, 0},
_rarity = 4,
_firepower = 3,
_bombing = false,
_torpedo = false,
_aa = 7,
_armor = false,
_asw = false,
_shelling_accuracy = 10,
_torpedo_accuracy = false,
_evasion = false,
_los = 9,
_speed = false,
_luck = false,
_range = false,
_special = false,
_scrap_fuel = false,
_scrap_ammo = false,
_scrap_steel = 27,
_scrap_bauxite = 29,
_version = 2,
_info = "かの国で開発された艦載用レーダー(電探)です。<br>科学の国の電子兵装、残念ながら、我が連合艦隊に装備された電探よりスペックは高いです。<br>主に巡洋艦以上の大型艦艇に搭載されました。",
_info_en = "This is a ship-borne radar developed in that country.<br>Unfortunately, the radars of the land of science have higher specs than the ones equipped to our Combined Fleet.<br>It is mainly used aboard cruisers or any other larger warships.",
_wikipedia = "FuMO 24 radar",
_buildable = false,
_improvements = true,