
Compilation of test about the new Anti-installation Equipment

Toku DLC + Chi-Ha

Chi-Ha kai test 1

Toku dlc+chi-ha kai tested in the event against SDH

  • 1.4 dlc bonus
  • Normal improvement bonus (avg /50)
  • pre and post cap bonus of Sherman 1.1 and 1.2
  • Unique bonus of x1.5+33
    • Not tested if different than the shemran bonus of x1.4+35??
  • synergy with T89/HoNi
    • pre-cap 1.3
    • post-cap 1.6
  • Not enough data for the armed boat synergy
  • Effect on exponenet for post-cap improvement bonus unknown

  • Bonus of x1.5+33 not tested if different than the shemran bonus of x1.4+35??
  • Synergy with T89/HoNi
    • I noticed that these bonus correspond to the differnece between 1 and 2 T89/HoNi (1.95/1.5=1.3 and 2.08/1.3=1.6). Is the sherman bonus a mistake and in reality the ChiHa count as a T89/HoNi??
    • Hypothesis 1: share x1.5/1.95 bonus with T89/HoNi and has x1.1+33 unique bonus
      • Doesn't work with post-cap bonus (1.2 instead of 1.3)
      • Can be decided with test on other installation (unique bonus stay the same, not the pre-cap)
    • Hypothesis 2: We need to rethink the 2 or more dlc bonus there may be a synergy systeme we missed until now.

Chi-Ha Armed boat synery

  • Both Chi-Ha and Chi-Ha Kai are group B.
  • Slight revision of the bonus values.

Army Unit

Smoke Screen

Proficiency crit rate test


The proficiency bonus crit rate is at most reduce by 10% by the smoke screen

  • small sample size (100)
  • manual data gathering
  • all 3 smoke size mix together