Miyuki Kai Ni
Event | Japanese/English |
Attack Play |
10th Anniversary Special! Eat this! |
10周年スペシャル! くらえ! | |
Starting A Sortie Play |
Now, who is the special enemy of Miyuki-sama? Fleet punishment! Let's go! |
さあスペシャルなみゆき様の敵はどいつだ? 艦隊抜粋! 行くぜー! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
I'll go with Miyuki special next time too! Sounds good! Hey, how are you doing? Ahaha! |
次もミユキスペシャルでいっちゃう? いいぜ! なぁ! ごきげんだぁ! くはっ! | |
Secretary 3 Play |
That's right. I've been thinking about it recently. I wonder what I was born for. Hmm? Don't I look like it? No, I'm just happy right now. Hehe. Well, it's fine, right? |
そうだなぁなんかさ最近たまーにね考えるんだ 何のために生まれてきたのかなーって ん? らしくないって? いやーなんかさ今は嬉しいって思えるんだ へへへん まあいいじゃん | |
Introduction Play |
I'm the remodeled special special-type Miyuki-sama! Yes! Special! Na! I'm happy! |
改装された特別な特型のミユキ様だよ! そう! スペシャル! な! 嬉しいぜ! |
Haruna Kai Ni C
Event | Japanese/English |
Special 1 Play |
The enemy fleet that defies the Admiral... I, Haruna, will not forgive them! |
提督の前を遮る敵艦隊は この春菜が許しません | |
Major Damage Play |
No, my disguise is... But, Haruna, I can still continue! |
いやだ、偽装が! でも、春菜、まだ続けられます! | |
Secretary Married Play |
Admiral... Haruna... I baked a cake! How is it? Does it suit your taste? Thank goodness! Haruna... I'm so happy! |
提督 春菜 ケーキを焼いてみました どうでしょう お口に合いますか? はっはっは よかったー 春菜 嬉しいです | |
Night Battle Play |
A night battle from now on? Harunari, please! Leave it to me! |
これから夜戦ですか? 春成りどうぞ! お任せください! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
This is... ...Wonderful! If it's the current Haruna, I think I can use it well. |
これは…素敵です! 今の春菜なら使いこなせそう | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Admiral, you're so kind. You've been taking care of me all this time. I wish I could return the favor to you, but... |
提督は優しいのですね。 春菜にずっと気を使っていただいて。 春菜もしっかりお返しできればいいのですが。 | |
Introduction Play |
Haruna, the speedy battleship! Admiral, I've been waiting for you! The power of the Kite-class, please help me! I'll do my best! |
紺卒戦艦、春菜! 提督、お待ちしていました! カイ・コンゴウ型の力、どうぞお役立てください! 頑張ります! | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Admiral, thank you so much! Haruna, I'll do my best! |
提督、ありがとうございます! 春菜、頑張ります! |