
Cruiser Bonuses

Table Explainer

When equiping '"Medium Caliber Main Guns/Secondary Guns" on a CA/CAV/CL/CLT/CT/Aux, the resulting accuracy bonus/penalty is:

Fit Formula

[math]\displaystyle{ \text{ACC}_\text{bonus} = \sum^{\text{All Groups}} C_{Group} \times \sqrt{N_{Group}} \times M }[/math]

  • [math]\displaystyle{ \text{All Groups} }[/math] the gun groups and sub-groups defined in the following tables.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ C_{Group} }[/math] the accuracy modifier of the group, given in the following table.
    • When a ship has additional bonuses to a group compared to her type, this bonus is summed as a separate "Group".
  • [math]\displaystyle{ N_{Group} }[/math] the number of guns of a same group.
  • [math]\displaystyle{ M }[/math] the Marriage bonus of 0.6 when applicable, 1 else.
    • This bonus is applied only for Groups marked by footnote [1],
    • When applied, this bonus is applied in all situations, with penalties being reduced by 0.6, as well as bonuses being reduced by 0.6.

???Do note that speed modding ships (to Fast+) has been observed to worsen the penalties on certain ships.


Gun Groups

   Medium   Medium Caliber Main Guns/Secondary Guns Groups
Gun Groups Guns
A A1
14 cm Single
IJN 14cm Single 
14 cm Twin
IJN 14cm Twin 
IJN 14cm Twin K 
B B1
15.2 cm
IJN 15.2cm Single Sec 
IJN 15.2cm Twin 
IJN 15.2cm Twin K 
IJN 15.2cm Twin K2 
B3 Bofors 15.2cm Twin M1930 
Bofors 15cm Twin Mk9 M1938 
Bofors 15cm Twin Mk9 K + Single Mk10 K M1938 
B3 RAN 6" Twin MkXXI 
C IJN 15.5cm Triple 
IJN 15.5cm Triple K 
D USN 6" Triple Mk16 
USN 6" Triple Mk16 mod2 
RN 6" Triple MkXXIII 

152 mm/55 Triple 
152 mm/55 Triple Kai 

E 5" Twin CD 
5" Twin CD + GFCS 
F F1 IJN 20.3cm Twin 
IJN 20.3cm N°2 Twin 
IJN 20.3cm N°3 Twin 
F2 KMS 20.3cm Twin SKC34 
F3 RM 203mm Twin 
G USN 8" Triple Mk9 
USN 8" Triple Mk9 mod2 
Sec 15.5 cm Sec IJN 15.5cm Triple Sec 
IJN 15.5cm Triple Sec K 
IJN 15.5cm Triple Sec K2 
Other Sec KMS 15cm Twin Sec 
RM 152mm Triple OTO Sec 
Fr 15.2cm Triple Sec 
  • Future Medium Guns may fall in one of those categories based on similarities like caliber and number of guns.
  • Groups A, B, C, D, and E are "Light Cruiser Guns", and Groups F and G are "Heavy Cruiser Guns".

Light Cruisers (CL/CLT/CT)

Accuracy   bonuses for Light Cruisers (CL), Torpedo Cruisers (CLT), and Training Cruisers (CT).

Ships Guns group[1]   Accuracy bonus/penalty
1st Gun 2nd Gun Unmarried Married
Default to
every CL(T)/CT
- - 0 0
A/B A/B 0 2
C C -5? -1?
D D -6 -3.6
F - -3 -1.8
G G -22 -17.6
15.2cm Single Secondary  +4N ?
Agano-class B - 5 7
B B 6 8
F F -8 -6
Ooyodo C C -2 -1.2
F F -10 -8
Atlanta-class E E 0 3
Abyssals - - 0[2] -
Any Medium Gun - -3[3] -
  • There is not enough data to pin down the exact fit accuracy formula.
  • Other gun combinations fits cannot be extrapolated yet.
  • There are known tests where the fit bonuses do not scale linearly with the number of guns.

Firepower   bonuses for Light Cruisers (CL), Torpedo Cruisers (CLT), and Training Cruisers (CT).

Ships Guns   Firepower bonus
Default to
every CL(T)/CT
14cm Single 
15.2cm Single Secondary 
14cm Twin /Kai 
 · 15.2cm /Kai 

Bofors 15.2cm  · 6" Twin MkXXI 


Sources: [1] [2]

Heavy Cruisers (CA/CAV)

CA(V) as well as other "Medium Guns capable ships" are still under investigation, this information is outdated and may be erroneous.

Accuracy   bonuses for Heavy Cruisers (CA), Aviation Cruisers (CAV), as well as some other "Medium Guns capable ships" like Seaplane Tenders (AV), Kamoi (AO forms).

  • Other ships like Submarine Tenders (AS) are unmapped yet.
Ships 14cm Twin /Kai 
15.2cm /Kai 
C IJN 20.3cm 
203mm/53  G
Day Night
CA(V) ? ? ? 0 +5 +5N? ? 0
Mogami-class ? ? +2 ?
Mogami-class Kai Ni ? ? +5 ?
Zara-class ? ? ? +1
AV/Kamoi (AO) -6N -6N ? -8 -10N ? -8 -10N?
  • The table shows an estimated accuracy and/or firepower fit bonus based on having one fit gun equipped.
    • The variable N refers to the number of guns of that category equipped
    • E.g. 2 guns of 2N = 4 Acc
  • Bonuses from guns of different classes are simply added together.
  • The night fit bonus from the IJN 20.3cm series used to be capped at +15%. However, it is unknown whether this cap has been removed or not from the recent updates.
    • It is possible that certain fit categories only work during the day, but there is no concrete data proving it yet.
    • It is alternatively possible that the night bonus from the IJN 20.3cm series overrides any other categories.
    • Such fit mechanics do not apply to abyssals.[1]
  • As of 13th December 2018 the hidden firepower bonus of 14cm Twin Gun Mount Kai  does not work/does not exist[citation needed].

Firepower   bonuses for Heavy Cruisers (CA), Aviation Cruisers (CAV), as well as some other "Medium Guns capable ships" like Seaplane Tenders (AV), Kamoi (AO forms).

  • Other ships like Submarine Tenders (AS) are unmapped yet.
Ships 203mm/53 
Zara-class +1

Sources: [3] [4]