12.7cm Twin Gun Mount




"The main gun of fleet destroyers. Shielded for defense toward splinters as well as bad weathers and equipped with powered turrets, this modern main gun for small vessels was equipped on most fleet destroyers. Due to its low elevation angle, anti-air firing is not its forte."

The main gun for most of Japanese destroyers post-Mutsuki class save Akizuki class, Matsu class and Tachibana class. Has four major variants denoted A, B, C, D respectively (A be the oldest), the main differences be its weight and the gun's elevation angle. Type A only had 40deg. and was extremely helpless when the thing came to AA firing. Max. elevation angle was raised to 75deg. for B- and D-type while C-type had 55deg., but with its loading sequence required hand ramming the firing rate at high elevation angle was very low, making Japanese destroyers easily gave way to aerial attacks.



See Also

12.7 cm/50 Type 3 naval gun