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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Hello, I'm the state-of-the-art light cruiser from Italy, Giuseppe Garibaldi. It's too long? Well then... Just Garibaldi is fine. Nice to meet you. |
Buon giorno, イタリア生まれの最新鋭軽巡、Giuseppe Garibaldiだ。長いって?そうだな…Garibaldiでいいよ。よろしくな。 | |
Introduction Play |
Hello, the state-of-the-art light cruiser, Giuseppe Garibaldi, reporting for duty. Ah, just leave it all to me! I got this! |
Buon giorno, 最新鋭軽巡、Giuseppe Garibaldi、配置に付いてるぜ。あぁ、Garibaldiに任せておけって!やるぜ! | |
Library Play |
I'm the Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi-class light cruiser, Giuseppe Garibaldi. Whoa, my sister's name is so long... But, I'm a genuine state-of-the-art light cruiser with great firepower and armour! I may have held back quite a bit, but this time I'll work real hard. Just you watch! |
Luigi di Savoia Duca Degli Abruzzi軽巡洋艦、Giuseppe Garibaldiだ。うわぁ、姉貴の名前、長くって…でも、正真正銘の最新鋭軽巡、火力も装甲も船お作りをかなりもんさ!ちょっと温存されすぎだけど、今度はバッチリ働くぜ。見てろよ! | |
Secretary 1 Play |
My motto is... "I obey". Ah, you look surprised.[1] |
あたしのモットーは…従うっと。あぁ、意外そうな顔だな。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
My motto is "I obey". Ah, but you knew that. |
あたしのモットーは従う。あぁ、知ってるよな。 | |
Secretary 2 Play |
Alright. It's finally my turn. I'm itching to get going. |
いいぜ。やっとあたしの出番か。うずうずしてたとこさ。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Ah, this earring? I split the pair with my sister. Nice right? Ehe~ Wh-whoa, stop staring. You gotta do what you gotta do. My time is coming right, Admiral? |
あぁ、この片耳ピアス?これは姉貴と分けたんだ。いいだろう?えへ〜。う、うわぁ、そんなにジロジロ見なって。やるときはやるぜ。出番、ちゃんとくれよな、提督? | |
Secretary Idle Play |
I wonder if my sister is doing well... I hope she hasn't gotten caught up in something strange again... The Admiral... looks kind of busy with something... |
姉貴元気にしてるかな…また変な物に嵌ったらいいけど…提督、は…なんか嵌ってんな… | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
I made some cafe latte. How is it? Ah, it's hot. |
Caffè latte入れたぜ。どうだ?あぁ、熱いよ。 | |
Wedding Play |
Whoa, sorry, I'm not my sister... Eh, that's still... fine? Seriously? Th-then, I guess I'll accept. |
うわぁ、悪い、私姉貴とさぁ…えぇ、それでも…いいのかい?まじか?じゃ、じゃあ、仕方ないな。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Information? That's important. Wait a minute. There you go... |
情報か?大事だな。待ってな。よこいっしょっと… | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Sorties really get you pumped up. State-of-the-art Abruzzi-class light cruiser, Garibaldi, setting off! |
出撃はやっぱり高まるね。最新鋭Abruzzi級軽巡、Garibaldi、行ってるぞ! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Ooh, thanks! |
おぉ、ありがたい! | |
Equipment 1 Play |
Ooh, this is nice, thanks! |
おぉ、いいな、ありがたい! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Nice... I want to show this to my sister. |
いいな…姉貴にも見せてあげたい。 | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Thanks! I'd like my sister to get a matching one. |
Grazie!姉貴とおそろしたいな。 | |
Equipment 3[2] Play |
Ah, isn't this fine? Well? |
あぁ、いいんじゃね?なぁ? | |
Supply Play |
This helps. Thanks! |
助かる。Grazie! | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
Tch, I'm going to take a quick shower. I'm filthy. |
っち、少しシャワー浴びるは。汚れた。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
Owow... Those bastards got me in funny places... |
いってて…あいつらへんなとこ噛み付く上がって… | |
Construction Play |
A new ship is complete. |
新しい船が出来たってさ。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
I'm back home. Aaah, that was tiring. |
母港に変えたぜ。あぁ、疲れたぜ。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
I, Garibaldi, am now the fleet flagship! Weigh anchor! Now, everyone follow me! |
艦隊旗艦、このGaribaldi様が預かるぜ!抜錨!さあ、みんな付いてきてな! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Now, begin the battle. I'm itching to get started. Everyone, let's get started! |
さあ、戦闘開始だ。腕が鳴るね。みんな、始めるよ! | |
Attack Play |
Alright, here I go! |
よし、行くよ! | |
Air Battle/ Daytime Spotting/ Night Battle Attack Play |
You know, I'm quite state-of-the-art. I'm serious. |
実は結構最新鋭だぜ。本物な。 | |
Night Battle Play |
Aaah, it's night. Well, that's fine. Let's do this! |
あぁ、夜ね。まあ、いいか。やってやるぜ! | |
MVP Play |
Thanks! Is it alright for me to accept? Sorry, everyone. Well, that's that. Hoooray! |
Grazie!あたしもらっていいのかい?悪いな、みんな。まあ、そういうことだから。やったぜ! | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Uwaaaah! That hurts! |
うわぁ!いったいじゃんか! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
Ow! Owowowow! They managed to hit me? Seriously!? |
いた!いたたたた!当ててくるって?まじか!? | |
Major Damage Play |
Ngh! I didn't sink but, I can't let my sister see this! |
ん!沈みはしねけど、姉貴に見せるつわねぜ! | |
Sunk Play |
No way... I'm seriously... sinking now... This can't... be happening... Seriously... Sister! |
嘘だろう…私、まじ…ここで沈むか……そんな…ばかな…まじか…姉貴! |
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
00... What was the rest... So this is what I'm supposed to do here? I can do that easy. |
マルマル…何だけ…ここではこんなに風に言うんだって?できる、できる。 | |
01:00 Play |
Ah, you know... it's that time... 00... Mmm, no... 0100... Hey, Admiral? I got it, right? |
あぁ、あれか…あれの時間ね…マルマル…ん、違う…マルヒトマルマル…なぁ、提督?できただろう? | |
02:00 Play |
0200. Alright, I knew I could do it. I got this! |
マルフタマルマル。よし、さすがあたし。行けてる! | |
03:00 Play |
0300. Hey, Admiral, want something to drink? Do you like cafe latte? I'll go make some. |
マルサンマルマル。なぁ、提督、なんか飲む?Caffè latte気に入ってよね?入れてあげる。 | |
04:00 Play |
Ah, Sister? Yeah, well, I do like you. Your name is damned long though. I'm sure the admiral will like you too! 0400. |
あぁ、姉貴?うん、まあ、好きだね。名前がクソ長いだけど。提督前はきっと気に入る!マルヨンマルマル。 | |
05:00 Play |
0500. It's morning. *yawn* Feels like I stayed up all night. I'll get breakfast ready. Just like Sister... Well, leave it to me. |
マルゴマルマル。朝だね。ふぁ、徹夜しちゃった感じ。朝食はあたし良いして上げる。姉貴流…まあ、任せて。 | |
06:00 Play |
0600. Good morning! Now, I'm going to wake the fleet up. I'm going to do it my way alright? |
マルロクマルマル。Buon giorno!さあ、艦隊のみんなを起こしてくるぜ。あたし流でいいよな? | |
07:00 Play |
0700. Breakfast is ready. Hot cafe latte, my special biscotto, and fruits yoghurt. How's that? |
マルナナマルマル。朝食を良いした。熱いcaffè latteに特製biscotto、あとfruits yoghurt。どう? | |
08:00 Play |
0800. How was my attempt at my sister's style of breakfast? Eh, it was a bit bland? Whaattt!? Seriously!? |
マルハチマルマル。姉貴流朝食はどうだった?えぇ、ちょっと味気ない?なんだって!?まじかよ!? | |
09:00 Play |
0900. I see... What's done is done. I'll make a fancy lunch box for lunch. Get ready for a lunch box like my sister makes it! |
マルキュマルマル。そうか…じゃあ、仕方ない。昼食は凝った弁当を良いしとくよ。姉貴流弁当を楽しみに! | |
10:00 Play |
1000. Admiral, just a little more... It's done! My attempt at my sister's fancy lunch box. Whew, that took a while. |
ヒトマルマルマル。提督、もうちょい……出来た!Garibaldiの姉貴流豪華弁当。ふぁ、時間かかったぜ。 | |
11:00 Play |
1100. Well, we should have some exercises in the morning. Admiral, are there any good challengers? Ah, those girls. Nice. |
ヒトヒトマルマル。まあ、午前中に演習くらいやっときますか。提督、いい相手を一艘かい?あぁ、あいつら。いいね。 | |
12:00 Play |
Now, it's 1200. My Sister's Fancy Lunch Box is bursting with flavour! First, this pasta... |
さあ、ヒトフタマルマル。この姉貴流Garibaldi豪華弁当たっぷり味はやがれ!まず、このpasta… | |
13:00 Play |
Hey, it's good right? Now, take this ham, cheese, fruits and crostini. There, it's perfect, right? Want some wine too? |
なぁ、うめだろう?って、この生ハムとチーズ、フルーツにcrostini。なぁ、完璧だろう?ワインも行っちゃお? | |
14:00 Play |
14... Ah, Pola, Zara! Long time no see. What's this, you got lured here by the smell of wine? Ehe. |
ヒトヨン…あぁ、Pola、Zara!お久。何だ、何だ、ワインの香りに釣られてきたか?えへぇ。 | |
15:00 Play |
1500. Pola, it'll be a pain if you collapse again. I'll take a picture of you. Ahahaha, Zara, I'm just joking. |
ヒトゴマルマル。Pola、またボカチンは困るぜ。写真に撮っちゃうぞぉ。あははぁ、Zara、冗談だって。 | |
16:00 Play |
1600. "Don't make fun of heavy cruisers"? What are you saying? Right back at you. You're one to talk. |
ヒトロクマルマル。重巡舐めないでって?何いってんだよ?返してちげねじゃん。お方へ事言うなって言うなって。 | |
17:00 Play |
Ah, it's sunset. The sunsets on the Mediterranean are nice, but the sunsets here are beautiful too. Yup, I like it. Ah, the time? It just turned 1700. |
あぁ、夕日か。地中海もいいけど、ここの夕日もきれいだな。うん、気に入った。あぁ、時間?ちょうどヒトナナマルマルだ。 | |
18:00 Play |
1800. Now, it's time to make dinner. Maybe I should use the fish the destroyers gave me from their F-work today. |
ヒトハチマルマル。さあ、夕食に良いにかかろ。今日はここの駆逐艦がくれた、F作業っとやらの魚を使おかな。 | |
19:00 Play |
Ah, almost done. It's done. 1900. Now, help yourself. It's acqua pazza like my sister makes it. It's delicious! |
あぁ、もうできる。できた。ヒトキュマルマル。さあ、召し上がれ。姉貴流acqua pazza。うまいぜ! | |
20:00 Play |
2000. Now, soak up the leftover soup with bread and eat it. Well, it's good right? Shall I open another bottle of white wine? Well? |
フタマルマルマル。さあ、この残ったスープにパンを浸して食べるんだ。なぁ、行けるだろう?白ワイン、もう一本開けちゃうか?なぁ? | |
21:00 Play |
2100. That noisy fleet of runts have gone quiet all of a sudden. It's a bit early, but did they go to bed? |
フタヒトマルマル。なんか、さっきまだらうるさかったちっこい艦隊が静かだな。少し早いけど、寝たんかね? | |
22:00 Play |
Urgh, the noisy runts are back. Is that a light cruiser? She's small. Well, she is cute though. The time is now 2200. |
うわぁ、うるさいちっこいやつら帰てきた。あれで軽巡?ちっこいなぁ。まあ、かわいいけど。時間はフタフタマルマル。 | |
23:00 Play |
2300... We did a lot today. Good work. Admiral, let's work hard tomorrow too. Someday my sister will be with us too, right? |
フタサンマルマル……今日も色々あったな。おつかれ。提督、明日も頑張ろう。いつか姉貴も、一緒になぁ? |
Regular |
Drop Locations
- She is named after General Giuseppe Garibaldi.