Game Updates/2016/February 29th

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Revision as of 08:42, 29 February 2016 by Totaku (talk | contribs)
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2016 February 24 2016 February 29th TBA

Feburary 29th, 2016 End of Winter Event /Kanmusus Peach Festival Update

  1. The End of the Winter Event "Sortie, Operation Rei-Go!"
    • The Winter 2016 Event "Sortie! Operation Rei-Go"has now concluded. Admirals who participated in the operation, thank you very much.
  2. Satsuki Kai Ni
    • Satsuki will receive her kai ni remodel.
      • Blueprint is not required
      • Some voicelines such as her naval base voices have been updated
      • Satsuki will need to be a pretty high level to receive her kai ni upgrade.
  3. Kanmusu Peach Festival line
    • Currently a total of 10 Kanmusu which will include Yamato will receive lines for the Peach Festival
  4. Marriage Secratery Lines for Yamato Kai, Yuugumo Kai, Makigumo Kai, Naganami Kai, and Akigumo Kai
  5. Coming of Spring line
    • A total of 10 Kanmusu include Shoukaku will be getting new lines for the coming of Spring.
  6. Akashi Improvement Arsenal update
    • Akashi will now begin to improve 35.6cm Expremental Gun and 41 cm Triple Prototype Gun with the help of a certain Kanmusu
    • Akashi can also improve Type 0 Observation planes and upgrade a Ro.43 Seaplane to an Ro.44 Seaplane Fighter
  7. Seaplane Fighter Category
  8. Seaplane Fighter Useage
    • Seaplane fighters can now be equipped to Yamato Kai, Musashi Kai, Nagato Kai, and Mutsu kai.