Game Updates/2015/May 29th

May 29th, 2015 Update

The Akatsuki Kai Ni Update

File:251 Akatsuki kai.png

  1. Akatsuki Kai Ni upgrade
    • The remodel for Special Type 3 Destroyer Akatsiki Kai Ni has been implemented. She will require a rather high level to be upgraded. No blueprints are required!
  2. Akashi's Improvement Arsenal Update
  3. New Search Light
    • The new large searchlight, Type 96 150cm search light has been implemented, this can only be equipped to battleships and can give bonus effects in night battle.
  4. New quests
    • A total of 4 new quests have been added in the game which include the following:
      • Form the Maritime Assault Fleet
      • Sortie a marine assault fleet
      • Make the 6th division fleet
      • Six Division goes on a submarine patrol
  5. Rainy Season graphic update for Shouhou
    • As the rianing season continues, Shouhou will now recive a rainy season graphic update which she will now ware a kimono for a limited time.
  6. Rainy Season graphic update for Murasame
    • In addition to Shouhou, Murasame will also receive a graphical update for the rainy season for a limited, these will last till the end of June.
  7. User Interface update
    • The user interfaces has been improved to allow to filter your equipment based on improvement arsenal upgrades!
  8. Equipment Filtering orders
    • Equipment can be now filtered in the following order when changign equipment
      • 0: Normal
      • 1: Fighter plane
      • 2: Dive/Torpedo Bomber
      • 3: All other planes
      • 4: Main guns
      • 5: Secondary gun, AA gun
      • 6: Torpedo (including mini-sub)
      • 7: ASW
      • 8: Other equip
      • 9: Sort by improvement Level (Descending)
      • 10: Sort by Imp. Level (Ascending)
  9. Misc changes
    • searchlight effect adjusted/added,
    • Improve Arsenal's Ship No.2 display adjusted
    • even more Dictionary Dex page space
