The following classes can participate in aerial combat: standard carriers, light carriers, aviation battleships and cruisers, seaplane tenders, carrier submarines, Akitsumaru Kai, and certain special enemy vessels.
Note that recon planes cannot participate in aerial combat.
Aerial Combat Stages
Stage | Notes |
Fighter Combat | Battle for air supremacy. Determines if Artillery Spotting and/or Contact are possible. |
Anti-bomber Combat | Number of bombers shot down by fighters is affected by the result of the previous phase |
Anti-Air Cut-In | An Anti-Air Director may cause heavy damage to enemy bombers |
Fleet Anti-air Defense | Fleet defends against enemy bombers |
Bombing | See Damage Calculation for details |
Fighter Combat
- Fighter planes, and specific Torpedo / Dive / Seaplane bombers with an +AA stat participate in the Fighter Combat.
- Recon planes (carrier based or seaplane recon ) will NOT participate in Fighter Combat.
- The allied fleet and enemy fleet's Fighter Powers are compared to determine the result of Fighter Combat:
Fighter Power (FP = Own Fighter Power, EFP = Enemy Fighter Power) |
Result | Text Display | % Shot Down | Contact | Artillery Spotting | Night Spotting |
FP ≥ 3×EFP or Enemy Failed Detection or EFP=0 and Planes launched |
Air Supremacy (AS+) | 制空権確保! Seikuuken Kakuho! |
0~90% | Allied only | Allied only | Allied only |
3×EFP > FP ≥ 1.5×EFP | Air Superiority
(AS) |
航空優勢! Koukuu Yuusei! |
0~80% | Both sides | Allied only | Both sides |
1.5×EFP > FP ≥ 2/3×EFP or Aerial Combat Stage did not occur |
Air Parity | No text displayed | 0~60% | Both sides | Impossible for either side | Impossible for regular combat nodes Both sides for PvP as well as Night Combat Only nodes |
2/3×EFP > FP ≥ 1/3×EFP | Air Incapability | No text displayed | 0~40% | Both sides | Enemy only | Both sides |
FP < 1/3×EFP | Air Denial | 制空権喪失! Seikuuken Soushitsu! |
0~10% | Enemy only | Enemy only | Enemy only |
- This calculation does not take into account any anti-air weaponry equipped on ships. Carrier anti-air stat is also not considered.
- The percentage of planes shot down applies for both sides' respective outcomes, and is calculated per slot.
- For example, securing Air Superiority means allied planes shoot down up to 80% of enemy planes, and the enemy under Air Incapability will shoot down up to 40%.
- As this is applied per slot, 80% of one enemy bomber group can be shot down while a second has 0% shot down.
- Contact can be triggered by having at least 1 carrier scout plane, seaplane scout, and/or torpedo bomber equipped. It increases damage during the bombing phase depending on the accuracy bonus of the squad triggering Contact.
- Even if allied planes secure air supremacy, planes can still be lost (up to 10%), and the subsequent anti-air defense stage can eliminate more bombers.
Enemy Ship Fighter Power
Enemy Ship Type | Fighter Power | Enemy Ship Type | Fighter Power |
Light Carrier Nu-Class | 8 | Armored Carrier Demon | 44 |
Light Carrier Nu-Class Elite | 24 | Armored Carrier Princess | 48 |
Light Carrier Nu-Class Flagship | 23 | Floating Fortress | 27 |
Standard Carrier Wo-Class | 10 | Escort Fortress | 29 |
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Elite | 27 | Southern War Demon | 41 |
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship | 28 | Southern War Princess | 47 |
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Flagship 2 | 84 | Northern Princess World 3-5 | 76 |
Standard Carrier Wo-Class Kai Flagship | 102 | Northern Princess World 3-5 (HQ < 85) | 72 |
Battleship Re-Class | 94 | Northern Princess World 3-5 Final Form | 109 |
Battleship Re-Class Elite | 107 | Northern Princess World 3-5 Final Form (HQ < 85) | 105 |
Aircraft Carrier Demon | 96 | Anchorage Water Demon | 0 |
Anti-Air Cut-In
Certain equipment combinations will provide a chance for an Anti-Air Cut-In (AACI) during the aerial combat. When activated, the cut-in CG (shown on the right) would appear before engaging the enemy fighters, but does not appear to affect the resulting air control state (AS+, AS, Air Parity or Denial). Although there's currently no conclusion on how it's applied onto the Fleet Anti-air Defense formula, a general consensus suggests the effectiveness scales with the AA stat ( ) of the ship triggering it.
- One of the following sets:
- Heavy Main Gun , Type 3 Shell , plus Anti-Aircraft Fire Director (AAFD)
- High-Angle mount (main gun or secondary) plus AAFD
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + AAFD plus AA RADAR
- 25mm Triple Autocannon Mount (Concentrated Deployment), AA Gun (any) , plus AA RADAR
- Achievable by any surface ship.
- Either 12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount + AAFD or 90mm Single High Angled Gun, plus AA RADAR
- Can be supplemented with an High-angle Mount + AAFD
- As both 12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount + AAFD and 90mm Single High Angled Gun are considered secondary guns, only ships capable of equipping them may use this setup.
- Akizuki has a built-in AA fire director, which allows her to trigger AACI without an AAFD with the following setup
- Maya Kai 2 may trigger AACI with a unique setup:
- 25mm Triple Autocannon Mount (Concentrated Deployment), plus High-Angle mount (any)
- 10cm Twin High-angle Mount + AAFD, 12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount + AAFD and 90mm Single High Angled Gun can substitute for a regular High-angle mount. Their built-in AAFD functions when paired with an AA RADAR.
- Slots otherwise empty can be equipped with anything else without disabling the Anti-Air Cut-In.
- A maximum of 1 ship will perform AACI per battle (regardless of how many ships are capable of doing so, or whether it is a Combined Fleet engagement), and due to AA stat of the ship performing the cut-in affecting the number of planes shot down, it may be desired to limit the number of ships with AACI setup.
- Successful enemy AACI will not display; typically, greater than normal losses of planes after a battle can be contributed to enemy AACI.
- Does not affect the determination of Air Superiority.
- Cannot shoot down pure enemy fighters, as usual.
- Provide an AoE blast on all the incoming enemy bombers, from the ship who is triggering it. (source 1, 2, 3)
Trigger Chance
- AA stat ( ) of the ship performing the cut-in (equipment bonuses included) affects trigger rate. The correlation seems to be about +0.4% trigger rate for every point of AA ? (source 1, 2)
- Air radars provide marginal bonuses on AACI:
With an AA Cut-In from a ship with high AA stat ( ), it is possible to obliterate all incoming bombers before they inflict any damage, and even prevent opposing carriers from shelling since they have 0 bombers left. In PVP Exercises, opposing fleets can do AA Cut-Ins, but the animation is not shown.
There are reports that enemy ships in map 6-2 might be capable of doing AACI. Other than that, there is currently no enemy ship capable to blast all your bombers with AA weapons.
Fleet Anti-air Defense
Each enemy bomber slot is assigned at random to a defending ship. Those ships then, for each assigned enemy slot, have an approximately 50% chance to shoot down enemy planes. The number of planes shot down is given by the equations below:
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Shot Down} = \text{Floor((Ship AA } + \text{Floor(Fleet Anti-air} \times \text{Formation Modifier))} \times 0.2125\text{)} }[/math], where
[math]\displaystyle{ \text{Fleet Anti-air} = \text{Floor(} \sum^\text{All slots}\text{Equipment AA Bonus} \times \text{Equipment Modifier)} }[/math]
The "Fleet Anti-Air" bonus is the sum of every equipment slot of every ship in the fleet (including the defending ship).