Revision as of 17:49, 10 April 2014 by >Tel.ladder
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
1 | 鎮守府の床 | Chinju-fu standard flooring | 0 | Default |
2 | ナチュラルな床 | Natural flooring | 50 | |
3 | 桜舞う春のフローリング | Spring flooring with cherry blossom | 1700 | |
4 | シックなフローリング | Chic flooring | 0 | |
5 | 高級フローリング | High-grade flooring | 100 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
6 | 赤のカーペット | Red carpet | 0 | |
7 | ブルーカーペット | Blue Carpet | 150 | |
8 | 明るいウッドタイルの床 | Bright wood tile flooring | 0 | |
9 | 白い石板タイル | White tile | 150 | |
10 | 暗めのウッドタイルの床 | Dark-colored wood tile flooring | 0 | |
11 | 黒いタイルの床 | Black tile flooring | 0 | |
12 | 小花柄カーペット | Carpet with little flower patterns | 200 | |
13 | 青の小花柄のカーペット | Carpet with blue little flower patterns | 0 | |
14 | 茶色の小花柄のカーペット | Carpet with brown flower patterns | 0 | |
15 | 紫の小花柄のカーペット | Carpet with purple flower patterns | 0 | |
16 | モダンな床 | Flooring à la mode | 0 | |
17 | ピンクの床 | Pink flooring | 1200 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
18 | エスニックなマット | Ethnic mat | 0 | |
19 | フェミニンなマット | Feminine mat | 0 | |
20 | 西欧風カーペット | European carpet | 300 | |
21 | 真っ赤な高級絨毯 | Crimson high-grade carpet | 800 | |
22 | 真っ白なフワフワ絨毯 | Pure white fluffy carpet | 1500 | |
23 | 緑の北欧風カーペット | North European green carpet | 0 | |
24 | 真っ白の床 | Pure white flooring | 0 | |
25 | 真っ黒の床 | Pure black flooring | 0 | |
26 | 真っ赤な床 | Crimson flooring | 0 | |
27 | 朱色の床 | Vermilion flooring | 0 | |
28 | 真っ青な床 | Pure blue flooring | 0 | |
29 | 緑の床 | Green flooring | 0 | |
30 | 黄緑の床 | Yellowish green flooring | 0 | |
31 | 飛行甲板 | Carrier flight deck | 9300 | Furniture fairy is required. |
32 | 合宿セット・布団 | Training camp set | 0 | |
33 | コンクリート床 | Concrete floor | 200 | |
34 | ラクガキ床 | Graffiti / Drawings floor | 400 | |
35 | 戦艦タイルの床 | Tile with Battleship motif | 450 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
36 | 鮮やかな畳 | Vivid green tatami | 0 | |
37 | い草の畳 | Tatami Rush | 700 |
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
38 | 普通の壁紙 | Common wallpaper | 0 | Default |
39 | 低予算な壁紙 | Inexpensive wallpaper | 50 | |
40 | 和のシンプル壁紙 | Japanese style simple wall paper | 300 | |
41 | 緑の壁紙 | Green wallpaper | 250 | Sold till 9/4/2013 |
42 | 春仕様の壁紙 | Springlike wallpaper | 1000 | |
43 | 昭和レトロな壁紙 | Showa retro wallpaper | 0 | |
44 | 大正ロマンな壁紙 | Taisho romanitic wallpaper | 0 | |
45 | ポップな壁紙 | Pop wallpaper | 100 | |
46 | 爽やかポップな壁紙 | Refreshing pop wallpaper | 0 | |
47 | 高級和風壁紙 | High-grade Japanese style wallpaper | 700 | |
48 | 家具職人の壁紙 | Furniture craftsmen's wallpaper | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
49 | ポップな壁紙 | Pop wallpaper | 0 | |
50 | シンプルモダン壁紙 | Simple & modern wallpaper | 200 | |
51 | モダンポップな壁紙 | Modern & pop wallpaper | 0 | |
52 | 可憐な壁紙 | Lovely wallpaper | 0 | |
53 | 青い壁紙 | Blue wallpaper | 200 | Sold till 9/4/2013 |
54 | 冬用ナチュラルな壁紙 | Natural wallpaper winter version | 0 | |
55 | チェック&リーフ壁紙 | Wallpaper with plaid and leaf motif | 300 | |
56 | 夏用ナチュラルな壁紙 | Natural wallpaper summer version | 0 | |
57 | 秋用ナチュラルな壁紙 | Natural wallpaper autumn version | 0 | |
58 | 折鶴の壁紙 | Wallpaper with origami crane motif | 1500 | |
59 | 緑の和壁紙 | Green Japanese style wallpaper | 1900 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
60 | 和モダンな壁紙 | Modern Japanese style wallpaper | 0 | |
61 | ピンクドット壁紙 | Pink dot wallpaper | 400 | |
62 | ブルードットな壁紙 | Blue dot wallpaper | 0 | |
63 | 粋な壁紙 | Stylish wallpaper | 0 | |
64 | 和モダンアート壁紙 | Modern Japanese Art wallpaper | 750 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
65 | 奥ゆかしい壁紙 | Wallpaper with modest atmosphere | 0 | |
66 | 穏やかな壁紙 | Wallpaper with calm atmosphere | 0 | |
67 | 新春の壁紙 | New Year celebrating wallpaper | 1800 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
68 | コンクリート壁 | Concrete wall | 200 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
69 | ピンクコンクリ壁 | Pink concrete wall | 250 | |
70 | 龍の壁紙 | Dragon Wallpaper | 50000 | |
71 | 紅葉の壁紙 | Autumn Leaves wallpaper | 20000 |
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
72 | 赤カーテンの窓 | Window with red curtain | 0 | Default |
73 | 緑カーテンの窓 | Window with green curtain | 50 | |
74 | 青カーテンの窓 | Window with blue curtain | 100 | |
75 | 鎮守府新年飾り | Chinju-fu's new year decoration | 2000 | Reward for those who logged in 12/30~12/31/2013 |
76 | 破魔矢の窓 | Hamaya window | 2200 | Sold till 3/28/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |
77 | ちょっとゴージャスな窓 | A little bir gorgeous window | 200 | |
78 | 晩秋の高級和窓 | Late autumn high-grade Japanese style window | 1980 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
79 | 青い上品な大窓 | Blue elegant large window | 350 | |
80 | 広く開いた大窓 | Widely opened large window | 20000 | |
81 | モダンな小窓 | Modern small window | 0 | |
82 | ガーリーな小窓 | Lovely small window | 0 | |
83 | 爽やかな窓 | Window with fresh atmosphere | 300 | |
84 | てるてる坊主の窓 | Window with Teruterubouzu | 2000 | Sold till 9/4/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
85 | 紫陽花の窓 | Window with hydrangeas | 1800 | Sold till 9/4/2013 |
86 | お花見窓 | Cherry blossom-viewing window | 3000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
87 | 鉄格子の窓 | Iron-barred window | 2500 | Furniture fairy is required. |
88 | お月見窓 | Moon-viewing window | 1200 | Sold till 11/27/2013 |
89 | 防空加工窓 | Anti-air-raid window | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
90 | 障子デラックス | Deluxe shoji | 3000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
91 | シンプルフレーム | Simple window frame | 100 | |
92 | シンプルフレーム2型 | Simple window frame the 2nd style | 200 | |
93 | 豪華なお月見窓 | Gorgeous moon-viewing window | 2200 | Sold till 11/27/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
94 | シンプルなすだれ窓 | Window with simple bamboo blind | 350 | Sold till 10/16/2013 |
95 | すだれ窓 | Window with bamboo blind | 250 | |
96 | 昔ながらのすりガラス | Good old frosted glass | 400 | |
97 | 艦娘による冬の窓 | Winter window decorated by kanmusus | 1300 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
98 | 冬のステンドグラス | Winter stained glass | 2220 | Sold till 3/28/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |
99 | おしゃれな格子窓 | Chic lattice window | 550 | Sold till 11/20/2013 |
100 | 障子 | Shoji | 800 | |
101 | 春の高級窓 | Spring High-grade window | 40000 |
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
102 | なし | Nothing | 0 | Default |
103 | 壁掛け古時計 | Old wall clock | 150 | |
104 | お詫び掛け軸 | Apology scroll | 0 | |
105 | ステンドグラス | Stained glass | 500 | |
106 | 鹿のオブジェ | Deer objet d'art | 300 | |
107 | 「海上護衛」掛け軸 | "Marine guarding" scroll | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
108 | 花の絵画 | Flower painting | 100 | |
109 | 「20万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 200,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 7/24~8/8/2013 |
110 | 「100万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 1,000,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 12/16/2013~1/8/2014 |
111 | 紳士な帽子掛け | Gentlemanly hatrack | 200 | |
112 | 「夜戦」掛け軸 | "Night battle" scroll | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
113 | 「50万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 500,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 8/26~9/18/2013 |
114 | 「謹賀新年」掛け軸 | "Happy new year" scroll | 3000 | Reward for those who logged in 1/1~1/3/2014 |
115 | 「80万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 800,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 9/18~10/16/2013 |
116 | 古い世界地図 | Old world map | 50 | |
117 | 「なのです」掛け軸 | "Nanodesu" scroll | 2400 | Furniture fairy is required. |
118 | 「第六駆逐隊」掛け軸 | "6th Destroyer Division" scroll | 3000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
119 | フレーム付地図 | Map with frame | 0 | |
120 | 小さな観葉植物 | Little foliage plant | 100 | |
121 | シンプルな観葉植物 | Simple foliage plant | 0 | |
122 | 「舞鶴鎮守府」掛け軸 | "Maizuru Chinju-hu" scroll | 0 | |
123 | アレンジメント | Flower arrangement | 150 | |
124 | ピンクのアレンジメント | Pink flower arrangement | 0 | |
125 | 「150万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 1,500,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 1/8~3/28/2014 |
126 | 「180万の感謝」掛け軸 | "Thanks to 1,800,000" scroll | 0 | Sold 3/28 |
127 | ラブリーな絵画 | Lovely painting | 0 | |
128 | 怪獣映画ポスター | Monster-movie poster | 0 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
129 | 富士山の壁画 | Wall painting of Mt. Fuji | 3000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
130 | 戦艦映画ポスター | Battleship-movie poster | 400 | |
131 | 女の子のポスター | Girl poster | 0 | |
132 | 試作艦戦ポスター | Prototype-fighter poster | 1000 |
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
133 | なし | Nothing | 0 | |
134 | 昔ながらの箪笥 | Good old chest | 0 | |
135 | サイドボード | Sideboard | 200 | Sold till 11/27/2013 |
136 | 「霧」の桐箪笥 | paulownia chest of fleet of "fog" | 0 | Reward for those who have any "fog" ships at the end of Christmas 2013 event. |
137 | 節分「豆まき」セット | Setsubun "Mamemaki" set | 1300 | Sold till 2/14/2014 |
138 | 暖炉 | Fireplace | 250 | Sold till 11/27/2013 |
139 | チョコケーキと紅茶セット | Chocolate and tea set | 0 | Sold till 2/26/2014 |
140 | 「長門」「陸奥」の雛人形 | King doll "Nagato" and Queen doll "Mutsu" | 20000 | Sold till 3/28/2014 |
141 | エレガントボード | Elegant board | 300 | |
142 | 鎮守府のツリー | Christmas tree in Chinju-hu | 0 | Sold till 1/8/2014 |
143 | メルヘンシェルフ | Fairy shelf | 450 | |
144 | やかんストーブ | Stove with kettle | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
145 | クラシックシェルフ | Classic shelf | 300 | |
146 | 重巡模型と桐箪笥 | Heavy cruiser model and paulownia chest | 47000 | |
147 | 「赤城」模型と桐箪笥 | "Akagi" model and paulownia chest | 7000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
148 | 「長門」模型と桐箪笥 | "Nagato" model and paulownia chest | 70000 | Sold till 11/27/2013 |
149 | 折り畳み机 | Folfing table | 150 | |
150 | ハンガーラック | Hanger rack | 0 | |
151 | ハンガーラック | Hanger rack | 100 | |
152 | ドレッサー | Dresser | 600 | |
153 | 照れ屋なお面 | Shy looking mask | 0 | |
154 | Z旗の暖炉 | Fireplace with Z flag | 22000 | |
155 | 緑のプランター | Green planter | 50 | Sold till 1/22/2014 |
156 | 模様替えお掃除セット | Room-rearranging cleaning instruments set | 700 | |
157 | ペナント | Pennant | 0 | |
158 | 診療台セット | Examination table set | 4500 | Sold till 11/20/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
159 | ピンクリボンの招き猫 | Manekineko with pink ribbon | 0 | |
160 | 存在感のある招き猫 | Manekineko with an important air | 0 | |
161 | 泣き虫だるま | Crying-face daruma | 0 | |
162 | だるま | Darma | 200 | |
163 | 新生だるま | New born darma | 0 |
ID | JP | Name | Price | Notes |
164 | ただの段ボール | Common cardboard | 0 | Default |
165 | 椅子 | Chair | 100 | |
166 | 執務机 | Mahogany desk | 200 | |
167 | おさがりの机 | Second hand desk | 0 | |
168 | 提督の机 | Teitoku desk | 350 | |
169 | ダンディな机 | Dandy desk | 0 | |
170 | 大将の机 | Admiral desk | 500 | |
171 | 社長の机 | President desk | 0 | |
172 | インテリア椅子 | Chic chair | 200 | |
173 | ナチュラルな椅子 | Natural chair | 0 | |
174 | 上品な椅子 | Elegant chair | 0 | |
175 | モダンチェア | Modern chair | 350 | |
176 | 駆逐艦娘のツリー | DD kanmusus' Chrisrmas tree | 3000 | Sold till 1/22/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |
177 | モダンなテーブル | Modern table | 0 | |
178 | ちゃぶ台セット | Japanese old-fashion low table set | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
179 | 大人の節分セット | Adult Setsubun set | 2000 | Sold till 2/14/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |
180 | 撮影セット | Photostudio set | 3500 | Furniture fairy is required. |
181 | 早く出しすぎた炬燵 | Prematurely evacuated Kotatsu | 3500 | Furniture fairy is required. |
182 | 羽毛布団と枕 | Down quilt and pillow | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
183 | 煎餅布団 | Well-used futon | 300 | Reward to clearing the quest BW02 |
184 | 床の間 | Tokonoma | 2000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
185 | 艦娘専用デスク | Kanmusus' private desk | 400 | |
186 | 提督の麻雀卓 | Teitoku's mah-jong table | 3000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
187 | 西瓜割りセット | Watermellon splitting set | 1700 | Sold till 10/16/2013 |
188 | 高級ミシン | High-grade sewing machine | 4500 | Sold till 8/14/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
189 | 金剛の紅茶セット | Kongou's tea set | 9000 | Sold till 2/14/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |
190 | おいしそうなスツール | Delicious looking stool | 0 | |
191 | 小さなウッドベージュの椅子 | Little beige wooden chair | 0 | |
192 | ご家庭用プール | Pool for house use | 2000 | Sold till 9/4/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
193 | ガラステーブル | Glass table | 350 | |
194 | フェミニンガラステーブル | Feminine glass table | 0 | |
195 | シングルベッド | Single bed | 4000 | Sold till 11/20/2013
Furniture fairy is required. |
196 | 板チョコ型の机 | Chocolate-bar-shaped desk | 1200 | Sold till 2/26/2014 |
197 | 布団と枕 | Futon and pillow | 50 | |
198 | ウッディな執務机 | "Woody" mahogany desk | 300 | |
199 | 温泉檜風呂 | Hinoki-framed hot spring bath | 8000 | Furniture fairy is required. |
200 | 七面鳥のご馳走 | Dinner of turkey | 3000 | Reward for those who logged in 12/24~12/25/2013 |
201 | 雛人形豪華四段飾り | Gorgeous Hinaningyou set with 4-step-stand | 3300 | Sold till 3/28/2014
Furniture fairy is required. |