Promoting Twintail Supremacy

Joined : ~July 2017
Discord : Memetails
Server : Ominato Guard District
IGN : Memetails
Can be found in: Wikiacord, enwikicord, Redditcord, Admiral Night Club, KC3


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Twintails of KC




Event Map Intro

Suggestion for template of event maps' "Map Overview" section.
Each mechanic is added/removed as needed.

  • Benefits:
    • Quicker access to relevant mechanic pages for users
    • Quick impression of enemies/map mechanics involved via centralized location
    • Removes the need to link to mechanics later in the page/under specific sections/phases
    • Editing for mechanic information/links is centralized
  • Drawbacks:
    • May require many revisions as information arrives/changes (i.e. "Friendly Fleets added")
    • May be forgotten and left as original text after being added for the first time to a map
    • Potential for hand-holding with some common mechanics
    • Some mechanics might only pertain to certain phases of a map and cause confusion

Event Map Overview Templatizable Proposal