Sandbox/Winter 2022 E-2

< Sandbox
Revision as of 08:32, 26 February 2022 by DarkHeron (talk | contribs)

Sandbox Rules

This sandbox is to be used to construct an event guide for the above mentioned event map. These guides are to all of the following requirements:

  • List of branching unlocking requirements (If there are multiple requirements, compositions for each path along with the below requirements will be needed to discuss the unlocking requirements in question)
  • A list of working compositions that work: (These must have possible alternatives for players who may or may not have all ships needed for a specific path)
  • The Path said composition will take (To explain what path the composition will take)
  • A summary or description of what kind of obstacles a composition will face.
  • A description of the boss node, what it consist and a descriptive guide on what the player should consider for a course of action to successfully win the battle.
  • (Optional) Tips to farm to take path to collect certain ships (This will also require a composition, path, and possible description.

Editors are to construct thier own version of thier guide and complete them in a timely fashion.

No other editors are to allowed to edit over other editor's work without the full consent of the editor and his approval to do so.

Several version will be constructed through this page and will be reviewed and approved by the staff/ collaboration committee before being moved for the Summer 2020 Event which it'll be reviewed and updated once more before it can be released.

Overall there will be 3 version of the guide that will be constructed which will include:

  • Preliminary Guide
  • Polished Guide
  • Finalized Guide

With each approval of each version the guide, the said guide will be updated to the main page and construction of the next version will begin.

All guides outside of the approved version will be removed and work will begin from the approved version to make it better for the next version until the finalized version is made.

Dark's Guide/Initial Proposal

Map Overview

  • Only 1 Land-Based Air Squadrons will be used throughout the map.
  • There is an optional debuff phase at the end after the boss HP reaches Last Dance.
  • This map will utilizes the  [Green]South-Western Fleet and  [Pink]31st Squadron locks

Phase 1: Deplete the TP Gauge at J2

  • Composition: 1 AV, 1 CL, 4 DD
  • Route: D E F J J2
  • LOS Cn3 = Casual: 29.9, Easy: 31.00, Medium: 37.0, Hard: 47.0
  • Note: Have between 1-2 DD capable of carrying Daihatsus to deplete the TP Gauge quickly.

Phase 1.5: Unlock the Boss Node at X

  • There are 6 requirements needed to do to unlock Plum Princess at X for Phase 2.
Node B I N O T U
Hard AS A+ AS S A+ A+
Medium - A+ - S A+ A+
Easy - A+ - S - A+
Casual - - - S - -

  • CV, AV  [Pink]31st Squadron
  • Route = B
  • Fighter mule the CV and AV to gain AS against the node. Use LBAS with fighters in case CV and AV fighter power is not enough to AS
  • AP/AS = 142/318 for Hard. LBAS Range = 1

  • (F)BB(V), AV, CL, 3 DD  [Pink]31st Squadron
  • Route = D E H I
  • Slow Fleet will route to I. Bring anti-PT-Imps to secure the A rank at the node.
  • LBAS Range = 5

  • Refer to Node O, T, or U for comps as those requirements all pass through N

  • FBB, CV, CVL, CL, 2 DD (FAST)  [Green]South-Western Fleet
  • Route: K M N Q P O
  • Send LBAS to C to help with passing rate.

  • FBB, CV, CVL, CL, 2 DD (FAST)  [Green]South-Western Fleet
  • Route: K M N Q C F S T
  • T is an Installation node. Bring anti-installation (nuke) setup to secure the A rank.
  • Have 1 AA and 1 ASW to help pass through the nodes before reaching T
  • Use Vanguard Formation on all node before T except for N.

  • FBB, CV, CVL, CL, 2 DD (FAST)  [Green]South-Western Fleet
  • Route: K M N Q C F S V U
  • Have 1-2 OASW to kill the New Submarine Princess at U
  • Use of Support Expedition is highly recommended here to help with passing or help kill the New Submarine Princess.
  • Send an ASW LBAS to U to help with killing the submarine for the A rank.

Phase 2: Defeat Plum Princess at X

  • LOS Cn3 = Casual: 30.0, Easy: 35.0, Medium: 37.0, Hard: 45.0
  • Uses of Vanguard Formation is highly reccomended to reach the boss safely.
  • Have at least 1 OASW to pass through D and/or H depending on the composition choice.
  • LBAS Range = 3
  • Plum Princess has significant anti-air. Bombers without AA Resistance will be shot down very easily.
Node X Air AP AS AS+
Hard 72 161 321
Medium 52 116 231
Easy 46 104 207
Casual 46 104 207

  • FBB, CVL, CL, CLT, 2 DD (FAST)  [Pink]31st Squadron
  • Route = D E H F X
  • Takes an additional node compare to the lighter composition.
  • Fleet will be able to engage in second shelling with a FBB in the fleet.

  • CAV, 2 CLT, CL, 2 DD (FAST)  [Pink]31st Squadron
  • Route: D E F X
  • The heaviest composition possible in the light category and will take the shortest route to the boss.
  • Focus primary on opening torpedo and Torpedo cut in to kill the boss.

Optional Debuff Phase

  • There are 5 requirements needed to debuff the boss once she reaches Last Dance
Hard AS A+ S A+ A+
Medium ? ? ? ? ?
Easy ? ? ? ? ?
Casual ? ? ? ? ?

  • This can be done along with any of the phase bellow.
  • Set LBAS with full fighter and sortie for the other requirement.

  • FBB, CV, CVL, CL, 2 DD (FAST)  [Green]South-Western Fleet
  • Route: K M N Q C
  • Send LBAS with bombers to C to help secure the A rank
  • Have DD gear up with AA and ASW to survive the trip before reaching C

  • Refer to the Composition for Phase 1.5
  • Bring Node Support to help secure S rank on the node.

  • Refer to the composition for Phase 1.5

  • Refer to the composition for Phase 1.5