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Gameplay Notes
Voice Lines
Event | Japanese/English |
Introduction Play |
Thank you for your hard work. I'm the name ship of the Fletcher class destroyer Fletcher. Mother? Oh no, that's not... I'll try my best to be of use to everyone! |
お疲れさまです。Fletcher級駆逐艦ネームシップ、Fletcher、着任しました。mother、ですか? いえいえ、そんな……。皆さんのお役に立てるよう、頑張ります! | |
Introduction Play |
Thank you for your hard work. I'm the name ship of the Fletcher class destroyer Fletcher. Today as well, I'll do my best to help everyone as well admiral. |
お疲れ様です。Fletcher級駆逐艦ネームシップ「Fletcher」配置に着いています。提督、今日も皆さんのお役に立てるよう、私頑張りますね。 | |
Library Play |
最も成功し量産された駆逐艦、そのネームシップが私、Fletcher class destroyer, USS Fletcherです。姉妹の数は170隻を超えているの、まさに 後に海上自衛隊にも配備されました。 | |
Secretary 1 Play |
Did you happen to call the Lucky 13? |
Lucky 13, お呼びになりましたか? | |
Secretary 2 Play |
This net? Yes, it's very useful. If you use it like this... |
このnetですか?はい、色々と役に立つんです。例えば… | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Wh~at? Who~ is it? Jenkins? Oh! Admiral, what's wrong? Sortieing? Ah, these documents? I finished these earlier. |
な~に?だ~れ?Jenkins?いえ、提督、どうされましたか?出撃ですか?あ、この書類?これは先ほど処理しておきました。 | |
Secretary 3 Play |
Wh~at? Who~ is it? Johnston? Oh! Admiral, what's wrong? Sortieing? Ah, these documents? I finished these earlier. |
な~に?だ~れ?Johnston?いえ、提督、どうされましたか?出撃ですか?あ、この書類?これは先ほど処理しておきました。 | |
Secretary Idle Play |
My sisters? Yes... I've never seen some of them as well... well... yes. There's hundreds of them. |
姉妹たちですか?そうですか…あった子とない子も多くて…ええっと…そうです。百隻を余裕で超えるので。 | |
Secretary (Married) Play |
Are you tired? Would you like some sweets to loosen your stress? I'll prepare some pancakes and coffee. |
お疲れですか?甘いもので回復されてはどうでしょう?私、美味しいpancakeとcoffeeを用意しますね。 | |
Wedding Play |
Engagement ring? Really? I love you so much... |
Engagement ring? Really? I love you so much... | |
Player's Score Play |
The information? Give me one second. |
Informationですね。お待ちください。 | |
Player's Score Play |
Information? Roger, please give me a second. |
Information? 了解です、お待ちください。 | |
Joining the Fleet Play |
Fletcher class destroyer first ship, Fletcher, off to sortie. |
Fletcher級駆逐艦一番艦、Fletcher出撃します。 | |
Equipment 1 Play |
I'm grateful for your support! |
I'm grateful for your support! | |
Equipment 2 Play |
Thank you so much! I'll try it out! |
Thank you so much! 試して見ますね! | |
Equipment 3[1] Play |
Everything is going well. |
Everything is going well. | |
Supply Play |
Supply has been completed. Thank you very much. |
Supply has been completed. ありがとうございます。 | |
Docking (Minor Damage) Play |
I'm sorry... I'll back off a bit. |
I'm sorry... 少し下がりますね。 | |
Docking (Major Damage) Play |
I'm sorry admiral. This body is going to need repairs. |
提督、申し訳ありません。この体、修理が必要です。 | |
Construction Play |
A new ship has been constructed. Ready to commission. |
新造艦の建造が完了しました。就役可能です。 | |
Returning from Sortie Play |
Operation complete. We've returned safely. |
Operation complete. 無事、帰投しました。 | |
Starting a Sortie Play |
Flagship Fletcher will be in command! Fleet, weigh anchor! Follow me! |
旗艦Fletcherが預かります!艦隊、抜錨、続いてください! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Spotted enemy fleet! Everyone, prepare for battle! |
敵艦隊発見!全艦、戦闘態勢に! | |
Starting a Battle Play |
Enemy in site! Everyone, prepare for battle! |
Enemy in site! 全艦、戦闘態勢に! | |
Attack Play |
Enemy in site! Fire! |
Enemy in site! Fire! | |
Attack Play |
Come at me! I'll catch you with one throw! |
かかってらっしゃい!一網打尽です! | |
Night Battle Attack Play |
I won't back down... There you are! |
下がりませんよ…そこです! | |
Night Battle Play |
Fleet, form a attack formation! Follow me! Pursuit the enemy... destroy them! |
各艦、突撃隊系に!Fletcherに続いてください!敵を追撃…撃滅します! | |
MVP Play |
Another battle star? Thank you! It's always a great feeling receiving these. |
また、battle starですか?ありがたいです!こういった物は、いくつ貰っても嬉しいですね。 | |
Minor Damage 1 Play |
Kya! |
きゃ! | |
Minor Damage 2 Play |
No! Are you alright? |
やだ!?だ、大丈夫!? | |
Major Damage Play |
No! I've been directly hit! Damage control! |
やだ!?思いっきり被弾!?Damage control! | |
Sunk Play |
Eh? No... this is... I'm sinking? No... this is what it feels like... to sink... this is... |
え?噓…まさか…沈んでる?やだ…これが、沈むと言うこと…これが… |
- ↑ This line is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
Time | Japanese/English |
00:00 Play |
Admiral, Fletcher will be looking after you today. I'm looking forward to working with you. |
提督、今日は私Fletcherが身の回りのお世話をさせていただきます。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。 | |
01:00 Play |
Admiral it's 1 o'clock. It's very quiet... |
It's 1 o'clock.提督。静かですね… | |
02:00 Play |
It's 2 o'clock. There's still a lot of work to be done. I'll serve some coffee. |
It's 2 o'clock.まだまだお仕事大変ですね。Coffeeをお持ちしますね。 | |
03:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock. I'll bring you some more coffee. Please give me a second. |
It's 3 o'clock. Coffeeおかわりをお持ちしますね。少しお待ちください。 | |
04:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. It's that time where you get really sleepy. Please don't overwork yourself admiral. |
It's 4 o'clock. 一番眠い時間ですね。提督、どうかご無理なさらず。 | |
05:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock. Take a look admiral. It's almost daybreak. A new day is about to begin. |
It's 5 o'clock. 提督、見てください。夜が明けそうです。一日が始まりますね。 | |
06:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock. Good morning admiral! I'll put some hot coffee right here. |
It's 6 o'clock. おはようございます提督!熱いCoffeeをここに。 | |
07:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock. Here's breakfast. Are eggs and fried bacon good? |
It's 7 o'clock. 朝食はこちらに。卵はfried baconでよかったでしょうか? | |
08:00 Play |
It's 8 o'clock. Admiral、would you like to wait for your coffee. |
It's 8 o'clock. 提督、would you like to wait for your coffee. | |
09:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. Alright, time to sortie! |
It's 9 o'clock. さ、出撃です! | |
10:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. It's important to exercise. |
It's 10 o'clock. 演習も大切です。 | |
11:00 Play |
Robert. Johnston is doing well isn't she admiral? Hehe...Oh, it's almost lunch. |
Robert. 提督、Johnstonも頑張っているんですね。フフ…は、もうすぐお昼です。 | |
12:00 Play |
It's noon! Let's have lunch! This is the Fletcher special BLT Sandwich! I'll put the coffee here. |
It's noon! Lunchにしましょう!Fletcher特性、BLTサンドをご用意しました!Coffeeはここに。 | |
13:00 Play |
It's 1 o'clock! It's Lucky 13. Let's get back to work! Let's do our best in the afternoon as well. |
It's 1 o'clock! Lucky 13ですね。さ、お仕事再開です!午後も頑張って参りましょう。 | |
14:00 Play |
It's 2... Oh no! Admiral, there's a drifter in front of the starboard! |
It's 2...あら大変!提督、前方右舷に漂流者が! | |
15:00 Play |
It's 3 o'clock. Rescue mission complete! |
It's 3 o'clock. 救助作業完了です! | |
16:00 Play |
It's 4 o'clock. This net is really useful you know? Would you like to use it as well admiral? |
It's 4 o'clock. このnet,実は本当に色々お役立ちなんです。提督もいかがですか? | |
17:00 Play |
It's 5 o'clock. Look at this, the sunset is beautiful... it really is... |
It's 5 o'clock. 見てください、ほらsunsetがあんなに綺麗…本当に… | |
18:00 Play |
It's 6 o'clock. Alright, it's almost dinner time. Please give me a minute, I'll prepare it right now. |
It's 6 o'clock. さぁ、そろそろdinnerの時間ですね。お待ちください、用意します。 | |
19:00 Play |
It's 7 o'clock. Alright, dig in! Dessert will be my specialty pancake! |
It's 7 o'clock. さぁ、召し上がれ!デザートは特性pancake…どうぞ! | |
20:00 Play |
It's 8. Ah, that's the rumored third squadron. They're so lively even at night... |
It's 8. ああ、あれが噂のthird squadron. 夜なのに、元気…賑やかですね… | |
21:00 Play |
It's 9 o'clock. Would you like some after dinner coffee? Alright! I'll bring it right now! |
It's 9 o'clock. 提督、食後のcoffeeはいかがですか?はい!お持ちします! | |
22:00 Play |
It's 10 o'clock. How were the pancakes? I'm pretty good at making them! That's good! |
It's 10 o'clock. Pancakeいかがでしたか?私、少しだけ得意なんです!よかった! | |
23:00 Play |
It's 11 o'clock. Great work today admiral... Good night... |
It's 11 o'clock. 提督、今日は大変お疲れさまでした… Good night… |
Regular |
Drop Locations
- She is named after Admiral Frank Fletcher