Starting Date: 2016, February, 26th
Server: Hashirajima Anchorage
IGN: DarkHeron
HQ Level: 120
120 Reached on June 6th 2020

Just a casual US Admiral helping out the Enwiki pages. I started the game roughly around February of 2016. I took some time off KC post Spring 2016 Event (Iowa-Event). I came back during Fall 2016 Event and kept on playing until now.
I mainly help out on some random pages and hoping to get everything up-to-date as soon as I possibly can.

DarkHeron EnWiki Base Pic.PNG

Pages Worked on

Meme Page:

Future Project

  • Event Guides.
  • Event Maps and Branching Rules

Event Progress

Legend Hard: (甲) Medium: (乙) Easy: (丙) Casual: (丁)

Event Final Ship Reward E1 E2 E3 E4 E5 E6 E7
Spring 2016 - - - - - -
Summer 2016 - - - -
Fall 2016 - - -
Winter 2017 -
Spring 2017
Summer 2017
Fall 2017
Winter 2018
Early Fall 2018
Winter 2019
Spring 2019
Summer 2019
Fall 2019
Hinamatsuri 2020
Rainy-Summer 2020
Fall 2020
Spring 2021
  • Spring 2018 Mini-Event Completed

List of Missing Ships (KanDex)

  • Kandex Completed on August 6th, 2020