Kensuke Tanaka Interview: Comptiq Magazine June 2021

Comptiq's May 2021 Interview with Tanaka page 1
Comptiq's May 2021 Interview with Tanaka page 2


This is an interview with Tanaka that was released in the May 2021 Issue of Comptiq. In this interview, Kensuke Tanaka is interviewed as KanColle reaches the it's 8th Anniversary and being it's 9th year into the game. Tanaka discusses about how he want KanColle to be more than just a memory before going on to talk about the Spring 2021 Event.

In the Event segment, he covers what each of the events will consist of and mentioned event some details about the Extra Operations before concluding the interview by mentioned about planned live events that he aims to try to release over this year.

Kantai Collection -KanColle-: Eighth Anniversary and a Ninth Year at Sea

Interviewer (I): Congrats on the eighth anniversary!

Producer and Director Tanaka (T): Comptiq-san's been supporting us from the very start of KanColle and run through eight years with us together. As we step into the ninth year, it really strikes me looking back on just how long it's been - how many long years we've passed with KanColle. After all this time, the reality of it still hits me.

I: And an eighth anniversary means a ninth year, of course.

T: That's right. A kid who just entered elementary school would be in 8th grade - no, 9th grade? That's how long it's been. Once again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you to the editorial department at Comptiq cheering us on, everyone that supported us. I would be elated if even a few admirals who touched KanColle were able to take the opportunity to start something new, read up on things themselves on the warships, the chaotic years and the bitter history of not long ago. The reason why I started KanColle and continued it for so many years was for the memory of those people that met their bitter end despite those girls fighting their hardest on the sea to not be forgotten, to share their feelings for even the briefest moment. I really feel like we accomplished that.

I: So they're shared and not forgotten - that's always been a theme in KanColle.

T: Yes, that's the core theme we at C2 Preparat wanted to express from the moment we started the KanColle project. The core concept behind KanColle since the beginning has been sharing the girls who no longer exist at sea, or rather their exploits and final moments.

I: Phrases like "CarDiv 1" and "Zuiun" are common parlance among admirals.

T: CarDiv 1, CarDiv 2, CarDiv 5; for the torpedo squadrons DesRon 2, or for the destroyers DesDiv 6, they're all a given, but now the names of DesDiv 7, DesDiv 8, or DesDiv 31, DesDiv 32, fly fluently from many admirals' lips. It really is something. That knowledge includes the many events that happened to those girls, of course. It's like a completely different age compared to before we started the project. Like, what worldline are we on? It is what I hoped for, but it's still staggering when I think back to when we just started eight years ago or when we started the foundation for the game ten years ago. I'm really grateful for everyone who got involved and supported us. Including you all at Comptiq of course! A thousand thanks!

I: I think you're thanking the wrong people (laugh). Did you like us before?

T: Yes, I was a reader and fan. I was always avidly waiting for the latest issue! Anyway, my wishes have pretty much been granted now. So right now, while obviously still enjoying the game in its own right, we're taking the opportunity to explore the ships and each of the naval bases that served them. The remains and cultural areas they left behind, the delicious local food, the various wonderful things, positive vibes, tasteful things, meeting and talking with wonderful people, all dotted like stars outside the screen. I hope that KanColle can become more than just a game, something that touches on so many wonderful things, for even a single person.

I: I guess I'm starting to understand C2 Preparat's rather, unique projects...?

T: It's not quite the reason though. How do I put it? Life is only so long, like a festival. School festivals, fall festivals - it's always so sad when they end, but they can't go on forever. I think it's important that, rather than mourn that they're ending, we live out our best lives in these festivals with the present time left for us by and connected with our predecessors. Making KanColle part of these festivals, or using them as an opportunity for KanColle, that isn't the goal. That being said, we've really been in crunch time preparing for the game and with today's interview! When is this being published? Golden Week, right?

I: It'll hit the presses earlier than usual but go on sale as usual (May 10th)!

T: I see. Then if all goes as planned, this year's spring event's main operation will be starting right before publication. We're pulling out all the stops to make it happen! So now's not the time for interviews! Let's call it a wrap!

I: No no no, not before I get some quick questions in. If it's right before then it's real soon! What will the spring event be like?

T: It's not exactly an anniversary celebration, I'd say, just the usual feel? Well, that's faster to talk about! The main operation of the spring event starting early May will be composed of three maps. The extra operation should follow in the middle of May with two maps, for a total of five maps. The motif of the first map will be the exploits of the 31st Squadron. A map covering from Taiwan to the Spratly Islands, then around the Philippines. It will involve various tasks like escort, transport, and anti-sub sweeping that the real 31st Squadron undertook.

I: Hohoh. So I presume we wouldn't be able to encounter any new shipgirls in the first map?

T: No, you will this time! We'll have a few more new shipgirls than usual for this many maps, so a Type D destroyer - in other words, a Matsu-class - will be available on the first map!

I: For all difficulty levels?

T: Of course. The drop rates are better on the higher difficulties. But, well, admirals should choose whatever difficulty is in line with their knowledge and experience, not an unreasonable one. For those with well-established fleet power and a good sense of the history, do try and take on the two higher difficulties! We'll be waiting for you!

I: The Type D or Matsu-class destroyers - it's got to be Ume this time! [Since she is third in class]

T: I see! But sorry, while we do plan on adding her, this time will be another one!

I: Really? How many different trees are in that mixed forest...?

T: Don't call them a mixed forest...! The second map will depict the land-based air corps deployed to Rabaul and the Mobile Force and 6th Fleet's achievements there. 6th Fleet, of course, means...

I: Submarines! We've evolved too, you know!

T: Well done! So, you'll be able to encounter a shipgirl from a certain top-of-the-line submarine class.

I: A top-of-the-line submarine class... what kind of subs are they?

T: They're, uh, high-function? But kind of, dangerous? I suppose.

I: Dangerous!? Like Tsushima?

T: Kind of, but not really!

I: Which girl says something like that again...?

T: The last map of the main operation is based on our elite torpedo squadrons' destroyer divisions taking on cruiser squadrons at the Battle of Lunga Point. This was the rat transport operations, where elite destroyers were saddled with transport drums and sent into the Solomons in an attempt to relieve allied forces. They fought a fierce battle with an interception force awaiting them, composed mainly of heavy cruisers. Admirals will be able to show off the results of their belovedly raised DesRon 2 destroyers! Admirals who perform well at Lunga Point will be able to add to their fleets a heavy cruiser from the depths of Ironbottom Sound, reborn as a shipgirl! Please look forward to it!

I: Seems things will be exciting from the very start! How about the extra operations?

T: There will be plenty of Solomons in the extra operations as well, with forces locked together in battle in the fourth map. The extra operations will be based on the Rabaul raids and the neutralization of Rabaul. The key to victory will be not just fleet power but expansion of land-based airpower.

I: The neutralization of Rabaul! Sounds bad.

T: The final map will be a hypothetical decisive fleet battle set in the area, with fleets deploying for all-out battle! Admirals planning to break through on the highest difficulty, please prepare your fleet power and overall combat readiness. We plan to add several shipgirls in the extra operations as well! Looking forward to it!

I: Let's do it!

T: While this year has been full of restrictions due to public health measures, work has continued for many things. The new anime with Engi-san and Kadokawa-san is hurrying along (but not rushing)! I hope to be able to release tidbits of information along the way. Do look forward to it! And we do hope people are able to come, throughout the year to avoid crowding, to our many collabs in the old Kure Naval District area, including the Yamato Museum, as part of our Kure Support Plan. Additionally, if the situation improves, we would still like to do a 1MYB live concert, a new CD, the sanma festival, the Zuiun festival, and more. Let's take this slow and steady and enjoy!

I: You've got a lot in store! We're excited for KanColle's ninth year at sea!

T: Thank you very much! A final present for you: an eighth anniversary commemorative illustration from Akira-san of a certain pair of Abyssal sisters who will be appearing in the new anime. Do get a good look at the high-res version! It's really something!

I: It really is! Thanks for today!

(Late April 2021, KanColle Management Naval District)

Special thanks to User:/a/nonymous for his translation work