Sandbox/Spring 2021 E-4

Sandbox Rules

This sandbox is to be used to construct an event guide for the above mentioned event map. These guides are to all of the following requirements:

  • List of branching unlocking requirements (If there are multiple requirements, compositions for each path along with the below requirements will be needed to discuss the unlocking requirements in question)
  • A list of working compositions that work: (These must have possible alternatives for players who may or may not have all ships needed for a specific path)
  • The Path said composition will take (To explain what path the composition will take)
  • A summary or description of what kind of obstacles a composition will face.
  • A description of the boss node, what it consist and a descriptive guide on what the player should consider for a course of action to successfully win the battle.
  • (Optional) Tips to farm to take path to collect certain ships (This will also require a composition, path, and possible description.

Editors are to construct thier own version of thier guide and complete them in a timely fashion.

No other editors are to allowed to edit over other editor's work without the full consent of the editor and his approval to do so.

Several version will be constructed through this page and will be reviewed and approved by the staff/ collaboration committee before being moved for the Summer 2020 Event which it'll be reviewed and updated once more before it can be released.

Overall there will be 3 version of the guide that will be constructed which will include:

  • Preliminary Guide
  • Polished Guide
  • Finalized Guide

With each approval of each version the guide, the said guide will be updated to the main page and construction of the next version will begin.

All guides outside of the approved version will be removed and work will begin from the approved version to make it better for the next version until the finalized version is made.

Projected deadline for Initial guide: May 25th, 12:01 JST

DarkHeron's Proposal (Consolidated guide from various source)

General Guideline

E4 is a very long and complex map overall compare to the previous maps in Main Operations. There are a total of main phases/bosses to do and kill in order to fully clear the map. In addition, there are also 4 different tags in this map. Teal (Strike Force), Red (TCF), Blue (CTF), and Green (Combined Fleet). The blue tag (3rd Fleet) is a recycled tag that was used in E2P2 when doing battle against Heavy Cruiser Hime. So it is possible to reuse some of the ships used in that particular phase here.

Phase 1: Defeat Lycoris Hime

This phase will pit you against Lycoris and Supply Depot Hime. The key to successfully clearing this phase is to bring lots of anti-installation equipment to kill the boss as quickly as possible. The route you take will pit you against 2 ASW Node and 2 Air raid node. Make sure you have adequate AACI, ASW, and anti-installation equipment to tackle this phase.

  • Composition: Strike Force Fleet with 7 ships: 2CA(V), 1-2 CL, 3-4 DD OR 3 CA(V), 1 CL, 2-3 DD, 0-1 AV (Teal Tag)
    • A fleet with AV will off-route to J which is a repair node. You can make use of Akitsushima here for the in sortie repair mechanics.
  • Route: B D E G I L with 0 AV
    • B D E G I J L with 1 AV
  • LBAS: Range 8 AP/AS: 264/594 (HARD)
  • Note: It is recommended that you use a LBAS with toukai in order to help increase your passing rate through the node contain submarines. Split the strike between node B and E as they contain
  • LoS Requirement: About Cn3 56+/42+/38+/32+ is required on Hard/Medium/Easy/Casual to route from I to L.
    • LOS requirement for if you are using the AV method is about: Cn3 60+/45+/40+/40+ is required on Hard/Medium/Easy/Casual to route from I to J

Phase 2: TP Phase

  • Composition: Transport Combined Fleet (TCF): 1 CVE, 1 AV/CL 4 DD + 1-2 CL, 4-5 DD FAST Fleet (Red Tag)
  • Route: Q Q2 S T U V1 V
  • LBAS Range: 4 No Airpower at the boss. You will be facing 3 Air raid total on the way to the boss
  • Note: It is essential to have AACI as you will be passing through the air raid node and make sure your CVE, AV have lots of air to counter the air raid node along the way
    • Bringing a CA in your fleet will off route you to another combat node along the way.

Phase 2.5: Unlock Node Y

There are 4 different requirements in order to unlock Node Y for Phase 3: Defeat Jellyfish Hime

  • AS Node O
  • S ranke W twice
  • S rank X twice
  • AS LBAS Defense

  • Composition STF: 3(F)BB, 1 BBV/CVL 1-2 CA(V), 0-1 CL + 1-2 CA(V), 1-2 CLT, 1 CL, 2-3 DD (Green tag)
  • Route: M O
  • LBAS: Range = 4
  • Note: You will plan to lock for your P4 and E5 fleet for this segment. Mule your CV and CAV to achieve AS otherwise, bring an LBAS with fighters to help with the node also.

  • Composition TCF: 0-1 CVE, 1 CAV/AV, 4 DD + 1 CL 3 DD (Red Tag)
  • Route: Q Q2 S T V3 W
  • LBAS: Range = 5
  • Note: The node composes of Supply Depot Hime in the main fleet and PT Imp pack following in the escort fleet. It is highly recommended to bring along Nuke setup (Kami Tank, WG42, and Type 89 Daihatsu with Medium tank) and HA gun to kill PT imp

  • Composition Strike Force: 1 CL, 4-6 DD (Teal Tag)
  • Route: B D E X2 X
  • LBAS: Range = 5

Phase 3

  • Composition CTF: 2-3 CV(B), 0-1 CV(L), 2-3 CA(V), 0-1 CL + 1 CA, 1 CLT, 1 CL, 3 DD (Blue tag). Maximum of 3 CV(B/L) can be use in the fleet.
  • Route: B C F Y1 Y2 Y
  • LBAS: Range = 7 AP/AS 280/630 (HARD)

Phase 3.5

Phase 4

Debuff Phase