Kensuke Tanaka Interview: Comptiq Magazine October 2016
The following interview comes from within the "Comptiq Magazine Ocotober Edition" which was released on September 10th, 2016. Within the book, Chief Editor "T" has an interview with Kancolle's main producer, Kensuke Tanaka. Within the article, Takana discusses about the results of the Kancolle Summer 2016 Event, the upcoming Kai Ni for a Light Cruiser, and the release of a new special type destroyer which will appear in the September 16th, 2016 update. The Interview was conducted in Late August.
T-ko (Afterwards T): Yo! It’s Comptiq! Aww, summer’s over already isn’t it? The season sure went by pretty quickly didn’t t?
タナカコ(以下タ):ホントだねー。最近少し過ごしやすい日も多いし、まさに秋の気配を感じる季節になってきましたね。ほうじ茶とか飲んでみる? Tanaka-ko (Afterwards Ta): It sure did. Lately the days have felt so pleasant, I’ve begun to feel the first signs of fall coming. Would you like to drink some roasted green tea?
T: No thanks, it’s still too hot for tea, I’m more in the mood for ice cream. You wouldn’t happen to have any chocolate ice cream would you?
Ta: No, I don’t have anything like that. Why don’t I just put some ice in the tea then, hang on a minute.
T: This year’s summer event and August are already over! Would you tell us what the clearance rate this time was?
Ta: So it is. The number of participating admirals is almost unchanged from previous years, however this year’s event was special in that the number of clearing admirals went way up. At the moment the final results aren’t in yet (Tomura interviewed Tanaka in late August so the event was still going on) but at the moment the clearance rate of the event is nearly 90% across the board.
T: Wow. That’s pretty high isn’t it?
Ta: It is. There’s still the Extra Op stage after it but the Third Operation which marks the end of the event still has a 90% clearance rate right. Since normally in past events the rate of clearance for the main operation is 50 to 60% this number is pretty high.
T:基地航空隊の投入の仕方や、艦隊編成の仕方によってこの辺も大きく変わりそうっすね。 The introduction of the Land-Based Air Squadrons changing the way fleets are organized must had a part in this change, didn’t it?
Ta: Yes, by concentrating the Land-Based Air Squadrons on dangerous points, admirals were able to skillfully alter their fleet compositions to perform better in the final battle. With this many more admirals were able to clear even the Final Operation at Medium difficulty as opposed to Easy.
T:そして遂に英国戦艦、、そしてイタリア生まれの空母!新艦娘も花盛りっすね! And finally we get to see a British battleship, and an Italian born Carrier! New Shipgirls are blooming like flowers!
Ta: Aquila is voiced by the very same Akasaki-san (Akasaki Chinatsu) who provided us with such charming voices for Zara and Pola. The new British battleship shipgirl Warspite is a fresh recruit, Uchida Shuu-san. Thanks to both of you!
T: Oh! A new voice actress you say!?
Ta: Yes, Uchida-san is elegant, yet provides a refreshing charm and dignity to Warspite’s voice, so I’m very grateful to her. Kancolle is the very first job she’s had, it’s an honor we aren’t used to having!
T: And, who is Nimu…..?
Ta: I-26, or Nimu, is Ogura-san (Ogura Yui) who previously handled the job of playing Taigei and Amatsukaze. The new Mutsuki class destroyer Minazuki is voiced by Hidaka-san (Hidaka Rina) who’s given us the voice for Minazuki’s sisters before, thanks for coming back.
T: Those two are so cute! With all these new Shipgirls in the summer event will you be taking a break now that it’s over?
Ta: No, in fact quite the opposite. I wanted to fill up a gap we’ve had for a while by introducing a new ship to link together the Special Type Destroyers.
T:ほー。隙間を埋めたかった?ミッシングリンク的な?ヒントくださいっす! Oh? You wanted something to fill in the gap? There’s a missing link you want to target? Please, give us a hint!
No, as I was saying, it’s something like, a ship that connects Fubuki who is the name ship of the Type I special destroyers, and Ayanami and Shikinami from the Type II special destoyers, therefore, I’ll be adding a certain ship that sank at Panay Island.
No way, that Panay Island shipgirl is a seriously amazing shipgirl!
Ta: ……That’s why they call them special type destroyers!
T: Take that back!
Ta: Please do so….
T: Oh right, could you tell us about your plans for the next Kai Ni?
Ta: the next Kai Ni we’re planning huh….
T: Gulp….
Ta: We’re making plans for a few different Kai Nis, the next one should be coming soon…ah…
T: What is it?
Ta: No, I was just thinking of the keywords from a previous interview
T: What was that?
Ta: Nothing, but this time it’ll be a light cruiser….a 5,500 ton type…..
T: Notes, Notes, let me go reread my notes! A little bit of info for the fall event; what sort of new ships can we expect to see in the fall event! Comptiq!
Ta: What’s that? The new shipgirl for the autumn event you say….it’s quite a large one, a Fleet Carrier from overseas…hmm, no it might be too soon for that one. It’s still just end of summer you know! Before that we’ll be continuing our collaboration with Lawson-san at the start of autumn with the Naval District Autumn Festival, and then the Kancolle Classic Style Orchestra Western Fleet with the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra. In addition we’re preparing a food specific collaboration for this autumn, as well as the implementation of the Land Based Air Corps for normal operations. After that, the season for saury will be coming soon, and we have a special event planned for Kancolle Arcade, and we’ll be moving forward with the Kancolle movie too.
T: Oh! It seems like you’ve got a multi-stage plan for this autumn!
Ta: It’s exactly like you said, we’ve got a lot to work on, so I’ve got to get back soon.
T: Roger. One last souvenir….thanks for these configuration documents on Warspite. Well then.
(2016年8月下旬 「艦これ」運営鎮守府にて)
2016 Late August KanColle Executive Branch District.