Module:Data/Equipment/Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)

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Revision as of 02:28, 14 August 2015 by com>Ckwng

Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Equipment/Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)/doc

local Type_3_Command_Liaison_Aircraft_ASW = {
	_name = "Type 3 Command Liaison Aircraft (ASW)",
	_page = false,
	_id = 70,
	_japanese_name = "三式指揮連絡機(対潜)",
	_reading = "さんしきしきれんらくき(たいせん)",
	_type = 26,
	_icon = 22,
	_rarity = 1,
	_back = 2,
	_firepower = false,
	_bombing = false,
	_torpedo = false,
	_aa = false,
	_armor = false,
	_asw = 7,
	_shelling_accuracy = 2,
	_torpedo_accuracy = false,
	_evasion = false,
	_los = 1,
	_speed = false,
	_luck = false,
	_range = false,
	_special = false,
	_scrap_fuel = 1,
	_scrap_ammo = 1,
	_scrap_steel = false,
	_scrap_bauxite = 2,
	_buildable = false,
	_upgradable = false,

return Type_3_Command_Liaison_Aircraft_ASW