Daihatsu Landing Craft (Type 89 Medium Tank & Landing Force)

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大発動艇、略して「大発」。 旧式ではありますが量産型「大発」に積載可能な「八九式中戦車」と、重火器で武装した陸戦隊を搭載した、上陸作戦用の強襲揚陸バージョン(試製噴進砲もif装備)です。 輸送任務ではなく、敵地への上陸作戦等に適しています。

The Daihatsu-class landing craft, or 'Daihatsu' for short. Even though they are outdated, the old model 'Daihatsu' can still carry the 'Type 89 Medium Tank' and a heavy weapons squad, with the amphibious assault version (armed with a prototype gun) used for landing operations. Not only used for transport missions, it can be used for landing operations too.


  • Unbuildable.
  • Constructable via Akashi's Improvement Arsenal by maxing out a Daihatsu
  • Increases expedition resources gain by 2% for each equipped Landing Craft, up to 20%. Increase is multiplicative with bonus from Great Success.
  • These Landing Crafts are good mainly for amphibious warfare and will not be useful for transport operations.
  • Equipping these with a combination of a WG42 will add bonus damage against enemy installations where amphibious landing operations apply (I.E 6-4)

See Also

Daihatsu-class Landing Craft
Type 89 I-Go Medium Tank