Akashi's Improvement Arsenal Italian Gear

[02:38] <Anged_Obscurite> 381mm / 50 Triple: Littorio (WThF), Roma (MSaSu), Tuesday still unknown

[02:39] <Anged_Obscurite> 381mm / 50 Triple Kai: Littorio (MSaSu), Roma (WThF), Tuesday unknown (i.e. it is the exact opposite of the non-kai)

[02:40] <Anged_Obscurite> OTO 152mm Triple: Littorio (WSaSu), Roma (MThFSu), Tuesday Unknown

[02:41] <Wsewolod> Roger.

[02:42] <Anged_Obscurite> 381mm / 50's +6~ cost is 5 / 8 dev, 3 / 5 screws, and +10 (to remodel) is 12 / ? dev, 7 / ? screws

[02:43] <Anged_Obscurite> uses 1 35.6cm gun from +0~, 2 35.6cm gun from +6~, two 25mm twin autocannon for remodel at +10

[02:44] <Anged_Obscurite> OTO 152 is 3 / ? dev, 3 / ? at +6 and uses 1 15.5cm Triple gun. Cannot upgrade into another equipment.

[02:45] <Anged_Obscurite> 90mm uses 10 fuel / 20 ammo / 70 steel / 10 baux for all upgrades

[02:46] <Anged_Obscurite> 1 / 2 dev, 1 / 2 screw, 1 10cm HA for +0~; 2 / 3 dev, 1 /2 screws, 2 10cm HA from +6~, unknown whether can upgrade into another equipment