
Revision as of 00:32, 8 December 2014 by >Nekomahjong
Rank Marshal Admiral.png
ミサカ10777号 HQ 108
Konoya Airfield Fuel 12,000 Steel 12,000
Coin.png 200,000 Ammunition 10,000 Bauxite 18,000
Item Icon Instant Repair Material.png Item Icon Instant Construction Material.png Item Icon Development Material.png Item Icon Improvement Material.png Item Icon Medal.png
389 427 47 4 0
Item Icon Food Supply Ship Mamiya.png Item Icon Food Supply Ship Irako.png Item Icon Emergency Repair Personnel.png Item Icon Emergency Repair Goddess.png Item Icon Furniture Fairy.png
4 4 15 3 1

Last updated 7 Dec 2014

5-5 is really disaster dammit!

Missing ShipIsokaze, Yamato, Taihou

Missing CG: -

Missing Equipment: 25mm Autocannon, Shinden Kai, 53cm Hull-mount O2 Torpedoes, Zuiun Model 12 (634 Air Group), Tenzan (931 Air Group), Type 21 Air RADAR Kai, 46cm Twin Gun Mount Prototype, Type 94 Anti-Aircraft Fire Director

Akizuki card.jpgPrinz Eugen card.jpgNowaki card.png
Asagumo card.pngKiyoshimo card.pngI-401 card.png


Ship Level Admiral's Note
  88 (Can't be help that I want to pat her head every time I see her.)
  99 You may look cool and mature but that not mean you can drink vodka you know?
  88 Kaminari-chan. Huh? That's not your name?
  88 (She's my first secretary ship.)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  85 Stop running in hallway!!
  85 (I wonder would her luck tranfer to me if I hug her long enough...)
  85 (Look like a tsundere at first glance but she quite modest and cute.)
  85 (So noisy sometime but cute...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  86 (I know she's a girl but it's kind of fun to tease her.)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  85 (Cute girl with boku? I can't see anything like tomboy from her.)
  85 (Her poi ruin her scary eyes. At lease I can relax when I have her around.)
  85 (Sometime her modest personality make me to respect her. I wonder why...)
  85 (Is that headband is her power of Kai Ni?) 
  85 What's kind of shampoo you use?
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  85 (Hell cats is nothing to her...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  44 (Is she and Destroyer Princess really same person?)
  40 (Somehow she make me chill...)
  37 (She's remind me to someone...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  71 (I confuse her with Hacchan sometime.)
  71 (She always act like it's annoyed to work but she done it well everytime.)
  75 (Cool and cute. I like to see her smile once though.)
Light Cruisers
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  133 You don't mind if I call you Melon-chan right? (Event though you don't have enough...)
  95 You're the same girl that always give me quest right?
  87 Ryuujou always stare at you? Well I think I know why.
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  90 Can you keep your voice down? Everyone can't sleep.
  90 (Maybe I will do producer job sometime if I have free time.)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  57 (She's ready to kai but I need her to stay this form because it's save my ammo...)
  57 (I'm glad that her target is only Tenryuu...)
Torpedo Cruisers
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  96 (Look like there's a very thin line between badass and chuunibyou.)
  96 (She can say scary thing sometime... or maybe it's just my imagine?)
  96 Why I have you take care the flower you ask? Hmm... I wonder why?
Heavy Cruisers
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  80 Why I always wear sun-glasses when I talk to you? Hmm... (should I give her straight answer...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  94 (I can't relax when she's around...)
  94 You don't need to apologize everytime you know? I just say that and you do it again... And I told you... (Should I stop this endless loop...?)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  86 (Wow... she look really happy when she saw Bismarck-kun.)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  93 (Sometime I feel like her eyes absorb my soul...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  95 You really wear one right? RIGHT?
  95 (She has onee-san aura even though she's an imouto.)
Battle Ships
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  96 Your love is so noisy...
  96 (Must make her stay away from the kitchen.)
  96 (She's really an goddess.)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  98 Now you have your own imouto. Please take care of her. 
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  97 Why? Why are you always got red from Hoppou-chan?
Ship Level Admiral's Note
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  96 (Fusou that won't be fukou anymore huh?)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
Ship Level Admiral's Note
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  93 (Maybe I should buy white kimono for her in this winter...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  89 I know you're tired of flat joke but even flats have their own charm you know?
  89 Tamakoyaki? Why not.
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  90 (At least her favorite is not my resource...)
Ship Level Admiral's Note
Ship Level Admiral's Note
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  99 (I see topedos pop out from her book and I wonder how's that work...)
  99 (Should I do something about her lew joke...?)
Auxiliary Ships
Ship Level Admiral's Note
  79 (Maybe I should talk with Army...)
  89 Everyone look so happy every morning. Thank for your hard work whole night!



Light Gun
Amount 5 Amount 6 Amount 19 Amount 6
Just one extra firepower is not help that much. Let's Akashi-san improve them. At least they're unbuildable... Time to farm this gun for upgrade another equipment... Overall good status but pain to obtain...
Amount 2
Not just best status but Akashi-san can improve them too!
Medium Guns
Amount 6 Amount 1 Amount 10 Amount 2
Spare them to upgrade 14cm Twin Gun Mount Just obtain one for Melon-chan. At least Akashi-san can improve them. Best gun for CL. Just keep this one for Ooyodo...
Amount 4 Amount 7 Amount 2
Not bad for an extra accuracy. Still the best gun for CA because german's gun cannot improve. I wonder why all german's guns lack AA but good in accuracy...
Heavy Guns
Amount 4 Amount 4 Amount 3 Amount 2
Extra evasion and accuracy. Best gun for Kongou-Sisters but cost   a lot. Just keep them because they're unbuildable... Best accuracy but suck in AA.
165px   165px
Amount 20 Amount 3 Amount 6
Can be improved but can't be upgrade to Tripple Cannon... Dev, why you do this... -_- I'm glad Yamashiro come with this too, but I still need one more... Best firepower but I don't use that often because of overweight penalty...
Secondary Guns
Amount 5 Amount 2 Amount 7 Amount 0
Now I can use this for trigger AA Cut-in. Best HA secondary guns. Best fire power secondary guns. Scrap all of them by accident dammit!
Anti-Air Guns
Amount 2 Amount 4 Amount 3 Amount 3
Unbuildable and S-Holo. Best AA Guns with extra firepower.
Amount 4 Amount 2 Amount 5
How can I obtain more of this one? Eat this! Hoppou-chan!
Anti-Aircraft Fire Director
Amount 1 Amount 1
Akashi-san and Maya upgrade this without fail!


Amount 10 Amount 2 Amount 8
Second best torpedos. When the best one can be obtain...? I want more for my sub-girls.


Amount 6 Amount 10 Amount 9 Amount 1
Extra evasion and accuracy. Second best buildable fighter. Best buildable fighter. Quite painful to lost two reppuus for this one.
Amount 1
Second best fighter. I want the best one! Dev, please!
Dive Bomber
Amount 10 Amount 5 Amount 10 Amount 2
Hybrid fighter. Not that good thought. Keep them until get enough Model 12A. For shelling support. Keep them because unbuildable.
Amount 3 Amount 2 Amount 1 Amount 1
Same powerful as Model 12A plus many buff. Second powerful dive bomber. Best dive bomber.
Torpedo Bomber
Amount 3 Amount 2 Amount 6 Amount 1
Second best ASW torpedo bomber. Keep them until get enough of their kai version. I wonder when they add a quest to convert this one to Ryuusei 601.
Amount 8 Amount 2 Amount 1
Most powerful buildable torpedo bomber. Third powerful with extra buff. Need to say?
    165px 165px
Amount 4 Amount 3 Amount 2 Amount 1
Why is this thing really hard to get. -_- Most LOS seaplane. It's not that necessary thought.
Amount 2 Amount 6 Amount 4 Amount 4
Should it increase chance to appear in night battle if I equip more than one? I'm glad they come with Fusou-class kai ni.
Amount 1
Best bomber stat but no fighter power.
Other Aircraft
Amount 6 Amount 4 Amount 8 Amount 8
Love this one more than saiun because they give more accuracy. Army... We need to talk... With 8 Autogyro, look like there's no point to keep this one now...

Anti Submarine Warfare

Depth Charge and Sonar
Amount 4 Amount 6 Amount 4 Amount 10
Now this thing can be improve.

Supportive Warfare

Amount 6 Amount 2 Amount 1 Amount 5
Best accuracy for DDs. Best LOS for DDs. Give same stat as Type 21 plus 1 extra evasion, and DDs can equip them.
Amount 3 Amount 8 Amount 1
Want more of this but RNG rufuse to give me... Try to get Type 32 but this one keep coming instead. -_- Godlike radar!
Amount 5 Amount 5
Got more Amatsukaze from fall event...
Anti-torpedo Bulge
Amount 6 Amount 2
Let's see... If I equip 8 of them to Yamato-class and set them as AFK fleet...
Night Warfare
Amount 5 Amount 3
This icon look like angry squid for me at first sign...
Other Equipment
Amount 4 Amount 2 Amount 1
Now Akashi-san can repair 5 kanmusus in same time. Should she be happy or sad because I give her more work? I'm glad I have this for this event.
Expedition Support
Amount 30 Amount 8
Four more and I will get enough of this...

Joined Event

<tabber>Fall 2014 Event=  

E-1 - First Operation Kon
Reward Spoil of War
E-2 - Second Operation Kon
Farming Team
Reward          x5
Spoil of War   
E-3 - Third Operation Kon
Farming Team
Reward Spoil of War
E-4 - Operation Intercept Task Force
Farming Team
Reward Spoil of War

|-|Summer Event 2014=  

E-1 - Advance to the northern AL area!
Spoil of War -
E-2 - Diversionary tactics! Wreck the northern harbour!
Spoil of War  
E-3 - The Decisive Battle! Starting Operation MI
Reward     Spoil of War -
E-4 - Invasion of Midway Island
Reward     Spoil of War  
E-5 - Securing the Midway Islands
Reward     Spoil of War -
E-6 - Counter Attack to AL/MI Operation
Reward -
Spoil of War   

|-|Spring Event 2014=  

E-1 - Southwest of Samewani Sea - Battle of Samewani Sea
Spoil of War    
E-2 - Southwest of Zunda Strait - Across The Zunda Strait
Spoil of War  
E-3 - Port Wine Area - Assault! Destroy Port Wine Operation
Spoil of War -
E-4 - Central Pacific Sea - Sweep Against Subs in the Frontline
Spoil of War -
E-5 - North Pacific Sea - Capture Peacock Island Operation
Reward -
Spoil of War -