Yuka Iguchi KanColle Movie Interview: Nyantype January 2017

The Following interview was conducted in the NyanType Magazine on January 2017 in which the Seiyuu Yuka Iguchi discusses her invovlement with the KanColle Movie.

Within this 2 page Article, Yuka Iguchi does an interview and talks about her experiences with the KanColle movie, what kind of invovlement she had with the movie and the relations she developed with other Seiyuus during the production of the movie.

Interview with Sarah Emi Bridcutt

Japanese English
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「劇場版」の第一印象や加賀をはじめ みずから演じたそして共演した艦娘たちへの想い さらには舞台あいさつや今後に向けての展望などなど たっぷり語ってもらったぞ


 TVシリーズのときから「劇場版をやれたらいいな」という話は出てはいたんですが・・・・・・ 本当にここまでたどり着くことができるとは夢にも思っていなかったので、すごくうれしいです。


 「劇場版」としてまとまっているのはもちろん、 TVシリーズを見ていた人ならさらに喜んでもらえたり「なるほど」って思えるようなシーンが詰まっていて、 「これは楽しみだぞ」と夢中で読みました。 ただ、台本が2冊に分かれていることに気づかず、最初の前半の台本を読んで、 それで全部だと思い込んでしまって「なんて斬新な終わり方なんだろう」ってひとりで混乱していた覚えがあります(笑)。


 いつも台本を確認するときは最初に物語全体をざっと読んでから細かい自分のセリフをチェックしていくのですが、 加賀さんが過去をあまりに自然に語りだすので「うんうん、そんな過去があったよね~・・・・・・そんな過去が!?」って二度見してしまいました(笑)。 でも、加賀さんはただ厳しかっただけではなくて、そんな過去があったからこそ、 彼女なりの思いがあって周りの艦娘たちに接していたんだなということがわかって、よかったですね。 こんなに深く彼女の気持ちを掘り下げてくれてうれしいなという気持ちと、 びっくりした気持ちと、両方がありました。 また加賀さんだけではなくて、吹雪だったりとか、みんなのいろいろな表情が見られて、 いろいろなところでびっくりしました。


 過去の記憶を含め、いろいろなものを受け止めて前を向いているんだなということがわかって、 ほかの艦娘たちへの「厳しさの中の優しさ」という部分が自分の中でも汲み取りやすくなった部分はありますね。 逆にそういうことを知って、序盤のシーンでちょっと優しく演じてみたのですが、 スタッフの方にそこはやはり強く言うほうがいいです、と言われて。 加賀さんが自分の内面を吐露できたからこそ出るもので、 それを最初から出してしまうのはやはり違うかなと思って、 ちゃんと段階を追うように、あまり出すぎないように気をつけたということはありました。


 (悩んで)う~ん・・・・・・瑞鶴とのシーンかな。 TVシリーズではもっとツンとしていたり、突き放すような感じを出していたかもしれないですが、 「劇場版」では「二度とそんなこと、口にしないで」という強いセリフも、 強いけど、拒絶する強さではなく、彼女に対しても心配とかしているからこそ出ているという、 そんな思いとも向き合えたシーンになったので、印象に残っているし、好きですね。 その後に、瑞鶴の頭をポンポンとなでたりするところもあって、 今まで見られなかったような表情を含め、新しい加賀さんを見られたような気がしました。

――――今回新たな天龍、龍田を演じられました。 この2隻についての印象はいかがでしょう?

 2人のセリフ回しや関係値が原作ゲームのときから大好きで、 アニメで演じるのが念願だったので、動く2人が見られるだけでもうれしくて、 気合いを入れて収録に臨みました。 食事会の後のシーンで彼女たちのかけ合いが見られると思いますが、 あそこのシーンの最後の部分はほとんどアドリブだったんです。 演じられてうれしかった反面、もっとスポットが当たらないかな、 なんていう欲も出てしまいましたね(笑)。 特に冒頭の戦闘でも天龍のカッコいい姿が見られたのが本当にうれしかったのですが、 見せ場があったからこそ、もっと長く演じていたかったです(笑)。

Iguchi Yuka

Special Film Interview

Starting with her first impressions of the film and Kaga, Iguchi Yuka told us a lot about her opinions on the ship girls that were voiced by herself as well as the others. Furthermore, she talked about her opening speeches at the cinemas and what the future might have in store, among other things.

-- Let's start with your thoughts on the film you were part of.

When we were working on the anime series some of us expressed how nice it'd be to be able to make a film, but... I never would have thought, not even by a long shot, that we'd actually get this far, so I'm really stoked.

-- What was going through your head when you were reading the script for the first time?

Everything was of course neat and orderly for the film; there were many scenes that I thought fans would enjoy or give them "Uh-huh" moments, especially if they watched the TV series, so I was really looking forward to it as I went throught the script. However, I didn't realise that it was actually split into two and that I was reading only the first half, so I was left confused because I assumed that was all and thought "Now that's an unconventional way to end it". *laughs*

-- What did you think of Kaga's memories when you heard about them for the first time?

Whenever I go through a script I usually start with just skimming through the whole thing before going back and checking my own lines, but Kaga was talking about her past in such a casual manner I was like "Uh-huh, so that's what her past was like...... wait what?!?" and had to do a double take. *laughs* However, at that point I realised that Kaga wasn't just being harsh, but that because of that past of hers she has her own way of approaching the ship girls around her, and I'm really glad to know that. I was both happy and surprised that I was able to gain such a deep insight into her mind and soul. And it's not just Kaga. I was also able to see a different side of Fubuki and the others, so all in all it was a refreshing experience.

-- So has anything changed for you as far as voicing Kaga is concerned?

I realised that she's come to grips with a lot of things, including the memories of her past, but is still facing forward and not looking back, and it became easier for me to understand her kindness that's hidden behind her stern face when interacting with the other ship girls. In fact, when I realised that I tried a slightly softer approach for the opening scene, but I was told by the staff that I really should sound more assertive after all. Kaga finally managed to speak her mind, but doing that right at the beginning felt wrong for some reason, so I tried not to overdo it, and instead do it step by step.

-- Are there any scenes among the ones you were part of that left an impression on you?

(pondering) Hmm...... I guess the scene with Zuikaku. In the TV series Kaga was more aloof and keeping her distance, but in the film, when she said "Don't say that ever again!", it certainly had an impact, but not because she was rejecting her, but she was worried about her, so it became an emotional confrontation between these two. I like it and it really left an impression on me. And after that, when she patted Zuikaku's head, I felt that I could see an entirely new Kaga. Not to mention her never-before-seen expressions.

-- This time you got to voice Tenryū and Tatsuta as well. What is your opinion on those two?

I've loved their lines and interactions with each other ever since the original game came out, and I was really hoping I could voice them in the anime, so just seeing those two move around was enough to make me happy and get me fired up for the recordings. I think you can see them having a conversation during the scene after the dinner party. I pretty much ad-libbed the last part of that scene. On the one hand I was happy that I could voice them, but on the other hand I was hoping they'd be more in the spotlight, so I guess I let my inner desires slip in a bit. *laughs* I was especially glad about Tenryū's awesome performance in the opening battle scene, but it was precisely because she's the highlight of that scene that I wanted to voice her even more. *laughs*

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――――物語の中で交友のあったそれぞれの艦娘についても印象をお聞きします。 まず同じ一航戦の赤城についてはどうですか?

 もう、何の不安もないというか、任せられる相棒という感じがします。 それは赤城さんと加賀さんという関係でもそうだし、私の中の藤田咲ちゃんの存在もそうで。 現場でも咲ちゃんがみんなを明るく引っ張っていってくれますし、本当に頼りにしています。 「劇場版」では後輩たちにいろいろと話すなど、 TVシリーズで赤城が担っていた役割を加賀さんがやっているなと感じて、 そういうことができるようになったということもうれしかったです。 でも、やはり赤城さんがいてくれるからこそ加賀さんも過去を乗り越えることができたし、 彼女本来の、いろいろな表情も見せることができたんじゃないかなと思って、 なくてはならない存在なんだな、ということを改めて認識しましたね。


 私自身、演じれば演じるほどどんどん瑞鶴がかわいくてしょうがなくなってきています(笑)。 今回お互いにぶつかりながらも加賀さんが自分の過去や内面を見せて、瑞鶴もそれを受け入れて。 今までは、頼りにはしているけど自分でやらなくちゃという気持ちが強かったと思いますが、 瑞鶴や吹雪たちも成長してきて、任せられると思えるようになったんじゃないかなと感じています。


 実はTVシリーズのころから吹雪が好きで。 最初はドジなところがかわいいなと思っていたんですけど、 初期から考えると比べものにならないくらい成長していて、 どんな困難にもブレないような意志の強さもあって。 そんなところも含めてかわいくてしょうがない存在ですね。 驚きの事実だったり、いろいろなところも見られましたが、 彼女が真っすぐに前を向きつづけていられるからこそ、 みんなが同じ方向を向いてあきらめずに戦えたんだろうなと思います。 一見普通の女の子なんですけど、だからこその魅力というのが、 上坂すみれちゃんのお芝居と、吹雪のいろいろな表情とで「劇場版」ではさらにグッと魅力的になっているなあと思いました。


 大和ですね。海岸で吹雪ちゃんの背中を押すシーンとか、 懐の深い、優しいお姉さんな部分を見せつつも、 戦闘ではキリッとした表情や、ボロボロになりながらも「ここは私が!」なんて意地を見せるカッコいいところもあって・・・・・・ 「私もこういう役をやってみたい!」って思いました(笑)。 でも「劇場版」ではどの艦娘にもスポットが当たるシーンがあって、 みんなの魅力が再確認できて、よかったです。


 楽しかったです! 上映前と上映後で話せることも、皆さんの反応も違うのですが、 始まる前なら期待で、見終わった後なら充実感で、目をキラキラさせて迎えていただいて、 うれしかったですね。 「劇場版」にはいろいろな要素が詰め込まれているので、 どういう反応が返ってくるのか私たちとしてもドキドキだったんですけど、 そんな表情を見ただけでも楽しいと思っていただけたことがわかって、 そんな中で提督の皆さんの表情を直接見ながら舞台あいさつをさせていただくことも、 各地に行かせていただくことも貴重な経験で、「ありがとうございます」という感じですね。 キャストのみんなともいろんなところで感想を言い合えたりして、 それも楽しかったです。


 野水さんとうかがわせていただいた京都、名古屋での舞台あいさつでしょうか。 TVシリーズのときはお互い赤城さん、翔鶴っていう相方がいて、 そちらを向いていた気がするんですけど、「劇場版」で距離が縮まって、 中の人同士もまた一歩仲よくなれたという感じがしてうれしかったです。 あと、「艦これ」の現場は毎回ご飯が豪華で、その土地のものとか、 おいしいものを用意していただいているので、それもうれしいですね。


 「劇場版」でいったんアニメとしての「艦これ」の集大成をお見せすることができた気がしているので、 それ以上を望むのはぜいたくすぎる話なのですが、また演じられたらいいな、と思います。 「艦これアーケード」もすごくおもしろいですし、原作ゲームから始まってこれだけいろいろな展開を見させていただいて、 その中で演じられて、それだけでもありがたいのですが、いちファンとして挙げさせていただくなら、 2・5次元的な、ミュージカルのようなものも見てみたいですね。 そのようにさまざまなメディアや展開で、艦娘みんなのいろいろな面をもっと見てみたいです。 2月には「劇場版」の4DX・MX4版の上映も始まりますので、 私もぜひ観にいきたいと思ってますし、「艦これ」はそうした展開でどんどんステップアップして、 いろんな夢をかなえていっているので、本当にうれしいです。 原作ゲームももちろんずっと続いていますけども、 そうしていろいろなものが実現していく先で、 また提督の皆さんへの「ありがとう」の気持ちを声にして返していけたらいいなと思っています。


 とても大きな存在になりました。初めはブラウザゲームから始まりましたが、 それまでこういう大人っぽかったり、クールだったりという 役を演じたことがなかったので、加賀さんとの出会いが、 いろいろな役を演じる私の役者としてのターニングポイントになったと思います。 気持ちを元気に、素直に前に出すだけではなく、いろいろなものを抱えながら、 それを含んで自分の中で整理して出すっていう演技のしかたも、 加賀さんで学んだところもあって。 加賀さんも成長したけれど、私もいろいろなことを経験して、学んでこられたなって思います。 いっしょに歩んできたというとおこがましいですが・・・・・・ さらには演歌を歌わせていただいたりとか(笑)、そんないろいろなことを経験させてもらった、 大事なキャラクターです。

-- What kind of impression did each ship girl Kaga was acquainted with in the story leave on you? Let's start with her fellow from the 1st Carrier Division, Akagi.

I get the impressions that she's someone you can safely entrust with anything without any worries. That's how I view Akagi's and Kaga's relation ship, and also how I see Fujita Saki. She always lightens the mood of everyone at the studio and is someone you can rely on. I also felt that in the film Kaga took on the role Akagi carried out in the TV series, like being there for her juniors and talking to them about various stuff, and I was glad that she was able to come this far. However, I think it's precisely because Akagi has been by her side all along that she was able to get over her past, not to mention being able to different sides of her, so I once again realised that she's simply irreplaceable for her.

-- What about Zuikaku?

The more I'm playing my part as Kaga the less I can help but think just how adorable Zuikaku is. *laughs* This time Kaga revealed her past and what she's actually like on the inside while they were clashing with each other, and yet Zuikaku accepted all that. I think that up until now she's had this strong desire that she had to do everything by herself in the end even though she was relying on her fellows, but as she watched Zuikaku, Fubuki and the others grow up and become more mature she probably realised that she can rely on them and entrust them with whatever is necessary.

-- What is your impression of Fubuki this time?

To be honest, I love Fubuki ever since her anime debut. At first I thought she was a cute little klutz, but when I stop to think about it she grew up more than anyone else, and now she's filled with determination so strong she won't flinch under any pressure. But even with all that she's still adorable. She's seen a lot, including certain shocking revelations, and yet it's because she can still keep facing forward that I think everyone was able to do the same and kept fighting without giving up. At first glance she's just a normal girl, but that's exactly her charm, and coupled with Uesaka Sumire's performance and those different faces Fubuki shows I think she became even more charming in the film.

-- If there are any other ship girls that left a lasting impression on you, please tell us.

Yamato, I suppose. For example, during the scene on the beach where she pushed Fubuki's back, she showed a gentle, kind side of hers, like a big sister, but at the same time she's pretty awesome like during battles where she keeps her cool and shows off her impressive willpower, like when she shouted "Leave this to me!" even as she was getting exhausted. So I thought "I'd love to try such a role myself!" *laughs* But in the film everyone got a scene where they could shine, so I was able to reconfirm why I love them, which I'm really happy about.

-- You also went to several cinemas to give opening speeches before screening the film, so please tell us more about your experiences there.

It was fun! Being able to talk to everyone before and after watching the film, experiencing their different reactions to it... But I was really overjoyed how everyone was full of expectations before it started, felt satisfied after watching it, and then approached me with sparkling eyes. I was filled with excitement because I didn't know how the audience would react to various parts of the film, but when I saw everyone's expressions I could tell that they were enjoying it. Seeing everyone's expressions live as I was giving my opening speeches and visiting all those cinemas were valuable experiences, and I'm deeply grateful for them. Exchanging thoughts with others from the film cast was a lot of fun as well.

-- Is there something particularly memorable you would like to share with us?

I guess the opening speeches in Kyōto and Nagoya that I attended together with Nomizu. For the TV series our roles had Akagi and Shōkaku respectively as partners, so we were focused on them, but for the film we got a lot closer and got to know each a bit more as fellow voice actresses, which I'm really glad about. Also, I really enjoyed how they always prepared lots of delicious, extravagant meals and local specialties for us at each location.

-- Including the anime, is there anything KanColle-related you'd like to see in the future?

I think that with the film we were able to show the culmination of KanColle as far as anime is concerned, so asking for more might be a bit too much, but I wouldn't mind voicing my characters in such a setting. There's also KanColle Arcade that's a real blast, not to mention the original game that started it all. I'm really grateful to be part of all this, but if I had to decide on something as a huge fan, I'd like to see something 2.5D, like a musical. I'd like to see more of all ship girls in different media formats and such. In February they'll start screening the 4DX / MX4 version of the film, so of course I'd like to watch that as well. KanColle keeps stepping up its game with stuff like that and has made so many of my dreams come true, and I'm really grateful for that. I'm obviously going to keep playing the browser game, and it'd be great if there's another opportunity for me to just say "Thank you" to all the admirals sometime in the future when there's even more KanColle to enjoy.

-- And as our last question, what kind of role has Kaga become for you?

A very big role, actually. It all started with the browser game, and back then I hadn't yet voiced such a mature and composed character, so I think my encounter with Kaga became a turning point for me as an actress who plays many different roles. With Kaga I learned how to voice someone who's carring quite the emotional baggage, but doesn't just express in an extrovert and honest manner, but who instead tries to sort things out with by themselves. Kaga developed as a character, but I think even I made many different experiences and managed to learn a lot. Saying we've come this far together would be a bit presumptuous though... And then there's the fact that I got to sing enka. *laughs* Anyway, she allowed me to experience so many different things, so she's a very precious character to me.