
Revision as of 05:52, 24 January 2015 by (talk)




No.022 比叡

Kongou Class Battleship

  HP 63   Firepower 63 (89)
  Armor 52 (69)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 30 (59)   AA 24 (69)
  Aircraft 9   ASW 0
  Speed High   LOS 13 (39)
  Range Long   Luck 10 (49)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
4:00:00 3
Stock Equipment  Space
35.6cm Twin Gun Mount 3
15.2cm Naval Gun 3
7.7mm Machine Gun 3
-Locked- -


Hiei Kai

No.022 比叡改

Kongou Class Battleship

  HP 75   Firepower 72 (94)
  Armor 67 (89)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 35 (69)   AA 28 (79)
  Aircraft 12   ASW 0
  Speed High   LOS 15 (49)
  Range Long   Luck 12 (69)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv25 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
41cm Twin Gun Mount -
15.5cm Triple Gun Mount (Secondary) -
12.7cm Twin High-angle Mount -
-Unequipped- -

Second Upgrade

Hiei Kai Ni

No.150 比叡改二

Kongou Class Battleship

  HP 83   Firepower 76 (98)
  Armor 72 (95)   Torpedo 0
  Evasion 36 (72)   AA 30 (82)
  Aircraft 12   ASW 0
  Speed High   LOS 16 (49)
  Range Long   Luck 13 (79)
 Fuel no data  Ammo no data
Build Time Slots
Lv75 Remodel 4
Stock Equipment  Space
41cm Twin Gun Mount -
Type 21 Air RADAR -
Type 3 Shell -
-Unequipped- -


Event Japanese English Note
金剛お姉さまの妹分、比叡です。経験を積んで、姉さまに少しでも近づきたいです。 I'm Hiei, Kongou Onee-sama's sister. I'm looking forward to gaining experience and getting closer to my sister's brilliance.
Library Intro

ぴかぴかに肌を磨いて、御召艦としても活躍したの。 大和型のテスト艦にもなったのよ、知ってた? え?ソロモン海戦?そうよ、奮戦したわ

The battlecruiser that Admiral Inoue loved, it's Hiei.

Even though I'm a shiny Imperial ship, I'll work my hardest. Did you know I was even the test-ship for the Yamato class? Eh? The Battle of Guadalcanal? Yes, I fought hard.

ソロモン海戦 is literally "The Battle of the Solomon Islands", but in English, this is better known as the Battle of Guadalcanal - in the course of which Hiei and her sister ship Kirishima were sunk.

Referring to the Yamato class, Hiei is the only battleship in Kongo class to have her superstructure mast upgraded to a prototype that will be used on the Yamato-class.

いつでも準備!出来てます! I'm always prepared! And ready!
あ、はぁい、お呼びになりましたでしょうか Ah, yes. Did you call for me?
ぅぅん、ハッ、何ですか?寝てません、寝てませんってば Unnnngh... Ah..!! What is it? I wasn't sleeping! I swear I wasn't!
気合!入れて!…いるんだけどなぁ~?あれ~?あれぇ~? Oh yeah! I'm feelin' psyched! ..or so I felt? huh what?..mmm whattt...
比叡もまだまだ戦えます。司令、一緒に頑張りましょう! Hiei can still fight some more. Commander, let's do our best together!
司令のご好意は有難いです…で、でも…私の心は…お姉様にっ! え? そういう話じゃないの!? あ…あぁ…そう? は、恥ずかしい~…! Thank you for your favour, commander... B-but... my heart... belongs to oneesama! Eh? It's not that kind of talk!? O-oh.. I see... I-I'm so embarrassed~!
Show player's score
司令にお知らせみたいです Seems like there's a notice for the Admiral.
Joining a fleet
気合!入れて!行きます! Off I go! With all my spirit! Held high!
はい!力が湧いてくるようです! Yes! I can feel the power surging!
少しはお姉さまに近づけたかな? I wonder if I got closer to Onee-sama? (As in terms of power, in comparison to Kongou)
さっすがですね~! As expected~!
Equipment(3) is shared with expedition selection, resource collection, instant repair and development.
よし!これで!いけます! Okay! With this! We go!
Current HP ≥ 50% of Max HP
こんなの、かすり傷程度なんだけど…。 These are just scratches... you don't have to do all this.
Current HP < 50% of Max HP
お姉様の夢を見て、お休みしますっ。 I'll have a good rest, dreaming of Onee-sama!
Ship construction
新しい妹…もしくはお姉さまが、いらっしゃるみたいですよ Looks like a new younger sister... or perhaps an older sister, has arrived. Most likely a younger sister. There is only one ship older than Hiei in the game, and that's Kongou.
Return from sortie
作戦が完了!艦隊が帰投しました Operation complete! The fleet has returned to base.
Start a sortie
司令には、恋も、戦いも!負けません! I won't lose out to Admiral, neither in love or in battle!
Battle start
打ちます!当たって! I'm firing! Please hit!
Air battle
主砲!斉射!当たってぇ!or主砲!斉射!撃ちます!or主砲!斉射!始め! All guns! Fire! Hit it! or Guns! Firing! or All guns! Commence firing!
Night battle
お姉様を邪魔する人は許さない! I will not forgive anyone who gets in the way of Onee-sama!
Night attack
私、頑張るから、見捨てないでぇぇ! I will do my best, so don't abandon me! Reference to how she sank. It was mistakenly reported that the engine room was completely destroyed, so Yukikaze was ordered to scuttle Hiei. By the time the mistake was realized, it was too late.
私の活躍見ていてくれました?そう!なら、頑張ったかいがありました! Did you see me in action? Right! Then, giving my best was worth it!
Minor damaged(1)
きゃあっ! Kyaa!
Minor damaged(2)
ひえー! Eeek! (Hie!~) Sounds similar to "Hiei", sort of lousy joke
≥Moderately damaged
お姉さま譲りの装備をこんなに……くっ、許さないんだからぁー! To do such things to the equipment handed over from Onee-sama... I, I won't forgive it!!
金剛お姉さまは…無事か、な…。だったら…いい…かな… Is Kongou Onee-sama... safe? Then, it's... alright... Hiei was sunk in 1942, while Kongou was sunk in 1944.

Second Remodel Hourlies

Time Japanese English Note
午前0時です ひぇ~おやすみなさーい It's 0 A.M. Hiei's go~ing to be~d.
午前1時です…比叡は睡眠中です It's 1 A.M... Hiei is fast asleep.
午前2時 司令は眠くないんですか? 2 A.M. Admiral, aren't you sleepy?
午前3時 なんだか私まで目が冴えちゃいましたよ 3 A.M. Now I am getting wide awake.
午前4時 寝れない何故か寝れない!どう責任とってくれるんですかー! 4 A.M. Can't sleep, why can't I sleep! This is your fault, you know!
午前5時 ひぇ~!ほぼ貫徹じゃないですかー 5 A.M. Hie~i! This turned out to be pretty much an all-nighter!
午前6時 むくんでる お姉さまにこんな顔見せられなーい! 6 A.M. I'm all swollen... I can't let Onee-sama see my face like thiiiis!
午前7時 んぁーちょっと寝不足ですね~気合!入れて!いきます! 7 A.M. Hmmm... I didn't get enough sleep, you know~ Off I go! With all my spirit! Held high!
午前8時 戦艦としては色々と朝の装備の手入れが大変なんですてっば~! 8 A.M. Battleships have such a lot of maintenance to do in the morning, it's quite a strain, you know!
午前9時 んん!これでいつでも準備万端ね! 9 A.M. Yeah! With this the prep is all done!
午前10時です テレビでも見て待機してま~す ほほぉほぉほぉ 10 A.M. I'm gonna watch TV while on standby, 'ka~y?
午前11です 司令?嫁姑問題ってなんですか? 11 A.M. Chief? What's this 'Wife and Mother-in-law problem'? (Assumedly she saw it on TV...)
12時~お昼のこの番組何気に好きなんですよ~ え?今度収録連れてってくれるの?ウキウキだなー 12 midday~ I've taken a liking to this midday program~ Eh? You'll take me to the recording? Yay!
13時です ふぁ~お昼休み楽しかったー It's 13 o'clock. Whew~ Lunch breaks sure are fun~
14時になりました てっあれ?お昼食べるの忘れてましたーどっどうします? It's 14 o'clock now. H-huh? Oh no, we forgot to eat lunch! Wha-, what should we do?
15時 あっ司令あそこのお店まだランチやってるって 15 o'clock. Ah, Chief, that store over there is still doing lunch.
16時 ふぇー今日は司令と外出も堪能しちゃったなーえ?ダメなの? 16 o'clock. Ah, can't believe I even got to enjoy an outing with the Chief. Oh? That's a bad thing?
日が陰ってきたー 17時です 司令今日は鎮守府も穏やかでよかった The day's gotten dark~ It's 17 o'clock. I'm glad the base was quiet today, Chief.
18時 さーて比叡夕食準備するよー! 18 o'clock. Oka~y, Hiei's dinner prep!
19時 出来たー!自慢のレシピ比叡カレーだよ さぁ食べて 19 o'clock. Done~! My famous recipe - Hiei Curry! Go on, eat it up!
20時 どうでした?比叡カレーの感想は?感想…感想きかせてよー! 20 o'clock. How's it? The Hiei Curry? What's your impression? So, how was... Come on, I wanna hear! It seems the Admiral has sunk by Hiei's curry...
21時です 司令が逃げまわって一時間 なぜ比叡から逃げるのですかー!? It's 21 o'clock. It's been an hour since the Chief ran away... Why do you run from Hiei?! Running away from Hiei as he is afraid to say the taste of her curry
22時になりました しょぼーん司令は逃げ切ったようです It's now 22 o'clock. *gloom* Looks like the Chief got away...
23時 仕方ない 姉さまのところに行こう おねぇ…司令なんでここに!? 23 o'clock. Ah well, I guess I'll go to Onee-sama's room... Onee-... Chief! Why are you here?!


  • Hiei is the only one of the Kongou sisters having to have her superstructure mast reconstructed into a similar prototype that might be used on the Yamato class.  That might have symbolized her "tough" personality.
  • Named after Mount Hiei
  • Received her Kai Ni on 20/11/2013
  • Sunk following the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal on November 14, 1942; the first IJN battleship ever to be lost in WWII.
  • She appeared in the first Kancolle Drama CD, also dubbed One Nao show, along with other characters in a mini skit. Link to show: https://soundcloud.com/masapusan/one-nao-show (TL is included in comments)

See Also