Aircraft Expertise

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The Aircraft Expertise mechanic was implemented on August 10, 2015. Through aerial combat or scouting, planes can gain expertise, which bestows a boost to the plane's performance. However, planes can lose expertise if shot down repeatedly.


Aircraft Expertise applies to only the following types of aircraft: Fighters  , Dive Bombers  , Torpedo Bombers  , Carrier-Based Recon Planes  , Recon Seaplanes and Seaplane Bombers  , and Flying Boats  .

  • Expertise is gained when the aircraft is equipped to a kanmusu and the kanmusu is deployed.
  • Certain named squadrons (such as the Tomonaga Squadron) and planes equipped as being Skilled come with higher expertise ranks when initially obtained.
  • Higher expertise rank will increase certain stats, such as the Air Superiority value and attack/LOS.
  • Expertise rank can be lost if the aircraft suffers heavy loss; the rank is reset to 0 if the slot is obliterated (fully shot down).
  • Currently only obliterated slots will have the expertise reset (unconfirmed on other reductions).
  • The planes that come at higher expertise ranks can be reset to 0 this way.
  • If the aircraft performed well in combat prior to the slot being obliterated, upon returning from the sortie, the reset process takes place first before expertise gain is calculated, so it is possible for a fully obliterated slot to have expertise still.
  • The expertise gain/loss will apply to PvP as well (but only as attacker) - your planes will never gain/lose expertise if someone else challenges your fleet to PvP.
  • However the expertise gain/loss is not immediately reflected visually upon finishing a PvP battle. (Deploying on a sortie and return will reflect the expertise rank properly for all ships/planes.)

Expertise Stages: None -> | -> || -> ||| -> \ -> \\ -> \\\ -> >>

  • >> Expertise is also called "Max Expertise" in certain quests (such as F26)).

See Also
