KanColle Phase 2

Revision as of 22:21, 12 March 2023 by Oradimi (talk | contribs) (The game was running at 480p before, and is now running at 720p.)
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"Phase 2" of KanColle also known as the "HTML5 Era of KanColle" was launched on the 17th of August 2018. This phase comes after "Phase 1", following the migration of the game systems from Flash to HTML5. The reason the transfer came is due to the fact that it was announced that Flash would be discontinued by 2020. In turn, KanColle made an announcement at the 4th KanColle Naval Review that they would be transferring to HTML 5 by April 2018.

All players' data (ships, equipment, items...) has been kept after this transfer, so players can continue to play KanColle after the HTML5 transfer. Right before the migration, the opportunity to move Server has also been offered to all players.

Since the migration, the game engine has been slightly improved, now running at 720p & 60fps instead of 480p & 30fps. Some new loading screens have also been added before the game's start menu.

  • In the following years, many UI tweaks have also been implemented, gradually improving the general ergonomics of the game.

Major Changes Since January 2018

A non-exhaustive list, only covering the most important changes since the announcement of phase 2.

  • Up to date as of the 13th of Febuary 2022.

Remodels and Ships

  • Amagiri Kai Ni/D: A Destroyer with target priority and accuracy buff against PT Imps, which also applies to the ships adjacent to her.
  • Yamato Kai Ni/Juu: A costly 5 slot FBB/BBV
    • Both variants gain access to the Yamato special attack (see below)
    • BBV variant is also capable of equipping DLC/Tanks

See also: Second Remodel Timeline


  • Introduction of new Range Extension equipment, allowing notably more range control of Carrier Shelling.
  • Introduction of more Fit Bonuses for most equipment on ships. Check the respective ships/equipment pages to see them.
    • Many fit bonuses have been fixed, such as ASW and AA (nor air power).
    • ASW Synergy has been expanded, now featuring more equipment in each category, as well as more equipment with "Armor Penetration" (AP).

General Gameplay

  • Revamp of all existing maps except 3-5 and W6, introduction of World 7, located inbetween Worlds 3 and 4 in the sortie and expedition menus.
    • As a result Leveling/Ranking spots have changed, see the pages for more details.
    • World 7 also utilize several event mechanics, like map phases, gimmicks, and historical bonuses.
  • Introduction of new expeditions, some of which are only to be completed once a month. See Expeditions for details.
    • Introduction of combat expeditions, which are able to damage ships.
  • Hardcaps have been increased to 350 000 for resources, and 300 000 for furniture coins.

Combat Mechanics

  • Damage caps got raised:
    • Support, ASW, Airstrike, LBAS - 170
    • Opening and closing torpedo - 180
    • Day shelling - 220
    • Night battle - 360
  • Certain enemy Air Raids now feature Enemy ASW Patrol Aircraft, being capable of damaging submarines.



Useful Tools

  • KCNav - Look up user-submitted compositions and routing for maps
  • LBAS Calculator
  • Asashio-Bot - A useful Kancolle discord bot
  • GotoBrowser - An alternative way of playing Kancolle on Android Devices, forgoing the need of the official Flash app.
  • KC Cache Proxy - Faster loading times by saving assets locally
  • KC EN Patch - A English patch for Kancolle based on asset replacement. Use at your own risk.

See Also