Combat/Battle Opening

< Combat
Revision as of 11:04, 22 June 2021 by Fourinone (talk | contribs) (opening torpedo details)

Battle Opening Breakdown

Battle Opening is one of the daytime combat intermediary phases, taking place immediately before the First shelling starts. In this phase, allied and enemy fleets launch attacks with the intent to disable or remove enemy targets before the combat proper starts. This grants either fleet substantial advantages by possibly disabling key ships on the opposing side.

Battle Opening has the following structure:

  • Opening ASW Shelling (OASW)
  • Opening Torpedo Salvo

In case neither fleets meet the requirements, the sub-phase will be skipped.

Opening ASW Shelling (OASW)

Commonly referred to as OASW (opening ASW). All eligible ships will perform a regular ASW Shelling attack, following range order in the same fashion as the First Shelling Phase. As these opening attacks happen before the Opening Torpedo Salvo, they may disable or even sink enemy submarines before they have a chance to attack.

OASW has the following trigger conditions:

  • The ship must be able to perform ASW shelling.
  • Meet their specific ASW stat threshold and requirements:
Ship Requirements
All ASW capable ships
  • ASW ≥ 100
  • Is equipped with a  Sonar
Destroyer Escorts

Meet one condition:

  • ASW ≥ 60 and is equipped with a  Sonar
  • ASW ≥ 75 and is equipped with a  Depth Charge with ASW stat ≥ 4
Isuzu Kai Ni 
Tatsuta Kai Ni 
Jervis Kai 
Janus Kai 
Samuel B. Roberts Kai 


Yuubari Kai Ni D 
  • Performs OASW unconditionally.
Gambier Bay 

Zuihou Kai Ni B 

Meet all conditions in one set:

Set 1:

  • ASW ≥ 50 and is equipped with a  Sonar
  • At least 1  Torpedo Bomber with ASW ≥ 7,  Autogyro or  Liaison Aircraft

Set 2:

  • ASW ≥ 65
  • At least 1  Torpedo Bomber with ASW ≥ 7,  Autogyro or  Liaison Aircraft

Set 3:

  • ASW ≥ 100 and is equipped with a  Sonar
  • At least 1   Bomber with ASW stat.
Taiyou Kai 

Shinyou Kai 
  • ASW ≥ 65
Light Carriers
(Except Suzuya Carrier Kai Ni 
and Kumano Carrier Kai Ni )
  • ASW ≥ 50 and is equipped with a  Large Sonar
  • At least 1  Torpedo Bomber with ASW ≥ 7,  Autogyro or  Liaison Aircraft
Hyuuga Kai Ni 

Meet one condition:


Abyssal ships do not follow these rules. The following may perform OASW unconditionally:

Other abyssals cannot perform OASW.

Opening Torpedo Salvo

Commonly referred to as oTorp (opening torpedo). Eligible ships will fire an Opening Torpedo attack. This attack behaves similarly to the Closing Torpedo attack, with the difference that it will be launched regardless of the ship's damage state. Opening Torpedo salvo has the following trigger conditions:

This phase follows the same rules as Closing Torpedo Salvo, with some exceptions:

  • Ships at Moderate or Heavy Damage can still fire torpedoes.
  • If there are no surface ships on the opposing fleet, torpedoes will be shown targeting randomly chosen submarines. This however is purely visual and no real damage will ever be dealt.

After the Opening Torpedo Salvo, the Day Battle Shelling starts (if there are any remaining ships on either side left).