
Documentation for this module may be created at Module:Data/Quest/Seasonal/doc

-- [[Category:Quest modules]]

return {
    -- seasonal quests
    -- hishimochi 2015
        label = 'SB01',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '桃の節句:「菱餅」を集めよう!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 3 pieces of [[Seasonal/Hishimochi 2015|Hishimochi]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 330,
        reward_steel = 330,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture box large.jpg|30px|link=Furniture]] x1<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#B6|B6]].]=],
        label = 'SB02',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '桃の節句:「菱餅」を沢山集めるのです!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 10 pieces of [[Seasonal/Hishimochi 2015|Hishimochi]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 880,
        reward_steel = 880,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Lookouts|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB01|SB01]].]=],
    -- suary 2015
        label = 'SB03',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:「秋刀魚」を収獲しよう!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 3 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 93 Passive Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB04',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:「秋刀魚」を収獲しよう!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 10 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x3]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB03|SB03]].]=],
        label = 'SB05',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:「秋刀魚」を収獲しよう!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 30 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 800,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 300,
        reward_bauxite = 300,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 4 Passive Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[File:Fleet_Fishery_Banner_050.png|30px]] [[Furniture/Object#Fleet_fishery_banner|Furniture: Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB04|SB04]].]=],
    -- christmas 2015
        label = 'SB06',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '師走の「間宮」のお手伝い',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 16 pieces of [[Decoration Material]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 550,
        reward_ammo = 550,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 120,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>[[File:Present box.png|30px|link=Present_Box]][[Present Box|"Present Box"]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB07',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '年越し準備!師走の「間宮」のお手伝い',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 32 pieces of [[Decoration Material]] in your inventory.<br>{{color|red|※ 32 pieces of [[Decoration Material]] will be removed from your inventory upon completion of this quest.}}]=],
        reward_fuel = 880,
        reward_ammo = 880,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 200,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>[[File:Fleet_Safety_Decoration.png|30px|link=File:Fleet_Safety_Decoration.png]][[Furniture/Object#Fleet_Safety_Decoration|Furniture: Fleet Safety Decoration]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB06|SB06]].]=],
    -- new year 2016
        label = 'SB08',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀新年!「水雷戦隊」出撃始め!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 1 [[CL|Light Cruiser]]/[[CT|Training Cruiser]] and 3-5 [[DD|Destroyers]] to World [[1-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2016,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess|text=true|size=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB09',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '新年の「伊良湖」のお手伝い!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to World [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2016,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x2<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x2]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB08|SB08]].]=],
        label = 'SB10',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '漲る戦艦魂!大艦巨砲なお正月!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 4 [[BB|Battleships]]/[[BBV|Aviation Battleships]] and up to 2 additional ships to World [[4-2]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2016,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Armor Piercing Shell|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB09|SB09]].]=],
        label = 'SB11',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '迎春!「機動部隊」抜錨せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 2 [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carriers]]/[[CV|Standard Aircraft Carriers]]/[[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carriers]] and up to 4 additional ships to World [[6-2]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 2016,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x4<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB10|SB10]].]=],
    --- early summer 2016
        label = 'SF1',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '初夏の整理整頓',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Scrap 5 pieces of equipment.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 200,
        reward_bauxite = 200,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[Furniture/Chest#Cool-looking_Fishbowl|Furniture: Cool-looking Fishbowl]]]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B5|B5]].]=],
    -- saury 2016
        label = 'SB12',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:きらりーん!秋刀魚漁支援!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 3 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 500,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB13',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:もっともーっと、秋刀魚漁!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 8 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1000,
        reward_ammo = 1000,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB12|SB12]].]=],
        label = 'SB14',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:最新鋭の秋刀魚漁!もっとぉ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have 24 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 3000,
        reward_ammo = 3000,
        reward_steel = 3000,
        reward_bauxite = 1000,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 96 150cm Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Fleet Fishery Banner 050.png|30px]] [[Furniture/Object#Fleet_fishery_banner|Furniture: Old Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner 065.png|30px]] [[Furniture/Object#Type_16_Fleet_fishery_banner|Furniture: Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB13|SB13]].]=],
    --- christmas 2016
        label = 'SB15',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '冬季特別任務:精鋭「駆逐隊」、出撃!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 4 [[DD|Destroyers]] to Worlds [[1-1]] and [[1-2]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 350,
        reward_ammo = 350,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount|text=true|image=30px}}★+3 x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Anti-torpedo Bulge (Large)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB16',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '冬季特別任務:水上機母艦、抜錨せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] as flagship, 3 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 2 additional ships to Worlds [[1-3]] and [[1-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 500,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 500,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1<br>[[Furniture/Desk#Rice_Croquette_Dinner|Furniture: Rice Croquette Dinner]]]=],
        note = [=[]=],
    --- new year 2017
        label = 'SB17',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀新年!「水雷戦隊」出撃始め!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship and at least 1 [[DD|Destroyer]] to Worlds [[1-2]], [[1-3]], and [[1-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2017,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x3<br>{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB18',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '新春「伊良湖」のお手伝い!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]]/[[AS|Submarine Tender]]/[[DD|Destroyer]] as flagship and up to 5 additional ships to World [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2017,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x3<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB17|SB17]].]=],
        label = 'SB19',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '時代が来たか!航空火力艦なお正月!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with an [[BBV|Aviation Battleship]] as flagship, 1 additional [[BBV|Aviation Battleship]], 2 [[CAV|Aviation Cruisers]], and up to 2 additional ships to World [[4-2]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2017,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiun|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Ro.43 Reconnaissance Seaplane|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|OS2U|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB18|SB18]].]=],
        label = 'SB20',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '迎春!「空母機動部隊」出撃開始!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]]/[[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]]/[[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to World [[3-5]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 2017,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[Furniture/Object#New_Year.27s_Eve_Scroll_2017|Furniture: New Year's Eve Scroll 2017]]]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB19|SB19]].]=],
    --- setsubun 2017
        label = 'SB21',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '節分特別出撃:制海権を確保せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Special Setsubun Quest: Obtain Naval Supremacy!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 2 [[DD|Destroyers]] and 2-4 additional ships to Worlds [[1-1]], [[1-2]], and [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 1200,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x1<br>[[Furniture/Desk#Setsubun_Manuscript_Desk|Furniture: Setsubun Manuscript Desk]]]=],
        note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
        label = 'SF2',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '節分特別任務:節分準備!',
        title_en = [=[Special Setsubun Quest: Setsubun Preperation!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Furniture Coins, 2 {{EquipmentLink|12cm Single Gun Mount}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|20.3cm Twin Gun Mount}}.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 100,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x1<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#S21|S21]], [[Quests#F8|F8]].]=],
    --- hinamatsuri 2017
        label = 'SF3',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '春の準備任務:桃の節句準備!',
        title_en = [=[Spring Preparation Mission: Hinamatsuri Preparations!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Prepare 5000 Furniture Coins, 2 {{EquipmentLink|Type 99 Dive Bomber}}, and 2 {{EquipmentLink|61cm Triple Torpedo Mount}} in your inventory. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|14cm Single Gun Mount}}.<br>'''※ Prepared equipment must be unlocked.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Hishimochi 062 useitem.png|30px]][[Seasonal/Hishimochi_2015|Hishimochi]] x1<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#C2|C2]], [[Quests#F4|F4]].]=],
        label = 'SB22',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '春の準備任務:桃の節句準備を完遂せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Spring Preparation Mission: Carry out the Hinamatsuri Preparations!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to World [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''five''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 330,
        reward_ammo = 330,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 330,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Hishimochi 062 useitem.png|30px]][[Seasonal/Hishimochi_2015|Hishimochi]] x3<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SF3|SF3]].]=],
    --- saury 2017
        label = 'SB23',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:「秋刀魚」を収獲する所存です!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: I will try to gather sauries!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 4 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 800,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br> '''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x4]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB24',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:漁を全力で支援する覚悟です!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: All hands on deck, provide fishing support!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 12 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1200,
        reward_ammo = 1200,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Materials|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|Swordfish|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB23|SB23]].]=],
        label = 'SB25',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:どーんっ!揚げ揚げで大漁です!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: KABOOM! It's a big catch! Fried and grilled even!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 30 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 3000,
        reward_ammo = 3000,
        reward_steel = 3000,
        reward_bauxite = 1000,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Type 17 Fleet Fishery banner.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_17_Fleet_Fishery_Banner|Furniture: Type 17 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1<br> '''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type124 ASDIC|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or''' <br> {{EquipmentLink|TBF|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner 065.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_16_Fleet_fishery_banner|Furniture: Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB24|SB24]].]=],
    --- new year 2018
        label = 'SB26',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀新年!「水雷戦隊」出撃始め!',
        title_en = [=[Happy New Year! Torpedo Squadron, Sortie Start!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship and 1-5 [[DD|Destroyers]] to Worlds [[1-2]] and [[1-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2018,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[Quest#B6|B6]].]=],
        label = 'SB27',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '新春「伊良湖」のお手伝い!',
        title_en = [=[Help Out Irako for the New Year!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] or a {{Tooltip|Cruiser|CL/CLT/CT/CA/CAV}} as flagship and up to 5 additional ships to Worlds [[2-2]] and [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2018,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration (Special Onigiri)|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x5<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB26|SB26]].]=],
        label = 'SB28',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '護衛始め!「海上護衛隊」なお正月!',
        title_en = [=[Escort Start! "Coastal Defense Squadron", It's New Year!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 0-1 [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carriers]] and 1-6 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] to Worlds [[1-5]] and [[1-6]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss of [[1-5]] '''three''' times. Reach node N of [[1-6]] '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2018,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Raiden|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB27|SB27]], [[Quests#F66|F66]].]=],
        label = 'SB29',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '迎春!「空母機動部隊」全力出撃!',
        title_en = [=[Happy New Year! "Carrier Task Force", Sortie Full Out!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CV|Standard Aircaft Carrier]]/[[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to World [[5-5]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node '''four''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 2018,
        reward_other = [=[[[Furniture/Chest#New_Year_Calligraphy_Contest_2018|Furniture: New Year Calligraphy Contest 2018]]<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Materials|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}} x3]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB28|SB28]], [[Quests#F68|F68]].]=],
    --- saury 2018
        label = 'SB30',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:今秋の「秋刀魚」も上々ね!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: This year's Saury is great as well!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 3 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 600,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px]] x4<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''then choice between''' <br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Lookouts|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br> [[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB31',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:大切な漁場、ここは譲れません!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: We will not yield this important fishery location!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 10 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1000,
        reward_ammo = 1000,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 95 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|WG42 (Wurfgerät 42)|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Night Operation Aviation Personnel|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB30|SB30]].]=],
        label = 'SB32',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:大漁ですね…助かります。',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: Such a big haul... It's very helpful.]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 30 pieces of [[Mackerel|Saury]] in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 3000,
        reward_ammo = 3000,
        reward_steel = 3000,
        reward_bauxite = 1000,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Type 18 Fleet Fishery banner.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_18_Fleet_Fishery_Banner|Furniture: Type 18 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|GFCS Mk.37|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Type 17 Fleet Fishery banner.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_17_Fleet_Fishery_Banner|Furniture: Type 17 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1<br>'''or'''<br> [[File:Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner 065.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_16_Fleet_fishery_banner|Furniture: Type 16 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB31|SB31]].]=],
    --- new year 2019
        label = 'SB33',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀新年!亥年「水雷戦隊」出撃始め!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship and up to 5 additional [[DD|Destroyers]] to Worlds [[1-2]], [[1-3]], and [[1-4]]. Obtain an A-rank or above at each boss node '''once'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2019,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess|text=true|image=30px}}<br> '''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB34',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀瑞雲!「日向」と「伊勢」のお手伝い!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[BBV|Aviation Battleship]]/[[CAV|Aviation Cruiser]]/[[AV|Seaplane Tender]] as flagship and up to 5 additional ships to Worlds [[2-2]], [[2-3]], and [[2-4]]. Obtain an A-rank or above at each boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2019,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun|text=true|image=30px}} x4<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun Model 12|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Crew Member|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x4<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x2]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB35',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '亥年護衛始め!「海上護衛隊」なお正月!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 0-1 [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carriers]] and 1-6 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] to Worlds [[1-5]], [[1-6]], and [[2-1]]. Obtain an A-rank or above at the boss node of [[1-5]] and [[2-1]] '''twice'''. Reach node N of [[1-6]] '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2019,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Present box.png|30px|link=Present_Box]][[Present Box|"Present Box"]] x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x9<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB36',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '迎春!亥年「空母機動部隊」新春の西へ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]]/[[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to World [[4-5]]. Obtain an A-rank or above at the boss node '''four''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 2019,
        reward_other = [=[[[Furniture|Furniture: Advances and Progress Scroll(?)]]<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Kyoufuu Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiun|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
    --- setsubun 2019
        label = 'SB37',
        letter = 'C',
        title = '【節分任務】節分演習!',
        title_en = [=[Setsubun Mission: "Setsubun Exercises!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Use a fleet with at least 2 [[DD|Destroyers]] to obtain a S-rank in [[Exercises_(PvP)|Exercises]] 3 times within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 23,
        reward_ammo = 23,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=['''Daily Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB38',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分任務】鎮守府海域 南西方面防衛作戦',
        title_en = [=[Setsubun Mission: "Naval Base Sea: South-Western Area Defence Operation"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]] or a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[1-2]] and [[1-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 230,
        reward_ammo = 230,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB37|SB37]].<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB39',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分任務】北方海域 威力偵察作戦',
        title_en = [=[Setsubun Mission: "Northern Sea: Formidable Reconnaissance Operation"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CA|Heavy Cruiser]] or a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[3-1]] and [[3-5]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 230,
        reward_ammo = 230,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 230,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x3<br>{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x2]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB38|SB38]].<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB40',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分拡張任務】南方海域 艦隊決戦',
        title_en = [=[Extra Setsubun Mission: "Southern Sea: Decisive Fleet Battle"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[BB|Battleship]], [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], or [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[5-4]] and [[5-5]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2019,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2019,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x2<br>[[File:Ranking point reward.png|30px]] '''180 ranking points''']=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB39|SB39]].<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    --- valentines 2019
        label = 'SB41',
        letter = 'B',
        title = 'バレンタイン限定任務 【1号作戦】',
        title_en = [=[Limited Valentine Mission "Operation 1"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 1 [[CL|Light Cruiser]], 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[1-4]], [[2-1]], [[2-2]], and [[2-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2019,
        reward_ammo = 214,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 32|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 91 Armor Piercing Shell|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB42',
        letter = 'B',
        title = 'バレンタイン限定任務 【2号作戦】',
        title_en = [=[Limited Valentine Mission "Operation 2"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]], [[CA|Heavy Cruiser]], or [[CAV|Avaition Cruiser]] as flagship and up to 5 additional ships to Worlds [[2-4]], [[3-1]], [[3-2]], and [[3-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2019,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 214,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Valentine chocolate icon.png|30px]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Re.2001 OR Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB41|SB41]].]=],
    --- spring 2019
        label = 'SB43',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '春の海上警備行動!艦隊、抜錨せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Guarding the Calm Spring Sea! Fleet, Weigh Anchor!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]]/[[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]]/[[AV|Seaplane Tender]] as flagship, 4 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]], and up to 1 additional ship to Worlds [[1-1]], [[1-2]], [[1-3]] and [[1-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 250,
        reward_ammo = 250,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 250,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: ??]=],
        label = 'SB44',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '春!「三一駆」旗艦「長波」、出撃せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Spring! DesDiv 31 Flagship "Naganami", Sortie!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with {{ShipLink|Naganami}} as flagship, 3 of {{ShipLink|Takanami}}, {{ShipLink|Okinami}}, {{ShipLink|Kishinami}} or {{ShipLink|Asashimo}}, and up to 2 additonal ships to Worlds [[2-1]], [[2-2]] and [[5-4]]. Obtain a S-rank '''twice''' at the boss node of [[2-1]] and [[2-2]]. Obtain an A-rank (or greater) '''once''' at the boss node of [[5-4]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 310,
        reward_ammo = 310,
        reward_steel = 2019,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Present box.png|30px|link=Present_Box]][[Present Box|"Present Box"]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture box large.jpg|30px|link=Furniture]] x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#C2|C2]], ??.]=]
    --- golden week 2019
        label = 'SB45',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【GW期間限定】六周年出撃任務',
        title_en = [=[[GW-only] 6th Anniversary Sortie Mission]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 1 [[CL|Light Cruiser]], 2 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[1-3]], [[1-4]], [[2-1]], and [[2-2]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1000,
        reward_ammo = 1000,
        reward_steel = 1000,
        reward_bauxite = 1000,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x6<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] x6<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB46',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【GW期間限定】六周年出撃任務 -拡張作戦-',
        title_en = [=[[GW-only] 6th Anniversary Sortie Mission -Extra Operation-]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 1 [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] or [[CL|Light Cruiser]], 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[3-2]], [[4-5]], [[5-3]], and [[6-3]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2000,
        reward_ammo = 2000,
        reward_steel = 2000,
        reward_bauxite = 2000,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{ItemLink|text=true|image=30px|Action Report}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{ItemLink|text=true|image=30px|Skilled Crew Member}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{ItemLink|text=true|image=30px|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x88<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Remodel Blueprint Card.png|30px|link=Blueprint]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB45|SB45]].]=],
    -- saury + sardines 2019
        label = 'SB47',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:今年は不漁?でも…上々ね!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: Fish are scarce this year? I can't complain though.]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 3 pieces of Saury in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Active Sonar|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB48',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:今年は気分が高揚します!',
        title_en = [=[Saury Fishing: I'm getting excited this year!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 8 pieces of Saury in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 800,
        reward_ammo = 800,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Ryuusei Kai (CarDiv 1)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB47|SB47]].]=],
        label = 'SB49',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '秋刀魚漁:大漁旗、ここは…譲れません!',
        title_en = [=[]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 18 pieces of Saury in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1800,
        reward_ammo = 1800,
        reward_steel = 1800,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[Type 19 Fleet Fishery Banner<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type144/147 ASDIC|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Type 18 Fleet Fishery banner.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#Type_18_Fleet_Fishery_Banner|Type 18 Fleet Fishery Banner]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB48|SB48]].]=],
        label = 'SB50',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【特別任務】大丈夫、鰯があるじゃない!',
        title_en = [=[Special Mission: Don't worry, we still have sardines!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 25 Sardines in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1500,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{ShipLink|Etorofu}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Matsuwa}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Sado}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Tsushima}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Fukae}}<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Reinforcement Expansion|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x5]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB47|SB47]].]=],
        label = 'SB51',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【特別任務】今年は鰯が豊漁なのです!',
        title_en = [=[Special Mission: Sardines are plentiful this year!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have 50 Sardines in your inventory.]=],
        reward_fuel = 3000,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{ShipLink|Hiburi}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Daitou}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Shimushu}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Kunashiri}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Akashi}}<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Blueprint|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB50|SB50]].]=],
    -- new year 2020
        label = 'SB52',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '賀正!令和二年「水雷戦隊」出撃始め!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship and 4-5 [[DD|Destroyers]] to Worlds [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[2-1]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2020,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Goddess|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 95 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x2]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'SB53',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謹賀新年!「水上機母艦」出撃せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] or [[CAV|Aviation Cruiser]] as flagship and up to 5 additional ships to Worlds [[2-2]], [[2-3]], and [[2-4]]. Obtain  an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 2020,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Seaplane Fighter Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Zuiun (631 Air Group)|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Laté 298B|text=true|image=30px}} ★+2 x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Carrier-based Aircraft Maintenance Personnel|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x6]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB52|SB52]].]=],
        label = 'SB54',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '令和二年護衛始め!「海上護衛隊」抜錨!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 0-1 [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carriers]] and 1-6 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] to Worlds [[1-5]], [[1-6]], and [[7-1]]. Obtain an an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node of [[1-5]] and [[7-1]] '''twice'''. Reach node N of [[1-6]] '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2020,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Ka Type Observation Autogyro|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant construction 2.png|30px|link=Construction]] x10<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x8<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB52|SB52]].]=],
        label = 'SB55',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '迎春!軽巡「夕張」、北へ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with {{ShipLink|Yuubari}} or a [[DD|Destroyer]] as flagship, 2 additional [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to World [[3-5]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node '''three''' times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 2020,
        reward_other = [=[Furniture: "Yuubari's Greeting" Scroll<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|14cm Twin Gun Mount Kai|text=true|image=30px}} ★+8 x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 1 Land-based Attack Aircraft Model 34|text=true|image=30px}} ★+4 x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Toukai|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB53|SB53]], [[#SB54|SB54]].]=],
    -- setsubun 2020
        label = 'SB56',
        letter = 'C',
        title = '【節分任務】節分演習!',
        title_en = [=[Setsubun Mission: "Setsubun Exercises!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Use a fleet with at least 2 [[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]]/[[DD|Destroyers]] to obtain a S-rank in [[Exercises_(PvP)|Exercises]] 3 times within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 23,
        reward_ammo = 23,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=['''Daily Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB57',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分任務】令和二年節分作戦',
        title_en = [=[Weekly Setsubun Mission: Reiwa 2nd Year Setsubun Operation]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]] or [[CL|Light Cruiser]] as flagship, 3 [[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]]/[[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 2 additional ships to Worlds [[1-4]], [[2-1]], and [[2-2]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 203,
        reward_steel = 203,
        reward_bauxite = 203,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Underway Replenishment|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB56|SB56]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB58',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分任務】令和二年西方海域節分作戦',
        title_en = [=[Weekly Setsubun Mission: Reiwa 2nd Year Western Region Setsubun Operation]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CA|Heavy Cruiser]]/[[CAV|Aviation Cruiser]] or a [[AV|Seaplane Tender]] as flagship, 2 [[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]]/[[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[4-1]], [[4-2]], and [[4-3]]. Obtain an S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 2020,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x5<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB57|SB57]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
        label = 'SB59',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '【節分拡張任務】令和二年節分作戦、全力出撃!',
        title_en = [=[Weekly Setsubun Extra Mission: Reiwa 2nd Year Setsubun Operation, All-Out Sortie!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[BB|Battleship]], [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]], or [[CVB|Armored Aircraft Carrier]] as flagship, 2 [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[5-4]], [[5-5]], and [[6-4]]. Obtain a S-rank at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 2020,
        reward_steel = 2020,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Setsubun Beans|size=30px}} x2<br>[[File:Ranking point reward.png|30px]] '''203 ranking points''']=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SB58|SB58]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    -- event/special quests
    -- christmas 2013
        label = 'MB01',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '謎の潜水艦「イオナ」と接触せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sink 2 enemy [[Enemy_Vessels#Submarines_.28SS.29|Submarines]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 100,
        reward_ammo = 100,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[Iona (fog)]]<br>{{color|red|Unlocks [[Christmas 2013 Event]] E-1}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Bd2|Bd2]].]=],
        label = 'MB02',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '観音崎沖の霧の艦隊を迎撃せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to [[Christmas 2013 Event]] E-1. Obtain a B-rank (or higher) at the boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 300,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MB01|MB01]].]=],
        label = 'MD01',
        letter = 'D',
        title = '情報収集!ツンデレ重巡を探せ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Complete 6 [[Expedition|Expeditions]] within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 200,
        reward_bauxite = 200,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Personnel|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MB02|MB02]].]=],
        label = 'MB03',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '霧の艦隊重巡「タカオ」と接触せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to any map. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at boss nodes 4 times.<br>{{color|red|※ The enemy flagship must be sunk for A-ranks to count toward quest progress.}}]=],
        reward_fuel = 200,
        reward_ammo = 200,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[Takao (fog)]]<br>{{color|red|Unlocks [[Christmas 2013 Event]] E-2}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MD01|MD01]].]=],
        label = 'MB04',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '硫黄島周辺の霧の艦隊を撃破せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to [[Christmas 2013 Event]] E-2. Obtain a B-rank (or higher) at the boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 500,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x2]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MB03|MB03]].]=],
        label = 'MC01',
        letter = 'C',
        title = '対霧の艦隊「演習」を実施せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Obtain a B-rank (or higher) in [[Exercises (PvP)|Exercises]] 4 times within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 300,
        reward_bauxite = 300,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MB04|MB04]].]=],
        label = 'MB05',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '霧の大戦艦「ハルナ」と接触せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sink 8 enemy [[Enemy_Vessels#Light_Aircraft_Carriers_.28CVL.29|Light Aircraft Carriers]]/[[Enemy_Vessels#Standard_Aircraft_Carriers_.28CV.29|Standard Aircraft Carriers]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[Haruna (fog)]]<br>{{color|red|Unlocks [[Christmas 2013 Event]] E-3}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#MC01|MC01]].]=],
    -- summer 2015
        label = 'SN01',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '第二次SN作戦、初動作戦完了!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Clear [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-2.]=],
        reward_fuel = 250,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 250,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Present_box.png|30px|link=Present Box]] x1<br>[[File:Combat Provisions.png|30px|link=Combat_Provisions]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#B6|B6]].]=],
        label = 'SN02',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '「工廠」の整理整頓!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Scrap equipment 5 times.]=],
        reward_fuel = 100,
        reward_ammo = 100,
        reward_steel = 100,
        reward_bauxite = 100,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>[[File:Combat Provisions.png|30px|link=Combat_Provisions]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN01|SN01]].]=],
        label = 'SN03',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '主力機動部隊の前路哨戒を実施せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sink 6 enemy [[Enemy_Vessel#Submarines_.28SS.29|Submarines]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 250,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 250,
        reward_other = [=[{{color|red|Unlocks [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-3}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN02|SN02]].]=],
        label = 'SN04',
        letter = 'A',
        title = '「赤城」に艦攻「村田隊」を配属せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Akagi}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)}}.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 50,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Combat Provisions.png|30px|link=Combat_Provisions]] x2<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue|alt=Mamiya]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN03|SN03]].]=],
        label = 'SN05',
        letter = 'B',
        title = 'ソロモン海方面の制空権を奪え!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Clear [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-4.]=],
        reward_fuel = 400,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 400,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Present_box.png|30px|link=Present Box]] x1<br>[[File:Combat Provisions.png|30px|link=Combat_Provisions]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN04|SN04]].]=],
        label = 'SN06',
        letter = 'A',
        title = '「翔鶴」に艦攻「村田隊」を配置転換せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Shoukaku}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)}}.]=],
        reward_fuel = 400,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 400,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x3<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN04|SN04]], [[#SN05|SN05]].]=],
        label = 'SN07',
        letter = 'C',
        title = 'FS作戦に備え、艦隊練度向上に努めよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Obtain a B-rank (or higher) in [[Exercises (PvP)|Exercises]] 4 times within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{color|red|Unlocks [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-5}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN05|SN05]].]=],
        label = 'SN08',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '「工廠」”機種転換',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Shoukaku}} as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber (Murata Squadron)}}. Scrap 2 {{EquipmentLink|Tenzan}}.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Tenzan Model 12 (Murata Squadron)|text=true|image=30px}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN06|SN06]].]=],
        label = 'SN09',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '西部方面派遣艦隊、出撃せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Clear [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-5.]=],
        reward_fuel = 550,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 550,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Present_box.png|30px|link=Present Box]] x1<br>[[File:Combat Provisions.png|30px|link=Combat_Provisions]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN07|SN07]].]=],
        label = 'SN10',
        letter = 'A',
        title = '空母機動部隊「第三艦隊」を編成せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Zuikaku}}, {{ShipLink|Shoukaku}}, and {{ShipLink|Zuihou}} in your first fleet. Then create a [[Combined Fleet|Carrier Task Force]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 300,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x4<br>{{EquipmentLink|Underway Replenishment|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN09|SN09]].]=],
        label = 'SN11',
        letter = 'B',
        title = 'FS作戦の橋頭堡を築け!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Sink 9 enemy [[Enemy_Vessel#Light_Aircraft_Carriers_.28CVL.29|Light Aircraft Carriers]]/[[Enemy_Vessel#Standard_Aircraft_Carriers_.28CV.29|Standard Aircraft Carriers]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 450,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 450,
        reward_other = [=[{{color|red|Unlocks [[Summer 2015 Event]] E-6}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#SN09|SN09]].]=],
    -- winter 2016 event
        label = 'OR1',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '水上反撃作戦【礼号作戦】を完遂せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Complete [[Winter 2016 Event]] E-1 and E-2.]=],
        reward_fuel = 500,
        reward_ammo = 500,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x5<br>[[File:Present box.png|30px|link=Present_Box]][[Present Box|"Present Box"]] x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'OR2',
        letter = 'D',
        title = '親善艦参加観艦式を実施せよ!',
        title_en = nil,
        detail_en = [=[Complete Expedition 175 once.<br>{{color|red|※ This was a [[Winter 2016 Event]]-exclusive expedition.<br>※ Flagship must be ≥ level 6, fleet must have a combined level ≥ level 15.}}]=],
        reward_fuel = 100,
        reward_ammo = 100,
        reward_steel = 300,
        reward_bauxite = 100,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|203mm/53 Twin Gun Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>{{color|red|Unlocks [[Winter 2016 Event]] E-3}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#OR1|OR1]].]=],
    --- winter 2017 event
        label = 'OH1',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '【丙】作戦「彩雲」調達&輸送分解',
        title_en = [=[Disassemble and Transport "Saiun"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Prepare 10 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 97 Torpedo Bomber}} in your inventory. Scrap 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane}}.<br>'''※ The prepared items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Saiun (Disassembled for Transport)}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'OH2',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '「彩雲」輸送分解',
        title_en = [=[Disassemble and Transport "Saiun"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Prepare 20 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] and 1 {{EquipmentLink|Saiun}} in your inventory. Scrap 1 {{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Reconnaissance Seaplane}}.<br>'''※ The prepared items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Saiun (Disassembled for Transport)}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
        label = 'OH3',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '敵大規模泊地の後方兵站線を分断せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Break Down the Rear Logistic Line of the Enemy Large Scale Anchorage!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to [[Winter 2017 Event]] E-3. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at node J '''twice'''.<br>{{color|red|※ This quest becomes available upon reaching [[Winter 2017 Event]] E-3 last dance. Clearing this quest will reduce the defensive power of the E-3 boss.}}]=],
        reward_fuel = 650,
        reward_ammo = 650,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x3]=],
        note = [=[]=],
    --- fall 2017 event
        label = 'Le1A1',
        letter = 'A',
        title = '「西村艦隊」完全編成、出撃準備!',
        title_en = [=[Fully Formed Nishimura Fleet, Prepare to Sortie!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Have {{ShipLink|Yamashiro}}, {{ShipLink|Fusou}}, {{ShipLink|Mogami}}, {{ShipLink|Michishio}}, {{ShipLink|Asagumo}}, {{ShipLink|Yamagumo}}, and {{ShipLink|Shigure}} in the '''third''' fleet.<br>'''{{color|red|※ On completion plays {{Audio|file=Quest Le1A1 achieved.ogg}}}}''']=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Lookouts|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x3]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#A82|A82]].]=],
        label = 'Le1B1',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '「捷一号作戦」兵站補給線を確保せよ!',
        title_en = [=[Secure the Supply Line Logistics for Operation Sho-Ichi-Go!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet to [[Fall 2017 Event]] E-2. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node '''twice'''.]=],
        reward_fuel = 1500,
        reward_ammo = 1500,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 22 Surface Radar|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[]=],
    --- 5th anniversary
        label = '5A01',
        letter = 'F',
        title = '五周年任務【壱:工廠】',
        title_en = [=[5th Anniversary Mission #1: Arsenal]=],
        detail_en = [=[Scrap 5 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Small_Guns|small guns]] and 5 [[List_of_Main_Guns_by_stats#Medium_Guns|medium guns]].]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 500,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x8<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[Quests#B6|B6]].]=],
        label = '5A02',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '五周年任務【弐:鎮守府海域警戒】',
        title_en = [=[5th Anniversary Mission #2: Naval Base Sea Patrol]=],
        detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with a [[CL|Light Cruiser]]/[[CLT|Torpedo Cruiser]]/[[CT|Training Cruiser]] as flagship and 3 or more [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] to Worlds [[1-1]], [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-4]], and [[1-5]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node.]=],
        reward_fuel = 5000,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ShipLink|Tsushima}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#5A01|5A01]].]=],
        label = '5A03',
        letter = 'G',
        title = '五周年任務【参:近代化改修】',
        title_en = [=[5th Anniversary Mission #3: Modernization]=],
        detail_en = [=[Prepare 555 Steel and 555 Bauxite in your inventory. Sucessfully modernize any [[DE|Coastal Defense Ship]] with 5 [[DD|Destroyers]] '''twice'''.<br>'''※ The prepared resources will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 500,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:5th_Anniversary_Wall_scroll.png|30px]][[Furniture/Object#5th_Anniversary_Wall_scroll|Furniture: 5th Anniversary Wall Scroll]]<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x10<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x5<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x5]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#5A02|5A02]].]=],
        label = '5A04',
        letter = 'C',
        title = '五周年任務【肆:演習】',
        title_en = [=[5th Anniversary Mission #4: Practice]=],
        detail_en = [=[Use a fleet with 2 [[DD|Destroyers]] and 3 additional ships (for a total of 5) to obtain a B-rank (or higher) in [[Exercises (PvP)|Exercises]] 4 times within the same day.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 500,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 95 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}}★+5 x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Irako|"Irako"]] x5<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12.7cm Twin Gun Mount Model C Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}}★+5 x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#5A03|5A03]].]=],
        label = '5A05',
        letter = 'B',
        title = '五周年任務【伍:五周年艦隊出撃!】',
        title_en = [=[5th Anniversary Mission #5: 5th Anniversary Fleet Sortie!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Use a fleet with 1 [[CL|Light Cruiser]]/[[CLT|Torpedo Cruiser]]/[[CT|Training Cruiser]], 2 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]], and up to 3 additional ships to complete '''ONE''' of following requirements:<br>1) Sortie to Worlds [[2-1]], [[2-2]], [[2-3]], [[2-4]], and [[2-5]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node once.<br>2) Sortie a fleet to Worlds [[5-3]] and [[5-5]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at each boss node once.<br>3) Sortie a fleet to World [[6-5]]. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node once.]=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 5000,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{ShipLink|Samuel B. Roberts}}]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#5A04|5A04]].]=],
    --- spring 2018 mini-event
        label = 'Su01',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【おにぎりを作る!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make Onigiri!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 5 Rice, then make 1 Onigiri.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the Onigiri in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 200,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Searchlight|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x2]=],
        note = [=[Requires: ??.]=],
        label = 'Su02',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【おにぎりを振舞おう!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: "Treat everyone to some Onigiri!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 15 Rice, then make 3 Onigiri.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the Onigiri in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Large Flying Boat|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Toku Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|61cm Triple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su01|Su01]].]=],
        label = 'Su03',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【高級おにぎりを作る!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: "Time to make High-Class Onigiri!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 6 Rice, 2 Umeboshi, and 3 Nori, then make 1 High-Class Onigiri.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the High-Class Onigiri in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 400,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Skilled Lookouts|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher |text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x7]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su01|Su01]].]=],
        label = 'Su04',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【差し入れ!高級おにぎり】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: "Supplies incoming! High-Class Onigiri"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 12 Rice, 4 Umeboshi, and 6 Nori, then make 2 High-Class Onigiri.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the High-Class Onigiris in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 500,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 0 Fighter Model 52|text=true|image=30px}} x3<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Shiden Kai 2|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br> {{EquipmentLink|New Model Aerial Armament Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su02|Su02]], [[#Su03|Su03]].]=],
        label = 'Su05',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【お茶漬けを作る!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: Time to make Ochazuke!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 8 Rice, 3 Umeboshi, 3 Nori, 4 Tea, then make 1 Ochazuke.
'''※ The quest must be active when you make the Ochazuke in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 500,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Canned Mackerel|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|61cm Quadruple (Oxygen) Torpedo Mount Late Model|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x7]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su03|Su03]].]=],
        label = 'Su06',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【お茶漬け、夜食にどうぞ!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: "Here, have some ochazuke for supper!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 16 Rice, 6 Umeboshi, 6 Nori, and 8 Tea, then make 2 Ochazuke.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the Ochazuke in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 0,
        reward_steel = 500,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Canned Mackerel|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Reinforcement_expansion_064_useitem.png|30px|link=Reinforcement Expansion]][[Reinforcement Expansion]] x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Canned Mackerel|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Depth Charge Projector (Concentrated Deployment)|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su04|Su04]], [[#Su05|Su05]].]=],
        label = 'Su07',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【海苔巻きを作ろう!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: Let's make Nori Rolls!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 12 Rice and 6 Nori.<br>'''※ The prepared items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 300,
        reward_ammo = 300,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Canned Mackerel|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|25mm Triple Autocannon Mount|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su05|Su05]].]=],
        label = 'Su08',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科任務【和定食膳を作って完食!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Mission: Make a Japanese set meal and eat up!]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 24 Rice, 5 Umeboshi, 6 Nori, and 7 Tea, then make 1 Japanese Meal Set and 3 Onigiri.<br>'''※ The quest must be active when you make the Japanese Meal Set and Onigiri in order to count.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 500,
        reward_ammo = 500,
        reward_steel = 500,
        reward_bauxite = 500,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>[[Furniture/Object#Eat_Up_scroll|Furniture: Eat Up Scroll]]]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su05|Su05]].]=],
        label = 'Su09',
        letter = 'E',
        title = '主計科拡張任務【日の丸弁当、量産!】',
        title_en = [=[Accounting Department Extra Mission: "Rising Sun Lunch Boxes for everyone!"]=],
        detail_en = [=[Collect 50 Rice, 15 Umeboshi, and 10 Tea. Then, have a [[DD|Destroyer]] as secretary equipped with a {{EquipmentLink|12cm 30-tube Rocket Launcher}} in her '''first''' slot and a {{EquipmentLink|Type 2 Depth Charge}} in her '''second''' slot.<br>'''※ The equipped rocket launcher must be unlocked.'''<br>'''※ The equipped rocket launcher will be converted to the reward listed.'''<br>'''※ The prepared items will be consumed upon quest completion.''']=],
        reward_fuel = 0,
        reward_ammo = 1000,
        reward_steel = 0,
        reward_bauxite = 0,
        reward_other = [=[{{EquipmentLink|Prototype 15cm 9-tube ASW Rocket Launcher|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
        note = [=[Requires: [[#Su04|Su04]], [[#Su08|Su08]].]=],
    --- hishimochi 2020
    	label = '20WiB1',
    	letter = 'B',
    	title = '【桃の節句作戦】鎮守府近海の安全を図れ!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Secure the Waters around the Naval District!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 3 [[DD|Destroyers]]/[[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] and up to 3 additional ships to Worlds [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-5]], [[1-6]], and [[2-1]]. Obtain a S-rank at the boss node of [[1-2]], [[1-3]], [[1-5]], and [[2-1]] once. Reach the anchor node N of [[1-6]] once.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 300,
    	reward_ammo = 300,
    	reward_steel = 300,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Daihatsu Landing Craft|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 2 12cm Mortar Kai|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=['''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiB2',
    	letter = 'B',
    	title = '【桃の節句作戦】侵攻部隊物資集積地強襲!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Assault the Supply Depot of Invasion Force!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 3 [[DD|Destroyers]] and up to 3 additional ships to the [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]] map. Obtain a S-rank at node J '''twice'''.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 500,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 500,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Furniture fairy.png|30px|link=Furniture]][[Furniture|Furniture Fairy]] x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiC1|20WiC1]]]=],
    	label = '20WiB3',
    	letter = 'B',
    	title = '【桃の節句作戦】敵機動部隊迎撃戦!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Intercept Battle against the Enemy Carrier Task Force!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 2 [[CV|CV(B)]], 2 [[BB|(F)BB(V))]], 2 [[CA|CA(V)]], and up to 6 additional ships to the [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]] map. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at node T '''four times'''.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 800,
    	reward_ammo = 800,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 800,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x8<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x2<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x10]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB1|20WiB1]], [[#20WiB2|20WiB2]], [[#20WiD1|20WiD1]]]=],
    	label = '20WiB4',
    	letter = 'B',
    	title = '【桃の節句作戦】主力オブ主力、駆ける!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Mainstay of Mainstays, Heading Out!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with 3 Yuugumo-class [[DD|Destroyers]] and up to 3-9 additional ships to Worlds [[2-2]], [[2-3]], [[3-5]], [[7-2]], and the [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]] map. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the boss node of [[2-2]], [[2-3]], and [[3-5]] once. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at the second boss node of [[7-2]] once. Obtain a S-rank at node I of the [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]] map once.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 1000,
    	reward_ammo = 1000,
    	reward_steel = 1000,
    	reward_bauxite = 1000,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x3<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{ShipLink|Etorofu}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Matsuwa}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Sado}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Tsushima}}<br>'''or'''<br>{{ShipLink|Fukae}}]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB3|20WiB3]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiB5',
    	letter = 'B',
    	title = '【桃の節句作戦】「沖に立つ波」出撃!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission:"Waves in the Offing" Sortie!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Sortie a fleet with {{ShipLink|Okinami}}, 2 additional Yuugumo-class [[DD|Destroyers]], and up to 3-9 additional ships to the [[Hinamatsuri 2020 Mini-Event]] map. Obtain an A-rank (or higher) at nodes I, J, and T once.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 1113,
    	reward_ammo = 1113,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship mamiya.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Glossary#Food_supply_ship_Mamiya|"Mamiya"]] x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 13 Air Radar Kai|text=true|image=30px}} ★+4 x1<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Medal.png|30px|link=Medal]] x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiG4|20WiG4]], ??]=],
    	label = '20WiC1',
    	letter = 'C',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】桃の節句演習!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Doll Festival Exercises!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Use a fleet with 3 [[DD|Destroyers]] and up to 3 additional ships to obtain a S-rank in Exercises 3 times within the same day.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 303,
    	reward_ammo = 303,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=['''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiD1',
    	letter = 'D',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】桃の節句遠征!',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Doll Festival Expeditions!]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Complete Expeditions 4, 10, 14, B1, and A3.]=],
    	reward_fuel = 300,
    	reward_ammo = 300,
    	reward_steel = 300,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x2<br>'''then choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Underway Replenishment|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Type 3 Shell|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Emergency Repair Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiC1|20WiC1]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiG1',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】駆逐艦桃の節句改修',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Doll Festival Destroyer Moderization]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 303 Steel and 303 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 3 [[CL|Light Cruisers]] onto a [[DD|Destroyer]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 100,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x2<br>{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiC1|20WiC1]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiG2',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】海防艦桃の節句改修',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Doll Festival Coastal Defender  Moderization]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 3030 Steel and 3030 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 5 [[DD|Destroyers]] onto a [[DE|Coastal Defense Ship]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 100,
    	reward_ammo = 100,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x2]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB2|20WiB2]], [[#20WiD1|20WiD1]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiG3',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】軽巡洋艦桃の節句改修',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Doll Festival Light Cruiser  Moderization]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 4230 Steel and 4230 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 2 [[DE|Coastal Defense Ships]] onto a [[CL|Light Cruiser]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 300,
    	reward_ammo = 300,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=[{{ItemCard|Hishimochi|size=30px}} x4<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x5<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]] x6<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Combat Ration|text=true|image=30px}} x2]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB3|20WiB3]]]=],
    	label = '20WiG4',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】菱餅改修:序',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Hissimochi Improvement - Beggining]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 10 Hishimochi in your inventory. Successfully modernize 4 [[CA|Heavy Cruisers]] onto a Yuugumo-class [[DD|Destroyer]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared items will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 0,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Action Report|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Ne Type Engine|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB1|20WiB1]], [[#20WiB2|20WiB2]]]=],
    	label = '20WiG5',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】菱餅改修:破',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Hissimochi Improvement - Midpoint]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 15 Hishimochi, 8800 Steel, and 8800 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 4 [[BB|Battleships]] onto an {{ShipLink|Okinami}} twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 0,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Blueprint|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Technology Aircraft Blueprint|text=true|image=30px}} x2<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB3|20WiB3]], [[#20WiG4|20WiG4]]]=],
    	label = '20WiG6',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】菱餅改修:週',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Hissimochi Improvement - Weekly Repetition]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 6 Hishimochi, 100 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 3000 Steel, and 3000 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 3 [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carriers]] onto a [[CVL|Light Aircraft Carrier]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 0,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Technology Aircraft Blueprint|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Gun Mount Improvement Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|New Model Rocket Development Material|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''then choice between'''<br>[[File:Instant repair 2.png|30px|link=Tutorial:_FAQ#What_are_buckets.3F]] x6<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Improvement Materials.png|30px|link=Akashi's_Improvement_Arsenal]] x3<br>'''or'''<br>[[File:Food supply ship irako.png|30px|link=Fatigue]][[Fatigue#Food_Supply_Ship_.22Irako.22|"Irako"]] x3]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiB4|20WiB4]], [[#20WiG5|20WiG5]]<br>'''Weekly Quest''']=],
    	label = '20WiG7',
    	letter = 'G',
    	title = '【桃の節句任務】菱餅改修:果',
    	title_en = [=[The Doll Festival Mission: Hissimochi Improvement - Final]=],
    	detail_en = [=[Prepare 17 Hishimochi, 300 [[File:Development material.png|30px|link=Construction]], 15000 Steel, and 15000 Bauxite in your inventory. Successfully modernize 5 [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carriers]] onto a [[CV|Standard Aircraft Carrier]] twice.<br>'''※ The prepared resources and items will be consumed.''']=],
    	reward_fuel = 0,
    	reward_ammo = 0,
    	reward_steel = 0,
    	reward_bauxite = 0,
    	reward_other = [=['''Choice between'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Prototype Flight Deck Catapult|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Ne Type Engine|text=true|image=30px}} x1<br>'''or'''<br>{{EquipmentLink|Night Operation Aviation Personnel + Skilled Deckhands|text=true|image=30px}} x1]=],
    	note = [=[Requires: [[#20WiG6|20WiG6]]]=],